To fetch records on hourly basis

The requiremnt is:
Table A has field LastUpdatedate.
I need to determine the records processed in each hour starting from Min(Lastupdatedate) till Max(LastUpdateDate)
Is there a way to find out the above in a single query?
Only count in result set will do.

Hi, and Happy New Year!
You can use the TRUNC function to round DATEs down to the earliest DATE having the same year, quarter, week, month, day, hours, minutes or seconds as the given DATE.
To map everything in an hour to the first point in that hour:
SELECT       TO_CHAR ( TRUNC (LastUpdatedate), 'HH')
            , 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI'
            )     AS hour
,       COUNT (*)     AS total_num
FROM       table_a
GROUP BY  TRUNC (LastUpdatedate), 'HH')
ORDER BY  TRUNC (LastUpdatedate), 'HH')
;You may be familiar with calling TRUNC with only one argument: TRUNC (SYSDATE) returns the earliest DATE that has the same year, month and day as SYSDATE.
'DD' is the default 2nd argument to TRUNC, but you can use other DATE format elements (like 'HH')

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    I am creating PL/SQL Libraries in report builder.
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    Would you please tell me how to solve this problem
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    thankyou very much
    pritam singh

    Hi ,
    Saving a library (.pll) to database would store the object inside specific tables that are to be created.
    If you are using 6i, then you should find toolbild & toolgrnt.sql files which you have to run in the order specified. The above scripts creates the necessary tables and henceforth you won't get those errors while saving.
    Hope this helps.

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    P.D. Sorry for my terrible english

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you, your idea is perfect, but when I try to run the screenflow where the combo should be filled I get this error:
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    Thanks and greetings

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    Sandeep Maurya

    hi sandeep...
    if the tables are completely independent and do not share any primary / foreign key relation ship...
    why dont u think towards creating a seperate interface for each of them..
    or if u still want to select from multiple table at once..the best way would be to write a stored procedure on the sender side which do all the fetching n processing and pass the final resultset to PI
    or u can think towards fetching the data from 1 table and then in UDF do lookup from other tables..which again is tricky and performace intensive

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    Hello Experts,
    I know this was answered in a separate thread (JDBC Sender Adapter -  NOT FETCHING RECORDS -PROCESSING STARTED).
    However, my question is, Is there a way that we can be notified if a channel has stopped fetching records?
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    Thanks & Kregards,

    Hi Sreedhar,
    Thanks for your reply.
    These case is not being captured by our alert configuration because its not throwing any error.
    in the communication channel monitoring, we see only something like this..:
    3/16/09 8:25:19 PM Processing started
    3/16/09 8:34:20 PM Processing started
    3/16/09 8:33:55 PM Processing started
    3/16/09 8:32:54 PM Processing started
    but no error is being displayed nor sent.
    Also, there was a case that the channel just stopped fetching, even though everything is active.
    example log:
            3/12/09 8:32:54 PM Processing started
    We're looking for ways on how we can trap these scenarios as early as possible,  get us notified and   perform adapter-lock release when needed.

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        FROM   BKPF
        PACKAGE SIZE 500
        AND   AWKEY IN L_R_AWKEY .
        ENDSELECT .
    Program is giving time out error. There are 25628 records in range L_R_AWKEY , i m fetching 500 records at a time using  PACKAGE SIZE. But the execution of prog stops on this query.
    Please suggest something to overcome this problem.

    Rui is right,
    if you need to get the data by  operation parameters u have to use the fields AWTYP and AWKEY.
    In this selection u can omit the company code.
                 PACKAGE SIZE 500
                      WHERE   AWTYP = <......> "<------------
                             AND AWKEY IN L_R_AWKEY .

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    Can any body please tell me <b>How can i fetch records from 3 tables with a single query  without using joins</b>

    Hi Prabgudutta,
    We can fetch the data by using the views concept.
    Go throuth this info we can know the how to create view and same like database table only we can fetch the data.
    Views conatin the data at runtime only.
    Four different view types are supported. These differ in the
    way in which the view is implemented and in the methods
    permitted for accessing the view data.
    Database views are implemented with an equivalent view on
    the database.
    Projection views are used to hide fields of a table (only
    Help views can be used as selection method in search helps.
    Maintenance views permit you to maintain the data
    on several tables for one application object at one time.
    step by step creation of Maintenance view:
    With the help of the table maintenance generator, you are able to maintain the ENTRIES of the table in SM30 transaction.
    It can be set in transaction SE11 - Tools - Table maintenance generator.
    Table maintanance Generator is used to manually input values using transaction sm30
    follow below steps
    1) go to se11 check table maintanance check box under attributes tab
    2) utilities-table maintanance Generator-> create function group and assign it under
    function group input box. Also assign authorization group default &NC& .
    3) select standard recording routine radio in table table mainitainence generator to move table
    contents to quality and production by assigning it to request.
    4) select maintaience type as single step.
    5) maintainence screen as system generated numbers this dialog box appears when you click on create button
    6) save and activate table
    One step, two step in Table Maintenance Generator
    Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.
    Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.
    SM30 is used for table maintenance(addition or deletion of records),
    For all the tables in SE11 for which Table maintenance is selected , they can be maintained in SM30
    Sm30 is used to maintain the table ,i.e to delete ,insert or modify the field values and all..
    It creates the maintenance screen for u for the aprticular table as the maintenance is not allowed for the table..
    In the SE11 delivery and maintenance tab, keep the maintenance allowed..
    Then come to the SM30 and then enter the table name and press maintain..,
    Give the authorization group if necessary and give the function group and then select maintenance type as one step and give the screen numbers as system specified..
    Then create,,,
    Then u will able to see the maintenance view for the table in which u can able to insert and delete the table values...
    We use SM30 transaction for entering values into any DB table.
    First we create a table in SE11 and create the table maintenance generator for that Table using (utilities-> table maintenance generator) and create it.
    Then it will create a View.
    After that from SM30, enter the table name and Maintain, create new entries, change the existing entries for that table.
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.
    P.Naganjana Reddy

  • Writing OR query for fetching records

    I have dowloaded a custom wsdl and generated a java client from it using Jdeveloper.
    I have a method named customObject1QueryPage(QueryInputObj) which is used to query the CRM oD to fetch records.
    I have successfully queried using the above method for one condition:-
    QueryInputObj param= new QueryInputObj();
    QueryType q = new QueryType();
    q.set_value("='" + "ABC'");
    //q.set_value("LIKE 'A*'");
    But now I want to query using "OR" condition with multiple names in the condition and I don't know how to
    write query for that.
    SQL query would be like "Select * from table where name='ABC' OR name='PQR' OR name ='XYZ' ";
    I want to execute same query for CRM oD but have no idea how to write it.
    Can somebody please help me as soon as possible.

    If your intent to Use OR Condition on a field with multiple Values
    say, AccountName = 'xyz' OR AccountName= 'abc' the syntax would be *(='xyz') OR (='abc')*
    say, AccountName = 'xyz' OR AccountName= 'abc' OR AccountName = 'pqr' the syntax would be *((='xyz') OR (='abc'))OR(='pqr')*
    You can find similar example under On Demand Web Service Documentation
    Deepak H Andeli

  • CCR Report for a plant on Hourly basis

    Dear All,
    My Business requested us (BASIS) to reshedule CCR Report (background job) for a plant to run on hourly basis which was on daily basis early. Could this effect the load/performance  of the system?
    The usual time for completion of this job daily is 30 mins.
    Please suggest/guide.

    I am sending herewith SQL statement for populating data into the concern tables
    To make easier for further testing your script.
    insert into calls values (0772740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0882740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0772740929, 25-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0662740929, 27-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0452740929, 22-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0992740929, 24-SEP-06
    insert into calls values (0992740929, 26-SEP-06
    insert into events values (3, 22-SEP-06,1918)
    insert into events values (4, 22-SEP-06,1918)
    insert into events values (3, 24-SEP-06 05.22.44,1920)
    insert into events values (4, 24-SEP-06 05.42.44,1920)
    insert into events values (3, 26-SEP-06 05.22.44,1958)
    insert into events values (4, 26-SEP-06 05.52.44,1958)
    Insert into games values (1918,’ Copy of QN27030628’)
    Insert into games values (1920,’ Test Game TF1sarah’)
    Insert into games values (1958,’ Test Car Race’)

  • SQL query to fetch records  from  26 onwards

    Want to know SQL query to fetch records from 26 onwards.

    See the fifth entry on the FAQ page:
    Re: How to attach a java bean in forms6i

  • Maintain condition record on the basis of Forwarding agent

    How to maintain condition record on the basis of Forwarding agent?
    ie. Forwarding agent  is not there in field catalogue in condition table.what to add and how to maintain condition record for same?

    Is Forwarding Agent created as Vendor in your system? If yes then field LIFNR - Vendor is available in SAP Standard Field Catalogue for Pricing.
    You need to use this field (LIFNR)in your Condition Table.
    Hope this helps,
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Fetch records from Database based on Input value

    Hi Experts,
    In my mobile application, I have designed one input field with F4 help or input assist. I need to fetch records from database based on that input and need to display records in table.
    My question is:
    How to fetch the records from database/back end based on the input value and display them as table format as we are doing in SAP ABAP?
    Here, I need to fetch the records based on input value available in the UI screen and pass that value to gateway, fetch the records from database and need to bind with table in SAPUI5.
    Kindly share the whole process flow with sample code for this requirement. Hope I have explained the requirement in detail.
    Thanks In Advance..
    Arindam Samanta.

    Try something like this.
    In this, I am passing From date, To date, RelGrp, RelStr, Uname as input. Then I am storing those values in variables and passing this data in Odata request.{ requestUri: "http://xxxx:8000/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z188_PO_SRV/pos?$filter=Docdate le datetime'"
                    + todateformat+"T00:00:00' and Docdate ge datetime'"
                    + fromdateformat+"T00:00:00' and RelGrp eq '"
                    + relcode +"'and RelStr eq '"
                    + relstg +"'and Uname eq '"
                    + username+ "' "},
      function (data) {
    When we are giving correct inputs it will goes to Success function and get the data from back end.
    In console we can see the data.
    Hope this will helps to you.

  • How to fetch records with two recordset

    i want fetch records from the table using two recordset like
    ResultSet r1=stmt.executeQuery("select * from pf_data");
    i want to take another recodeset
    ResultSet r2=stmt.executeQuery("select * from finyr");
    I am using Microsoft SQL server as my database.
    I am also closing the recordset like r1.close();
    then i cannot take two recordset at the same time.

    This is an example of a Top-N problem, and here's one way to do it:
    WITH got_r_num AS
        SELECT  item_id, supp_id, rnk                         -- RANK is not a good column name
        ,       DENSE_RANK () OVER ( PARTITION BY  item_id    -- Just guessing
                                     ORDER BY      rnk
                                   )  AS r_num
        FROM    table_x
        WHERE   item_id  = 2      -- If desired
    SELECT    item_id, supp_id. rnk
    FROM      got_r_num
    WHERE     r_num    <= 2
    RANK is the name of a built-in function in Oracle, so it will cause lots of trouble if you use it as a column name.  (The RANK function is closely related to DENSE_RANK, used above.)
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post  a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Point out where the query above is giving the wrong results, and explain, using specific examples, how you get the correct results from the given data in those places.  If you changed the query at all, post your code.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ:

  • Why is a site i log into on an hourly basis suddenly blocked by filter

    i log onto an art sharing site on a hourly basis, yet all of a suddent i can't log onto the said site, i get a black screen with white letters saying blocked by filter. how do i fix this?

    Try to boot the computer in Windows Safe mode with network support (press F8 on the boot screen) as a test to see if that works.
    If that works then some software on your computer is the cause of the blocking message.
    You can also check the connection settings.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced : Network : Connection > Settings
    If you do not need to use a proxy to connect to internet then try to select "No Proxy" if the default "Use the system proxy settings" setting doesn't work properly.
    See "Firefox connection settings":

Maybe you are looking for