Hi All,
I have some performance with our database and when i see the DATABASE HEALTH OVERVIEW it is showing me TOP WAITS BY TIME WAITED (queue messages).
Any advices on this.

The best approach for some one who is new to database administration / tuning is to setup statspack and learn to understand statspack. has some good tools in analyzing a stats pack report to break it down into readable sections. You should try that first and then try to analyze each of the individual events.

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    Your problem is most likely in decode - the return type in your expression will be character based on first search value ('null'), so it will be implicitly converted to character and then again implicitly converted to date by loading into date column. At some of this conversions you probably are loosing your time part. You can try instead use cast:
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    Name                                      Null?    Type
    LASTWRITTEN                                        DATE
    CREATEDON                                          DATE
    LASTUPDATEDON                                      DATE
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    INFILE *
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      to_date(:LASTWRITTEN,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))",
    "decode(:CREATEDON,'null',cast(Null as date),
      to_date(:CREATEDON,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))",
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    2007-02-15 15:10:20,null,null
    null,2007-02-15 15:10:20,null
    null,null,15/02/2007 15:10:20
    SQL> !sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=t.ctl log=t.log
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Feb 29 00:20:07 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 3
    SQL> select * from t;
    15.02.2007 15:10:20
                        15.02.2007 15:10:20
                                            15.02.2007 15:10:20Best regards

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    Disable ALL security software (firewall, antivirus/spyware, etc.) running on your PC while updating.

  • Please wait very low battery and apple logo comes up after some time make some noice

    My ipod classic 30 GB shows "please wait very low battery" and apple logo comes up after some time make some noice

    Try the Hrad reset, especially must  charge the battery for at least 2 hours.
    After charging till full charge, at least 2 hours (preferably 4 hours)
    Toggle the Hold switch, make sure you dont see the red mark when you do the  next step
    Reset the iPod -> Press Menu and Center button simultaneously for about 10 secs or till the Apple Logo comes ON
    Then release the buttons
    Select your preferred language.
    Here is the Apple support Article on the 5Rs

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    Oracle 11g R1
    Windows 2003 SP2
    -- Top Waited Objects
    SELECT o.object_name, o.object_type, a.event, 
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            FROM   dba_objects o
            WHERE  o.object_id = current_obj#) object_name,
           (SELECT o.object_type
            FROM   dba_objects o
            WHERE  o.object_id = current_obj#) object_type,
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    FROM   v$active_session_history a
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    GROUP  BY a.event,
    ORDER  BY total_wait_time DESC;  formatted code is easier to read

  • My ipod 60gb classic is showing as fully charged until I connect it to my pc when it comes up with the error message, 'please wait very low battery' and the little wheel goes round and nothing happens, can anyone explain why this is and what i can do?

    My ipod 60gb classic is showing as fully charged until I connect it to my pc when it comes up with the error message, 'please wait very low battery' and the little wheel goes round and nothing happens, can anyone explain why this is and what i can do?

    I have worked my way through the assistant and nothing works. I have tried connecting in disc mode but although the screen on the ipod is showing that the device is charged and that it is in disc mode as soon as I connect it to the computer it comes up with the error message 'please wait very low battery' and stays like that until I disconnect when it appears to be OK again. I have tried on both pc and mac.
    BTW the ipod is an ipod video not classic if that makes any difference.

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    There is a new patch for this - check out p4673610 on metalink. We have also experience the problem in

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    while loading time dependent data(texts..0HRPOSITION), i am geeting the following error....
    Processing (data packet): Errors occurred
       Data Package 1 ( 7418 Records ) : Errors occurred
              Update ( 0 new / 0 changed ) : Errors occurred
                   Data records for package 1 selected in PSA - 2 error(s)
                   Record 7415 :0HRPOSITION : Time overlapping of data record 7415 with 7416 : '['20100924'/'20070618'] " .
                   Record 7416 :0HRPOSITION : Time overlapping of data record 7415 with 7416 : '['20100924'/'20070618'] ....
    Could anyone let me know how to rectify this error and reload the IP..I am workning on production system.....its very urgent
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Manjula
    !)0HRposition infobject and check what is the time previously for that record..
    2)Edit the PSA for the 7415 or 7416  and change the vlaue to the previous record time which u found in the infoobject
    3) i think ur doing a full load.  so better edit the PSA and repload the data from PSA

  • "Please wait, very low battery" display

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    Any suggestions?

    It's likely that the battery is shot and in need of replacement.  You can choose to have Apple replace it or a third party repair company at a lower cost.

  • OK, here is my problem...i leave my ipod classic charging for 2 days and it still has the 'Please wait, very low battery" sign! what should i do? Please answer!

    OK, here is my problem...i leave my ipod classic charging for 2 days and it still has the 'Please wait, very low battery" sign! what should i do? Please answer!

    When you connect the iPod to the adapter or PC, you should see either of these signs on the iPod Screen .
    If you just get
    It may mean that your Adapter is not giving enough juice, because
    the adapter or the cable  is defective or
    your bottom dock connector is dirty with lint or dirt.
    Have a nice day!

  • "please wait very low battery" keeps after 1 hour charging

    I keep getting the folowin message after more than one hour charging " please wait very low battery "

    Always connect the iPod to a USB2.0 port at the back of your PC.
    Dont connect to low power USB ports, on the fron of the PC, dont use USB Hubs, (may cause Sync problems and coruupt filesytem)
    if you are using a Mac, dont connect to the USB port on the keyboard.

  • Fitted new battery - "Please wait, very low battery" + cogwheel

    Have just got hold off a old ipod 5th gen, 30gb black.
    plugged in, no response so replaced the battery with new one
    Have replaced the battery, connected to computer (mac) via usb - have had it connected for over 4 hours now and it still says 'Please wait very low battery" with cogwheel spinning constantly.
    Have tried resetting - menu+center

    Think it was the connector from the back plate to the middle -of the board - just underneath the display that was probably wonky - blew around etc... also the black sticker on the battery was loose - so taped it up with a little selotape - and it worked BUT the click wheel / center button doesnt respond - how easy is this to fix / costs / or is there anything i should look for / do to try and fix it?
    btw, the hold switch turns it on/off

  • 5gr - please wait - very low battery

    ive ipod video 30 giga (5gr)
    and i hade the very low battery problem
    i tried to charge it from my cpu (usb)
    and i triend from the wall too
    i have the ipod 18 mounths - so i tought the battery is dead... so i bought a new battery
    when i connected the battery, the ipod turn on and working well (apart from this problem - the ipod allways tought he are connecting to some charger)
    after 30 min i think.... he turned off and show the same problem "please wait - very low battery "
    so i dont know what to do...
    i cant do nothing...
    only reset...
    no HD mode...
    nohing... there is no battery (and i cant turn it off - the massage is allways showen)
    i dont have right now wall charger
    one more thing -
    while it connected to the cpu i heared it beeping and some massege was appear... i cant remmember what... it was longest then "please wait - very low battery"
    and then it disappeared and the battey low massege was back
    help plz
    ipod video 30 gb (5gr)   Windows XP Pro  

    its not work...
    i did the auto test to the ipod
    (reset - and then menu+previus)
    i connected it the the charger...
    now i disconnect the ipod... and the ipod steel think that he connect to some charger. if i want to connect it to the compuet, i need to reset the ipod.
    after the ipod is connecting to the computer... or playing music...
    he back to "very low battery"
    the problem is not with the battery.. i test it with 2 difrent battery...

  • HT1435 hi there i have this problem with my ipod on the second picture which says "Pease Wait Very Low Battery" but it will not charge at all or turn on, sync with computer anybody any ideas.

    Hi there I have an ipod classic which will not charge and keeps saying "Please Wait Very Low Battery" can anbody help me its just sad to see it go.

    Normally it takes 2 to 4 hours to fully charge an iPod Battery, using a USB2.0 port or wall charger.
    Even if the battery is dead, you can have it replaced at Apple Store for about US$60 or at any 3rd Party Ipod Service Center for less.

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    recently my laptop's TOP COVER  has broken i need the part very urgently please any one can help meee please  
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