Tomcat 5.0.28 root web app

One of my webapps is deployed under ROOT on linux. I've deployed another webapp under a different context, but for some reason, when I try to access it, tomcat still looks for it under ROOT. The other standard webapps like jsp-examples don't work either. I'm sure there is a setting somewhere but I can't seem to find it.

Perhaps you are deploying with a context.xml file with the context name "root" ?
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  • Claims debacle (error) with Term Store: "Could not retrieve a valid windows identity" for all sites in a particular web app.

    When I pull up the Term store in CA or any MySite collection, it works.
    When I do so in any other site collection (HNSCs, incidentally), It doesn't return any term stores.
    My ULS log immediately before and after the "/_vti_bin/taxonomyinternalservice.json/CheckPermission" POST on termstore .aspx triggers the WCF call:
    Claims Authentication af30y Verbose Claims Windows Sign-In: Successfully signed-in the the user 'contoso\domainUser' for request url ''.
    Claims Authentication af30q Verbose Updating header 'LOGON_USER' with value '0#.w|contoso\domainUser' for the request url ''.
    Authentication Authorization agb9s Medium Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=0#.w|contoso\domainUser, ClaimsCount=77
    Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/
    Topology e5mc Medium WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://CONTOSOFE3:32843/00e6d55691824965ac223f1d1cfae6d2/MetadataWebService.svc' Channel: 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.IMetadataWebServiceApplication' Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:590e916c-c89a-4f89-9819-a82c97fabcaa'
    Claims Authentication bz7l Medium SPSecurityContext: Could not retrieve a valid windows identity for username 'contoso\domainUser' with UPN '[email protected]'. UPN is required when Kerberos constrained delegation is used. Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: WTS0003: The caller is not authorized to access the service. (Fault Detail is equal to An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: WTS0003: The caller is not authorized to access the service. at Microsoft.IdentityModel.WindowsTokenService.CallerSecurity.CheckCaller(WindowsIdentity callerIdentity) at Microsoft.IdentityModel.WindowsTokenService.S4UServiceContract.PerformLogon(Func`1 logonOperation, Int32 pid) at SyncInvokeUpnLogon(Object , Object[] , Object[] ) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage31(MessageRpc& rpc) at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet))..
    Claims Authentication g220 Unexpected No windows identity for contoso\domainUser.
    The "The caller is not authorized to access the service." message seems pertinent.
    Both web apps are using only NTLM auth.
    The url for both web apps ends in the same domain. 
    I get the same errors no matter what account I use, including the install account.
    Things I've tried:
    Deleting and building a new HNSC root web app and site. Error happens in all sites in all web apps except the PBSC hosting MySites.
    Giving the root site app pool identity full control of the metadata service app (even though the MySite identitiy doesn't have it)
    Giving the root site app pool identity full permissions on the metadata service app.
    Comparing database and web app config permissions between dev (where everything works perfectly) and prod (where it does not).
    Made sure IIS auth settings on both sites are identical
    Both sites are using the same SSL certificate (though the call to the web service appears to be http)
    Reprovisioned the metadata service app with a new database and new app pool identity.
    Made sure C2WT is running. Tried it with the service stopped as well.
    Web.configs are identical between working and non-working apps.
    I'm stumped but still Googling. I'm hoping to avoid having to call Micrososft. Any help would be appreciated!
    Interestingly, when I restored the web application from backup (via CA), I ended up with 3 identical "Windows Authentication" authentication providers assigned to the problem web app. Since there was more than one, I was directed to the provider-chooser
    page when visiting the site. Upon choosing 1 of the 3, I was authenticated, and *poof*, no more authentication errors and the term store loaded term sets as expected.
    Of course, 3 providers was not an ideal state, so I grabbed the one that worked (#1) via get-spauthenticationprovider, and assigned it to the web app via set-spwebapplication, and my problem returned.
    I am currently updating the farm to SP1 from June 2013 CU. Fingers crossed.
    The update to SP1 went smoothly, but did not resolve the issue. Also related (I believe) are the random authentication errors when trying to upload images to some libraries, and 401-errors on the accessdenied.aspx page itself.
    The problem is resolved, seemingly after making 4 changes. I'm trying to narrow down which change was the cure, if any:
    I installed SP1 on all 6 servers, rebooted and upgraded. This appeared to have no effect.
    Removed an old login from SQL that no longer existed in AD because of this ULS error:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The user or group contoso\svc_xxxxxxxxx' is unknown., StackTrace:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.GetFullNameFromLoginEx(String loginName, Boolean&
    This login was the identity of the application pool that used to run the web app in question.
    This login was the schema owner of a schema named after itself on every SharePoint database so I changed the schema owner to dbo but left the schema attached.
    The problem may have surfaced initially when the app pool identity was changed in CA, but went unnoticed?
    Note that the web app had been deleted and recreated many times with a new identity and pool to no avail, but the URL remained the same throughout each attempted fix. Relevant?
    Grasping at straws, I changed the app pool identity for this web app to the same one that runs the MySite web app pool as per this only slightly related problem:
    I changed the authentication method from NTLM to Negotiate.
    I am rolling back #3 and #4 to see if the issue resurfaces.
    It doesn't appear to have been the NTLM/Negotiate setting. Web app is currently set to NTLM and all is well. No strange accessdenies, and term Store is still manageable from all sites.
    Update: Sorry for the delay. I am administering 6 farms these days. Will update as soon as the final phase of rollbacks happens.
    I think I can. I think I can.

    maybe that web app was accidentally created with classic auth?
    here's an example of how to create claims based, with classic, and then "doing 2013" claims
    #Create the example web application, as mentioned above, either with gui, and pick later, or
    #If doing for 2013

  • Mapping of Web App context root and the physical directory of the web app

    I'm running Weblogic 7.0 on Windows2000.The physical directory of my web application
    is D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build\TestWebApp and under these directory I have
    my JSPS, static HTML and WEB-INF. I define the context path of this web app in
    the weblogic.xml ;-
    As a result of deploying this web app in the server (or it may be created manually
    also), the following entry gets inserted in the server's config.xml ,-
    <Application Deployed="true" Name="TestWebApp"
    Path="D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build" TwoPhase="true">
    <WebAppComponent Name="TestWebApp" Targets="myserver" URI="TestWebApp"/>
    Now, whenever I make a request of the form "http://localhost:7001/testapp/..",
    it's properly executing my web app. My question is, how does the container knows
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    server files from D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build\TestWebApp. In the above
    process, nowhere such mapping is specified. I expected something like Tomcat's
    server.xml, where in docbase we clearly specify this mapping between the context
    path and the physical directory. Please help.

    Let me give some more details and hopefully this will make things clearer.
    Say you deploy /foo/bar/myweb.war and in myweb.war you configure a
    context-root of /rob
    During deployment, the server creates an ApplicationMBean with a path of
    /foo/bar/. It then creates a WebAppComponent with a uri of myweb.war.
    Next, deployment calls back on the web container and tells it to deploy
    the WebAppComponent. The web container reads the myweb.war, parses
    descriptors etc. The web container then updates its data structures to
    register that myweb.war has a context path of /rob. (It has to figure
    out all the other servlet mappings as well.)
    When a request for /rob/foo comes in, the web container consults its
    data structures to determine which webapp and servlet receives the
    request. This is not a linear search of all webapps and servlets.
    There's much better ways to do pattern matching.
    Hope this clears things up. Let me know if you still have questions.
    -- Rob
    Arindam Chandra wrote:
    Thanks for the answer. Still one thing is not clear. Whatever context path I declare
    for my web app as the value of <context-root> element in the weblogic.xml (in
    my example it's "/testapp"), it is no where mapped with the "URI" attribute (or
    any other attribute, sub-element whatsoever in the <Application> element).
    Application Deployed="true" Name="TestWebApp"
    Path="D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build" TwoPhase="true">
    <WebAppComponent Name="TestWebApp" Targets="myserver" URI="TestWebApp"/>
    So when a request of the form arrives at
    the server, how does the server knows that it has to serve this request with files
    from D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build\TestWebApp ? It should not be like the
    web container iterates thru all the web application entries in config.xml and
    tries to match with one context-root declaration. I repeat, I expected some mapping
    similar to Tomcat's server.xml, where in the <docbase> element u clearly specify
    the mapping between the context path and the physical directory
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    Arindam Chandra wrote:
    I'm running Weblogic 7.0 on Windows2000.The physical directory of myweb application
    is D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build\TestWebApp and under these directoryI have
    my JSPS, static HTML and WEB-INF. I define the context path of thisweb app in
    the weblogic.xml ;-
    As a result of deploying this web app in the server (or it may be createdmanually
    also), the following entry gets inserted in the server's config.xml,-
    <>So the server will look for your web application at the Application Path
    (D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build|) + the web uri (TestWebApp). So
    maps the context-root you've specified /testapp to that path.
    It's a little clearer in the case where you had a full-fledged EAR.
    Then you'r application path would map to the "root" of the EAR, and the
    uris would point to the various modules (eg webapps.)
    -- Rob
    Now, whenever I make a request of the form "http://localhost:7001/testapp/..",
    it's properly executing my web app. My question is, how does the containerknows
    that for any request for the web app with context path as 'testapp',it has to
    server files from D:\WL8\weblogic81\TestDeploy\build\TestWebApp. Inthe above
    process, nowhere such mapping is specified. I expected something likeTomcat's
    server.xml, where in docbase we clearly specify this mapping betweenthe context
    path and the physical directory. Please help.

  • How to refer to JNDI PROVIDER_URL from within Tomcat Web app

    Can anyone provide a clear description on how to refer to a "Provider_URL" relative to the web application root for which a Java Class resides within? My issue is as follows. I've looked through the JNDI tutorial and the Tomcat JNDI How-To's and I'm still unable to find a solution.
    I'll elaborate:
    I have a "PROVIDER_URL" class variable defined as:
    private String PROVIDER_URL = "file:/C:/development/MyProject/MyWebApplication/WEB-INF/properties";I initialize my JNDI context within the class:
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory");
    properties.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, PROVIDER_URL);
    context = new InitialContext(properties);
    cpds = (ConnectionPoolDataSource) context.lookup(baseName);
    ...The above example works fine. My question is given my web app's directory, how do I refer to "MyWebApplication/WEB-INF/properties" in a relative manner so that if I move my web application to a different server, the directory path does not affect my deployment and I dont have to hardcode the current path? Does this need to occur in the "server.xml" file? Can you provide a URL to an example?
    Your suggestions are appreciated...thanks.

    try to give
    or the app server based port address.

  • Guide to developing SECURE TOMCAT/JSP web apps - ??

    It would be very useful to have a checklist or guidelines to ensure a JSP/tomcat web site one develops is secure, in particular for the scenario where the web application is not huge/complex &/or is developed by part-time developers. That is I guess I'm generally asking for the easiest way of ensuring one develops a secure JSP/tomcat app.
    Q1 - Does anyone know of a tutorial/checklist for ensuring a JSP/tomcat web app is secure? The types of things I'm thinking of include the following items, which I've put forward as specific questions to the mail group in their own right.
    Q2 - How do you ensure directory's under doc root can't be viewed? (ie users see a directory listings)
         - is putting in an index.html in each sub-directory a solid answer?
         - can this be handled in one hit via WEB.XML entries? if so an example if possible?
    Above and beyond basic User Authentication checking (eg username/password check at beginning of session) what is an easy but secure way of checking -:
    Q3 check that user (ie specific) is allowed to access a specific JSP page? (assuming the web app is a totally JSP based solution, ie no controller servlet frontend, ie and that all JSP pages are effectively assessable under docroot). Easy way of doing this?
         eg (a) put specific check at beginning of each JSP page?
         (b) other?
    Q4 given that a user is allowed to access that JSP page, check that he is allowed to view the data which he has requested? (ie stop people determining how the URL with parameters is constructed and manually changing the parameters - eg changing "http://www.test/test.jsp?id=3", manually "http://www.test/test.jsp?id=4". Easy way of doing this?
         eg (a) put specific check at beginning of JSP page?
         (b) other
    Q5 Is it generally acceptable, given appropriate precautions are taken, to setup a web site with all JSP files assessable under doc root, and that the manner in which the user navigates around the application is based on direct calls from the browser to the next JSP page with parameters? (again one concern I have is eg changing "http://www.test/test.jsp?id=3", manually "http://www.test/test.jsp?id=4"). If this is not acceptable what is recommended?
         (a) as above put a specific check at the beginning of the JSP page
         (b) for example having to specifically put a controller servlet as a front end, and then direct to JSP pages which are hidden?
    - in this case how can one hide specific directories under doc root?
         (c) other??
    Q6. Regarding image security I assume one really does have to store them outside doc root and develop a small "getImage" servlet so that requests to images can be verified to ensure that (assuming the app lets users load images) the end user can't see another user's image?
    Q7. Any other general checklist items for a simple JSP/tomcat web site re security one should check for???
    Thanks in Advance

    Have you ever looked at the Jakarta struts framework for developing web apps? You could then incorporate your custom designed security both into your own extension of the controller servlet (check if particular user has access to certain pages / actions). You can also design your own custom tags which determine whether a particular user has access to certain parts of the page. You cal also perform additional checks in the actions, to ensure that the user does have access to certain actions (i.e. checking parameters etc.)

  • How to get web app root?

    IF im in a servlet/jsp how do I get the web app root? for example, if my web app's url in the browser is
    then "webapp" is the root... how do I get that in code? I don't want request URI or anything like that... just simply the web app root without anything else. Thanks

    have u tried this
    = request.getContextPath();
    or one of the other similar methods in httprequest. one them does the trick

  • How do I change the context-root of a web app with a deployment plan?

    I've been trying to figure this out for several hours.
    I'm deploying a .ear file which sets the context root for the single web application it deploys in its application.xml deployment descriptor:
    I want to change the context-root from /MyApp to something else when deploying the ear file. It seemed to me that using a deployment plan was the way to do this. But when I use this plan:
    <module-descriptor external="false">
    I get an error:
    weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorException: VALIDATION PROBLEMS WERE FOUND
    /bea/user_projects/domains/devod1/nullplan.xml:0: problem: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected element 'web-uri@' instead of 'context-root@' here in element web@<nullplan.xml>
    I looked at which says:
    "You cannot use a deployment plan to change the context-root in an application.xml
    file. However, if an application is deployed as a library, you can either change the
    context-root through an weblogic-application.xml file or use the deployment plan
    to change the context-root in an weblogic-application.xml file."
    I don't understand what this means. I'm not deploying my application as a library.
    Does anyone know how to change the context-root for an application?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi James,
    I am quite new to Welogic if i am wrong please correct me.I have re-deployed my application (.war) with this Plan.xml
    &lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt;
    &lt;deployment-plan xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" global-variables="false"&gt;
    * &lt;variable&gt;*
    * &lt;name&gt;CONTEXTROOT&lt;/name&gt;*
    * &lt;value&gt;BrowserWeb/servlet/BrowserServlet&lt;/value&gt;*
    * &lt;/variable&gt;*
    * &lt;/variable-definition&gt;*
    &lt;module-descriptor external="true"&gt;
    * &lt;name&gt;CONTEXTROOT&lt;/name&gt;*
    * &lt;xpath&gt;/weblogic-web-app/context-root&lt;/xpath&gt;*
    * &lt;operation&gt;add&lt;/operation&gt;*
    * &lt;/variable-assignment&gt;*
    &lt;module-descriptor external="false"&gt;
    &lt;module-descriptor external="true"&gt;
    I do not know wether i will require the other module descriptor definition in this Plzn.xml. Now when I go to following link.
    Deployments --&gt; MyApp --&gt; Testing
    It gives me following url as a test page:
    as soon as i click on to the above link it redirects me to following.
    Same if i remove these context-root part my normal Testing menu shows me following link as my webapp access path
    http://localhost:7001/BrowserWeb &lt;-- My war file name is BrowserWeb.war so it is default name of my deployed application if i am not wrong
    and as soon as i click on above link it redirects me to the following one.
    It means application server know that my full web access page is with '*servlet/BrowserServlet*' because its adding it in both the cases.
    What I want is a constant URL whcih does not change?
    Hope this helps :)

  • How to get the physical path of my web app root context ?

    I used this code to initialize my LOG4J logger.
            System.out.println(Version + "Servlet context path : " + sctx .getContextPath());
            String path = sctx .getRealPath("/");
            fullyqualifiedlog4jpath = path + "log4j.xml";
            File locallogxml = new File(fullyqualifiedlog4jpath);
            if (locallogxml.exists()) {
                initialized = true;
                log = Logger.getLogger(Log4j.class.getName());
       + "Logger initialized");
            else {
                System.out.println(Version + "Unable to locate the log4j.xml file");
            }It works perfectly when running the application with the embedded Jdev11 WLS.
    When deploying the application on a standalone WLS server the path is not returned ;-( I get a null value.
    Does someone has three lines of code which get the physical path of my web app root context?

    Changed the methiod used to access log4j.xml.
            FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ServletContext sctx = (ServletContext) ctx.getExternalContext().getContext();
            String contextPath = sctx.getContextPath();
            HttpServletRequest  hsr = (HttpServletRequest)ctx.getExternalContext().getRequest();
            String host = hsr.getServerName();
            int port = hsr.getServerPort();
              String urlstring = "http://" + host + ":" + port + contextPath + "/faces/log4j.xml";
              DOMConfigurator.configure(new URL(urlstring));
              log = Logger.getLogger(Log4j.class.getName());
    .....using the URL s OK.

  • How to change the index page of tomcat to a specific page in a  web app.

    hi all
    i am trying to figure out a way to change default application to a specific web application deployed in tomcat, so that when you type localhost:8080, it will start with the web app. basically i want to get ride of the context or map the context to the default page. i.e. map this http://localhost:8080/example/ to http://localhost:8080/. thanks.

    maybe i didn't explain myself clearly as to what i needed to do.
    i have created a web application and deployed into tomcat 5.5 with a context of "example". the path looks something like this: $catalina_home/webapps/example. in order to access the application, i need to type http://localhost:8080/example in the browser. is there any way to change it so that when i type http://localhost:8080, it will take me to my web application without accessing the tomcat index page.

  • How to add a custom web apps root page?

    I saw in Jan 2013 System Update the following:
    "Render a custom page when accessing the root URL of a Web App. For example, if you have a “blog” Web App, the items can be made accessible at  /blog/my-blog-post, and you’ll have the ability to customize the /blog page"
    Could someone point me in the correct direction for instructions on how to make use of this feature. 
    Couldn't appear to find a link from the Blog release notes to anything, and also tried trawling through support and forums for a suitable post.
    Closest I found was one about using sub-folders for web app items.
    I've tried adding a page in website admin, with the same URL as the web app, but it simply throws an error as it clashes with Web App url.

    Hi Mike.
    Because a folder can have a index.html Web apps in the past you could not access that ability. You had to make a page and you could not SEO call it the same as your web app.
    Your web app is called Blog.
    You can now make a folder in your root called Blog.
    In that folder you can create a page and give it a url of index.html
    Now when you access the a web app directly - or you will access that index page.
    You can also put other pages under that folder if you want too.

  • Problem on web app using root context in weblogic 7.0.2

    I got problem on servlet which running on root context "/" in weblogic 7.0.2. I have remove the default web app (which use the root context) before the web app. The web application was deployed without any error. However, when the servlet run to the line calling HttpSession.setAttribute, the following exception occurs. The weblogic server is running on Solaris 8. anyone can help?
              java.lang.IllegalStateException: Internal Servlet Session Process Error Found!
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.SessionData.checkProcess(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.SessionData.setAttribute(
              at Source)
              at Source)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
              at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              The weblogic.xml is
              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app
              PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 7.0//EN"
              "" >

              We are facing the same problem; i.e. we are getting the same error message when we are trying to run our struts application on Weblogic 7.0.5 using JDK 1.3.1. This problem occured particularly when we tried to do a load testing using approx 20 concurrent users (a lesser load was supported though). Can you please let us know how this problem was sorted out on your end?

  • Tomcat: order of web-app loading

    Hi folks,
    does anybody know on which order Tomcat loads its web-apps ?
    I need a particular web-app loaded before all other web-apps.
    Is there a way to sepecify the loading sequence in Tomcat?
    Peter Menzel

    Try explicitly declaring the web app contexts in the conf/server.xml file in the order that you want them to start.

  • Document type declaration for root element type "web-app" must end with ' '

    I am attempting to deploy an application (.war file) using the Sun Access Manager Agent installed, (Reference -near the bottom) and I get this error:
    Error loading deployment descriptors for ajacs Line 3 Column 19 -- The document type declaration for root element type "web-app" must end with '>'.
    Here is the relavent code:
    <!DOCTYPE web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""
    <filter-class> com.sun.identity.agents.filter.AmAgentFilter </filter-class>
    Now, when I remove the parts that said to add, it deploys just like it used to deploy- just fine with no errors. However, I add that code and it breaks.
    Note: The code was a straight copy/paste, so if there is any error in the code, it is because it's written incorrectly on the Sun doc website.
    Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks!

    Well, if that was pasted on one line, it would be:
    So it's supposed to be that way. I just tried it with the extra quotes, and no dice...

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    Hi Justin,
    There's nothing like that atm. Please see

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  • Database: login password on the network. [ASE Error SQL1640]

    Hi Experts, I was in configuration of dbacockpit.I did the following activity, Used DBCO transaction code to maintain DB connection. DBCO t-code 2.set change mode '+++SYBADM' connection name 3.Click 'Details' icon After log on with 'sy