To compare value node

Hi, i need to compare two value, one it comes to LeadSelection (nodePo_Items) and another comes other table (nodeTemp_GetdetailSerivce_Output), but the comparison <b>(if)</b> don't work.
int m = wdContext.nodeZbapi_Po_Getdetail_Input().nodeOutput_Po_Getdetail().nodePo_Items().getLeadSelection();
int n = wdContext.nodeTemp_GetdetailSerivce_Output().size();          
for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i)
<b>if </b>(wdContext.nodeTemp_GetdetailSerivce_Output().getTemp_GetdetailSerivce_OutputElementAt(<b>i</b>).<b>getPckg_No</b>() <b>==</b> wdContext.nodeZbapi_Po_Getdetail_Input().nodeOutput_Po_Getdetail().nodePo_Items().getPo_ItemsElementAt(<b>m</b>).<b>getPckg_No())</b>     
<i>somebody knows that it can happen?  I am comparing bad?</i>

Hi Antonio,
I think the data type of your attribute Pckg_No is other than integer (like String, Bigdecimal or like an Object). Hence you cannot do a comparison using '=='.
Instead use 'equals' method.
I think it will work.

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    ..          - ModelNode
    ....                      - Model Attr1
    ....                      - Model Attr2
    ....                      - Model Attr3
    ....                      - Model Attr4
    ....                      - Value Node
    ......                                  |
    ......                                   - Value Attr1
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    Hi Shubham,
    With your context structure the code will be
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        IPublic<comp name>.IModelNodeElement ele =   wdContext.nodeModelNode().getModelNodeElementAt(i);
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        ele.nodeValNode().addElement( valEle);
    Your val node should be non singleton (singleton property = false)

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    the short answer is "you can't", the longer is: The ADF Faces tree component is stamped for better performance. This stamping means that nodes are not rendered as JSF objects but copies of an existing component (just with a changed value). For this reason the nodes don't issue their own query for data and thus cannot be refreshed individually

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    Try it like this:
    DATA: lt_data type table of ty_line.
    DATA: ls_data type ty_line.
    For the value nodes we need an data object
    DATA: lr_line_ref type ref to ty_line.
    The value node which should be added
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    CREATE OBJECT lr_value_node
    EXPORTING iv_data_ref = lr_line_ref.
    Now set the data from the internal table
    lr_value_node->set_properties( ls_data ).
    Now add the created value node to the collection
    lr_collection->if_bol_bo_col~add( lr_value_node ).

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    Message was edited by: Stefan Klensch

    Yes, it is the intended behaviour. These <i>are</i> the attributes at run time. And I don't see why the additional structure attributes should be hidden from the application (besides the fact that iterateAttributes() is used internally, too).
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    Hi Adi
    If ZVal is your value node then,
      DATA: lref_entity    TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_value_node,
            lref_bo_coll   TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col,
            lref_data TYPE REF TO <<your ZStructure>>,
             ls_data type <<your ZStructure>>.
    ls_data-<<field1>> = 'XYZ'
    ls_data-<<field2>> = 'XYZ'
         CREATE OBJECT lref_bo_coll TYPE cl_crm_bol_bo_col.
          CREATE DATA lref_data.
          CREATE OBJECT lref_entity
              iv_data_ref = lref_data.
          lref_entity->set_properties( ls_data ).
          lref_bo_coll->add( lref_entity ).
          typed_context->ZVal->set_collection( lref_bo_coll ).
    Hope this was helpful.
    Best Regards,

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    The get_xxxX methods should be automatically created and there is no need to add any code .. it generally has this kind of code.
        DATA: current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access.
        DATA: dref    TYPE REF TO data.
        value =
    CNODE1 not bound'."#EC NOTEXT
        if iterator is bound.
          current = iterator->get_current( ).
          current = collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
            dref = current->get_property( 'FIELD1' )."#EC NOTEXT
          CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial.
        IF dref IS NOT BOUND.
          value = CNODE1/FIELD1 not bound'."#EC NOTEXT
            value = if_bsp_model_util~convert_to_string( data_ref = dref
                                        attribute_path = attribute_path ).
          CATCH cx_bsp_conv_illegal_ref.
            FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_data> type DATA.
            assign dref->* to <l_data>.
          please implement here some BO specific handler coding
          conversion of currency/quantity field failed caused by missing
          unit relation
          Coding sample:
          provide currency, decimals, and reference type
          value = cl_bsp_utility=>make_string(
                             value = <l_data>
                             reference_value = c_currency
                             num_decimals = decimals
                             reference_type = reference_type
              value = '-CURR/QUANT REF DATA MISSING-'.
          CATCH cx_root.
            value = '-CONVERSION FAILED-'.                  "#EC NOTEXT

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    User Standred mehtod provided by framework
    Will clear all the instance contain by Value node
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar
    Edited by: satish jhariya on Mar 4, 2009 9:56 AM

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    René Morel

    With respect to your problem please refer to this guide/tutorial.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Access to an attribute of a value node of a component controller

    Hello experts,
    I'm new to the area of SAP CRM Web Client UI development. My problem is probably very simple and you will surely smile about it.
    I have created my own component with the value node FILE (that consists of five atributes) in the component controller. Unfortunately I have not figured out yet how I can access the value of an attribute.
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    In addition, I get an syntax error Field "TYPED_CONTEXT->FILE->COLLECTION_WRAPPER->GET_FIRST(" unknown in the line with "lo_entity = me->comp_controller->typed_context->file->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).".
    Currently no functionality is included in my code, because firstly I want to understand the basics.
    method OP_FILEUPLOAD.
      data lo_entity       type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access.
      data lv_file_name    type string.
      data lr_file_content type ref to data.
      field-symbols <lv_file_name> type string.
      IF ( comp_controller is INITIAL ).
        get_controller( 'xxxx' ).
      lo_entity = me->comp_controller->typed_context->file->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
      while lo_entity is bound.
        lv_file_name = lo_entity->get_property_as_string( 'FILE_NAME' ).
        lr_file_content = lo_entity->get_property( 'FILE_CONTENT_STRING' ).
        assign lr_file_content->* to <lv_file_content>.
        lo_entity = me->typed_context->file->collection_wrapper->get_next( ).
    I hope that I will manage my "problem" with your help!
    Edited by: Sebastian Lenz on Jun 27, 2011 2:35 PM

    Hi Sebastian,
    The issue is in the following line of your code:
    lo_entity = me->comp_controller->typed_context->file->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
    The 'typed_context' belongs to your own component controller class and not the standard framework superclass. So, you need to replace this single line of code with something as follows (assuming that your component controller class is ZCL_CUSTOM_BSPWDCOMPONENT_IMPL):
    lr_coco ?= me->comp_controller.
    lo_entity = lr_coco->typed_context->file->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
    The me->comp_controller reference will refer to the standard framework superclass of all component controllers and this does not have any typed_context attribute with it. The real component controller that gets created when you create a BSP component will have this attribute. That is why you need to first cast it to your own reference type before trying to access its typed_context.
    And if your value node will have only single values, then you can as well do the following to access the attribute ATTRIB1 of context node node1:
    DATA lv_value TYPE string.
    lv_value = lr_coco->typed_context->node1->get_attrib1( attribute path = '' ).
    Basically all attributes can be accessed by above code by using the right getter method.

  • Custom component Search and Result view using value node :pls help

    Hi Experts,
    I am creating a Custom component with Search and Result view using value nodes.
    This is the code I wrote in the Search button event handler method.
    The data which gets in lv_search I need to put in lv_col .
    Can somebody guide me for this.
    Points will be awarded .
    METHOD eh_onsearch.
      DATA : lv_current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
             lv_search  TYPE zcrm_orgstruct_search,     "Search value node structure
             lv_result  TYPE zcrm_orgstruct_result,         "Result value node structure
             lv_col     TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_col.
      lv_current ?= me->typed_context->search->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      CALL METHOD lv_current->get_properties
          es_attributes = lv_search.
      me->typed_context->searchresult->collection_wrapper->set_collection( lv_col ).
      op_toresultview( ).

    Hi Lakshmi,
    Could you please share with us how it was solved.
    "CALL METHOD lv_current->get_properties
    es_attributes = lv_search."
    Did you get any values in lv_search ?
    Because while using value nodes for search view (which inherits from advance search controller  class), the above method does not return any search values entered in the fields.
    Please let me know how did you solve it.
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to set Value Attribute (under valu node) at run time

    This is my View context.
    wbsElement (Value Attribute of Type String)
    This is my Component Controller Context.
    Project_info  (Value node)->Wbs_Info (Value Node)-WBS(Value Attribute).
    Initially I want to set some dummy values to wbsElement(view attribute),sothat I can show that in drop downby key.
    On selecting of wbsElement I want to pass the selected value to component controllers ValueAttribute - WBS (this Value attribute is under 2 nodes-see the structure I've given).
    I tried this way which is not working fine.
        IWDNodeElement element = wdContext.createWBSElement();
    Can anyone tell me which is the correct way to do this?
    This is very urgent.plz help me in this.Thankx in advance.

    Hi Karthick,
       try this code.
    IPublic<compcontrolllername>.IWbc_infoElement  obj  =         wdThis.wdGet<Componentcontrollername>Controller().wdGetContext().createWbc_infoeElement();
    set the cardinality of Project_info to 1:n or 1:1
    test this one
    if you find any problem let em know

  • Model and Value node data in one form...?

    I have a requirement where the adobe form is expected to have model data available and then in the same form teh user provides data, which is maintained in value node.
    Now the problem we are facing is, we are unable to maintain both value node and model node(i.e,attributes) under one type of node.(Invalid node type error appears when tried to place both attributes under one node).
    How do we provide them to data source, as it takes only one node.
    Thanks & Regards,

    you could try to add a some calculated attributes in the node which is bound to the interactive form. In the getter and setter methods of these calculated attributes you can read and set the value of your model attributes.

  • How to fill or bind data using Value Node in Tree Node

    Hi Gurus,
    Can anybody help me on how to fill data or bind data using Value Node in Tree Node View. I know how to create Tree Node but not able to show value on the UI in Tree View.
    Can u please let if anybody has done it?
    Thanks in advance.

              lv_child = me->node_factory->get_proxy(
                        iv_bo = lv_value_node
                        iv_parent_proxy = me
                        iv_proxy_type = 'ZL_CLASS_CN02' ).
              lv_child->is_leaf = 'X'.
              APPEND lv_child TO rt_children.
            CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error cx_sy_ref_is_initial.
      In the above code iv_bo , lv_value_node will be the actual object of the second node or leaf node here, which will have the same structure of parent node along with data. After/before this, you would need to build table and refresh in do-prepare_output of IMPL class.In the above code iv_bo , lv_value_node will be the actual object of the second node or leaf node here, which will have the same structure of parent node along with data. After/before this, you would need to buid table and refresh in do-prepare_output of IMPL class.
    ztyped_context->resultlist->build_table( ).
      IF ztyped_context->resultlist->node_tab IS INITIAL.
        ztyped_context->resultlist->refresh( ).
    Also the EH_ONEXPAND has to be implemented and event handled in DO_HANDLE_EVENT. But this expand event has to be delegated to context node directly as CL_BSP_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_TREE will already have the implementation.
    ztyped_context->resultlist->expand_node( lv_event->row_key ).
    Where in result list is the node ZL_CLASS_CN00.
    After typing the whole content , i found this blog :). There are few things i have written more that in the blog.  /people/poonam.assudani/blog/2009/06/24/create-a-tree-view-display-in-crm-web-ui

  • Need to compare values in two columns of one table against values in two columns in another table

    Hi, as the title reads, I'm looking for an approach that will allow me to compare values in two columns of one table against values in two columns in another table.
    Say, for instance, here are my tables:
    In comparing the two tables, I'd like my query to report the rows in table1 NOT found in table2. In this case, it'll be the 3rd row of table one:

    create table Table1([Server] varchar(50), Login varchar(50))
    Insert into Table1 values ('ABCDEF','JOHN'),('ABCDEF','JANE'),('FEDCBA','SEAN'),('FEDCBA','SHAWN')
    create table Table2([Server] varchar(50), Login varchar(50))
    Insert into Table2 values ('ABCDEF','JOHN'),('ABCDEF','JANE'), ('FEDCBA','SHAWN')
    select [Server] ,Login from Table1
    select [Server] ,Login from Table2
    select [Server] ,Login from Table1 t1
    where not exists(Select 1 from Table2 where t1.[Server] = t1.[Server] AND Login=t1.Login)
    drop table Table1,Table2

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