Create table runs in Toad but not in Linux

I've just started writing in SQL 3 days ago so I would like to apologize in advance for the shabby code and the stupid question. I'm hoping that somebody can help me with my problem.
Anyway, this has been bugging me for 2 days now and I can't seem to find the problem. The code below is just a simple create table that I coded in Toad for Oracle by Quest Software and runs fine in it but when I try to copy it over to our linux server and run it using '@/home/user/atm_dc.sql', the table is not created.
Can someone help me?
drop table atm_dc;
AS (
'I' as action_code,
rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
'000119' as inst_cd,
rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
' ' as vip_flag,
' ' as owner_cd,
'0' as basic_card_flag,
rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
' ' end as marital_status,
case when length( > 0 then
case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
' ' end as gender,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
'608' as nationality_code,
'00' as num_of_children,
rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
'0' as issuers_client,
' ' as lodging_period,
' ' as res_status,
rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
'00' as no_of_dependents,
case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
end as birth_date,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
end as birth_cntry,
case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address1,
case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address2,
case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address3,
case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address4,
case when length( > 0 then
rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
end as city_code,
case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
end as zip_code,
case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
' ' as emp_status,
to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
'001' as prod_code,
'0' as delivery_mode,
lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
'PHP' as acct1_currency,
case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
end as account1_type,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
'00' status_code,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
'0' as delivery_flag,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
'0' as photo_indicator,
' ' as language_indicator,
rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
     cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
          sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate

You can use the SPOOL command to create a output file. Run the below script. This will create a file "output.log". Check in the file for any error messages
set echo on
spool output.log
drop table atm_dc
AS (
'I' as action_code,
rpad(' ',22,' ') as card_num,
rpad(' ',24,' ') as client_cd,
'000119' as inst_cd,
rpad(sa01mast.brncd,6,' ') as branch_cd,
' ' as vip_flag,
' ' as owner_cd,
'0' as basic_card_flag,
rpad(' ',22,' ') as basic_card_num,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as title,
case when length(cf01cif.sname) > 0 then
rpad(cf01cif.sname,20,' ') else
rpad(' ',20,' ') end as family_name,
rpad(' ',20,' ') as first_name,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as embossed_name,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as encoded_name,
case when length(cf01cif.maritsts) > 0 then
case when cf01cif.maritsts in ('M') then '2' else '1' end else
' ' end as marital_status,
case when length( > 0 then
case when in ('F') then 'F' else 'M' end else
' ' end as gender,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as legal_id,
'608' as nationality_code,
'00' as num_of_children,
rpad('0',12,'0') as credit_limit,
'0' as issuers_client,
' ' as lodging_period,
' ' as res_status,
rpad('0',12,'0') as net_yearly_income,
'00' as no_of_dependents,
case when length(cf01cif.birthdt) > 0 then
to_char(cf01cif.birthdt,'YYYYMMDD') else rpad(' ',8,' ')
end as birth_date,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as birth_city,
case when length(cf01cif.cntry) > 0 then
rpad(cf01cif.cntry,3,' ') else rpad(' ',3,' ')
end as birth_cntry,
case when length(cf01addr.addr1) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr1,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address1,
case when length(cf01addr.addr2) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr2,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address2,
case when length(cf01addr.addr3) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr3,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address3,
case when length(cf01addr.addr4) > 0 then
rpad(substr(cf01addr.addr4,1,30),30,' ') else rpad(' ',30,' ')
end as address4,
case when length( > 0 then
rpad(substr(,1,5),5,' ') else rpad(' ',5,' ')
end as city_code,
case when length(cf01addr.postcd) > 0 then
rpad(cf01addr.postcd,10,' ') else rpad(' ',10,' ')
end as zip_code,
case when length(cf01addr.cntry) > 0 then
rpad(cf01addr.cntry,3,' ') else
rpad(' ',3,' ') end as country_code,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no1,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_no2,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as mobile_phone,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as email_id,
rpad(' ',40,' ') as employer,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr1,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr2,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr3,
rpad(' ',30,' ') as emp_addr4,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as emp_city_cd,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as emp_zip_cd,
rpad(' ',3,' ') as emp_cntry_cd,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as cont_start_dt,
' ' as emp_status,
to_char(sa01mast2.opendt,'YYYYMMDD') as open_dt,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as start_val_dt,
'001' as prod_code,
'0' as delivery_mode,
lpad(sa01mast.chkdgt,2,'0'),24,' ') as account1,
'PHP' as acct1_currency,
case when sa01mast.crline in ('SA') then '10' else '20'
end as account1_type,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved1,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_cash_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_purch_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as limit_te_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved2,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_dom,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as autho_limit_int,
rpad(' ',12,' ') as reserved3,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as activity_cd,
rpad(' ',4,' ') as socio_prof_code,
'00' status_code,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as staff_id,
'0' as delivery_flag,
rpad(' ',8,' ') as delivery_date,
rpad(' ',14,' ') as bank_dsa_ref,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field1,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field2,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field3,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field4,
rpad(' ',50,' ') as ud_field5,
rpad(' ',26,' ') as emboss_line3,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr1,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr2,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr3,
rpad(' ',45,' ') as mailing_addr4,
rpad(' ',10,' ') as mailing_zip_code,
rpad(' ',5,' ') as mailing_city_code,
rpad(' ',3,' ') as mailing_country_code,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_home,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_alt,
rpad(' ',15,' ') as phone_mobile,
'0' as photo_indicator,
' ' as language_indicator,
rpad(' ',25,' ') as maiden_name,
rpad('0',8,'0') as check_sum
FROM cf01cif, sa01mast, cf01addr, sa01mast2
WHERE cf01cif.cifkey=sa01mast.cifkey and
cf01cif.cifkey=cf01addr.cifkey and
sa01mast2.brncd = sa01mast.brncd and
sa01mast2.modcd = sa01mast.modcd and
sa01mast2.acno = sa01mast.acno and
sa01mast2.chkdgt = sa01mast.chkdgt and
sa01mast2.opendt < sysdate
spool off

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    In this case, the only figure in the WBS element would be statistical actual costs of $50,00.
    Above excerpt from SAP help, may I know how to do configuration to creat commitment for PO PR but not creat statistical cost for GR?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Jie,
    if i right assuming your query then PR->PO= Commitment should be created.
    but GRN by MIGO=Statistical cost should not create once MIGO if right then actual cost would be 0.
    you can activate commitment by OKKP transaction.
    And you want to cost should not be statistical after MIGO right?
    here solution is cost never statistical type until account assignment object not statistical type this is my assumption.
    if this is the issue then check G/L account from the PO. then check that G/L account, whether it is a B/S account or P&L account? I think you have wrongly assigned P&L account.

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    CURSOR C1(year number,month number) IS
    select ci.itm_no ITM_NO,ci.itm_name ITM_NAME ,cpg.group_id gp ,xaq ,ALLIED.CORP_PRIC_TP( ci.itm_no)TP from
    select prod_no,sum(xaq)*1 xaq
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_01_02
    where year=year and f_prd=month
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_02_02
    where year=year and f_prd=month
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_03_02
    where year=year and f_prd=month
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_04_02
    where year=year and f_prd=month
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    group by prod_no
    ) A,allied.corp_inv ci,allied.corp_01_01 c01, allied.corp_01_02 c02,allied.corp_prod_group cpg,allied.v_prod_grp vpg
    where ci.itm_no=a.prod_no
    and ci.itm_no=c02.itm_no
    and c01.grp_id=c02.grp_id
    and c01.grp_id in(55,56,57,58,59)
    and vpg.prod_no =ci.itm_no
    and vpg.group_id=cpg.group_id
    where XAQ <>0;
         delete from fiaz.tmp_topten_prod;
         for i in c1(:year,:month)
              insert into fiaz.tmp_topten_prod
         end loop;      
    message('inserted in temp');
         exception when others then
              message (dbms_error_text);
              message (dbms_error_text);
    Same Query (as used in cursor c1) works fine in toad but giving wrong result from forms... and the problem is xaq field i.e returns incorrect qty...
    i guess union clause is not working in this situation...
    plz suggest me the appropriate changes in the query to work well from form as well...
    combination:Forms 6i,Oracle 8.0.6
    Usman Afzal

    As per your suggestion i have created a stored procedure but the followin error prevents procedure creation
    create or replace procedure fiaz.topten_prod(v_yr number,v_mn number) is
    delete from fiaz.tmp_topten_prod;
    insert into fiaz.tmp_topten_prod(itm_no,itm_name,qty,val,grp_id,prority)
    select ci.itm_no ITM_NO,ci.itm_name ITM_NAME ,cpg.group_id gp ,xaq ,ALLIED.CORP_PRIC_TP( ci.itm_no)TP from
    select prod_no,sum(xaq) xaq
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq from allied.mrk_01_02
    where year=v_yr and f_prd=v_mn
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_02_02
    where year=v_yr and f_prd=v_mn
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_03_02
    where year=v_yr and f_prd=v_mn
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    union all
    select prod_no, sum(nvl(xrd_sqty,0)) Xaq
    from allied.mrk_04_02
    where year=v_yr and f_prd=v_mn
    and area_id in (10200,10400,10100,10300,10500,20500,20300,20100,20200,20400,30100,30400,30300,30200)
    group by prod_no
    group by prod_no
    ) A,allied.corp_inv ci,allied.corp_01_01 c01, allied.corp_01_02 c02,allied.corp_prod_group cpg,allied.v_prod_grp vpg
    where ci.itm_no=a.prod_no
    and ci.itm_no=c02.itm_no
    and c01.grp_id=c02.grp_id
    and c01.grp_id in(55,56,57,58,59)
    and vpg.prod_no =ci.itm_no
    and vpg.group_id=cpg.group_id
    where XAQ <>0;
    "PLS-00201: identifier ALLIED.MRK_01_02 must be declared "
    i have not changed any thing in query working fine in toad without create procedure text and if i describe this table it shows the structure (desc allied.mrk_01_02)
    Now where is the problemmmmm
    Plz Help

  • Case Working in "TOAD" but not Working in "WHERE" clause

    Hi Friends,
    When I am using case in the where clause of SQL query in Oracle Reports 3.0.5, than it is giving me "Error - Rep - 0946 Unable to Parse Query"
    But when I am running the same query in TOAD it is working fine.
    select *from inv_stores, inv_product, inv_location
    where  (inv_stores.location_code in ('12', '13', '16', '17', '18') and
                inv_stores.location_code = inv_location.location_code and
                inv_stores.department_code = inv_product.department_code and
                inv_stores.product_code = inv_product.product_code and
                nvl(delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y' and
                inv_product.department_code = '11' and
                       (((CASE WHEN nvl(inv_product.sale_price3jd,0) = 0 THEN 0  ELSE (nvl(inv_product.sale_price3jd,0) - nvl(inv_product.cost_pricejd,0)) /
                       nvl(inv_product.sale_price3jd,0) END) *  100 ) <= 100))
    order by inv_product.department_code, inv_product.product_codePlease Help me.......
    Thanks in Advance

    When you create a SQL query in Reports, Reports will parse the SQL query in order to create the "data model".
    Reports 3.0.5 is quite old, so, you can use only the SQL "supported" by the RSF included in Reports 3.0.5.
    When you use TOAD , the sql query is not parsed by TOAD but by the DB just like with sqlplus or SQL Developer.

  • Seeing decimal values in TOAD, but not in SQL Developer

    I'm writing on behalf of a co-worker. He's using SQL Developer to look at some records in a database, but in one column he sees zeroes instead of the correct decimal values (the values are between 0 and 1).
    However, the developer he's working with is using TOAD and sees the correct decimal values in the column.
    Any idea as to how to get the decimal values to appear correctly within SQL Developer?

    The database version is 10g, the version supported by TOAD is 9.
    Hi ,
    1/I have not seen this reported please give a create
    table statement and some test data to insert to
    reproduce the problem.. Please give versions of
    SQLDeveloper and the Oracle database - out current
    production release of SQLDeveloper is 1.5.1(.54.40)
    2.If you can convert the number to a string at the
    database side say with TO_CHAR you should see the
    string representation of the number in SQLDeveloper.
    This would work if you are using a select via the
    worksheet or a view on the table with the number if
    you want to see it in a views data tab.

  • DROP TABLE works through SSMS but not via T-SQL Query

    Hello All,
    I am trying to drop a number of tables (1,000+) in a particular database by scripting the actions in T-SQL. When I run the query I get error 3701 on every table which points to a permissions issue. However, I am able to delete tables one by one using
    the tree-view in the SSMS Object Explorer. 
    1. I have tried starting query sessions with both the DBO of the database and the SA account to no avail. (Both had the sysadmin role when I tried.)
    2. Both the DBO account and the SA account are able to drop tables using SSMS Object Explorer.
    Do I need a specific GRANT of permissions to use T-SQL versus SSMS or am I missing something even more fundamental?
    TIA, Simon
    DECLARE @Company VARCHAR(max), 
    @ID VARCHAR(max), 
    @NAME VARCHAR(max), 
    SET @ERRORMSG =  'You are not in the correct database. You specified ' + @TABLE_CATALOG + ' but you are currently in a session for ' + db_name();
    -- To hold the object names (tables) from Navision
    CREATE TABLE #NavisionObjects
    [ID] VARCHAR(max),
    -- To hold the object names (tables) from SQL only
    CREATE TABLE #NavisionSQLObjects
    -- Holds the list of dependent objects
    CREATE TABLE #DependentObjects
    [name] VARCHAR(max),
    [type] VARCHAR(max)   
    WITH T AS (
    SELECT [Company Name],[ID],[Name],[Company Name]+'$'+[Name] AS TABLE_NAME 
    FROM [Object]   
    WHERE [Name] like '%IT IS%' AND [Company Name]>''
    SELECT [Company Name],[ID],[Name],[Name] AS TABLE_NAME 
    FROM [Object]   
    WHERE [Name] like '%IT IS%' AND [Company Name] IN ('',' ')
    INSERT INTO #NavisionObjects SELECT [Company Name],[ID],[Name],[TABLE_NAME] FROM T;
    INSERT INTO #NavisionSQLObjects 
    --SELECT * FROM #NavisionObjects where CompanyName like 'E15%' order by TABLE_NAME;
    --SELECT * FROM #NavisionSQLObjects where TABLE_NAME like 'E15%' order by TABLE_NAME;
    DECLARE cTables CURSOR FOR SELECT A.CompanyName,A.ID,A.[TABLE_NAME] FROM #NavisionObjects A
    OPEN cTables;
    PRINT 'Storing dependencies for [' + @TABLE_NAME + ']';
    INSERT INTO #DependentObjects 
    EXEC sp_depends @TABLE_NAME;
    PRINT 'Could not get dependencies for table [' + @TABLE_NAME + ']';
    CLOSE cTables;
    Drop dependent objects first so that table drops are less likely to fail. 
    DECLARE cdo CURSOR FOR SELECT [Name],[Type] FROM #DependentObjects;
    OPEN cdo;
    EXEC sys.sp_sqlexec @STATEMENT;
    PRINT 'Could not DROP object [' + @OBJECT_NAME + '] of type ' + @OBJECT_TYPE + ', SQL Error ' + CAST(@@ERROR AS VARCHAR(max));
    CLOSE cdo;
    OPEN cTables;
    PRINT 'Removing [' + @TABLE_NAME + ']' ;
    EXEC sys.sp_sqlexec @STATEMENT;
    PRINT 'Could not truncate table [' + @TABLE_NAME + ']';
    SET @STATEMENT = 'DROP TABLE dbo.[' + @TABLE_NAME + ']';
    EXEC sys.sp_sqlexec @STATEMENT;
    SET @STATEMENT = 'DELETE FROM [Object] WHERE [Company Name] = ' + CHAR(39) + @Company + CHAR(39) + ' AND [ID] = ' + CHAR(39) + @ID + CHAR(39) + ' AND [TABLE_NAME] = ' + CHAR(39) +
    @TABLE_NAME + CHAR(39) ;
    EXEC sys.sp_sqlexec @STATEMENT;
    print @STATEMENT;
    PRINT 'Could not Delete Object [' + @TABLE_NAME + '], from Object table, SQL Error ' + CAST(@@ERROR AS VARCHAR(max));
    PRINT 'Could not DROP table [' + @TABLE_NAME + '], SQL Error ' + CAST(@@ERROR AS VARCHAR(max));
    CLOSE cTables;
    DEALLOCATE cTables;
    DROP TABLE #DependentObjects;
    DROP TABLE #NavisionObjects;
    DROP Table #NavisionSQLObjects;

    3701 = ...does not exist or you don't have permission.
    Most of the time it means the former. So there are probably some problems in your DROP TABLE statements. Since there is a whole lot about Navision in the script, I decline from trying to figure out what. But I encourage you to study the PRINT statements.
    I think that it would be a good idea to include the schema name, in cases these tables are not in dbo after all.
    Note: rather than writing:
       SET @STATEMENT = 'DROP ' + @OBJECT_TYPE + ' [' + @OBJECT_NAME_BARE + ']';
    Somewhat briefer. And it works also when the object name includes a right bracket.
    sp_sqlexec is undocumented, use sp_executesql instead.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Procedure to move table - running procedure as woner not caller

    I seem to remember there is a way of getting a procedure to run as the user owning it rather than the one calling this. This is my main question. Below is some background. The other thing I am trying work out is what is the best way of doing a grant from a procedure, I guess execute immediate is the way to go.
    OK, this may seem a strange requirement but as there is no safe way of allowing a user to create/drop tables in a different (team shared) schema we are planing on getting the user to create the table in there own schema and then call a procedure to move it to team schema.
    I think this can be done with 2 procedures (possibly in a single package).
    a) move_table_to_team - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions.
    b) move_table_to_team_remote - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions BUT run as team schema (i.e. the scema owning proc) not user calling it (so it can create tables).
    So the steps are:
    1) user1 creates table table1
    2) user1 calls move_table_to_team('table1');
    3) move_table_to_team grants select on table1 to team schema
    4) move_table_to_team calls move_table_to_team_remote(username,team1).
    5) move_table_to_team_remote does a 'create table team.table1 as select * from user1.table1 where 1=2'
    6) retrun to move_table_to_team
    7) drop table1.

    Hi, Ben,
    orangetwig wrote:
    I seem to remember there is a way of getting a procedure to run as the user owning it rather than the one calling this. This is my main question. That's right:
    AS ...Actually, DEFINER is the default invoker-rights. You only have to specify AUTHID when you want the package to run with the caller's privilegers:
    AS ...
    Below is some background. The other thing I am trying work out is what is the best way of doing a grant from a procedure, I guess execute immediate is the way to go.Yes, use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE in PL/SQL for everything except queries and DML.
    OK, this may seem a strange requirement but as there is no safe way of allowing a user to create/drop tables in a different (team shared) schema we are planing on getting the user to create the table in there own schema and then call a procedure to move it to team schema.Yes, that's a problem. To create (or drop) a table in sombody else's schema, you need the privileges to create (or drop) tables in anybody else's schema, and you don't want to grant that to lots of people.
    Can't you allow the individual developers to log in as the team user when they need to create (or drop) tables there? If the team owns other objects, and you want to prevent users from tanpering with them, you could create a team_transfer schema, that contains only the tables copied from the individual users, and have them log in to that.
    I think this can be done with 2 procedures (possibly in a single package).
    a) move_table_to_team - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions.
    b) move_table_to_team_remote - owned by team with user1 having execute permissions BUT run as team schema (i.e. the scema owning proc) not user calling it (so it can create tables).
    So the steps are:
    1) user1 creates table table1
    2) user1 calls move_table_to_team('table1');
    3) move_table_to_team grants select on table1 to team schema
    4) move_table_to_team calls move_table_to_team_remote(username,team1).
    5) move_table_to_team_remote does a 'create table team.table1 as select * from user1.table1 where 1=2'
    6) retrun to move_table_to_team
    7) drop table1.
    BenStep 5 has to be done with the team privileges, but steps 1, 3 and 7 have to be doen with the individual's privileges. I think you'll need two packages, one with AUTHID DEFINER to create or drop objects in the team schema, and the other with AUTHID CURRENT_USER to create or drop objects in the individual schemas. A package can call procedures in another package, so the user can do the whole job with just one call.

  • Create table in PL/SQL proc not working

    Here is a procedure I have tried to create & run in SQL Developer:
    create or replace procedure transpose as
    create table lines as (select level line from dual connect by level <= 5),
    create table cols as (select level col from dual connect by level <= 5),
    select max(decode(col, 1,
    decode(line, 1, line_id,
    2, description,
    3, statetax,
    4, freight,
    5, weightedAvg))) col1,
    max(decode(col, 2,
    decode(line, 1, line_id,
    2, description,
    3, statetax,
    4, freight,
    5, weightedAvg))) col2,
    max(decode(col, 3,
    decode(line, 1, line_id,
    2, description,
    3, statetax,
    4, freight,
    5, weightedAvg))) col3,
    max(decode(col, 4,
    decode(line, 1, line_id,
    2, description,
    3, statetax,
    4, freight,
    5, weightedAvg))) col4,
    max(decode(col, 5,
    decode(line, 1, line_id,
    2, description,
    3, statetax,
    4, freight,
    5, weightedAvg))) col5
    from lines, cols,
    (select rownum rn, tfe_line_info.* from tfe_line_info)
    where rn = col
    group by line
    order by line;
    end transpose;
    I however get the error:
    Error(3,7): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of the following: begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> << close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe
    I cannot understand what is wrong with my Create statement at line 3?

    It looks like you have no PL/SQL experience. I suggest reading PL/SQL manual. Yes, single row select requires INTO clause. Multi-rows select requires cursor. But this is least of your problems. Your SPp will not complile even if you fix select. Why? SP creates tables dynamically at run time, so tables do not exist at SP compile time. Therefore select from these yet non-existent tables will not compile. By creating tables via dynamic SQL you forced yourself into querying them via dynamic SQL. Now you are trying to transpose (pivot) table. What Oracle version do you have? Oracle 11g provides PIVOT/UNPIVOT operators. Check them out before writing code.

  • I want a user to use only import, it run with export but not import

    i create a user for use only for import and for export.
    batch_export with exp_full_database role <- It run
    batch_import with imp_full_database role <- don't run
    P:\>sqlplus batch_export/batch
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Lun. Ao¹t 21 17:21:58 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-00604: une erreur s'est produite au niveau SQL rÚcursif 1
    ORA-20000: Connexion refusee
    ORA-06512: Ó ligne 41
    Entrez le nom utilisateur :
    P:\>sqlplus batch_import/batch@rfsage
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Lun. Ao¹t 21 17:03:36 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ConnectÚ Ó :
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> exit
    the trigger as run
    create or replace trigger batch_export.check_connexion after logon on database
    V_COMMAND varchar2(100);
    V_CURRENT_USER varchar2(20);
    cursor connexion is
    select substr(module,1,7) module, substr(terminal,1,12) terminal, sid, serial# from v$session T1 where schemaname='BATCH_EXPORT';
    cursor ID_CUR is
    select user from dual;
    cursor SID_CUR is
    select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SID') sessionid from dual;
    --select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USERID') current_userid from dual;
    open SID_CUR;
    fetch SID_CUR into V_CURRENT_SID ;
    end loop;
    close SID_CUR;
    open ID_CUR;
         fetch ID_CUR into V_CURRENT_USER ;
         if V_CURRENT_USER='BATCH_EXPORT' then
         open connexion;
              fetch connexion into V_MODULE,V_TERMINAL,V_SID,V_SERIAL ;
              EXIT WHEN connexion%NOTFOUND;
              if V_MODULE<>'EXP.EXE' then
                   if V_CURRENT_SID=V_SID then
                   RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000,'Connexion refusee');
                   end if;
              end if;
         end loop;
         close connexion;
         end if;
    end loop;
    close ID_CUR;
    as the same for import user.
    I try with role in trigger but it don't, i see this in forum Oracle.
    But i think EXP_FULL_DATABASE have not DBA rule, but IMP_FULL_DATABASE have.
    How i do this ?
    I want just to use a user to imp utilities, but not connexion in sqlplus.
    Thanks for your help

    thanks for your help.
    it run !
    for example :
    as the system user
    1 ligne créée.
    SQL> grant create session to batch;
    Autorisation de privilèges (GRANT) acceptée.
    1 ligne créée.
    the result
    oracle@debian:~$ sqlplus batch/batch;
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mar. Août 22 06:53:00 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connecté à :
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> select user from dual;
    SP2-0544: Commande "select" désactivée dans le profil utilisateur du produit
    oracle@debian:~$ exp batch/batch owner=batch file=test.dump
    Export: Release - Production on Mar. Août 22 06:54:32 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connecté à : Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export fait dans le jeu de car WE8DEC et jeu de car NCHAR AL16UTF16
    le serveur utilise le jeu de caractères WE8ISO8859P1 (conversion possible)
    Prêt à exporter les utilisateurs spécifiés ...
    . export des actions et objets procéduraux de pré-schéma
    . export des noms de bibliothèque de fonctions étrangères pour l'utilisateur BATCH
    . export des synonymes de type PUBLIC
    . export des synonymes de type PRIVATE
    Thanks for all

  • Newbie question: sql runs on sqlplus but not compile in pl/sql?

    I have the following two tables I would like to put a sql statement into pl/sql packages so I can use dbms_jobs automate it however, I keep getting compile time error. It seems to me that pl/sql does not like my sql that runs fine in sqlplus. Below is the error message and my test case?
    mdb_user@CMD> show error
    10/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/42 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    create table S_ORG_EXT
    accnt_type_cd varchar2(100),
    cust_stat_cd varchar2(100)
    insert into s_org_ext
    select column_name,data_type from user_tab_columns where rownum <= 100
    select * from s_org_ext
    create table data_quality_report
    runid number not null,
    report_type number not null, --report type such as dup or not dup or other metrics
    org_level number not null, --organization level nsgn, sgn, shipto
    loc_level number not null,--locale level by city, by country, by region, grand_total
    name varchar2(100) not null,--the row output name of the agg
    value number not null,-- the row output value of the agg
    rundate date default sysdate
    create sequence data_quality_report_seq start with 1000
    insert into data_quality_report
    select data_quality_report_seq.nextval,3,99,99,accnt_type_cd,cnt,sysdate from
    select accnt_type_cd, count (*) cnt from S_ORG_EXT where cust_stat_cd = 'VARCHAR2' group by accnt_type_cd order by 2 desc
    select * from data_quality_report
    truncate table data_quality_report
    CREATE or replace PACKAGE data_quality_report_p AS
    function pull_data return data_quality_report.runid%type;
    END data_quality_report_p ;
    create or replace package body data_quality_report_p as
    function pull_data return data_quality_report.runid%type is
    new_rid data_quality_report.runid%type;
    select data_quality_report_seq.nextval into new_rid from dual;
    insert into data_quality_report
    select new_rid,3,999999,999999,accnt_type_cd,cnt,sysdate from
    select accnt_type_cd, count (*) cnt from S_ORG_EXT where cust_stat_cd = 'VARCHAR2' group by accnt_type_cd order by 2 desc
    return new_rid;
    when no_data_found then
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Handling NO_DATA_FOUND exception.');
    when others then
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Handling OTHER exception.');
    end; --end pull_data
    end data_quality_report_p;

    A very common cause for ORA-00942 in a stored procedure (here I'm including packages and functions) is that you have privileges only through a role. Roles don't count in stored procedures if they are compiled with the default "AUTHID DEFINER". Either
    (1) have whatever privileges you need (e.g. "INSERT ON data_quality_report" or "SELECT ON s_org_ext") granted directly to you (the package owner), or to the pseudo-user PUBLIC, and not merely to some role that you have, or
    (2) create the package in the same schema as the tables, or
    (3) create the package with "invoker's rights", like this
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE data_quality_report_p
    AUTHID CURRENT_USER       -- Added
        FUNCTION pull_data ...'AUTHID CURRENT_USER" goes right before the keyword "IS" (or "AS") in the package spec; you don't have to do anything to the package body.
    However, if you do this, then whoever runs the package will need to have those privileges, in addition to EXECUTE privileges on the package. Privileges granted through a role will be okay.
    Usually, (1) is the best solution. Have the table owner(s), or someone with the proper authority, grant privileges directly to you.
    By the way, there's no point in having an ORDER BY clause in a sub-query like you're doing, and there's no point in having ORDER BY in an INSERT statement. It's not causing the ORA_00932 error (or any other error), it's just wasting resources.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 23, 2011 4:02 PM
    Change DEFINER to CURRENT_USER in a couple of places. (Bad mistake!)

  • Search for coding possible thru Toad, but not thru Forms Builder

    Hi all,
    I am searching for a particular word 'instalment' which is used in forms. when I search using 'Find and Replace PL/SQL' there are no matches. But in Toad, when i search in 'Find in Files', its displaying the code containing the above word in a particular .fmb file. why this is happening?? I am in urgent need of that code.
    Pls help me.. its urgent!!
    Edited by: user13106173 on Dec 6, 2010 3:05 AM

    When I open that file in Quick view from ToadWhich file are you referring too when you say "that file"? I assume you mean the Forms Module (.fmb), but I hate to assume things so could you please confirm this for me? ;-)
    How can we see attached library details?There is no way to view the PL/SQL code of an attached library except by opening the library in the Forms Builder. If your form has an attached library, the Object List Report will indicate there are attached libraries in the "Attached PL/SQL Libraries" section of the report.
    * Attached PL/SQL Libraries                        
       * Name                                            MY_LIB_NAME
       - Comments                                       
       * PL/SQL Library Location                         MY_LIB_NAME
       * Name                                            RP2RRO
       - Comments                                       
       * PL/SQL Library Location                         rp2rro
    But through forms builder, I cant see the below details. Don't quote me on this, but believe TOAD's quick view displays all of the code in the .fmb, even the code of an attached library, whereas Forms Builder will allow you to see the signature of the program units in the attached library, but not the code.
    Also the ct_message display item used here is not created in this particular form. It is in some other form. How this happens?Is the CT_MESSAGE display item a Subclassed item? Meaning, it was included in your form file through an Object Library or by copying the item to the form and choosing to subclass (create a reference to) the item rather than copy of the item in your form. Oracle Forms implements inheritence through the use of subclasses. By subclassing an item (be it a Visual widget [like a button] or a Program Unit) Forms stores a refernce to the object rather than the actual object. This allows you to share and reuse code and objects.
    Check the Object List Report of your form and see if there are any attached libraries. If there are attached libraries, open these libraries in Forms Builder to find your code. It is also also possible to subclass objects in your form file through the use of Object Libraries. Check your Object List Report to see if there is an Object Groups sections:
    * Object Groups                                    
       * Name                                            CALENDAR
       - Subclass Information                           
       - Comments                                       
       * Object Group Children                          
         * Name                                          WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE
         - Subclass Information                         
         * Real Object Pointed to by the Object Group Child
         * Name                                          WHEN-WINDOW-ACTIVATED
         - Subclass Information                         
         * Real Object Pointed to by the Object Group Child
    .....If the CT_MESSAGE item was added to your form thorugh an object library, it will be listed in this section of the object list report.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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