Tmux, DWM and Conky together

I want to put the conky output (like dwm do) on tmux when I'm not on a X session.
Now i have this in my .xinitrc for dwm
conky -d | while read -r; do xsetroot -name "$REPLY"; done &
The only way a think it's possible is to put this on a init script
conky -d | while read -r; do xsetroot -name "$REPLY" && echo "$REPLY" > conky.out; done &
And set this statusbar on tmux:
set-option -g status-interval 5
set-option -g status-right "#(cat ~/.conky.out)"
This way it works, but I don't think writing/reading from de HDD every 5 second is a good idea...
Any suggestions?

kismet010 wrote:
I want to put the conky output (like dwm do) on tmux when I'm not on a X session.
Now i have this in my .xinitrc for dwm
conky -d | while read -r; do xsetroot -name "$REPLY"; done &
The only way a think it's possible is to put this on a init script
conky -d | while read -r; do xsetroot -name "$REPLY" && echo "$REPLY" > conky.out; done &
And set this statusbar on tmux:
set-option -g status-interval 5
set-option -g status-right "#(cat ~/.conky.out)"
This way it works, but I don't think writing/reading from de HDD every 5 second is a good idea...
Any suggestions?
Have you considered using the "-i" option? Something like this might work in your .tmux.conf:
set-option -g status-right "#(conky -i 1)"

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    Thanks in advance.

    # - Conky settings - #
    update_interval 2
    total_run_times 0
    net_avg_samples 1
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    imlib_cache_size 0
    double_buffer yes
    no_buffers yes
    # - Text settings - #
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Droid Sans:size=8
    override_utf8_locale yes
    text_buffer_size 2048
    # - Window specifications - #
    own_window_class Conky
    own_window yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_argb_value 150
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    alignment top_left
    gap_y 25
    gap_x 25
    border_inner_margin 8
    minimum_size 180 500
    maximum_width 180
    maximum_height 560
    default_bar_size 92 6
    # - Graphics settings - #
    draw_shades yes
    default_shade_color 000000
    default_color FFFFFF
    ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}SYSTEM $stippled_hr${font}
    # - SYSTEM - #
    ${voffset 6}${font OpenLogos:size=19}B${font}${goto 40}${voffset -15}Kernel: ${alignr}${kernel}
    ${goto 40}Uptime: ${alignr}${uptime}
    # |--UPDATES
    ${goto 40}Updates: ${alignr}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${execi 10800 pacman -Qu | wc -l}${font} Packages
    # |--CPU
    ${voffset 6}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}CPU${font}${offset -20}${voffset 10}${cpubar cpu0 4,18}
    ${voffset -23}${goto 40}Core 1: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${cpu cpu1}%${font} ${alignr}${cpubar cpu1 7,70 EEEEEE}
    ${voffset 1}${goto 40}Core 2: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${cpu cpu2}%${font} ${alignr}${cpubar cpu2 7,70 EEEEEE}
    ${voffset 1}${goto 40}Core 3: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${cpu cpu3}%${font} ${alignr}${cpubar cpu3 7,70 EEEEEE}
    ${voffset 1}${goto 40}Core 4: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${cpu cpu4}%${font} ${alignr}${cpubar cpu4 7,70 EEEEEE}
    # |--MEM
    ${voffset 6}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}RAM${font}${goto 40}RAM: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}$memperc%${font}
    ${voffset 6}${offset 1}${voffset -8}${membar 4,18}${voffset 4}${goto 40}${voffset -2}Free: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${memeasyfree}${font} ${goto 110}Used: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${mem}${font}
    # |--SWAP
    ${voffset 5}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}SWP${font}${goto 40}Swap: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${swapperc}%${font}
    ${voffset 4}${offset 1}${voffset -7}${swapbar 4,18}${voffset 4}${goto 40}Free: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}$swapmax${font} ${goto 110}Used: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}$swap${font}
    # |--PROC
    ${voffset 4}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}TOP${font}${voffset 0}${goto 126}CPU${alignr}RAM
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 1}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 1}${alignr }${top mem 1}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 2}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 2}${alignr }${top mem 2}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 3}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 3}${alignr }${top mem 3}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 4}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 4}${alignr }${top mem 4}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 5}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 5}${alignr }${top mem 5}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 6}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 6}${alignr }${top mem 6}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 7}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 7}${alignr }${top mem 7}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 8}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 8}${alignr }${top mem 8}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 9}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 9}${alignr }${top mem 9}${font}
    ${voffset -1}${goto 40}${top name 10}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8} ${goto 120}${top cpu 10}${alignr }${top mem 10}${font}
    # - CLOCK - #
    ${voffset 6}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}DATE $stippled_hr${font}
    ${font Droid Sans:size=20}${alignc}${time %H:%M}${font}
    ${alignc}${time %d %B %Y}
    # - NETWORK - #
    ${voffset 4}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}NETWORK $stippled_hr${font}
    ${voffset 4}${goto 20}Upload: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${upspeed wlan0}${font} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 8,50 EEEEEE}
    ${goto 20}Overall: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${totalup eth0}${font}
    ${voffset 4}${goto 20}Download: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${downspeed wlan0}${font} ${alignr}${downspeedgraph wlan0 8,50 EEEEEE}
    ${goto 20}Overall: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${totaldown wlan0}${font}
    ${voffset 4}${goto 20}Local IP: ${alignr}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${addr wlan0}${font}
    ${goto 20}Public IP: ${alignr}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${execi 10800 ~/.public_ip}${font}
    # - HD - #
    ${voffset 4}${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}HD $stippled_hr${font}
    # |--HD default
    ${voffset 4}${goto 20}Root: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_used_perc /}%${font}${goto 100}${alignr}${fs_bar 6,68 /}
    ${offset 7}Free: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_free /}${font} ${alignr 1}Used: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_used /}${font}
    ${voffset 4}${goto 20}Home: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_used_perc /home}%${font}${goto 100}${alignr}${fs_bar 6,68 /home}
    ${offset 7}Free: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_free /home}${font} ${alignr 1}Used: ${font Droid Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${fs_used /home}${font}
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    setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp &
    eval `cat ~/.fehbg` &
    numlockx &
    xscreensaver -no-splash &
    # Dzen & conky
    conky | dzen2 -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' &
    # Start dwm
    exec ck-launch-session ~/Scripts/dwm-start
    background no
    out_to_console yes
    update_interval 2
    total_run_times 0
    use_spacer none
    double_buffer yes
    ${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/present}^fg(#999999)BAT^fg()${battery_percent}%${else}AC${endif} * CPU ${cpu cpu1}% RAM ${memperc}% * / ${fs_used_perc /}% /home ${fs_used_perc /home}% * PKG ${execpi 900 ~/Scripts/} * ${if_existing /proc/net/route ra0}Down ${downspeedf ra0}K/s Up ${upspeedf ra0}K/s ${else} ${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0} Down ${downspeedf ra0}K/s Up ${upspeedf ra0}K/s${endif} ${endif}* ${time %I:%M%P}
    Start dwm script
    conky | while read line; do
    xsetroot -name "$line";
    done | while true; do
    dwm > /dev/null; done;
    Could anyone point me at what I am doing wrong? I have tried following examples in the forums, including this one and this one -- but I either end up with dwm 5.7.2 in the corner, or conky prints out the ^fg etc...
    Any help would be appreciated at this point...
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2009-11-20 06:11:51)

    Thanks for the suggestions Skanky. The broken line in conky was a copy/paste error into the browser - it is a single line conky (I've edited the OP to reflect that).
    I think it is a problem with the way conky-cli and dzen work together. If I run:
    echo "testing" | dzen2 -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' -p
    it prints as expected.
    Similarly, if I comment the conky | dzen2 line in .xinintrc and just run conky-cli from the start script it works...
    Trying to get then to work together, however, is another matter.
    Some progress: it seems that it is being drawn - if I Mod-Shift-q the dwm status bar briefly disappears and I can see conky momentarily. I tried starting conky | dzen2 after dwm but that didn't work.
    I have also added some options, which seem to have helped, my .xinintrc entry now looks like:
    conky | dzen2 -x '500' -e '' -fg '#dcdcdc' -bg '#3f3f3f' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' -p &
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2009-11-19 16:57:13)

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    set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -server -cp %COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence.jar;C:\home\oracle\
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    :exitEdited by: junez on 23-Oct-2009 09:20

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    So why can't Adobe Premiere Pro time remap audio along with the video?  What's the reason that it can't?  It's a massive disappointment and would be very impressive to see accomplished in the future.  If it's possible to time remap audio and video together in After Effects, that's great and all, except for the fact that I can't use that program.  Why can't it be done in Premiere Pro and will it ever be possible in Premiere Pro?
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    That sounds like a great idea.  File a Feature Request:
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    The issue with the A1400 is that like most economy compact cameras, they will not have very fast focus times in indoor lighting situations. Many people have gone to entry level DSLR's (Canon T3i) or micro 4/3 cameras. They are fairly expensive, but a late model refurbished T3i can sometimes be found with a kit lens for about $300.00. With Auto and scene modes, as well as full manual modes, these are very versatile cameras that focus very quickly, even in lower lighting situations. Canon is not really into the micro 4/3 cameras, instead they are focusing on the new G7x and G1x cameras, which are way out of your price range. The A720 is still available used at some places such as KEH camera, but you'll need to check often as their stock changes constantly. Obviously the DSLR's don't use AA batteries, but the T3i is good for about 600 photos (or more) per charge.
    My refurbished DSLR was practically brand new condition when I got it. I could not find any sign of wear at all, so I feel they are a real bargain. These are rugged cameras that are made to last. The A1400 is a $99.00 camera, so it's not intended for heavy usage, plus the image quality of a DSLR (even entry level) is far better than the A1400. That would be my recommendation.
    Steve M.

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    What recommendations do other form designers have? I have been trying to think of how IRS has "dense" or "complex" forms, and how these might be designed in InDesign CC. in order to apply similar techniques to my form design.
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    Unless I am gravely mistaken, isnt this what you want?
    for (int i = 0; i < folderList.size(); i++) {
       String folder = (String) folderList.get(i);
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        System.out.println ("Messages: " + folderMap.get (folder));

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    Hi Kavita
    There is no as such Date and Time Comparision FM in Standard SAP  But You can define your own like this
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
      twoismoretopical = ''.
      if date2 > date1.
        twoismoretopical = 'X'.
         if date2 = date1 and time2 > time1.
           twoismoretopical = 'X'.

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    you want to use the retiming tool. you can select what you want to hold, then use the "Hold" command (shift-H) to create a single frame of a default duration, which you can then change to whatever length you want by dragging the retiming handle.
    Here's the page in the help manual that describes the hold feature in detail:

Maybe you are looking for