Toad on linux

can we use toad in linux
any equivalent s/w to use in linux

1) Ask the Toad people ... it is a Quest product, not an Oracle product.
2) Oracle's SQL Developer overlaps Toad for many functions.

Similar Messages

  • Alternative for TOAD on Linux

    I am migrating my desktop from Windows 2000 to Redhat Linux 9.
    I have been using third party tool TOAD for accessing the data from the database. As TOAD does not have a Linux setup, can any one suggest an alternative for the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    you are posting in the wrong forum.. this forum is for the Desktop Datacenter Oracle on Linux VMware kit..
    you'll get better luck in other forums or better yet, Google.. I put toad and linux as keywords and got lots of hits on TOra.. so you might research that way..
    good luck,

  • How to install toad on linux

    i m working on rhel 5 and i have installed oracle 10g on my machine now i want to install toad on my linux machine . how to get it & how to install it could anyone guide me ?

    user4733504 wrote:
    It makes sense to ask in an oracle forum as TOAD means TOOLS for ORACLE ADMINISTRATION & DEVELOPMENT. This forum is full of Oracle experts some of whom may have already done what this person is requestingYou are entitled to your own mis-guided opinion.
    questions about TOAD should be posted in a Toad Forum & NOT this Oracle forum.

  • Create table runs in Toad but not in Linux

    I've just started writing in SQL 3 days ago so I would like to apologize in advance for the shabby code and the stupid question. I'm hoping that somebody can help me with my problem.
    Anyway, this has been bugging me for 2 days now and I can't seem to find the problem. The code below is just a simple create table that I coded in Toad for Oracle by Quest Software and runs fine in it but when I try to copy it over to our linux server and run it using '@/home/user/atm_dc.sql', the table is not created.
    Can someone help me?
    drop table atm_dc;
    CREATE TABLE atm_dc
    AS (
    'I' as action_code,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
    rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
    '000119' as inst_cd,
    rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
    ' ' as vip_flag,
    ' ' as owner_cd,
    '0' as basic_card_flag,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
    case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
    rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
    rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
    case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
    case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
    ' ' end as marital_status,
    case when length( > 0 then
    case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
    ' ' end as gender,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
    '608' as nationality_code,
    '00' as num_of_children,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
    '0' as issuers_client,
    ' ' as lodging_period,
    ' ' as res_status,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
    '00' as no_of_dependents,
    case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
    to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
    end as birth_date,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
    case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
    end as birth_cntry,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address1,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address2,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address3,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address4,
    case when length( > 0 then
    rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
    end as city_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
    end as zip_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
    rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
    rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
    ' ' as emp_status,
    to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
    '001' as prod_code,
    '0' as delivery_mode,
    lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
    'PHP' as acct1_currency,
    case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
    end as account1_type,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
    '00' status_code,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
    '0' as delivery_flag,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
    rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
    '0' as photo_indicator,
    ' ' as language_indicator,
    rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
    rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
    FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
    WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
         cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
    sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
    sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
    sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
    sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
              sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate

    You can use the SPOOL command to create a output file. Run the below script. This will create a file "output.log". Check in the file for any error messages
    set echo on
    spool output.log
    drop table atm_dc
    CREATE TABLE atm_dc
    AS (
    'I' as action_code,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
    rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
    '000119' as inst_cd,
    rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
    ' ' as vip_flag,
    ' ' as owner_cd,
    '0' as basic_card_flag,
    rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
    case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
    rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
    rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
    case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
    case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
    ' ' end as marital_status,
    case when length( > 0 then
    case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
    ' ' end as gender,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
    '608' as nationality_code,
    '00' as num_of_children,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
    '0' as issuers_client,
    ' ' as lodging_period,
    ' ' as res_status,
    rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
    '00' as no_of_dependents,
    case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
    to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
    end as birth_date,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
    case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
    end as birth_cntry,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address1,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address2,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address3,
    case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
    rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
    end as address4,
    case when length( > 0 then
    rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
    end as city_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
    end as zip_code,
    case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
    rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
    rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
    rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
    rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
    ' ' as emp_status,
    to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
    '001' as prod_code,
    '0' as delivery_mode,
    lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
    'PHP' as acct1_currency,
    case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
    end as account1_type,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
    rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
    rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
    '00' status_code,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
    '0' as delivery_flag,
    rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
    rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
    rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
    rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
    rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
    rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
    rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
    rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
    rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
    '0' as photo_indicator,
    ' ' as language_indicator,
    rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
    rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
    FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
    WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
    cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
    sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
    sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
    sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
    sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
    sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate
    spool off

  • How configure TOAD for management DB2 on Linux

    Hello. I need help to set up the connection from TOAD DB2 to sap db2 database. Server (linux) and client (windows) are diferents pc's. How can I guess the information that request me (dabasase name, alias database, port, instance, node, etc..).
    I have installed sap trial netweaver 7.0 (2004s) on linux with java and abap stack.

    Hello. I need help to set up the connection from TOAD DB2 to sap db2 database. Server (linux) and client (windows) are diferents pc's. How can I guess the information that request me (dabasase name, alias database, port, instance, node, etc..).
    I have installed sap trial netweaver 7.0 (2004s) on linux with java and abap stack.

  • Multiple email accounts and multiple computers (Linux)

    Hi there, I've been searching for a solution to this problem for a while and there seems to be no solution.
    I have 40+ email accounts (and adding more all the time)
    I use 3 computers (all running the same version of Linux and Thunderbird)
    All my email accounts are IMAP of my own server(s)
    My problem - when I add an account on one computer, or new folders / filters etc I often forget or don't have time to add them on the other computers, so now my 3 computers have very different configurations.
    Is there a way to have the Thunderbird configuration on a server (remote) so that when I make changes on one computer they will be replicated automatically on the others?
    I realise I will have to manual re-sync the configs but once I have them all the same again I'd like them to stay that way.

    Thank you for those links Toad-Hall.
    I've followed the steps and I'm now waiting (been waiting considerably longer than an hour) for Google Drive to sync the profile directory.
    My profile directory is 147 MB, which worries me as the speed of the internet connection I have is not great (I'm in Thailand) and if Thunderbird is going to need to sync many files it could be forever sucking up my bandwidth.
    Still I'll wait and see if what I've done (creating a new profile on Drive and copying the old profile files to the new folder), actually works and then try pointing my other computers to this remote profile.

  • TOAD hangs, for the new Database

    My database version is:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    My TOAD version is:
    We created a new database A and created a user schema.
    When I login to the schema in TOAD and leave the session idle (even if I dont run any query) for a while and come back to it, TOAD gets hanged.
    I get no error message or anything, it just hangs and I have to do alt+ctrl+del and end task everytime.
    This does not happen with another database B.
    So I assume this is not a TOAD problem.
    Please advice where the problem lies.
    Edited by: 934451 on Nov 7, 2012 8:16 AM
    Edited by: 934451 on Nov 7, 2012 8:28 AM

    934451 wrote:
    My database version is:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    My TOAD version is:
    We created a new database A and created a user schema.
    When I login to the schema in TOAD and leave the session idle (even if I dont run any query) for a while and come back to it, TOAD gets hanged.
    I get no error message or anything, it just hangs and I have to do alt+ctrl+del and end task everytime.
    This does not happen with another database B.
    So I assume this is not a TOAD problem.Do both database A & B reside on the same DB Server?

  • Install Oracle 10g with Toad 9.1

    Hi All,
    I am a novice in database(SQL,PLSQL) programming and hence want to learn and practise very deeply in detail for which i want to install Oracle 10g client with Toad 9.1.So need your advise on the process.
    (a)Do i need to download entire Oracle Enterprise Edition Installation for Vista? I have read in one of the forums that downloading only the Oracle Client is enough?
    Can you please advise me?
    (b)I already have the TOAD 9.1 setup with me which i can install.But,i do not know that how will i use TOAD interface and connect to the oracle database.
    (c)Also,any sample script/database with some tables that i can use for learning complex SQL query writing would be very helpful.In brief-any project that i can work on in building all the requirements by writing SQL which simulates real time scenarios of SQL development.
    Please help me ,i am struggling.

    Hi all,
    Thanks a lot for all your inputs.Its very useful and presently I am following the steps suggested.
    I had another doubt with respect to this.While attending a oracle course,the instructor had told about an installation option of installing oracle 10g on Linux using VMware/virtual -i am sorry i am not sure about it.
    So,can you please give your inputs about this process as I dont know about how to setup?
    (a)What are the tools that i will need to build a virtual machine in my present computer with Linux as the OS?
    And,what are the steps we need to do ?
    (b)How do i use a vitual machine if i install it? I mean how will it work?
    (c)Then,at last how do i install Oracle with Linux on that?
    Please help me with some more inputs

  • Using toad

    Hello Guys,
    Please share your views based on your experience
    Oracle 10g on Linux or Unix in DBA's perspective is it worth using TOAD?
    Please let me know how much more resource toad session takes compare to sqlplus (command line session)
    so will it put extra load on database
    It has some helpful features but do have disadvantages as well?please list disadvantages as advantages mostly
    mentioned on toad websites or documentations
    I am concerned with some like resoure usage/utilization,security(can connect multiple db at a time so human error),
    hanged toad sessions when run large query etc
    Thanks in advance

    user13152393 wrote:
    Hello Guys,
    Please share your views based on your experience
    Oracle 10g on Linux or Unix in DBA's perspective is it worth using TOAD?What are you going to be doing with TOAD? It's a tool, simple as that.
    Please let me know how much more resource toad session takes compare to sqlplus (command line session)
    so will it put extra load on databaseTOAD doesn't take extra database resources in a typical sense. A database session is a database session regardless of whether it's been instantiated throught TOAD, SQL*Plus, SQL Developer or a.n.other tool. Obviously SQL*Plus is a more basic command line tool and therefore takes less disk space to install, and TOAD takes more disk space, but TOAD has a GUI interface and other things to make your tasks easy and pretty, so you'd expect that.
    It has some helpful features but do have disadvantages as well?please list disadvantages as advantages mostly
    mentioned on toad websites or documentationsIt depends. Using SQL*Plus will teach you to use SQL and the database properly as you will have to understand things from a raw command level. TOAD hides a lot of the technicalities from you and does it all for you, but then you would become stuck if you had to get the same information etc. manually as you wouldn't know what to do. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, but it's purely subjective (i.e. it depends on an individual persons point of view)
    I am concerned with some like resoure usage/utilization,security(can connect multiple db at a time so human error),
    hanged toad sessions when run large query etcI can connect multiple SQL*Plus sessions to different databases if I like, and they all look like command windows, so still opportunity for human error. What's the difference?
    Why should a toad session hang on a large query as opposed to hanging in SQL*Plus? I think you're clutching at straws and worrying about nothing.
    At the end of the day, many people use SQL*Plus, many people use TOAD, many people use SQL Developer, many people use other tools and many people use combinations of them all depending on what they need to achieve. Just use what's right for you.

  • Oracle raise ORA-03113 when connect to a remote oracle server using toad

    Hi there,
    when i use the tool toad connect to a remote oracle server which located in a different city,
    when i submit a query in toad,
    if the query returns many rows of data, it will raise the error ORA-03113:end-of-file on communication channel,
    however if the query returns only a few rows, i won't raise such error,
    however, when i use sqlplus connect to that remote server, it won't raise such error,
    what's the reason is, can any one tell me how to tackle this problem if using the tool toad. thanks/

    hi my oracle vsersion is:
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    my oracle server is 2 nodes rac server,
    and i've tried two different kind version of toad v9.6 and v10.5, and both have the same problem
    once i query a table, if the result returned more than 30 rows, then it will raise that error, if query returns less than 30 rows, it's ok.
    i assume it is a problem concern with network, but i don't know why no such error raise when using sqlplus ?

  • Unable to connect using TOAD

    Hi All,
    I'm not able to connect to DB using TOAD. While connecting I'm getting the below error:
    ora 01304 oracle not available
         ora 27101 shared memory realm does not exist
         linux-x86_64 error 2 no such file or directory
    To resolve the above issue, I reloaded the listener. After reloading the listener I was able to connect to DB.
    But after some I got the same error and wasn't able to connect.
    Means when listerner is reloaded I'm able to connect but after some time getting the same issue. I'm not getting the reason why its happening.
    Please advise.
    Ashwani N.

    Hi All,
    I'm using the below TNS entry to connect through TOAD.
    In this host1 is my primary server (up and running) and host2 is my physical standby server(mounted). With the below TNS entry its directing me to the standy by and I'm getting the error:
    Oracle Initialization or Shutdown in progress.
    DG_TEST =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <host1>)(PORT = 1521))
    (RETRIES = 20)
    (DELAY = 30)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST =host2)(PORT = 1521))
    Please Advice.
    Ashwani N.

  • Sql query extremely slow in the new linux environment , memory issues?

    We just migrated to a new dev environment in Linux REDHAT5, and now the query is very slow, and I used the TOAD to run the query, it took like 700 msecond to finish, however from any server connection, the sql query takes hours to finish.
    I checked toad monitor, it said need to increase db_buffer_cache and shared pool too small.
    Also three red alert from toad is:
    1. Library Cache get hit ratio: Dynamic or unsharable sql
    2. Chained fetch ratio: PCT free too low for a table
    3. parse to execute ratio: HIgh parse to execute ratio.
    App team said it ran real quick in the old AIX system, however I ran it in old system, and monitored in the toad, it gave me all same 5 red alerts in old system, and it did provide query results a lot quicker though.
    Here is the parameters in the old system (11gr1 on AIX):
    SQL> show parameter target
    archive_lag_target integer 0
    db_flashback_retention_target integer 1440
    fast_start_io_target integer 0
    fast_start_mttr_target integer 0
    memory_max_target big integer 0
    memory_target big integer 0
    pga_aggregate_target big integer 278928K
    sga_target big integer 0
    SQL> show parameter shared
    hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
    max_shared_servers integer
    shared_memory_address integer 0
    shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 31876710
    shared_pool_size big integer 608M
    shared_server_sessions integer
    shared_servers integer 0
    SQL> show parameter db_buffer
    SQL> show parameter buffer
    buffer_pool_keep string
    buffer_pool_recycle string
    db_block_buffers integer 0
    log_buffer integer 2048000
    use_indirect_data_buffers boolean FALSE
    In new 11gr2 Linux REDHAT parameter:
    archive_lag_target integer 0
    db_flashback_retention_target integer 1440
    fast_start_io_target integer 0
    fast_start_mttr_target integer 0
    memory_max_target big integer 2512M
    memory_target big integer 2512M
    parallel_servers_target integer 192
    pga_aggregate_target big integer 0
    sga_target big integer 1648M
    SQL> show parameter shared
    hi_shared_memory_address integer 0
    max_shared_servers integer
    shared_memory_address integer 0
    shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 28M
    shared_pool_size big integer 0
    shared_server_sessions integer
    shared_servers integer 1
    SQL> show parameter buffer
    buffer_pool_keep string
    buffer_pool_recycle string
    db_block_buffers integer 0
    log_buffer integer 18857984
    use_indirect_data_buffers boolean FALSE
    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    Duplicate question. Originally posted in sql query slow in new redhat enviornment
    Please post in just one forum.

  • Pl/sql using enterprise manager or toad

    A basic question : When it comes to writing PL/SQL code, testing, debugging and performance tuning(the pl/sql code itself), which of the tools are better (The OEM or would it be toad). I am looking for advantages that either or both of them have. Any documentation or tip on this would be great...
    Note: I am not looking forward in just monitoring and tuning the sql statements that the pl/sql code has(which I would, anyways), but wanted to explore a possibility if either of the above tools can tell me something at a pl/sql level... like... this pl/sql code performs well, whereas the other one doesn't... This is the idea I have...

    The best tool for writing PL/SQL is that gray stuff between your ears.
    A s/w tool can not take poorly designed and written PL/SQL code and make it "better".
    As for determining how well the code performs - that also need gray matter and using tools like DBMS_PROFILE, execution plans, SQL Trace/TKProf.
    I write lot of code. In Linux Vi (aka vim). Using SQL*Plus. This code, as code, is no worse (or better) than code written in TOAD, SQL*Developer, or whatever else.
    It is not about the tool. It is how about one uses that tool. It was Van Gogh that created master pieces. Not his paint and brushes.

  • Open Toad Data Modeler diagram with SQL Data Modeler

    hi, I've made a diagram with TOAD Data Modeler in Windows. Now I'm working with Linux, so I need a portable application to work with. Oracle SQL Data Modeler seems to be the solution to my problems, but I can't open/import my TOAD's diagrams into SQL Data Modeler.
    Anyone knows how to do it?
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Neuquino2 on Nov 1, 2010 1:30 PM

    Hi Neuquino,
    there is no import from TOAD Data Modeler. You can generate DDL script with TOAD DM and import that script.

  • Toad connectivity

    hi all
    i am trying to connect through toad to database and i modified tnsnames.ora in developerhome.
    but when i try to connect to the database by using toad it gave me error.
    *ORA-01017: invalida username/password;login denied.
    but i have created username and password and when i try to connect to the database in linux ts working fine
    but its not working in toad.
    any help?

    here is the result.
    [root@localhost/]# su - oracle
    [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Apr 29 12:16:01 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Enter user-name: sarah/sarah@db
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP , Data Mining and Real ApplicationTesting options

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