Toplink session and UnitOfWork synchronization problem

Dear forum readers,
I am not sure i fully understand the way how toplink deals with caching. To me it seems, that i got some pretty scary results, which i am not sure how to interpret and to work around them.
The following code snippet is part of a unit test:
>>>>>>>>>>>> snip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 public void test2() {
3 UnitOfWork uow = (UnitOfWork) SessionManager.getSessionManager().getSession().getUnitOfWork();
4 Justitiabele justitiabele = findJustitiabele("findById", Justitiabele.class, new Long(551));
5 ((JustitiabeleIdentiteit) justitiabele.getJustitiabeleIdentiteiten().iterator().next()).setMeisjesnaam("Kettner10");
6 Justitiabele tmp = (Justitiabele) uow.registerObject(justitiabele);
7 ((JustitiabeleIdentiteit) tmp.getJustitiabeleIdentiteiten().iterator().next()).setMeisjesnaam("Kettner10");
8 uow.commitAndResume();
9 }
11 public Justitiabele findJustitiabele(String queryName, Class objectClass, Object param) {
12      SessionWrapper toplinkSessionWrapper = getSession();
13      toplinkSessionWrapper.getClientSession().executeQuery(queryName, objectClass, param);
14 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snip <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I am querying a particular object (line 4). Then i make some changes to that object (line 5). Cause the object is not registered in the UnitOfWork these changes shouldn't be persisted. So far so good. To achieve persistency i now register the object, and i make the same modifications to the toplink clone, expecting them after the commit to be persisted in the database.
Contrary to my expectations, the changes were not persisted!!!
Deleting line 5 (the modifications, before registering the object), leads to the desired result.
Somehow the queried object seems to be a direct reference to the (client-) session cache. So when registering the object in the UnitOfWork, the (already modified) backupclone is copied from the session cache to the UnitOfWork. If the same changes are done to the working clone,there are no differences between backup- and working clone and no changes are made in the database.
It gets even better: I tried to query the object again (before line 6) (even with a different UnitOfWork) before modifying it, in order to retrieve the original state of the object, but again i only was able to find the modified object.
If the queried object indeed is a reference to some cache, i cannot understand, why that cache is not read only!!!
Am i doing something wrong ?
Is there a way to work around this problem?
What are the consequences for transaction handling ? What about Isolation, when clients can see each others changes in a kind of writeable shared session???
I try to work around that problem by registering every object, that is queried from the database in the UnitOfWork right after it was queried. This seems to me the only solution, though this is contrary to what the toplink developers guide says, namely, that only objects which are modified should be registered, due to performance reasons.
I would be grateful to any help in understanding and working around this problem.
PS: Here's the log i got by running the test.:
STDOUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
C:\devtools\jdev\905\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath C:\ToplinkDemo\ToplinkDomein\classes;C:\ToplinkDemo\ToplinkDomein\classes\META-INF\ToplinkDomein;C:\devtools\jdev\905\toplink\jlib\source.jar;C:\devtools\jdev\905\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\devtools\jdev\905\lib\xmlcomp.jar;C:\devtools\jdev\905\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;C:\devtools\jdev\905\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar;C:\devtools\jdev\905\toplink\jlib\toplink.jar
ServerSession(91)--Connection(92)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(92)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(92)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(101)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(101)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(101)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(103)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(103)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(103)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(105)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(105)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(105)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(107)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(107)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(107)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(109)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(109)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(109)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--Connection(111)--TopLink, version: OracleAS TopLink - 10g (9.0.4) (Build 031126)
ServerSession(91)--Connection(111)--connecting session: djisession
     user name=> "dji"
     datasource URL=> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc"
ServerSession(91)--Connection(111)--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@S-ORACLE01:1521:djipoc
     User: DJI
     Database: Oracle Version: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
     Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
ServerSession(91)--sequencing connected, state is ForcedToUseWriteAccessor_State
ServerSession(91)--client acquired
ClientSession(114)--acquire unit of work: 113
ClientSession(114)--Execute query ReadObjectQuery(
ServerSession(91)--Execute query ReadAllQuery(
ServerSession(91)--Execute query ReadObjectQuery(
UnitOfWork(113)--Register the object
UnitOfWork(113)--Register the existing object
UnitOfWork(113)--Register the existing object
UnitOfWork(113)--begin unit of work commit
ClientSession(114)--Connection(103)--begin transaction
UnitOfWork(113)--Execute query WriteObjectQuery(
UnitOfWork(113)--Execute query WriteObjectQuery(
ClientSession(114)--Connection(103)--commit transaction
UnitOfWork(113)--end unit of work commit
UnitOfWork(113)--resume unit of work
Process exited with exit code 0.

The object returned from any query on the sessions is the object from the shared cache. Any changes made to this will change the shared cache.
You must acquire a UnitOfWork and register the cached object into the UnitOfWork in order to get an isolated copy that can be modified within a transactional context (UnitOfWork) without other threads seeing these transient changes. The typical approach is to read through the session and register objects involved in a change prior to modifications.
The is a UnitOfWork paper available on TopLink technical information page that may be useful to you:

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    (running on a oracle.toplink.sessions.Session - Object)
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    try {
         mySessionBroker = (SessionBroker) SessionManager.getManager().getSession(TOPLINK_SESSION_NAME, AbstractService.class.getClassLoader());
         Session clientSession = (Session) mySessionBroker.acquireClientSessionBroker();
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         return clientSession;
    catch (Exception e) {
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    Simpler usage is to link UnitOfWork with the JTA transaction, then when JTA transaction commit or rollback the UnitOfWork remove will be called, and UOW will do the same on its parent ClientSession.
    In Java, unlike Microsoft COM, instances will be garbage collected if reference each other like a cycle.
    There is no side effect of not calling remove on UnitOfWork, but if not calling on ClientSession, and the ClientSession hold a DB connection from a pool, the pool is left with a missing connection, the act of adding back the connection to the pool is not something done by GC alone.

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    (Oracle TopLink - 11g Release 1 ( (Build 070428)):
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    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
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    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
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    at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getConnection(
    at oracle.oc4j.sql.DataSourceConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(DataSourceConnectionPoolDataSource.jav
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    at oracle.oc4j.sql.OracleCommonConnectionPool.borrowConnection(
    at oracle.oc4j.sql.OracleCommonConnectionPool.getManagedConnection(
    at oracle.j2ee.connector.OC4JConnectionPoolAdapter.getManagedConnection(OC4JConnect
    at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.getManagedConnectionContext(
    at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.getConnectionFromPool
    at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.acquireConnectionContext(ApplicationConnectionManager.ja
    at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.allocateConnection(
    at oracle.j2ee.connector.OracleConnectionManager.unprivileged_allocateConnection(OracleConnectionManager.jav
    at oracle.j2ee.connector.OracleConnectionManager.allocateConnection(
    at oracle.oc4j.sql.ManagedDataSource.getConnection(
    at oracle.oc4j.sql.ManagedDataSource.getConnection(
    at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(
    ... 69 more

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    The idle-timeout on DSEE was set to none, which I believe is the default. I tried setting it to 1200 and 2400 seconds without success.
    h3. get-ldap-data-source-pool-prop
    client-affinity-bind-dn-filters : any
    client-affinity-criteria : connection
    client-affinity-ip-address-filters : any
    client-affinity-policy : write-affinity-after-write
    client-affinity-timeout : 20s
    description : -
    enable-client-affinity : false
    load-balancing-algorithm : proportional
    minimum-total-weight : 100
    proportion : 100
    sample-size : 100
    h3. get-ldap-data-source-prop
    bind-dn : none
    bind-pwd : none
    client-cred-mode : use-client-identity
    connect-timeout : 10s
    description : -
    down-monitoring-interval : inherited
    is-enabled : true
    is-read-only : false
    ldap-address : localhost
    ldap-port : ldap
    ldaps-port : ldaps
    monitoring-bind-dn : none
    monitoring-bind-pwd : none
    monitoring-bind-timeout : 5s
    monitoring-entry-dn : ""
    monitoring-entry-timeout : 5s
    monitoring-inactivity-timeout : 2m
    monitoring-interval : 30s
    monitoring-mode : proactive
    monitoring-retry-count : 3
    monitoring-search-filter : (objectClass=*)
    monitoring-search-scope : base
    num-bind-incr : 10
    num-bind-init : 2
    num-bind-limit : 1024
    num-read-incr : 10
    num-read-init : 2
    num-read-limit : 1024
    num-write-incr : 10
    num-write-init : 2
    num-write-limit : 1024
    proxied-auth-use-v1 : false
    ssl-policy : never
    use-read-connections-for-writes : false
    use-tcp-keep-alive : true
    use-tcp-no-delay : true

  • JDeveloper 11g R1 Toplink Session Login Problem

    Hi Everyone,
    Toplink Session Login are unsuccessful in my application. My session.xml file gives xml validation errors.
    Please help me,
    Best Regards
    XML Validation errors :
    element primary-project not expected.
    element login not expected.
    element connection-pools not expected.
    My session.xml file here:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1254"?>
    <toplink-sessions version="11g Release 1 (" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <session xsi:type="server-session">
    <server-platform xsi:type="weblogic-10-platform"/>
    <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/ToplinkMap.xml</primary-project>
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    <default-sequence xsi:type="native-sequence">
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    Console Error Log:
    Exception Description: Several [3] SessionLoaderExceptions were thrown:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 35, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'max-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 36, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'min-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 37, Column 34>: XML-24521: (Error) Element not completed: 'write-connection-pool'

    Hi Gokmen,
    Enhancement for clearing the design time errors by providing support for xsi:type is planned for the Shepherd release.
    The workaround for the Connection Pool errors is to define using the API.Below sample code can be useful for you.
    Create a class which implements SessionEventListener or extend SessionEventAdapter and override the preLogin(SessionEvent event) and define read and write connections in the method.Register the SessionEventListener with session(open the session.xml in JDeveloper flat editor->Options->EventListener->browse and Select the class).
    When application is run and preLogin() event will be called and connection pool is defined with read and write connections.
    package model;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEvent;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventAdapter;
    public class SampleEventListener extends SessionEventAdapter {
    public SampleEventListener() {
    public void preLogin(SessionEvent event) {
    System.out.println("in the pre login method");
    org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession serverSession=(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession)event.getSession();
    serverSession.addConnectionPool("testReadPool", event.getSession().getDatasourceLogin(), 1, 10);
    public void postLogin(SessionEvent event) {
    org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession serverSession=(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession)event.getSession();
    Hope this helps.
    P.Vinay Kumar

  • JPA Project, TopLink Server session and ClassLoader issue

    I'm working on the project where JPA annotations are used to describe the mapping between POJOs and the database tables. JpaHelper class is used to bridge the gap between toplink-essentials and toplink. The EntityManagerFactory and the oracle.toplink.threetier.Server are obtained as following:
    emf = JpaHelper.getEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myUnit"));
    server = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);
    Due to different functional and architectural constraints the same Server session has to be shared across different web applications. Thus the EntityManagerFactory has been bound to Weblogic JNDI tree and used by web applications to obtain Server session. It works very well for the very first client that is trying to query the data, but due to the fact that in the web container different web applications are using different ClassLoaders the QueryException “Missing descriptor for [class ...]” is being thrown for all consecutive call from other web applications. The same behaviour is observer after re-deploying the “first” application.
    Going throughout different threads in the forum I learned that it could be solved for the "pure TopLink" projects where “sessions.xml” is used as following:
    boolean shouldLoginSession = true;
    boolean shouldRefreshSession = true;
    boolean shouldCheckClassloader = true;
    session = SessionManager.getManager().getSession(new XMLSessionConfigLoader(), "mySession",
    Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), false, true, true);
    Could you please let me know if there is something similar for JPA projects where “sessions.xml” isn’t used or other options have to be considered?

    I am not completely sure I understand what product and version you are using. TopLink Essentials and Oracle TopLink are independent products. They share the same heritage and much of the same functionality but typically you would only use one of them in an application.
    If you have multiple web applications (WAR) that need to share the same JPA persistence unit I would package all of the JPA classes in their own JAR file and co-locate all of these WARs with the persistence JAR in a single EAR file. This should give you the capability to share the classes across the web applications.

  • Problems with storing EJB Remote in session and retrieving.

    We store EJB remote object in session and differnt clients retrieve it from session
    before making a business method call. This seems to work in most cases but some
    times it gives the exception attached. This happens only in a clustered environment.
    What has been observed is that if we put the remote object inside a hashtable
    which in-turn is stored in session retrieval from hashtable does not give this
    Any suggestion / solution would be greatly appreciated.
    The exception Stack trace is attached
    java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: Unable to locate EJBHome: 'BalconHome' on server:
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.HomeHandleImpl.getEJBHome(
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.HandleImpl.getEJBObject(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.SessionData.getAttribute(
    at jsp_servlet._templates._template0005._UXaQVaXTUaSYaWaSRZfdXbWSfYXbTRQb.__ccs_mm_tgl_pfp_grid._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include(
    at com.epicentric.servlets.ServletUtils.include(
    at com.epicentric.template.Style.execute(
    at com.epicentric.taglib.html.IncludeGridTag.doStartTag(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
    at com.epicentric.servlets.stackable.SiteDispatcherServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    [ejb exception.txt]

    Hello Rajesh,
    Thanks for your sugggestion. Rajesh Karuvat and myself are working on the same
    I want to know if there is any specific patch for this problem for weblogic 6.1
    The reason we can not just try Weblogic sp4 is that we are using epicentric 4.0
    that is cvertified with weblogic 6.1 sp3 and not sp4.
    I have also opened a case with bea about it. I would reaaly appretiate if you
    can check the detials about it. The case number is 376228.
    Please do revert back.
    Rajesh Mirchandani <[email protected]> wrote:
    Try SP4.
    Rajesh Karuvat wrote:
    we are running Weblogic 6.1 SP3
    "Rajesh Karuvat" <[email protected]> wrote:
    We store EJB remote object in session and differnt clients retrieve
    from session
    before making a business method call. This seems to work in mostcases
    but some
    times it gives the exception attached. This happens only in a clustered
    What has been observed is that if we put the remote object insidea hashtable
    which in-turn is stored in session retrieval from hashtable does not
    give this
    Any suggestion / solution would be greatly appreciated.
    The exception Stack trace is attached
    java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: Unable to locate EJBHome: 'BalconHome'
    on server:
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.HomeHandleImpl.getEJBHome(
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.HandleImpl.getEJBObject(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.SessionData.getAttribute(
    at jsp_servlet._templates._template0005._UXaQVaXTUaSYaWaSRZfdXbWSfYXbTRQb.__ccs_mm_tgl_pfp_grid._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include(
    at com.epicentric.servlets.ServletUtils.include(
    at com.epicentric.template.Style.execute(
    at com.epicentric.taglib.html.IncludeGridTag.doStartTag(
    at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
    at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
    at com.epicentric.servlets.stackable.SiteDispatcherServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Rajesh Mirchandani
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

  • UnitOfWork synchronization bug?

    We're using UnitOfWork in our web application(OC4J 9.0.2 with the latest Toplink release
    In a "save" request, we register three different type of objects(three tables) in a uow.
    Then we do a jmeter test with 10 the same "save" requests simultaniously. What the "save" does is two things:
    (1) Do a query to retrieve a sequency Id
    (2) Set the id to the first record and save the three records using UOW with the first record using id as the optimisticLock field.
    The result:
    2 successful saves,
    1 error save ( saved the three correct objects and one extra from a different request)
    The other 7, we got optimisticLockException and didn't save anything except one saved partially (which caused the error save mentioned above).
    When we use ExternalTransactionController, we got "ValidationException" instead of OptimisticLockException. Other than that, it failed in a similar manner as the Toplink transaction controller did.
    Is this a synchronization bug in our code or Toplink?
    Anybody has similar experience or just my buggy code?

    Here is my test:
    In the "save", I save three records:
    ARecord, BRecord, CRecord (Each has its own table)
    and I also update a SequenceNumber record.
    ARecord has a sequence number field and I uses "useChangedFieldsLocking" for optimistic locking for updating SequenceNumber object.
    Here is the steps I do to "Save":
    (1) get a client session and do a query on my sequence table to retrieve a sequence number in a SequencyNumber object
    (2) Set the sequence id to ARecord
    (3) Set some id related fields in BRecord,CRecord
    (4) Register ARecord, BRecord and CRecord to a UOW
    (5) Register the SequenceNumber I retrieved in Step (1) to UOW
    (6) Increase the sequence in the SequenceNumber object
    (7) commit
    The optimistic locking works "all the time" if I use a single thread test.
    In multiple thread condition, it works some times. When if failed, my result becomes:
    for a ARecord here are the related saves:
    ARecord, BRecord, BRecord, CRecord, CRecord
    Some times I got three duplicates.
    "Are you changing the pk of an object in a UOW?"
    I don't think I changed the SequenceNumber object's pk.
    I only changed one field value in my sequence table (not a key)
    For the new objects, I do set their keys.
    When I change my session to use External transaction controller:
    serverSession.setExternalTransactionController(new Oracle9iJTSExternalTransactionController());
    instead of getting a optimistic locking exception, I got this instead:
    EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-7061] (TopLink - (Build 430)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Exception occurred within JTS.
    INTERNAL EXCEPTION: javax.transaction.RollbackException
    at oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException.jtsExceptionRaised(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.jts.JTSExternalTransactionController.commitTransaction(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.commitExternalTransaction(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commitInternallyStartedExternalTransaction(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commit(Unknown Source)
    at icis.qci.db.QciInsert.insertToDB(
    at icis.qci.common.CommonHttpHelper.commitFormJava(
    at icis.qci.docket.QciDocketAction.executeProcess(
    at icis.common.action.BaseCaseProcessAction.execute(
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    Thanks for you help.

  • Toplink cache and clustering and load balancer

    Hi All:
    I have an application deployed on AIX platform. This is developed using struts, toplink and session ejbs.
    Oracle 10g is installed on two AIX machines and these are in cluster. My j2ee application is deployed on oracle 10g app server.
    I will be having loadbalancer in the front of this cluster. Even now with out loadbalancer , with oracle app server clustering I am observing the request sharing between two servers.
    My problem is that as I am using the toplink and it uses the cache, what will be the impact on my application on below scenerios.
    1. user A connects to machine 1 and reads object using toplink. At the same time user B connects to machine 2 and also reads the same object. User A will update the same object and commit it. User B will use this object and will put this as a child of some parent object and commit the parent.
    I mean to say that due to different two machines, cache will not be in sync and this may cause a major problem.
    Please provide your input to this.

    This is what ORM and more specifically TopLink help you solve.
    What you need to do is configure TopLink to use your appropriate locking mechanisms. I recommend optimistic but in some cases pessimistic locking is appropriate too.
    Optimistic locking will detect if the second machine attempts to modify an object that has already changed on the database. There is also support to force the UnitOfWork to verify that the optimistic locking field(s) have not changed when using the concurrent object in another relationship.
    UnitOfWork.forceUpdateToVersionField(Object, boolean),%20boolean)
    This method will allow you to detect if the instance you are about to use has been modified by another transaction with or without updating its version field.
    Cache sync (coordination) is intended to minimize stale cache conditions but locking is the only way to guarantee it is handled at the database level.

  • Debugging Synchronization Problem - How to read PtTrace.log / tif.log?

    I believe the following is the portion of the PtTrace.log log giving a clue to why I'm receiving a "Connector Specific" error during synchronization. I've also included the tif.log as KB15294 told me to create these logs, but not how to read and solve the problem. THANK YOU ANYONE!!
    11:23:10.485: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:23:10.704: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:23:11.888: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:23:11.907: Starting Standard Sync
    11:23:11.956: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Address Book
    11:23:13.870: Finished Reading 1 Records + 0 Deletes + 0 Unchangeds for User=3211EB77 from Device Address Book (fast sync input)
    11:23:13.871: Phase=20, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:23:15.110: Finished Reading 0 Records + 0 Deletes + 704 Unchangeds for User=3211EB77 from Microsoft Outlook Contacts (slow/medium sync input)
    11:23:15.111: Phase=30, User=3211EB77: Writing data into Device Address Book
    11:25:09.541: Add 0, Change 0, Delete 0, and Leave 705 Alone in Device Address Book
    11:25:09.542: Add 1, Change 0, Delete 0, and Leave 704 Alone in Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:25:18.679: Phase=40, User=3211EB77: Writing data into Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:25:18.747: Creating new Sync History File
    11:25:18.780: History file 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\1.ish' committed
    11:25:18.781: Translation Unit Completed: User=3211EB77, rc=0
    11:25:18.860: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 126.000 seconds
    11:26:44.609: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:26:44.821: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:26:46.010: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:26:46.026: Starting Standard Sync
    11:26:46.060: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Tasks
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 12.12 at .\sdk_data.cpp line 875
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 0.4238 at .\ciltrans.cpp line 241
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 4238.4238 at .\Ilx_sdk.cpp line 220
    11:26:46.542: Translation Unit Status: User=3211EB77, rc=4238, Phase=10, TrErr=4238, SysErr=0 at .\xlatev3.cpp line 650
    11:26:46.546: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 0.000 seconds
    11:33:33.206: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:33:33.416: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:33:34.571: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:33:34.584: Starting Standard Sync
    11:33:34.628: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Tasks
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 12.12 at .\sdk_data.cpp line 875
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 0.4238 at .\ciltrans.cpp line 241
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 4238.4238 at .\Ilx_sdk.cpp line 220
    11:33:35.055: Translation Unit Status: User=3211EB77, rc=4238, Phase=10, TrErr=4238, SysErr=0 at .\xlatev3.cpp line 650
    11:33:35.058: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 0.000 seconds
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:34 2012
    -------- Running 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Desktop\IntelliSync\iltif32.dll' Synchronization engine. Internal use only. Part of the Nokia Intellisync SDK
    Version 7,3,2,23
    ilsdk ==> ilsdk
    SOURCE: Microsoft Outlook Tasks
    TARGET: Device Tasks ()
    src=144.4, tar=145.4, func=4 (todo), map#8, phase=5, TIFLOG=100, LoggingFilter=0
    v=58, sync=1, UpdOpt=2 (notify), policy=0x0, ILTR_Flags=0x9000.0x3, sizeof(tr)=17280
    TIFVersion=0x6001, SourceSST=0, TargetSST=0, OKTP=0x0
    Xlator Filtering Level = 0
    Filter Expression Has Changed = 0
    HistoryDir is 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77'
    Date Range: from 19800101 (29219) to 30991231 (438290); future=1
    -------- Requested Service is Full Sync (incremental)
    Target Field Map:
    #0.1: 21 Title Title (A, , 0)
    #1.1: 22 Notes Notes (A, , 11)
    #2.1: 30 Due Date Due Date (D, , 2)
    #3.1: 33 Priority Priority (N, , 5)
    #4.1: 37 Completed Flag Completed Flag (B, , 1)
    #5.1: 32 Status Status (A, , 4)
    #6.1: _UniqueID _UniqueID (A, , -1)
    #7.1: _Delta _Delta (A, , -1)
    #8.1: 31 Due Time Due Time (T, , -1)
    #9.1: 24 Alarm Date Alarm Date (D, , 8)
    #10.1: 25 Alarm Time Alarm Time (T, , 9)
    #11.1: 36 Alarm Flag Alarm Flag (B, , 7)
    #12.1: 49 Categories Categories (A, , 12)
    #13.1: 26 Start Date Start Date (D, , 3)
    #14.1: 27 Start Time Start Time (T, , -1)
    Extra Special Fields:
    #15.1: _appData ~ (Y, , -1)
    #16.1: _repBasic ~ (Y, , -1)
    #17.1: _repExcl ~ (Y, , -1)
    #18.1: _subType ~ (N, , -1)
    Temporary Work File is 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\workfile.tmp'
    TIF FldLst1[000]=Y.01.01200000 InstanceArray (iltr#-1)
    Using key 'Sync.(Microsoft Outlook.Tasks.0).(Device.Tasks.0).0' for history lookup
    Using old history name '3'
    ----- Starting ILTR phase 5
    TIF FldLst2[000]=A.00.00042820 2004_Subject (iltr#0)
    TIF FldLst2[001]=B.00.00000400 p21_CompletionFlag (iltr#1)
    TIF FldLst2[002]=D.00.00020000 p20_DueDate (iltr#2)
    TIF FldLst2[003]=D.00.00010000 p1_StartDate (iltr#3)
    TIF FldLst2[004]=A.00.00000000 p23_TaskStatus (iltr#4)
    TIF FldLst2[005]=N.00.00400002 p25_Priority (iltr#5)
    TIF FldLst1[001]=N.01.00200000 p24_PercentComplete (iltr#6)
    TIF FldLst2[006]=B.00.00008000 p7_AlarmFlag (iltr#7)
    TIF FldLst2[007]=D.00.00008000 p5_AlarmDate (iltr#8)
    TIF FldLst2[008]=T.00.00008000 p6_AlarmTime (iltr#9)
    TIF FldLst1[002]=A.01.00200000 39_TaskOwner (iltr#10)
    TIF FldLst2[009]=A.00.02002000 2005_Body (iltr#11)
    TIF FldLst2[010]=A.100.00000000 116_Keywords (iltr#12)
    TIF FldLst1[003]=B.01.00200000 p8_PrivateFlag (iltr#13)
    TIF FldLst1[004]=D.01.00200000 p22_CompletionDate (iltr#14)
    TIF FldLst1[005]=N.01.00200000 33_TotalWorkMinutes (iltr#15)
    TIF FldLst1[006]=N.01.00200000 32_ActualWorkMinutes (iltr#16)
    TIF FldLst1[007]=A.01.00200000 102_Mileage (iltr#17)
    TIF FldLst1[008]=A.01.00200000 103_BillingInformation (iltr#18)
    TIF FldLst1[009]=A.01.00200000 106_Contacts (iltr#19)
    TIF FldLst1[010]=A.01.00200000 105_Companies (iltr#20)
    TIF FldLst1[011]=B.01.00200000 94_DoNotAutoArchive (iltr#21)
    TIF FldLst1[012]=A.01.00200000 44_Role (iltr#22)
    TIF FldLst1[013]=B.01.00200000 159_Override (iltr#23)
    TIF FldLst1[014]=B.01.00200000 160_Play (iltr#24)
    TIF FldLst1[015]=A.01.00200000 161_SndFile (iltr#25)
    TIF FldLst1[016]=N.01.00200000 2076_Sensitivity (iltr#26)
    TIF FldLst1[017]=A.41.00202000 p101_AttachmentInfo (iltr#27)
    TIF FldLst1[018]=A.01.01200000 _UniqueID (iltr#28)
    TIF FldLst1[019]=A.01.01200000 p94_StoreIDHash (iltr#29)
    TIF FldLst1[020]=N.01.01200000 _FolderGroup (iltr#30)
    TIF FldLst1[021]=N.01.01200000 2068_TLM (iltr#31)
    TIF FldLst1[022]=A.01.01200000 _Delta (iltr#32)
    TIF FldLst1[023]=N.01.01200000 _FolderID (iltr#33)
    TIF FldLst1[024]=A.01.01200000 _RecordID (iltr#34)
    TIF FldLst1[025]=A.01.01200000 2069_EntryID (iltr#35)
    TIF FldLst1[026]=B.01.00200000 45_Ownership (iltr#36)
    TIF FldLst1[027]=N.01.00200000 p29_TaskStatus (iltr#37)
    TIF FldLst2[011]=Y.00.01200000 _appData (iltr#38)
    TIF FldLst2[012]=Y.00.01200000 _repBasic (iltr#39)
    TIF FldLst2[013]=Y.00.01200000 _repExcl (iltr#40)
    TIF FldLst2[014]=N.00.01040000 _subType (iltr#41)
    ----- Starting ILTR phase 10
    TIF FldLst1[028]=A.20.00040820 21 Title (iltr#0)
    TIF FldLst1[029]=A.20.02002000 22 Notes (iltr#1)
    TIF FldLst1[030]=D.20.00020000 30 Due Date (iltr#2)
    TIF FldLst1[031]=N.20.00400000 33 Priority (iltr#3)
    TIF FldLst1[032]=B.20.00000400 37 Completed Flag (iltr#4)
    TIF FldLst1[033]=A.20.00000000 32 Status (iltr#5)
    TIF FldLst1[034]=A.21.01200000 _UniqueID (iltr#6)
    TIF FldLst1[035]=A.21.01200000 _Delta (iltr#7)
    TIF FldLst1[036]=T.21.00200000 31 Due Time (iltr#8)
    TIF FldLst1[037]=D.20.00008000 24 Alarm Date (iltr#9)
    TIF FldLst1[038]=T.20.00008000 25 Alarm Time (iltr#10)
    TIF FldLst1[039]=B.20.00008000 36 Alarm Flag (iltr#11)
    TIF FldLst1[040]=A.120.00000000 49 Categories (iltr#12)
    TIF FldLst1[041]=D.20.00010000 26 Start Date (iltr#13)
    TIF FldLst1[042]=T.21.00200000 27 Start Time (iltr#14)
    TIF FldLst1[043]=Y.20.01200000 _appData (iltr#15)
    TIF FldLst1[044]=Y.20.01200000 _repBasic (iltr#16)
    TIF FldLst1[045]=Y.20.01200000 _repExcl (iltr#17)
    TIF FldLst1[046]=N.20.01040000 _subType (iltr#18)
    -------- Ending Setup phase; starting Done Setup phase
    DateRange of Previous Sync: 1/1/1980 (29219) - 12/31/3099 (438290)
    Date Of Previous Sync = 2/1/2012 (40938)
    Previous SourceSyncStamp: ?? 0x4f2a0554 ?? (1328153940)
    Previous TargetSyncStamp: ?? 0x4f2a0537 ?? (1328153911)
    -------- Ending Done Setup phase; starting Load Previous History phase
    Deleting useless workfile 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\workfile.tmp'
    Creating new workfile 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\3.wrk' by copying 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\3.ish'
    Digesting previous history record #3
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064532100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc4efe:f8278120\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064532100\00"
    21 Title (len= 43) "Eph Ch 2 - salvation / rewards - see below\00"
    22 Notes (len= 99) "* Judgement of service not salvations\1f* 1 cor ch 3 works burned up - passed test of fire (rewards)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120728\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1614\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120728\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=4cff8456
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29138b5
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=c22a1fe8
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=a269839b
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #3) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #4
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb8291e0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4482100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Joe's haircut\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1608\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 7) "Family\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/22/2012 (40928)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=6, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0100000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=7519503d
    TargetID Hash: TIH=291389a
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=aabe09e4
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=fd21515
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #4) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #5
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cccc9b:d8e0a560\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 7) "Church\00"
    22 Notes (len= 50) "Order Church snake part: Carvin SNK16X part SH-KW\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1601\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 4) "Joe\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "103100\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=b7ec3b1
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2913893
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=905f9349
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=57d7fc20
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #5) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #6
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccbf9f:77dcdc10\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Daily CLASSROOM\00"
    22 Notes (len= 54) "PVHS Bulletin\1f------------\1fStinger Articles - Publish\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1597\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/9/2012 (40915)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0111110
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=f1e7ca9c
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29135ef
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=86542ce4
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=eaad079d
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #6) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #7
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccc98d:84237630\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Fourth Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=129) "\1f------------\1fVacuum /mop under bed ( )\1fWipe off under bed / Wipe off bed/box spring ( )\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1549\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "030100\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/23/2012 (40929)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=4, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=19d1922c
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2913556
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=959de11a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=c13aac8e
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #7) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #8
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb685320\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 23) "Monthly - Third Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=119) "\1f------------\1f* Go thru organizer's business cards and TOSS!\1f* Empty cell p...voicemails\1f\1fClassroom:\1fUpdate walls...\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120116\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1518\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/15/2012 (40921)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=3, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=7a9b4091
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29134f8
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=a9fc0e41
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=34370988
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #8) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #9
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb7b65f0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 21) "Goals with Elizabeth\00"
    22 Notes (len= 61) "\1f------------\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBride\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120124\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1385\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Family, Important\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120124\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/23/2012 (40929)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=24, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=348f42a0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=512c32aa
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=d8cab10d
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #9) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #10
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb78f4f0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 20) "Goals with Danielle\00"
    22 Notes (len=124) "\1f------------\1f\1f\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBrid... PVC \e2\80\93 automotive, Sacto in Dec 2010\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120320\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1384\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Family, Important\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 3/20/2012 (40986)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=20, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=933b869e
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4b
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=46f015e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=93b2d48b
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #10) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #11
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb6ac420\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 17) "Goals with Sarah\00"
    22 Notes (len= 63) "\1f------------\1f\1f\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBride\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1383\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/10/2012 (40916)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=11, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=1beefc93
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4a
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=99018abf
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=5d12e5ca
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #11) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #12
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb65e220\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 24) "Monthly - Second Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 41) "\1f------------\1fClean Up Laptop - msconfig\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1382\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/8/2012 (40914)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=2, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=d947848f
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e49
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=a16cd99a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=c38a6710
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #12) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #13
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb639830\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 18) "Goals with Audrey\00"
    22 Notes (len=203) "\1f------------\1fI\e2\80\99m off Saturday and Sunday and during the week the mor...ina BcBride\1f\09\e2\80\9cLivin on Spaghetios\e2\80\9d\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1381\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 7) "Family\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/8/2012 (40914)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=9, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=37f3c88d
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e48
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=f062fe00
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=ff0e97a6
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #13) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #14
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb612730\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 26) "Monthly - First Wednesday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 44) "\1f------------\1f* Pour Root Killer down drain\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120104\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1379\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/3/2012 (40909)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=4, weekOfMonth=1, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=52b17901
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e31
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=724611f0
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=b05b9cc4
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #14) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #15
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb59fb40\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 23) "Monthly - First Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=147) "\1f------------\1f*\09Go thru top left work desk drawer\1f*\09Clean face brushes ...*\09Pour boiling water down kitchen sink\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120102\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1376\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120102\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/2/2012 (40908)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=1, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=3a1132f4
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2e
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=1b1e028a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=6fcb1320
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #15) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #16
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc6500:6eac1b00\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=1103) "Tasks in Testing\e2\80\a6 do they fit in time available?\1f*\09Personal username...s for each task, then QUIT!\e2\80\9d ~ Kelly\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1375\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/9/2012 (40915)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0100000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=98bd76f2
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2d
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=cab3e34e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=f0a82251
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #16) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #17
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc6500:9c8e5240\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Sunday\00"
    22 Notes (len=2737) "Must Do\e2\80\99s\1f*\09Make sure laptop is ON for AVG\1f\09\1f\09Tasks in Testi...week (work up to daily\e2\80\a6) practice 2)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20530903\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1374\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120108\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "093600\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/7/2012 (40913)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=1000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=f769baf0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=12565a8e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=6f255a3
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #17) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #18
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4452100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb554050\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4452100\00"
    21 Title (len= 22) "Monthly - Last Friday\00"
    22 Notes (len=105) "\1f------------\1fHome:\1f*\09Recycle\1f*\09Replace a/c air filters\1f*\09Clean W...ndows - back wall\1f\1fClassroom:\1f*\09Awards\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120127\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1373\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "122200\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
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    rpt.startDate = 1/26/2012 (40932)
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    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Friday\00"
    22 Notes (len=1341) "MUST Do\e2\80\99s:\1f* PVHS Attendance Report ( )\1f*\09CC/CVE RCOE Atten...d dance! LOL! Have some fun! - FlyLady\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 15) "Monthly Budget\00"
    22 Notes (len=2044) "June spent: $20 dining / $50 gas\1f\1fImmediate:\1f\1fGifts\1fThe Battle Belongs...\1f\1f\1fResearch withdrawing $$$ from Valic\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120128\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120128\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 99) "PVHS Course request list for electives... designated teachers (Walker, Bayles, Virginia, Teachers)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120220\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "030100\00"
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    Digesting previous history record #22
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    21 Title (len= 18) "Weekly - Saturday\00"
    22 Notes (len=2834) "Tasks in Testing\e2\80\a6 do they fit in time available?\1f*\09Wipe clothesline\1f...ance! LOL! Have some fun!\e2\80\9d - FlyLady\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "FLY - 31 Beginner Baby Steps\00"
    22 Notes (len=3536) "\1f------------\1fDear Precious New Member,\1f\1fI know that you have become ove...started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-31/>\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "044500\00"
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    21 Title (len= 25) "Monthly - First Saturday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 41) "\1f------------\1fJoe\e2\80\99s haircut\1fMy haircut\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20530512\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "083200\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "New Year's (Christmas) Cards\00"
    22 Notes (len=541) "While there are a few certain traditions that are very dear to my heart, it seems...rt. His mercies are new every morning!\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "210000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 9) "Daily PM\00"
    22 Notes (len=4143) "PM \1fPROactive not reactive.\1f** Focus ~ Discipline ~ Obedience ~ TRUST ~ Peac...forget your lace-up shoes. \1f3.\09Do your\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    21 Title (len= 15) "Classroom TODO\00"
    22 Notes (len=3136) "* 2009 SWEP Certificates\1f*\09Senior portraits for Luisa Guillen (Maria Alvarad...Webinars\1f\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "060000\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "060000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 6) "TO DO\00"
    22 Notes (len=1895) "*\09Finish laundry shelves\1f*\09GO THRU Home CDs tote just inside garage!!\1f*\09...iane Taylor\1f\1fMaui: Seven Sacred Falls\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    21 Title (len= 22) "Scriptures on FREEdom\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let y...ised eternal inheritance-- now that He\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "Bible Verses about Deserving\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "Genesis 9:5-6 <> ESV / ...nations of the earth. And all these bl\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "214000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 57) "Jordan Balius CIS Bus Comp 2008-2009 Certificate Request\00"
    22 Notes (len= 29) "Requested from Heidi 8/29/10\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120306\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #31) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #32
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844F2100@a1c12ae9\00"
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    21 Title (len= 39) "Change Name on Citi Bank Loans Account\00"
    22 Notes (len=663) "Name Change Information\09\1f\1fTo request a name change for your account, you mu...s your request within 5 business days.\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120117\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120117\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "190000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=57edcce4
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #32) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #33
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    21 Title (len= 37) "Flush out a/c coils in inside closet\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    rpt.startDate = 1/6/2012 (40912)
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    21 Title (len= 17) "lyrics to Moxley\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "200000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "200000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=acd27fb3
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    Flags: F=82.0000
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    Digesting previous history record #35
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    21 Title (len= 60) "Scholarships: James A. Johnson / Homer Lee Sain Jr. (Joker)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120803\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120803\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #36) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #37
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    21 Title (len= 37) "Recruitment - last year's interested\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20121228\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20121228\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=6a2b07af
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    KeyFields Hash: KFH=ca55ddc3
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #37) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #38
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 45) "Richard and Adrianna Johnson's Wedding Video\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20121216\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Important, Family\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20101216\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=943239a6
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #38) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #39
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    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060644D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Shopping List\00"
    22 Notes (len=1665) "\1fBbq sauce\1fHawaiian punch lemon berry squeeze\1falpine spiced apple cider\\\\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-99\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 4) "$$$\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=f2de7da4
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b00d
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #39) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #40
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccccc5:f8039630\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100\00"
    21 Title (len= 59) "Professional Growth 150 hours / 5 Years (Barbara Sign Off)\00"
    22 Notes (len= 61) "\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120114\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-98\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120114\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/13/2012 (40919)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=7, weekOfMonth=2, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=51d05e13
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b00c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=ad09e20f
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=64cfec0a
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #40) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #41
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cccc9b:d02f74f0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 6) "Music\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "\1fAfter All These Years\1f\1fRascal Flatts sequal to Broken Road\1f\1f*Bass Son...ods)\1f\1f*Song Writing\1fAdd familiar songs\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-95\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 5) "Home\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "103100\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=518ac1a2
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b009
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=8a0bc2cb
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=5b2b7206
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #41) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #42
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060244D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cbcffc:7a4d36e0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060244D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 24) "Credential follow up\e2\80\a6\00"
    22 Notes (len=145) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09Credential follow up\e2\80\a6\1f\1fStart:\09Fri 8/15...Show Time As:\09Free\1f\1fRecurrence:\09(none)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120716\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-92\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120716\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=b03705a0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b006
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=bf722929
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=ac66c082
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #42) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #43
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060044D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cbcffc:7c22e140\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060044D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 21) "Update Camping Lists\00"
    22 Notes (len=180) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09#3 - Update Camping Lists\1f\1fStart:\09Tue 8/12/200...none)\1f\1fCategories:\09General(Pj Johnson)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-90\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 16) "General(Pj John\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=ee3499e
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b004
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=dd56f6d1
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=609bc296
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #43) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #44
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E44C2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5161:419d30c0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E44C2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 29) "Unpack / Repack Camping Tote\00"
    22 Notes (len=223) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09#2 - Unpack / Repack Camping Tote\1f\1fStart:\09Tue ...on)\1f\1fTongs\1fGarbage Bags\1fKitchen gloves\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"

    Hi pgov,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    You should be able to see the last entry the synchronization stopped on at the bottom of your tif.log.
    This will be the entry causing the issue with the synchronization.
    You can identify if the issue with the entry is on your BlackBerry® Curve™ 9360 smartphone or in the calendar on your computer by checking the Source and Target fields in the tif.log.
    Once you locate this entry in your calendar, try copying down the information in the appointment so it can be re-added later, then delete the appointment as well as the tif.log and PTTrace.log files and try synchronizing again.
    You may have to do this more than once if more than one calendar entry is affected.
    Hope this helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Spring-TopLink Integration and transparent transaction controller

    I'm new to TopLink and I read the article in the "Mastering J2EE" series about the Spring TopLink integration. I never actually got into Spring before, so I went and checked out the articles and tutorials and then I went back to my exploration of TopLink.
    From what I understood, Spring promises that you wouldn't need to change your code, only your configuration files, if you change your transaction controller from the OR framework transaction controller to a JTA enabled one provided by the AS. But when I read the "Transactions" chapter in the TopLink application developer's guide, it seemed that the way you use the UnitOfWork in your code differs significantly depending on whether you're using an external transaction controller.
    My question is, does this void Spring's promise or is there a work around for that?

    You will not have to change any java code when you switch "transaction controller" strategies in your Spring beans.xml file.
    When you talk about "the way you use the UnitOfWork in your code", you're talking about the section in the "Transactions" chapter called "External Transaction Controllers" right? In any case, the differences at the java level, are essentially that you acquire an "active" UnitOfWork (getActiveUnitOfWork) and that you no longer explicitly commit the UnitOfWork.
    Neither of these two differences impacts your use of TopLink within Spring. In Spring, the transaction is always managed by a Spring PlatformTransactionManager so your TopLink code will never call commit, whether you're using an ExternalTransactionController or not. The code will be identical whether you're running in J2SE or J2EE.
    Also, since we expect users to access TopLink either through a TopLinkTemplate or through a TopLinkInterceptor, the Spring container will always "inject" a TopLink Session that is aware of whether or not there is currently an ExternalTransactionController. So, there will be no difference between the behavior of acquireUnitOfWork and getActiveUnitOfWork. Both will behave identically. They will return you the UOW currently associated with the current Spring PlatformTransactionManager. So, there is no environmental dependency here either.

  • Using oracle.toplink.sessions.Connector issues

    Since we are integrating with others,should use database connections from other app's connection pool.I use one class to implement oracle.toplink.sessions.Connector,in connect method,get connection from other app's connection pool.It works well.But I want to free connection to connection pool when one API is finished.How can I do this?I checked there is no such API.please help

    The issue is with your select method.
    When you read against the session in TopLink you are reading the object directly from the shared object cache. These objects must be treated as read-only, if you modify them you are modifying what TopLink considers to be the committed state of the object, so when you register it and update it, TopLink does not detect any changes and does not make any updates as you already changed the original cached version of the object. If you wish to modify an object you first need to register or read it through a UnitOfWork, or clone/serialize the object yourself if you wish to edit detached objects and then merge them back.
    Example: (if you used a unit of work in your select it would clone the object)
    public Employees select(int Employee) {
    Session session = server.acquireClientSession();
    UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();
    return read(uow, Employee);
    Note, that if you then modified the object locally in the same transaction/unit of work, you would just be able to call commit on that same unit of work, and not require an update method.

  • Data Synchronization problem

    I seem to be having a problem synchronizing my portal app thru the ebcc. I was making
    a change to the sample portlet1, when I my NT server shutdown due to memory problems.
    After restarting I noticed that an attempt to restart my portal gives me an unable
    to synchronize error due to a corrupt master data repository. I even tried accessing
    the Master Data Repository view using http://localhost:portno/portalDataSync/index.html.
    This tells me about stale session and asks me to clicl on the New Master Data browser
    link which does not take me anywhere. Basically I have run out of options other then
    reinstall of the portal (not a pleasant option). Has anyone else encountered this
    problem and how was it resolved
    Thank You

    You should try to redo the sync from EBCC and make sure
    to specify the "Update all files in the application" option under
    the "Synchronization" tab in the "Synchronization Setup" dialog.
    I don't think you need to re-install the product. If the sync does
    not work (I think it should) and you want to get going, you should
    re-create the database by running the create_all.bat script as described
    in Step 4 from
    and then follow Step 5 to load the sample data.
    Hope this helps.
    "Lancy Mendonca" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:3ce13c18$[email protected]..
    I seem to be having a problem synchronizing my portal app thru the ebcc. I was making
    a change to the sample portlet1, when I my NT server shutdown due to memory problems.
    After restarting I noticed that an attempt to restart my portal gives me an unable
    to synchronize error due to a corrupt master data repository. I even tried accessing
    the Master Data Repository view using http://localhost:portno/portalDataSync/index.html.
    This tells me about stale session and asks me to clicl on the New Master Data browser
    link which does not take me anywhere. Basically I have run out of options other then
    reinstall of the portal (not a pleasant option). Has anyone else encountered this
    problem and how was it resolved
    Thank You

  • Every time I launch Firefox 4 it opens 3 or 4 blank windows, no longer opens the tabs from the previous session and does not show my bookmarks sidebar.

    I have to manually close the extra windows and restore the tabs from the previous session, and reopen the sidebar. In disgust I uninstalled Firefox 4 and reinstalled 3.6. Everything works fine in 3.6. Looks to me like Firefox 4 has many major bugs and is not yet ready for prime time. I'll stay with 3.6 for now.

    This can be a problem with the files [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    Delete [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.<br />
    You will have to redo App Tabs and Tab Groups after deleting sessionstore.js.

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