Torch 9860 intermittent reboot problem help please

My torch 9860 is rebooting itself intermittently, there is no pattern to when or how it does it, I can be surfing the web or playing a video, anything, its driving me crazy, it does work fine once it reboots, well until it decides to do it again, i have tried upgrading to the latest bios and it makes no difference, is this a known issue, how do i resolve this, any advice welcome, phone is unlocked and im with virgin

have you tried a master reset?? 2 reason to look at for almost all problems. either it's the software issue which will be resolved by doing a master reset. if master reset will not work, actual parts of the handset needs to be replaced or repair. try to re flash your software as well
I am working for a telco account and my department is with Blackberry Device Support team. Likes are very much appreciated. I do not work for my carrier, I work for a different carrier in a different country

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    Fuony wrote:
    The Mac Shield malware can come through Firefox too if you allow it to and you click on it!
    Your exactly right, it is possible that if you visit a site and need the scripts to run for something that the malware that uses Javascript is on that site, then your going to be presented with it.
    The thing is with the Firefox + NoScript combination defeats alot of the web side trickery the malware authors are using to get the malware to appear in the first place.
    Also this "MacDefender" isn't the only malware making the rounds. There are some serious Flash vulnerabilities being hosted on hostile/adult websites that are running scripts for no apparent reason other than to try to infect your machine.
    By running all scripts all the time, your computer is in a state as if you tried running across a busy highway blindfolded.
    As a lifelong "MacHead" I can understand Apple loyalty, but if Apple isn't cutting the mustard on their browser security, rather place their users security at serious risk for the sake of convenience, then I have to think about using and recommending to others something else that is more secure.
    As a example, I surf thousands of web pages a day, some on really nasty sites, yet I haven't seen this "MacDefender" appear on my computer. Even when I purposely visited links that people have submitted that had the malware. (I maintain a couple of bootable clones of my boot drive just in case)

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    Hello shelbyrecords,
    Oh no! That sounds really frustrating. Unfortunately, if iCloud Find my iPhone Activation Lock is enabled on the device we’ll need to gain access to your previous Apple ID account to disable it. Based on the information you have provided, it sounds like you may need a personalized support experience to recover your previous Apple ID:
    If you forgot your Apple ID password - Apple Support
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    Matt M.

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    Not sure how much help this is, but since you're having problems with the layout, did you try deleting the layout file? MacintoshHD/users/username/Library/Application Support/Soundtrack Pro/Layouts
    BTW, I found a BKiLifeConfiguration.plist in the following path:
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  • SQL INSERT problem - help please

    I'm having a problem with INSERT statement.
    There is a "ShowFinal.jsp" page, which is a list of candidates who selected from the second
    interview. The user picked some candidates from the list and conduct the 3rd interview. After
    he check suitable candidates(who are selected from the 3rd interview) from the list , enter
    basic salary for every selected candidate, enter date of interview and finally submit the form.
    These data should be save into these tables.
    In this "ShowFinal.jsp" page, it validates the following conditions using JavaScript.
    1) If the user submit the form without checking at least one checkbox, then the system should be
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    2) If the user submit the form without entering the basic salary of that candidate which was
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    These are working well. But my problem is how to wrote the "AddNewFinal.jsp" page to save these
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    Here is my code which I have wrote. But it points an error.
    String interviewDate = request.getParameter("date");
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");
    String sql ="INSERT INTO finalselect (nicNo,date) VALUES(?,?)";
    String sql2 ="INSERT INTO EmpSalary (nicNo,basicSal) VALUES(?,?)";
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    Here is the code for "ShowFinal.jsp".
    <form name="ShowFinal" method="POST" action="AddNewFinal.jsp" onsubmit="return checkEmpty() &&
    <%--  Loop through the list and print each item --%>
         int iCounter = 0; //counter for incremental value
         while (igroups.hasNext()) {
              Selection s = (Selection);
              iCounter+=1; //increment
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="20">
         <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>"      
            <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="39">
                 <%= s.getNicno() %>  </td>
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="174">
              <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>" size="10"> </td>
    Date of interview<input type="text" name="date" size="17"></td>
    <input type="submit" value="APPROVE CANDIDATE" name="B1" style="border: 1px solid #0000FF">
    Here is the error generated by TOMCAT.
    root cause
         at org.apache.jsp.AddNewFinal_jsp._jspService(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    I have goto the file "". The line 70 points to the following line.
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){ [/b]
    Please can someone help me to solve this problem? Please help me to do this task.

    Hi Casabianca ,
    It is clearly that your problem is not on the database end, more like a servlet/jsp issue.
    I will not comment on the javascript portion, but rather the 2 jsps.
    a simple way to trace what's go wrong is to check the final result (the html code) of the first jsp (showFinal.jsp), and compare against what is expected by the 2nd jsp (AddNewFinal.jsp). Most browser do provide "view source" on the page visited.
    the following code
    <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>" value="<%=s.getNicno() %>">
    <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>"
    would likely to be "translated" to html code something as follow:
    <input type="checkbox" name=""ChkNicno0" value="nicNo>">
    <input type="text" name="basicSal0">
    the original code in "AddNewFinal.jsp" using
    which looking for a none exist http request parameter (sent as "ChkNicno0",etc but look for "ChkNicno"), which has explained before.
    the second attempt to use String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno" + iCounter); give Cannot resolove symbol :iCounter. because iCounter never defined in the 2nd jsp!
    Most of the error message do give clue to cause of error... : )
    not too sure on your intension, assume you wish to update only those selected (checked) row to db.
    some suggestions:
    1) <input type="text" name="ChkNicno" size="10"> </td>...
    <input type="text" name="basicSal" size="10"> instead.
    then use javascript to based on checked element index (refer to javascript spec for more details), for those index not checked, clear off the correspond index "basicSal" field value.
    e.g. ChkNicno[1] is not checked, empty basicSal[1] value before submission.
    This will give us only selected rows values.
    2) retain the code
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");at 2nd jsp, as now the http request will pass parameters using "ChkNicno" and "basicSal".
    3) some change to the code for optimization
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    preparestatement created once should be sufficient as we do not change the sql statement throughout the loop.
    there are better solutions out there, this just some ideas and suggestions.Do try out if you wish.
    Hope it helps. : )

  • Multiselect problem Help please!!

    Hi all,
    I am currently using Application Express I have developed an online questionnaire with a multiselect list for one of the questions. The problem i am having is that i need each choice to be totaled up separately on the report generated.
    My table of answers looks like this:
    Column name e.g. (Question 9)
    Answer "Dog" "Cat" "Mouse" "Snake" (underneath column name Question 9 depending on what is selected).
    The reporting page would look like below:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 1
    Mouse 1
    Snake 1
    and for the question you could have another respondent who chooses similar of items on the multiselect, so their answer looks like this:
    "Question 9" Dog
    "Question 9" Snake
    This would then start a new row on the reporting page like below which is not what i want:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 1
    Mouse 1
    Snake 1
    Dog: Snake 1
    But the report should look like this:
    *(Column Question 9)* Count
    Dog 2
    Mouse 1
    Snake 2
    The current SQLquery i am using is below:
    select "QUESTION 9",
    count(*) c
    group by "QUESTION 9"
    Thanks for your help and suggestions,

    How to make sure your forum post will never be answered:
    1) Make sure your subject line is completely meaningless (i.e. HELP PLEASE!) and describes no part of your actual problem
    2) State that you are having "a few problems" but make sure to offer no details whatsoever what those problems are or what the symptoms are.
    3) Post large volumes of code instead of distilling the problem down to a compact snippet
    4) For extra points, make the code hard to read by refusing to make use of the "code" tag.

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    Quote from: wodahS on 09-November-06, 05:55:17
    How can I put my computer facts under any post I am posting? I should make it my signature?
    That's the rule mate which you need to gives all your component in details including your PSU and Bios revision so that others can help you! Like what BOSSKILLER say it won't works with 3 DIMMS unless you purhased another 1 GB of RAM then it can solve your problem with 4 DIMMS or else with 2*512MB RAM. Make sure that you've lowered your HT to <=800Mhz as default is 1000Mhz. GD luck.

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    use a torx screwdriver and open the back casing, from there you can proceed to get your hard drive out. then you can retrieve the data using a universal hard drive to usb adapter (you can find them cheap on amazon).
    and if you are desperate to get it to turn on you can use the power on pads: from there we can see what is going on. (this is NOT a technique for every day use)

  • Ipad will not reboot and several other problems help please someone

    I have a similar problem but my ipad volume turns off by it self I have to continue to push the volume button up while my device it study turning the device down also I cant reboot my ipad are go to the community to post my problems im using the desktop to post this need help bad I do not have apple care and ive had my ipad for about 2 years now

    Have you tried connecting it to your computer and Restoring from your backup in iTunes?
    But it does sound like your power button is broken.

  • Macbook Pro 2011 Wi-Fi Problem HELP PLEASE! :/

    Why does my Wi-Fi signal stay on, however when I try to open a webpage, say, it stays loading and never comes up. When I turn my Airport on and off again, it comes back to normal and the web page loads? This is very frustrating for me, especially when I'm new to Mac and I've been longing for one for ages! On the other hand, my other laptop (Acer 5732Z) works fine and connects to the internet and I'm not faced with such a problem (running Windows 7)
    My home router is a TP-Link model No. WR740-N.
    I'm running the latest version of Mac OS X and I've tried installing all the recent updates from the software updates
    When I'm using the Macbook with Ethernet cable connected (not my intended use), the internet connection is also abit unsteady, however it is not that much as when I'm connected via my Wi-Fi Network.
    I would appreciate anyone's help! I've tried setting my router according to apple's instructions, but still the problem persists!!

    My MacBook Pro, which I just got in July of 2011, will not connect to the internet. I get free wireless in my apartment complex, and I've been using it ever since I moved in a few days after I got my laptop. I haven't had problems connecting to it before.
    Just the other night, I was watching a movie on Netflix and it was perfect. Then I tried watching a tv show and it stopped working from then on. I highly doubt it's a router issue because no one else in my apartment seems to have any problems. There has been a heavy rainstorm here recently, but I'm almost certain that would have no effect.
    When I try to open Safari, I will be connected to the WiFi according to the AirPort status in the menu bar, but the pages will not load completely. I'll get less than a fifth loaded according to the blue in the address bar (I don't know the technical terminology) and then I'll check the Network Settings and try to connect and refresh the page, and then it will say that I'm no longer connected to the internet.
    I've tried deleting my locations, networks, and looked into deleting the plists (a suggestion I found in a thread somewhere) but I'm afraid I'd ruin something. I've done the obvious restarting my computer, but of course to no avail. I tried turning the AirPort on and off - nothing. I've found posts on other sites about "zapping the PRAM" by holding down the Command (⌘), Option, P, and R keys simultaneously when starting the computer - like a reboot - but I'm afraid I'd lose something important (??).
    I'm curious if I messed up something when I tried connecting to the wireless at my university, which I was unable to do. I don't know if this issue is my fault or is it an Apple thing (software, hardware)? It's clear everyone else is having major problems with this as well.
    Honestly, I don't know what to do. I feel like I wasted money switching to Mac from PC. I know how to fix all my PC problems, but Mac is beyond me. Any help? Please!? I need my Mac working ASAP for school and work!


    [email protected]

    Hi Brian,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have had the 7d for 4 years or more.
    The images downloaded before from the 7d, we're ok and still look ok, it is only in the past month this has happened and it is not with every image it is intermittent. Some are clear then others on the same shoot have the problem. It is even more exaggerated when printed.
    I have tried Zoom browser and it is less evident on there but still shows.
    I am shooting both with Raw & Jpeg and I think it shows in both.
    Being a mean Scotsman I grudge having paid for Photoshop Elements and not getting the good of it.
    I have tried Adobe on line but no luck and they ask me to pay for an annual contract before they will give me technical support, which is about £100.
    I appreciate your assistance and any further help.
    Best wishes,
    Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

  • Shockwave Player 11 - Problem HELP PLEASE!!

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    supported sites ie; iSketch, it comes up in a white-box with a
    message ''Adobe Shockwave Player is now installing.'' ''Installing
    compatibility components.'' with a white bar below which is
    supposed to fill up but doesnt. Screenshot on Link below. I have
    been trying it both on IE7 & Firefox, tried both semi and full
    installer but no luck. Please help?

    This worked for me. It will actually let me access the game,
    but it is unplayable. The drawings are all just random lines. When
    I draw people see this problem, it looks like I am just drawing
    random lines on the canvas.
    I'm glad 4 helping u.4 me all the games r playable.But the
    new ones like....
    r very slow.

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    If you've already tried a complete uninstall and reinstall try opening iTunes in safe mode (hold down CTRL+SHIFT as you start iTunes) then going to Edit > Preferences > Store and turning off Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases. You may find iTunes will now start normally.

  • Possible line problems - Help Please?

    Good Morning,
    Been having a lot of problems with slow speeds and the Hub disconnecting recently. I suspect this is to do with the phone line as my setup has not changed since previous issues I had with internal wiring which I fixed with help from people on here...
    Anyway, my Hub is connected directly into the test socket and my stats are as below. This doesn't seem right. My noise margin seems very low and the number of errors and events seem rather high. My IP profile has been higher in the past and stable until a few weeks ago.
    I realise the connection is not 'stable' as it's been less than three to five days - I'm struggling to keep a connection for 24 to 48 hours at the moment without a reset so this is good for now!
    Any help from Mods or others much appreciated. Not much I can do at this end.
    ADSL Line Status
    Connection Information
    Line state: Connectedppp0_0
    Connection time: 2 days, 08:27:20
    Downstream: 2.188 Mbps
    Upstream: 448 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    VPI/VCI: 0/38
    Type: PPPoA
    Modulation: G.992.1 Annex A
    Latency type: Interleaved
    Noise margin (Down/Up): 2.5 dB / 20.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up): 61.8 dB / 31.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up): 17.7 dBm / 12.3 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up): 178731265 / 1208
    CRC Events (Down/Up): 288943 / 1108
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
    HEC Events (Down/Up): 418976 / 3497
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 38442 / 1298
    Download speed achieved during the test was - 1.6 Mbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 0.4 Mbps-2 Mbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :2.24 Mbps(DOWN-STREAM), 0.45 Mbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 1.75 Mbps

    as you are in the test socket already are you using a new filter?  tried changing the modem rj11 cable?  do you use a phone extension cable to connect to test socket?
    check this post for other ideas  uk sales 08007830056​nd-speed/m-p/14217#M8397
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • K8mm-ilsr Problems help please

    i have a k8mm-ilsr when i use my 9800 np my monitor randomly shuts off nad comp wont respond thats with ram at 400mhz if i turn ram to 333 it runs longer but randomly monitor shuts off when i use my 9600 it runs flawlessly but i want to use my 9800 as thats why i went to 64 bit i hvae tried everything in the bios and still same trouble i have 450 watt psu 1 x 512 ddr 400 power color 9800 np i have tried this card in other comp with no problems please help lol thanks peeps

    sorry i was reading those sticky's and im not sure if my lonely little psu is enough if anyone understands it can you tell me if mine is enough i have a amd athlon 2800+ 64 bit
    9800 np
    1 cdwr
    1 160 maxtor hdd
    iceberg fan on vid card and 1 lite case fan a one normal case fan and of course stock h/f
    nothing overclocked
    but i have tried overclocking and it crashes same way as if video konks out and i know card is good tried it in other system

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