
Hi people!
I have dual P2 sever under solaris8x68 MU6 applied running squid-2.4.STABLE6.
# uname -a
SunOS moon 5.8 Generic_108529-14 i86pc i386 i86pc
In squid's cache.log even under small loading (about 30 clients) every 8-10 minutes appear following records:
2002/07/02 11:00:16| comm_accept: FD 53: (130) Software caused connection abort
2002/07/02 11:00:16| httpAccept: FD 53: accept failure: (130) Software caused connection abort
With about 100 simultaneous clients that records repeated every 2-3 minutes.
How can i correct this situation?
Is it possible to patch the top so that it could display loading of both processors. Currently I use top-3.5beta12.
Thank you.

Great suggestions. Don't forget to log an enhancement request with newScale so that Product Management can know about this. Suggestions made here need to also be entered into newScale.

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    This addon ought to do the job
    You will need to open your video in a window and not minimise it fully only shrink it to the size you want.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
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  • Field in Alv Top-of-page

    How to pass field in Alv Top-of-page
    Edited by: Deepak  Mathrani on Aug 12, 2008 12:40 PM
    <THREAD LOCKED. Please read the [Rules of Engagement|] to discover why>
    Edited by: Mike Pokraka on Aug 12, 2008 2:58 PM

    sample program
    *& Report  ZNNR_ALVSAMPLE
    TABLES:     ekko.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.                                 "ALV Declarations
    *Data Declaration
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
      ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
      ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
      statu TYPE ekpo-statu,
      aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat,
      matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
      menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
      meins TYPE ekpo-meins,
      netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
      peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh,
    END OF t_ekko.
          wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko.
    *ALV data declarations
    DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv,
          gd_layout    TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          gd_repid     LIKE sy-repid.
      PERFORM data_retrieval.
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
      PERFORM build_layout.
      PERFORM display_alv_report.
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
          Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report
    FORM build_fieldcatalog.
    There are a number of ways to create a fieldcat.
    For the purpose of this example i will build the fieldcatalog manualy
    by populating the internal table fields individually and then
    appending the rows. This method can be the most time consuming but can
    also allow you  more control of the final product.
    Beware though, you need to ensure that all fields required are
    populated. When using some of functionality available via ALV, such as
    total. You may need to provide more information than if you were
    simply displaying the result
                  I.e. Field type may be required in-order for
                       the 'TOTAL' function to work.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'EBELN'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Purchase Order'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 0.
      fieldcatalog-outputlen   = 10.
      fieldcatalog-emphasize   = 'X'.
      fieldcatalog-key         = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-do_sum      = 'X'.
    fieldcatalog-no_zero     = 'X'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'EBELP'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'PO Item'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 1.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'STATU'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Status'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 2.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'AEDAT'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Item change date'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 3.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MATNR'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Material Number'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 4.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MENGE'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'PO quantity'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 5.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'MEINS'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Order Unit'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 6.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'NETPR'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Net Price'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 7.
      fieldcatalog-outputlen   = 15.
      fieldcatalog-do_sum      = 'X'.        "Display column total
      fieldcatalog-datatype     = 'CURR'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
      fieldcatalog-fieldname   = 'PEINH'.
      fieldcatalog-seltext_m   = 'Price Unit'.
      fieldcatalog-col_pos     = 8.
      fieldcatalog-EDIT = 'X'.
      APPEND fieldcatalog TO fieldcatalog.
      CLEAR  fieldcatalog.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG
    *&      Form  BUILD_LAYOUT
          Build layout for ALV grid report
    FORM build_layout.
      gd_layout-no_input          = 'X'.
      gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      gd_layout-totals_text       = 'Totals'(201).
    gd_layout-totals_only        = 'X'.
    gd_layout-f2code            = 'DISP'.  "Sets fcode for when double
                                            "click(press f2)
    gd_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
    gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'.
    gd_layout-header_text       = 'helllllo'.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
          Display report using ALV grid
    form display_alv_report.
      gd_repid = sy-repid.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program      = gd_repid
                i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'(001)  "see FORM
               i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
               i_grid_title           = outtext
                is_layout               = gd_layout
                it_fieldcat             = fieldcatalog[]
               it_special_groups       = gd_tabgroup
               IT_EVENTS                = GT_XEVENTS
                i_save                  = 'X'
               is_variant              = z_template
                t_outtab                = it_ekko
                program_error           = 1
                others                  = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " DISPLAY_ALV_REPORT
    *&      Form  DATA_RETRIEVAL
          Retrieve data form EKPO table and populate itab it_ekko
    form data_retrieval.
    select ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh
    up to 10 rows
      from ekpo
      into table it_ekko.
    endform.                    " DATA_RETRIEVAL
    Form  TOP-OF-PAGE                                                 *
    ALV Report Header                                                 *
    Form top-of-page.
    *ALV Header declarations
    data: t_header type slis_t_listheader,
          wa_header type slis_listheader,
          t_line like wa_header-info,
          ld_lines type i,
          ld_linesc(10) type c.
      wa_header-typ  = 'H'.
      wa_header-info = 'EKKO Table Report'.
      append wa_header to t_header.
      clear wa_header.
      wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
      wa_header-key = 'Date: '.
      CONCATENATE  sy-datum+6(2) '.'
                   sy-datum+4(2) '.'
                   sy-datum(4) INTO wa_header-info.   "todays date
      append wa_header to t_header.
      clear: wa_header.
    Total No. of Records Selected
      describe table it_ekko lines ld_lines.
      ld_linesc = ld_lines.
      concatenate 'Total No. of Records Selected: ' ld_linesc
                        into t_line separated by space.
      wa_header-typ  = 'A'.
      wa_header-info = t_line.
      append wa_header to t_header.
      clear: wa_header, t_line.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
                it_list_commentary = t_header.
               i_logo             = 'Z_LOGO'.

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    I cannot open Pages from the app or from a saved document on the desk top.  I get an error: "The application Pages cannot be opened  -1712"  Any suggestions?

    The following previous discussion has a solution that worked for a variety of people with the -1712 error on a variety of applications and may help: The application Safari can't be opened -1712

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    On the iTunes menu bar, click the Window tab. Is itunes selected?

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    1.  It can connect to my airport express, but not if I have the password enabled, then it won't, even if I put the password in.
    2.  There are 3 hard drives showing on the desk top, with the space divided between them.
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    Your old iMac can only connect to a WEP network, and yours is probably WPA.  As far as the partitions are concerned, if you don't need any any of the data on it, use your Panther disc and erase and fomat it as one partition.

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    Can anyone shed some light on this for a family of non-techies?  Thx 

    You need to create separate Windows user accounts if you want to seperate the behaviour of iTunes for each user. That also means separate iTunes libraries for each user.
    Windows is a multi-user operating system but you are not using it properly. iTunes is not a multi-user application. No application is. You can't expect it to treat different users differently when they are all using the same computer user account.
    Do you understand what I mean?

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    Please change the view in the top sites, the 6.1 upgrade has reverted back to a plain two-dimensional view, which is a little dated. Can I revert back to an older version via my time capsule save? C'mon Apple upgrades supposed to leap into the future not the past. :-(

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    I sync various Aperture photo albums to my IPad and iPhone. The problem is that when I have 'stacked' images (eg. one image showing in the album and two other copies 'hidden' underneath), all of the photos in the stack are copied to the ipad and iPhone. So instead of seeing just one version of an image, I see as many as are in the stack. How can I sync ONLY the top photo in the stack?
    Thanks for your help!

    I solved my own problem.
    The sync problem seemed to only occur on smart albums. There is a new check box option in Aperture 3 when making a smart album: "sync stack pick only." One click and the problem is solved!

  • How To Print Field Value in TOP-OF-PAGE During Line Selection.

    How To Print Field Value in TOP-OF-PAGE During Line Selection when double click on field.

    (If my memory serves me well (not used for long time ago)
    Assign values to system fields sy-tvar0 - sy-tvar9, they will replace the placeholders "&0" through "&9" in the list headers and column headers.
         WRITE: / 'Interactive Report &3'.
      WRITE record-vbeln TO sy-tvar3.

  • I'm missing the "foxfire" button. It's simply not there and I need to re-import my IE favorites, but I can't becasue the new upgrade forces you, (me), to use a button that simply is not there at the top left where it should be but isn't.

    Well that's pretty much it. The foxfire help page, now that I've upgraded to the newest version says to look for the "foxfire" button at the top left which would be located in the blue bar that instead still tells me what the name of that particular page is that I am viewing, just as it always has but there is no "foxfire button there for me to click on in order to get my bookmarks, my favorites re-imported from IE version 6.0. I actually installed them via the instructions under foxfire version 6.0 a month ago originally without any problem, and then again on version 7.0 after I recently rebuilt this machine using windows 2000 professional and everything got imported Okay except for one file... And of course it was the most important folder, my favorites folder which I had named "business" because it was the folder which contained all my links that I need for "business". So naturally, I am eagerly awaiting a reply to tell me what it is that I need to do. Could it be as simple as I have not re-booted since I upgraded earlier today/yesterday? That actually IS a possibility I suppose because I don't remember re-booting afterward or being told to in or after the process of upgrading. After the upgrade, there simply was not any indication that I needed to. (As I recall anyhow!) It's currently one in the morning and that was twelve hours ago. But I honestly don't think that I was instructed to after clicking on "install" the new version. But if it did tell me to afterward, I'm sure I must have even though I don't remember it as my extensive history with personal computing and installing everything from hardware to software including operating systems tells me that if it had told me to re-boot, I would have.
    Thank you in advance,
    Eric G.

    You are on Windows 2000, you do not have a "Firefox" button, and should consider yourself to be fortunate in that you still have menus and don't have to do anything to get the menus back instead of the "Firefox" button. (The same applies to Windows XP users).
    Use the "File" menu to get to Import. You are not on Windows 7 or Vista, and don't have to put up with the nonsense added for Aero.
    If you want the "Firefox" button you can get it with View -> toolbars -> (uncheck) Menu Bar. The menu bar and the "Firefox" button were supposed to be mutually exclusive (which is impossible in some cases without being incompatible).
    Once you are using the "Firefox" button ...
    Use the "Alt" key to view the menu bar (temporarily) containing File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help. On Windows 7 and Vista, the menu bar was hidden by default in Firefox 4 and above. These menu items are more or less available under the "Firefox" button which has the most used of the built-in Firefox menu items available in a different format.
    To get back to having menus again. "Firefox" button -> Options (second column) -> (check) Menu Bar
    You can make '''Firefox 7.0.1''' look like Firefox 3.6.*, see numbered '''items 1-10''' in the following topic [ Fix Firefox 4.0 toolbar user interface, problems (Make Firefox 4.0 thru 8.0, look like 3.6)]. ''Whether or not you make changes, you should be aware of what has changed and what you have to do to use changed or missing features.''

  • How to create a table report with alphabetic link at the top

    I have a db table of users, and have created a report based on this table, however I want to have each aphabet letter at the top of the report so that users can click on the letter and see all records where the username field starts with that letter.
    How can I achieve this?

    Hello user11243298 (please tell us your name),
    Your report query would look something like this (assuming page number is 1):
    select some_column1, some_column2
    from your_user_table
    where username like :P1_INITIAL || '%'
    For the letters at the top of the report, here's a couple options:
    - If you want all letters to appear whether or not there are any rows, you can create a series of buttons or links, one for each letter, and specify the target URL to submit back to the report page, setting the item P1_INITIAL to each letter.
    - If you want only letters that have rows, one way is to create a dynamic LOV based on a query like this:
    select distinct upper(substr(username, 1, 1)) d, distinct upper(substr(username, 1, 1)) v
    from your_user_table
    order by upper(substr(username, 1, 1))
    Then use that for a select list with submit, again targeting the report page and setting P1_INITIAL to the selected value.
    Hope this helps (if it does, please reward it),

  • Possible to Have ToC Default to Show Only Top Level (collapse sublevels)?

    I'll bet I'm not the only one wishing for this.  Let's say you're using Captivate 4's Table of Contents feature with a longish movie of Cp slides, which is chunked into bite-size sections content-wise.  In the ToC, though, you can't mimic that same organization scheme; at least, the learner would first need to collapse all the ToC folders you've created so they see only the top-level listing.
    This can be a critical issue:  keeping the at-first-glance list in the ToC brief enough to be inviting to learners, yet allowing learners to drive which details are currently visible.
    A movie's topical hierarchy could be along these lines, for example ...
    Section 1 - National Brands
    What are National Brands?
    Why Are They Important to Our Business?
    Working with Nat. Brands
    Practice Your Knowledge
    Section 2 - International Brands
    What are International Brands?
    Why Are They Important to Our Business?
    Working with Intl. Brands
    Practice Your Knowledge
    You'd like to organize the ToC to show only the section titles (1st level) and to suppress the 2nd-level detail (slide titles) until the learner chooses to expand the folder to see those details.
    I've tried things like grouping the slides into sections in the Storyboard view and organizing the slides into sections strictly within the ToC -- both to no avail.
    Has anyone solved for this need yet?
    I'm all ears, and you'd be doing learners of the world a huge favor.

    Hi, Jim.
    Thanks for being 'on the case' and looking into this so quickly.  Your
    findings are encouraging, although my user base is generally working with
    IE 6 and FP8 or 9.
    Since the only thing I may influence is getting  IT to help push out FP10,
    I'm hoping it's more of a player- than a browser-version issue.
    I'll test things out by Monday and let you know the results.  Wish me luck!
                                                                                    From:       Jim Leichliter <[email protected]>                                                                               
    To:         Dave Tressler <[email protected]>                                                                               
    Date:       03/26/2010 06:02 PM                                                                               
    Subject:    Possible to Have ToC Default to Show Only Top Level (collapse
    I just tested this on my local web server and it worked fine.  I created a
    blank project with 8 slides.  Created my TOC with grouping... 2 slides in
    each group.  I turned on self paced learning.  I tried with and without the
    widget and it picked up where I left off in either case.  See mI2&hl=en. 
    I published using FP10 and IE8 to view.  Notice any difference between
    your project and this one?
    Jim Leichliter

Maybe you are looking for