TM switches itself off once-a-week...

As the subject line says... it starts again after I switch the slider back to ON in Time Machine Preferences.
My TM volume is an external USB-disk that's left on 24/7, also when sleeping my Mac Mini overnight, and is still there when it awakens. The switching off is not related to sleeping/awakening, I believe, as the last successful B/U is usually several hours later.
Is TM switched off by some weekly cron-like process, I wonder?

I had this problem for awhile, but it has stopped since I moved the airport to a different location. It was connected with the Apple extension chord to a Monster surge protector and close to a bookcase with metal bars. I disconnected the extension chord and plugged the AE directly into the surge protector (and about two feet away from the bookcase). The freezing stopped after that. I really think that the AE is quite sensitive to certain situations. It is not as strong as the Linksys access point that I was using as it gives me a range of about twenty feet before the connection begins to drop.
Anyway, I don't know if that helps, but I hope it does.
Toshiba Satelite A-10   Windows XP  
Toshiba Satelite A-10   Windows XP  

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    No, it's not normal.
    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).
    Frankly though, considering it's new, take it back to Apple.

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    Mac Pro 8 core
    Xeon 5400 2nd Generation Early 2008
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    The SMC especially on the very first 2-3 months of Early 2008.
    Use to suffer from a "restart on wake from sleep" issue.
    Some one told me that is not what "inrush current issue" is but that is what I (and couple others) called it.
    Best to always have a workstation on 1500VA UPS.
    Not share the outlet or cirucit even with anything major.
    Yes it could I guess, poor phrase, but put more stress on PSU over time as a result also.
    Methods to reset SMC have varied and changed over time. Thanks to web not all the revisions and older versions are kept online though to compare to.
    Stories of people going on vacation etc for two weeks to come back to a "dead" Mac Pro started showing up in 2007.
    If it had an actual SMC button, use that to reset.
    If not, leaving it totally disconnected, and all external cables and such over-night, not for the mere 5-10 minutes.
    Unplug but then press and hold power button for 8-10 seconds. And only once. And not to be done repeatedly. That was SMC Reset #3.
    I know the 2007 8-core 3GHz had a different PSU than the smaller models.
    2008 high end was 8-core 3.2GHz 5400 (stock was 2.8GHz 4 or 8-core)
    FBDIMMs draw between 10W up to 15W each, so possible to have 8 DIMMs drawing 120W when maxed out. And heat. I always recommend Mac Pro use fan control to boost the fans a small 400 rpm to expel heat better and keep FBDIMM temps down. Heat, and temperature fluxuations stress and weaken components.
    Other than AHT and the tools that a Apple Certified center should have, not much other than to swap out parts, monitor - iStatPro or Hardware Monitor -
    And because of all this, I would setup a test system so you have a freshly formatted and installed OS and take it from there, with a better chance.
    ATI 2600XT still? or upgraded?

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    Standard troubleshooting...
    1. Try a Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the slider.  Slide to power off.  Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the Apple logo.
    2. Try a Reset by pressing the home and sleep buttons until you see the Apple logo, ignoring the slider if it comes up. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.
    3. Remove apps from Recently Used list...
    - From any Home Screen, double tap the home button to bring up the Recents List
    - Swipe up on the app preview card
    - Press the home button when done.
    4. If still a problem restore with your backup.
    5. If still a problem restore as new, i.e. without your backup. See how it runs with nothing synced to it.
    6. If still a problem, it's likely a hardware issue.

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    Hopefully someone out there can help!? Mark

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Please try this sequence...note that, throughout the entire 4h15m process, your BB must remain directly connected to a known-good wall charger (not PC USB, not a cradle):
    With the battery inside, connect your BB to the wall charger
    Leave it alone for 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    Remove the battery
    Wait 15 minutes
    Insert the battery
    Wait another 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    This has been known to "kick start" some BBs.
    It is also possible that your battery or BB has experienced a test, this sequence is needed:
    Obtain an known good and already fully charged additional battery...use it in your BB and see what happens
    Obtain access to a known good and identical BB...use your battery in it and see what happens
    The results of this will indicate if it's your BB or your battery that has the problem. Note carefully please that "new" and "know good" are not necessarily the same things. While rare, a "new" battery certainly could be defective. Rather, the simplest (and least costly, btw) method to conduct this test is to find someone with an identical BB who has no batteries and see what happens.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Recently, when I upgraded to iOS8.2, my iPhone 5c has been switching itself off randomly even when the iPhone says it still has plenty of battery left. Has anyone else had this after upgrading?

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    This happens to me too. Went to the apple store and they check the battery life of my iphone. They took the iphone for 2 days and changed my battery for free. I hope this help you!

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    Anyone else experiencing this? Is there a way of resetting the phone to prevent this happening?
    I'd really like to fix it without the hassle of going back to the shop and trying to demonstrate a very unpredictable fault.

    25-Oct-200709:13 AM
    slider_6500 wrote:
    Just got my shiny new 6500 slide which keeps switching itself off. The only way of switching it back on when this happens it to take the battery out, put it back in and then press the power button. It happens about once or twice a day and it seems to be when the phone is charging.
    Anyone else experiencing this? Is there a way of resetting the phone to prevent this happening?
    I'd really like to fix it without the hassle of going back to the shop and trying to demonstrate a very unpredictable fault.
    I would definately take your phone back and get it replaced. I had problems with my 6500 slide, every time i turned it on & off i would have to resest the time & date. I purchased my phone from an internet retailer and they exchanged it for a new one, so far i have had no problems...

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    I have the same issue! In fact I posted this exact question!!
    Hugh Grest wrote previously:
    My iPhone 4s 16GB is giving me a lot of issues with its battery as of late. Once the battery level reaches below about 30% the phone randomly turns itself off -- even if the battery level didn't reach zero. When I try to turn it back on, it just shows the out of charge symbol on the screen. When I plug it in however it turns itself back on immediately and shows the battery level it turned itself off on. I can then unplug it and continue to use it until the battery level drops to zero or the issue happens again.
    Both my mom and my sister have the same model iPhone as me and do not have this issue. What should I do? (It has already been restored).
    Additional info:
    - My Phone is about 23months old
    - Running iOS 6.1.3
    - This issue has been happening for about 3 months or more
    EDIT: Just upgraded to iOS 7... didn't help. Infact it made it worse! The phone battery now drains quicker which means the issue happens sooner!
    This is so annoying!

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    Looks like I heard correctly.. took the phone in to get fixed, and while it was getting fixed they gave me a loan phone to use in the meantime. And what do ya know the loan phone doesnt work. (yup it was a nokia) Get a call a week later saying the phone was fixed, I make they guy assure me - THREE TIMES - that the phone was working and that he tested it. He said all was good. So I pick the phone up, take it home, and find the problem within 5 minutes. he DID NOT test it. it WAS NOT fixed. I doubt it was even looked at!
    Just a heads up to anyone who reads this - stay away from nokia.

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    Sometimes it will stay on for a few hours so it's all very random.
    Any ideas anyone?
    Thanks in advance

    I started experiencing the same problem a couple weeks ago. The computer will switch itself off, randomly, for no apparent reason. I try to power it up and after several seconds will switch off. It is now working. I cleaned the vents, etc.
    I also called Apple Care and was pleased to know I am under warranty for 50 more days. In the meantime, they had me reset the SMU and the accessible memory. We shall see what happens.
    However, about a year ago, I couldn't even power it up. Took it in for repair. They replaced the power supply board, etc. Worked like a charm. But like I said, a couple weeks ago started having this new problem of shutting down. I'm going to make an appointment and hopefully get this resolved while it is still under warranty.
    I have received some measure of comfort to learn that others have similar problems, but this is bugging me.

  • C7 - switches itself off

    I've always had a nokia phone since my first one 12 years ago.  I really like my new C7 which I've had for about a week.  The only problem is that every now and again, it switches itself off.  Usually it will switch itself back on but today, when it did it for the second time, it wouldn't come back on.   The battery was fully charged, I pressed the menu button, on/off button, took the battery out etc and eventually after a few minutes it came back on when I switched the on/off button on.
    Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can stop it?

    if this is a daily issue you should return it to a Nokia care center this has been discussed here on a number of threads
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • IPhone 4S switched itself off and wont come back on. Please help?

    My iPhone 4S has started switching itself off randomly over the last week but would then switch itself back on several minutes later by itself. However, last night it switched itself off and no matter what ive tried it wont come back on. Ive tried the home+power button, connected to itunes and not, connected to itunes with the home button pressed. I rang the Geek Squad as I have insurance and they could suggest anything more. Im loathed to take it back to the shop as all the sales assistant will do is send it off, give me a rubbish temporary phone/brick and it will take ages to come back. I would be grateful if anyone can help please?

    Hi, my phone eventually came back to life of its own accord the next day but with virtually no battery life even though I'd given it a full charge. After it came back on I plugged it in to be recharged but the back became very warm whilst the power drained quicker than usual after I unplugged it.
    I took it to the Apple store later that day and thankfully the phone switched itself off again right in front of one of the Genius assistants. He couldn't diagnose the problem and so gave me a brand new handset straight away. Credit to Apple there and I'm so glad I didn't take it back to the car phone warehouse where I bought it from. They would have sent it away for tests for weeks.
    I've had no problems with my new handset to date.

  • MBP switch itself off sporadically

    The short version: my MacBookPro (technical details below) switches itself off sporadically and nobody knows why!
    The long story now: In July this year began my MacBookPro began to switch itself off. Due to the fact that this happened first while using Aperture 3 I thought that the problem was Aperture-related. It wasn't, the MBP did this after this first failure also while using other programs, even then, when Aperture was not open in the background.
    So I started searching. First the usual things (Onyx, safe reboot, DiskWarrior, PRAM-reset), then the special ones (test with TechToolPro - everything was ok!) - but this didn't change anything: the MBP still switches itself off!
    I couldn't even find a pattern: it happened after hours of use as well as shortly / during the (re)start or in battery-mode or when it was plugged in.
    I made a backup of everything, wiped (secure) the harddrive, installed a new system on it, made all the system-updates and used it like this for a while. Nothing changed, it still switched itself off sometime!
    I took it then to SCNet in Essen to have it repaired. They tested it for one week and found nothing! The MBP had beautiful results in all of the tests and switched itself off not even a single time - a wonderful machine, they said!
    I took it back home, this wonderful machine, and used it whitout any change for a while. After some time, the nightmare began again!
    Now I really don't know what to try anymore... so I'm here!
    Here are the technical details about my MBP:
    - MBP 17"
    - built in 2007
    - RAM maxed from 2 auf 4 GB by Gravis (an autorised reseller) in Essen (in 2008)
    - the internal harddrive (160 GB) changed by the same Gravis in Essen through a new one (320 GB) (also in 2008)
    - logic board changed by SCNet due to an NVIDIA-error (it was paid by Apple!) - I've posted about this here ( already.
    - Mac OS X 10.6.4
    Do you have any advice? Do you experienced something like this or at least heard of such a nightmare?
    I am very grateful for any advice!

    I took it then to SCNet in Essen to have it repaired. They tested it for one week and found nothing! The MBP had beautiful results in all of the tests and switched itself off not even a single time
    When the issue occurs with you, are there any peripherals connected to your computer? If so, remove them.
    Make sure you are not using the computer on your lap as it is not a laptop. Sometimes if the Macbook Pro gets too hot, it will shut itself off.
    Per your user manual: Do not operate your MacBook Pro on a pillow or other soft material, as the material can block the airflow vents. Never place anything over the keyboard when operating your MacBook Pro. Never push objects into the ventilation openings.
    From MacBook Pro: Care, Use, and Safety Information
    If you have Apple Care, I would give them a call. Advise them what the repair shop told you. You may need to take your computer to another repair shop for a 2nd opinion.

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