Touch punch

We have a problem with the function jQuery UI Touch Punch. it doesn't work on the iPad
The object is possible to move, but it don't drop to his place.
We spent many hours to find a solution.. but we can't find a solution.. is this a bug??
Please take a look at the project (PC and iPad)
In the JS folder:
Include yepnope

Hi Robyn,
Thanks for responding.. The draggable code, can you give a advise. The animation is code only on the stage.
The yepnope code is:
indow.AdobeEdge = window.AdobeEdge || {};
// Include yepnope
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    Thanks for your help.

    Hi ricci_73
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Have you tried a battery pull restart yet ? If not then first step do it by removing the battery while your device is Powered On , wait for atleast a min. then reinsert it back after reboot please check if it works.
    If it fails then can you confirm if you recently installed any application before this issue appeared , If it is then Uninstall that particular application , it might help :
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    So I guess this must be a server issue since as you can see with the link I provided earlier that it works as expected. The file is also on and works there as well.So, I am not sure what the problem is, but you might want to ask your hosting provider what server setting should be changed in order for jQuerry-ui to work. Though frankly I am really mystified about it because I can't even imagine what server setting would prevent it to work unless it is a matter of not reading cdn files. I cannot remember how the scripts were loaded in this file. If they point to cdn then, try to include animate and the plugins locally instead of cdn and see if it makes a difference.
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    Yeah, this can be a problem.
    Without putting too much thought into this, I think Touch Punch may help you (jQuery UI Touch Punch - Touch Event Support for jQuery UI), maybe. It's easy to try.
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    // insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here
    yepnope({nope:['jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js','jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js'],complete: init}); // load the jquery files
    sym.setVariable("myScore", 0);
    var c = localStorage["myCount"] || 0; //loading from localStorage
    function init(){
    sym.getSymbol("barLimit").$('scrubber').draggable({start: function(e){
    },drag: function(e,ui){ // start: ...  // Find original position of dragged image
    var leftLimitScrubber  = sym.getSymbol('barLimit').$('scrubber').position().left; // position of the scrubber
    var rightLimitScrubber  = sym.getSymbol('barLimit').$('leftLimit').position().left;
    var LimitTwoLeft  = sym.getSymbol('barLimit').$('rightLimit').position().left;
    if(leftLimitScrubber == rightLimitScrubber){
      sym.getSymbol('correctBar1').play('in'); //
      sym.getSymbol('incorrectBar1').play('out'); //
      sym.getSymbol('thumbsDown1').play('out'); //
      sym.getSymbol('thumbsUp1').play('in'); //
      sym.getSymbol('congrats').play('in'); //
    localStorage["myCount"] = parseInt(c)+1; //Converting string to number, and then saving it
    console.log("numberOfCorrectAnswers", localStorage["myCount"]);
    var finalScore = sym.getVariable("myScore");
    finalScore = c;
    sym.setVariable("myScore", finalScore);
    } else if(leftLimitScrubber == LimitTwoLeft){
    axis: "x",
    containment: "parent"
           //for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++){ // iterate throught the local storage
             //var getItem = localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i));
              //if(getItem == 'numberOfCorrectAnswers' ){
    The above is the code for the 12th project in  this projects it needs to display the variable inside the object localStorage and display on the canvas.
    Any help will mean a lot. Thank You in advance
    P.S edge animate has a lot of bugs hard to code in

    what you need to do is to create a text box and set a default value of zero. Once that is don't you need a code on the stage which grabs the value form the localStorage object. I used the .text() jquery method to display the value on the canvas. So the zero will be replaced with whatever the value of the localStorage is.
    You also need a if statement to check if the localStorage is undefined, if its not then grab the value and display on the canvas.
    var number = localStorage['finalValue']; // for the sake of completeness I had to put this line of code
    if( number ! = undefined){ // if not undefined so the object exits then ...
         sym.$(' (text identifier) '). text(number); // note text identifier is the name of the text box you create in edge
    } // Done

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    Some websites are programed to recognize tap actions instead of clicks, but others design the site to have a mobile version and a desktop version.
    However I do not know if this will do this automatically. For example if you have a drop down menu in a form, it will drop down if you tap it on a mobile device and will do the same thing if you click it in a desktop browser.
    It is possible to try to long tap then try to drag it, but if the website does not have it programmed, it may not work. There is Javascript UI touch punch that you can check out to develop this capability, but that would be a question for
    I am sorry I could not be more helpful.

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    I have built an iOS mobile app using EA and PGB.
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    Any ideas of how to implement jQuery-ui into my app?

    Thanks Guys,
    I have gone through the Paul Trani tutorial and have tried the touch-punch.js, so far no joy.
    I am wondering if it is in the way I have loaded the script. Currently I have the following in my creationComplete;
    This has worked for other scripts but not for this.
    I will try using the method laid out in Paul's tutorial and will let you know if that works.
    Thanks again

  • Drag and drop with condition

    I have 3 circles of different colors and 3 images with those similar colors.
    I would like to be able to show the corresponding color when dropping a colored circle on it.
    For instance, by default, the red image is visible. If I drag the blue circle on it, it will show the blue image, if I drag the purple circle on it, it will show the purple image...
    I can understand a bit the code when I look at it, but that's it.
    I've spent the last couple of days reading and testing turotials and messages on the forum. But no luck ! I need help ! Please :.)
    Ok, so here is where I stand.
    I've created a symbol ('IMAGE') with my 3 images and in the timeline of this symbol 3 differents states with labels (red, blue, purple) and I made it droppable.
    I've got my 3 colored circles made draggables (btnred, btnblue, btnpurple)
    I can drag the circles on the image and it plays the symbol.
    Now, I guess I would need a condition looking something like :
    If the red circle is dropped then play the symbol 'IMAGE' at label 'Red' and stop
    If the blue circle is dropped then play the symbol 'IMAGE' at label 'Blue' and stop
    If the purple circle is dropped then play the symbol 'IMAGE' at label 'Purple' and stop
    Am I on the right track ?
    Any suggestion about the code I should use ?
    Thank you veru much for your help.
    Here's my code for the stage :
    And here the content of my symbol 'IMAGE'

    OK, I've copied shamelessly your code and adapted it to my animation.
    It works perfectly when I test it in the browser but it's very ramdom when I test the published html file. :.(
    I couldn't find a way to use just one "dropcase" with 3 conditions. So I put 3 "dropcases" on top of each other. Maybe not the best way to do it.
    Here's the code I ended up with :
        complete: init
    function init() {
              var stage = sym.$("Stage");
    // button_purple draggable
              var button_purple = sym.$("button_purple");
              button_purple.draggable({ disabled: false });
              button_purple.draggable({ containment: stage });
              button_purple.draggable({ snap: '.target1' });
              button_purple.draggable({ revert: true });
              // drop in box
              var dropCase1 = sym.$("dropCase1");
                        // accept only case 1
                        accept: ".case1",
                        drop: function(event, ui) {
                                  //play the symbol box timeline
                                  var box = sym.getSymbol("box");
              // button_blue draggable
              var button_blue = sym.$("button_blue");
              button_blue.draggable({ disabled: false });
              button_blue.draggable({ containment: stage });
              button_blue.draggable({ snap: '.target2' });
              button_blue.draggable({ revert: true });
              // drop in box
              var dropCase2 = sym.$("dropCase2");
                        // accept only case 2
                        accept: ".case2",
                        drop: function(event, ui) {
                        //play the symbol box timeline
                        var box = sym.getSymbol("box");
              // button_red draggable
              var button_red = sym.$("button_red");
              button_red.draggable({ disabled: false });
              button_red.draggable({ containment: stage });
              button_red.draggable({ snap: '.target3' });
              button_red.draggable({ revert: true });
              // drop in box
              var dropCase3 = sym.$("dropCase3");
                        // accept only case 3
                        accept: ".case3",
                        drop: function(event, ui) {
                                  //play the symbol box timeline
                                  var box = sym.getSymbol("box");
               // end droppable
    //end function init

  • Drag and Drop symbol action issue! Help!

    I am constructing a risk radar and am looking for an object to change state when put on the middle of a target. And once removed from the middle of the target, to change back to its original state, I so far have this code:
    // insert code to be run when the symbol is created here
    yepnope({nope:['jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js','jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js'], complete: init});
    function init(){
              //Use the code! Draggable! Droppable!!
              //Droppable... on the target!
              sym.$('Target').droppable({drop: function() {sym.getSymbol("risk3_orange").play();}});
    However, when I remove the object from the middle of the target ('Target') it does not change back and then changes back and forth whenever moved from then on,
    Can you help?

    Excellent, will give this a try in a sec, slightly running before i can walk, I now have 1 symbols for my target, and tried replicating the same code but chagning the name of the symbols for each one, however, it seems that the first symbol changes the colour of the second one? here is my code:
    // insert code to be run when the symbol is created here
    {nope:['js/jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js','js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js', 'js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js'],
    complete: init
    function init(){
    // apply the draggable JQuery UI plugin to the MyDraggableSymbol symbol on your stage
    start: function(e){},
    drag: function(e,ui){sym.getSymbol("risk3_orange").stop("Initial");}
    drop: function(event, ui)
    drop: function(event, ui)
    drop: function(event, ui)
    start: function(e){},
    drag: function(e,ui){sym.getSymbol("Risk2").stop("Initial2");}
    drop: function(event, ui)
    drop: function(event, ui)
    drop: function(event, ui)
    Can you help?

  • Drag and drop snapping issue

    I have a symbol that i want to "snap" into place on a target
    everything works well but the snapping just kinda hangs out in the general area
    here's the code:
    yepnope({nope:['jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js', 'jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js'], complete: init});
    function init() {
        opacity:.5, revert:'invalid'
            {    //snap:'GREEN-A-1', snapMode:'inner', snapTolerance:50,
                drop: function(){
                drop: function(){
    i want the snapping to work like the fourth box in this expample
    also, is there an intuitive way to migrate jquery code examples i find on the web to edge?

    I have an applet in a webpage that will accept drag
    and drops, however, if a user mistakingly drops into
    the browser page and not the applet, the drop is
    consumed, which is bad especially if you want an
    action to occur whenever a drop happens...
    :(Okay, but the applet provides a target area. So how is it any different from dropping said content on any other app that's in a background window? Make sure the drop area is visually obvious.
    Of course, if Firefox is taking this to be a file to show and then unloading the applet, that is not ideal. But I personally would not worry about such a thing happening that I felt a need to jump thru hoops to find a solution.
    In my opinion this would be a Firefox bug, but was
    wondering if there is a Java workaround. I guess I
    could tell people to just use IE.....You could restrict to IE other ways too, but I really don't see the point. I don't know any other way to change the type except what you already posted. FireFox does support running Java from within Javascript, so this might be a side effect of that.
    Message was edited by:

  • Drag and drop for PC and Tablet issues

    I’m doing a drag and drop for both PC and tablet.
    I need to allow any elements (draggables) to be able to drop into any of the droppable areas and not just restrict to 1 area. I tried using the if/else statement, but I can’t seem to make it work. For example, Position 1 (droppable area) must be accept all the cases – case1, case2, case3 (draggables), but only 1 draggable on a droppable at any one time.
    I hope you can help me out, or atleast helping me with the if/else statement.This is a link to my folder.
    —————————————these are my codes, in case you can’t open the file.———————————————————–
    complete: init
    function init() {
    var stage = sym.$(“Stage”);
    //DRAGGABLE. case1
    //var _1 = sym.$(“_1″); changed _1 to _2
    var _2 = sym.$(“_2″);
    _2.css(“position”, “absolute”);
    _2.draggable({ disabled: false });
    _2.draggable({ containment: stage });
    //for(var i=1; i<=9;i++){
    snap: '.target1',
    snapMode: 'centre'
    var position1 = sym.$("position1");
    position1.css("position", "absolute");
    //     position1.css("left", 375);
    //     position1.css("top", 25);
    //position1.on( "dropout", function( event, ui ) {
    //drop into position1
    accept: ".case1",
    drop: function(event, ui) {
    var element2 = sym.$(".Stage_position1__1Black_Eagle_id"); //Stage_position1__1Black_Eagle_id;
    /*else if(_1){
    var element = sym.$(".Stage_position1__2Green_Parrot_id");;
    // adds visual when correct drops here
    //case2. _5
    var _5 = sym.$("_5");
    _5.css("position", "absolute");
    _5.draggable({ disabled: false });
    _5.draggable({ containment: stage });
    //for(var i=1; i<=9;i++){
    snap: '.target2',
    snapMode: 'corner'
    var position2 = sym.$("position2");
    position2.css("position", "absolute");
    accept: ".case2",
    drop: function(event, ui) {
    var element5 = sym.$(".Stage_position2__5Black_Snake_id");;
    //case3. _7
    var _7 = sym.$("_7");
    _7.css("position", "absolute");
    _7.draggable({ disabled: false });
    _7.draggable({ containment: stage });
    snap: '.target3',
    snapMode: 'corner'
    var position3 = sym.$("position3");
    position3.css("position", "absolute");
    accept: ".case3",
    drop: function(event, ui) {
    var element7 = sym.$(".Stage_position3__7Green_Praying_Mantis_id");;
    });// end of codes
    Can anyone help me to figure out the if/else or switch statement to be used? I tried both but it doesn' work. This is my switch statement.
    var stage = sym.$(new bigElements) ;
    switch (bigElements) {
    //list down all the possible cases/scenarios.
      case "Stage__2":
              alert("Just like the sky!");
      case "Stage__5":
                  alert("Just like shiraz!");
      case "Stage__7":
        alert("Suit yourself then...");
    var stage = sym.$(new bigElements)
    switch (bigElements) {
      case "Stage__2":
        alert("Just like the sky!");
      case "Stage__5": //"case2"
       alert("Just like shiraz!");
      case "Stage__7":
       alert("Suit yourself then...");
    I've only included excerpt of the codes to let you have an idea of it. Thank you so much for your time.

    It seems like you're asking about JS for web-pages. This forum is about JS
    in PDF documents.

  • Revert statements in Adobe Edge

    I have solved that part of the animation that allows only 1 draggable element in a droppable area at any one time. Am applying it to all the draggable elements now. However, I'm having some kind of problem right now. 
    I can drag the elements around. but now, i can only drop one element in the whole droppable areas. The rest of the elements will be revert back to it's original position without even dropping in first.
    I have also placed a reset button on the stage but I don't know why it won't appear eventhough I have tried changing it's position on the "Elements" column.
    This is my file so far, link:
    This is an excerpt of my code which can work for the 1st draggable element.
        complete: init
    function init() {
              var stage = sym.$("Stage");
              var animalArray = new Array();
    //DRAGGABLE. case1, _2
              var _2 = sym.$("_2");
              _2.css("position", "absolute");
              _2.draggable({ disabled: false });
              _2.draggable({ containment: stage });
              snap: '.target1',
       snapMode: 'centre',
       revert: "invalid",
       stop: function() {
       $(this).draggable('option', 'revert', 'invalid');
              var position1 = sym.$("position1");
              position1.css("position", "absolute");
       greedy: true,
              accept: ".allcases",
              drop: function(event, ui) {
              //REVERT PART 3
              var draggedElement = ui['draggable'].eq(0).attr('id').replace("Stage_", "")
              //for loop
              for(var i=0 ; i<animalArray.length;i++){
              var element = animalArray[i].attr('id').replace("Stage_", "")
              if(draggedElement == element){
              //change the animals width and height upon dropped over here
              //REVERT PART 4
              $(this).append('<div class="filled" ></div>')
              ui.draggable.draggable('option', 'revert', true);
    //and these are the codes that don't work
    //DRAGGABLE. case2, _5, position2
              var _5 = sym.$("_5");
              _5.css("position", "absolute");
              _5.draggable({ disabled: false });
              _5.draggable({ containment: stage });
              snap: '.target2',
       snapMode: 'centre',
       //REVERT PART 1
       revert: "invalid",
       stop: function() {
       $(this).draggable('option', 'revert', 'invalid');
              var position2 = sym.$("position2");
              position2.css("position", "absolute");
    //drop into position2
       greedy: true,
              accept: ".allcases",
              drop: function(event, ui) {
    //edit the length?
              //orig: if($('.filled').length<1){
              //if($('.filled').length<6){ //other elements will still be stacked on top of it.
    //if($('.filled').length<10){ //other elements will still be stacked on top of it. but im able to drop e 1st element
              var draggedElement = ui['draggable'].eq(0).attr('id').replace("Stage_", "")
              //for loop
              for(var i=0 ; i<animalArray.length;i++){
              var element = animalArray[i].attr('id').replace("Stage_", "")
              if(draggedElement == element){
              //change the animals width and height upon dropped over here
              $(this).append('<div class="filled" ></div>')
              ui.draggable.draggable('option', 'revert', true);
    //end of codes--------------//
    //there's more elements of course, so you download the folder from the link above.
    I hope anyone can help me. Thank you so much

    See this discussion: post #10.

  • Drag problem on Microsoft Surface 1

    Hello, I explain my little problem
    I use Jquery and jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js to make Drag work on mobile device....and you know what it works !!
    But because there is a but, I had to add an empty swipeleft function in edge to fixe the screen on Microsoft Surface 1 when I drag from the left or right, but if I try to drag from the top to the bottom it doesn't work, the Focus seems to be on the mobile device, not on the animation...I hope I am clear
    Is someone have a solution for that ?
    thanks for your help, and excuse my english

    Im also looking for a board or the appropriate calibration data. Was there even an answer to this request?

  • How do I utilise 'snippets' of code that I've found on jsfiddle

    Hi folks,
    I've found a bit of code on jsfiddle that I would like to use within my EDGE document.
    The fiddle in question is here
    I created an object on the stage and called it 'draggable' (as per the <div> naming in the jsfiddle example
    I then copied this following piece of code from the jsfiddle 'JavaScript' pane into the 'CompositionReady' code panel of my EDGE document
    $(function() {
            helper: function(){
                // Create an invisible div as the helper. It will move and
                // follow the cursor as usual.
                return $('<div></div>').css('opacity',0);
            drag: function(event, ui){
                // During dragging, animate the original object to
                // follow the invisible helper with custom easing.
                var p = ui.helper.position();
                    left: p.left
    But nothing happens at all. Can anybody let me know why this isn't working please?

    Cheers Tim,
    In the spirit of sharing I've managed to tweak another cool drag and drop from a jsfiddle to get a nice custom 'revert' animation.
    All credit goes to whoever put the code up on jsfiddle and TimJaramillo for showing me how to apply that to EDGE.
    Here's the source file
    And here's the code for on Stage.compositionReady:
        complete: init
    //function init() {
    //    sym.$('draggable').draggable({
    //        helper: function(){
                // Create an invisible div as the helper. It will move and
                // follow the cursor as usual.
    //            return $('<div></div>').css('opacity',0);
    //        drag: function(event, ui){
                // During dragging, animate the original object to
                // follow the invisible helper with custom easing.
    //            var p = ui.helper.position();
    //            $(this).stop().animate({
    //                top:,
    //                left: p.left
    //            },1000,'easeOutCirc');
    function init() {
        // We Can't use revert, as we animate the original object so
        //revert: true,  <- don't use this
        helper: function(){
            // Create an invisible div as the helper. It will move and
            // follow the cursor as usual.
            return $('<div></div>').css('opacity',0);
        create: function(){
            // When the draggable is created, save its starting
            // position into a data attribute, so we know where we
            // need to revert to.
            // cache $this to keep from having to make
            // lots of DOM calls w jquery
            var $this = $(this);
        stop: function(){
            // When dragging stops, revert the draggable to its
            // original starting position.
            var $this = $(this);
                top: $'starttop'),
            // replace with whatever jQueryUI easing you want
        drag: function(event, ui){
            // During dragging, animate the original object to
            // follow the invisible helper with custom easing.
                top: ui.helper.position().top,
                left: ui.helper.position().left

  • Interactive table

    I am trying to create an interactive textbook suitable which will be outputted to a series of formats suitable for tablets and desktops, and I was wondering if there was any way to include a table which students enter a series of numbers (2-4 different numbers, ranging from about 1-15) and a formula calculates the product of these numbers in another text box. As far as I can see, inDesign doesn't really cater for that level of interactivity and I am unsure whether the Adobe content viewer even provides a keypad for input, however, I just thought maybe someone else would have some ideas as to how that could be done.
    Also, is there any method by which recipients of an inDesign document, in pdf format or using the Adobe content viewer, could move objects around interactively and place them next to another object where it either settles if that is the correct object, or flicks back if it is not. Again, I tihnk I might be overstretching the bounds of inDesign, but if it is possible, it would be nice to know,

    I am sure this can be done for the iPad. Altough InDesign does not have these kind of features, you can extend it by placing HTML content or importing a folder containing HTML content in a folio. So you can create the pages in Dreamweaver and combine the results with InDesign pages in a folio. Examples can be found on the web. Search for jQuery Calculation Plug-in for the calculation examples. For draggable objects: Drag-and-Drop with jQuery: Your Essential Guide. They have a cards game example that does exactly what you describe (you must add the jQuery UI Touch Punch scripts to the code to make it work on an iPad).

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