Touch-Punch issue:

I'm having an issue with TouchPunch on the iPad where I have to tap the symbol once initially, then it's draggable.
But if I just press and drag without that first tap, the page just scrolls as if I had dragged the background.
Example: DragAndDropTest01
Source File: Dropbox -
Note that Touch Punch is at the bottom of the scripts list.
It's just:
Thanks for your help.

Hi ricci_73
Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
Have you tried a battery pull restart yet ? If not then first step do it by removing the battery while your device is Powered On , wait for atleast a min. then reinsert it back after reboot please check if it works.
If it fails then can you confirm if you recently installed any application before this issue appeared , If it is then Uninstall that particular application , it might help :
KB10040 :How to view or remove installed application on a blackberry smartphone
Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

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    Thank you

    Hi Raj7108,
    I would advise you to download and install the ‘TouchFreeze’ software from the link below and check for issue resolution.
    Please let me know if this helps.

  • Touch punch

    We have a problem with the function jQuery UI Touch Punch. it doesn't work on the iPad
    The object is possible to move, but it don't drop to his place.
    We spent many hours to find a solution.. but we can't find a solution.. is this a bug??
    Please take a look at the project (PC and iPad)
    In the JS folder:
    Include yepnope

    Hi Robyn,
    Thanks for responding.. The draggable code, can you give a advise. The animation is code only on the stage.
    The yepnope code is:
    indow.AdobeEdge = window.AdobeEdge || {};
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  • WT10-A Touch screen Issues

    I bought this less than a week ago and i am having issues with the touch screen. It just stops working all of a sudden for no reason and i have to restart to make it work. It will work fine for hours sometimes but sometimes i have to restart every five minutes. Can someone please help me solve this issue. ThanksKarman

    I'm no scientist (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express)... but do you think that perhaps the touch screen issues a lot of folks are experiencing could be due to liquid evaporation? Maybe these people are leaving the iPhone in a hot car (or some other really warm place) for an extended period and not admitting it? I mean it is summertime.
    Not liquid, but you could be onto something.
    Heat is one of the few things that can cause a capacitive screen system go out of calibration, due to the effect on surrounding part specs. Perhaps that's what we're seeing.
    I suppose someone with the problem could stick their phone in the refrigerator (not freezer!) for ten minutes and see if that cures their problem.
    More likely, there are several different problems going on, and what works for one won't work for others.
    My biggest suspicion is that a memory interface is on the edge (either power or timing), and thus weird glitches show up. Restorting the device only when it is fully charged might be one experiment. Give us a dozen bad devices, the source code, a lab with an ICE, and a coupla weeks... and we could figure out what's going on.

  • Touch Screen Issues on Xperia Z1

    Who else is experiencing touch screen issues?
    On my phone, the screen fails to register the finger gesture appropriately, for instance, a tap on the screen will be identified as scroll up. single touch on the back button will be registered as many taps, ultimately exiting the application.
    OHH!this phone has made my life **bleep**!

    Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    Sorry to hear about your phone. Do you have any 3rd party screen protector on the phone? Perhaps you can try to remove it to see if you experience any difference. 
    If not you can try to repair the phone software using PC Companion:
    In PC Companion, press start on Support Zone > Start on Update the phone/tablet software > Press the blue link that says "Repair phone/tablet".
    Before repairing the software in your device you may want to backup your information first. Check out this topic for more information on how to:
    If the behavior persists, you may want to have your phone examined by a service center. Please contact your local Xperia support team for more information:
    What are your thoughts about this forum? Let us know by doing this short survey.

  • Touch Screen Issues

    Troubleshooting Touch Screen Issues:​e=c01533440&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&lang=en&product=376​...
    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
    **Click Accept as Solution on a Reply that solves your issue to help others**

    HP ENVY 17-j005tx Notebook, HP ENVY Recline 27-k001a, HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 G2020T, HP MediaSmart EX495 Server, HP MediaVault 2020, HP ENVY 120 AiO Printer

  • Adobe Photoshop Touch Question / Issue

    I bought Adobe Photoshop Touch some time ago for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 and I liked it so much. Of all the apps I had for photo editing, this one gave me all I need. I used to own Adobe Photoshop CS2 on my old PC so I wanted something for my tab as well. I was very satisfied by this app until my tab died some time ago. After a pain of service and repairs, the tab worked again but it had a new issue. Anytime I used the device on something more demanding (i.e. playing games ) the tab overheated a lot and the screen started to touch itself very much as, if it was pressed all the time. After some time of struggle with it I decided to wipe it clean and pass it out to a family member who would maybe dedicate more time to fix it.
    Last month I bought myself a new device ( Sony Xperia Z ) and I was eager to get all my data on it and apps of course. To my sadness Adobe Photoshop Touch is not compatible with my device now, and it just sits there in my app list doing nothing . I could install only Photoshop Express but it does not give me the full access I had with Touch. I saw that there is another product called Photoshop Touch for smartphones and it seems to be the same as what I had only phone edition.
    My problem is that I can not get this new app unless I pay for it and I do not wish to do that because I already paid for the previous edition.
    My question is: Can I somehow obtain the Smartphone edition and the previous version ( which apparently is for tablets I suppose ) be removed from my Google Play account. I would purchase the smartphone version but there is no point in having 1 app 2 times.
    I would happily like the staff to remove my previous version from my account if they would gave me the smartphone version and I acknowledge that the tab app was more expensive than the smartphone version and Adobe will not refund me the money difference nor are they obligated to give me the smartphone version. I am just asking if it would be possible because I like that app and it's such a shame for it to be in my app list and not be used. Thank you for your time in reading this and no matter what answer I get, I will be ok with it. Have a nice day .

    I don't think you'll have much luck. PS Touch for tablets was designed for just tablets; PS Touch for phones was designed for just phones. Touch for phones came out a little later than Touch for tablets. (By several months, if I recall.) On the brighter side, if you ended up buying Touch for phones, you'd be covered no matter which device you had.
    Both are very similar in function. I believe the only differences are their UIs; Touch for tablets is landscape-oriented-specific while Touch for phones is portrait-oriented. (Some elements are also placed differently.) I imagine this allows for maximum utilization of screen real estate and element placement.

  • IPhone 5S touch screen issues

    Hi! I have a lot of issues with the touch screen of my iPhone 5S! the touch screen have areas without response! but not always the sames areas!
    each picture represent the different areas without response in the touch screen! are not the same in some cases!
    I´m writing from Argentina, so we don´t have apple store here to go to replace the cellphone or repair it! I could buy the whole touch screen and replace it by my self, but I don´t know if is only a problem with the touch screen or maybe an issue with the battery or other hardware components!
    Sorry for my English! thank you in advance!

    Hi there Psycho_ar,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting touchscreen response
    -Griff W.

  • U410 touch WiFi issues after upgrading to windows 8.1

    Hi all,
    I have a U410 touch and yesterday I upgraded to windows 8.1
    I have major WiFi issues.
    connection drops after a few minutes giving limited. troblesshooting resets the adapter saying ''the default gateway is not accessible '' is fixed. But after a few minutes the problem comes back. and it goes like this forever.
    I have the Intel Centrino N-2230 and I installed the driver I found here (
    I''ve tried to uncheck the power management option but the problem is still there.
    I also have other issues with the dolby system (I see others have the same problem )and my touch screen is not working.
    any help will be greatly appreciated

    I am also running into the same issue with my Lenovo U410 and it is really frustrating. I also have Centrino Wireless chip with driver version and I have windows 8.1
    I bought the laptop from Costco and was having similar issues. I sent it back to Costco Concierge who apparently replaced the wireless chipset on this laptop but now I am getting this issue.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • 3rd generation iPod touch syncing issues

    The last time I tried to sync my iTunes account through a wired connection between my Macbook Pro and 3rd generation iPod touch, I had some major issues.
    First: It deleted the YouTube, iBooks, Netflix, Dropbox, Facebook, and Kindle apps from my iPod and will not let me reinstall them because they are "not compatible with this iPod." This is really annoying.  It means I can never sync my computer with my iPod again.  The only way I can get those apps on my iPod is if I go to the store in the iPod and download each one individually.
    Second: Some songs that I have recently acquired will not sync with my iPod because they are not the right format or something.  I never had issues with this before.  This song is in the same format as some songs I aready have on the iPod.
    Solutions I have tried:  I tried reinstalling iTunes and it didn't help.  I tried reseting my iPod to factory settings and starting with a "new iPod," twice.  This did not help either.
    My Question: Is this an issue because my iPod is out of date and means that I am just SOL or can it be fixed?

    The shuffle and iPod touch use different drivers.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

  • 5th Generation iPod Touch Syncing issues

    I recently receive a 5th Generation iPod Touch as a gift and I am having issues with it. I plugged the iPod into my Windows 7 PC with iTunes and had issues from the start. First, my iPod would not even sync any media content from my library. So I messed around with the settings until the content was on my iPod. Once, it was on there I went to play a song that I had downloaded and it immediately skipped the song and kept going to the next available song , so I went back on to the forums to see that it could be a corruption on the backup and all you would have to do is restore your iPod and it would fix your issue. I did that got to the same step and a few songs played but most skipped. The album art is there for most of the songs not the music. I then went to iPod>On this iPod to find that every song I had just sync had an exclamation point error by the song. This is only happening on the On this iPod menu the music plays fine on the music menu without an issue. I am curious of what I am doing wrong here? I also read that it could be a much bigger problem in that I would have to delete all my music and re-install it. If that is the case I will deal with the iPod as is. It is not worth my time to spend hours trying to re-install 15+ GB on my PC again. 

    Verify that all play in iTunes on the computer.
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

  • Ipod Touch: My Issues, help needed as fast as possible

    Well recently i got an Ipod Touch 2nd Generation for christmas, and i must say i love it. But i have got some serious problems. 1) all applications that were not standard on the itouch crash unexpectedly and the only way to rectify this issue is to download something from the app store and they work again :S. Yes that is as bizarre as it sounds. Sometimes it will work fine and i can use any of my apps whenever i like. But frequently(more frequently as time goes on) the applications dont open, i touch them they open the background for the app and they take me back to the main screen. I have tried the following: reseting the iPod, restoring it to factory settings, uninstalling apps and then re-installing and this issue is resolute. I also happen to know that some other 2nd Generation Touch owners at my school have the very same issue. I have seen some threads dotted about explaining their issues that are similar to this, meaning its fairly widespread.
    My second issue is really bugging me, i opened the itunes store for the first time on my iPod(i never get any of my music from itunes normally i detest the application.) and all of a sudden it downloaded a podcast without me telling it to. It was called Podhead: The DoorWhores Off to vegas. This is something i really do not wish to have on my iPod. So i synced it to my windows OS and tried to re-sync the iPod's podcasts with my library so that it would dissappear. But it didn't, i then tried setting it to manually putting files on my ipod and alas it doesnt show up in the podcasts sub section of the device. I tried playing the podcast and it takes me to the home screen of my ipod with the Play triangle flickering constantly in the top right of my ipod. I don't know what is going on with that but i havnt restored it to factory settings after this issue, mainly because my iPod refuses to accept that i own all of the apps i have backed up and i have no desire to manually re-download them to my ipod.
    3) That last scentence brings me nicely onto my final problem which is this: my computer tells me that i do not have the authority to put onto my ipod. Despite all of them being free and despite all of them having being backed up from my ipod.
    Any help with these issues would be much appreciated. I am in desperate need of assistance before i come to the end of my tether and resign myself to a long trip to the nearest apple store. thanks in advance

    Sanga wrote:
    1) all applications that were not standard on the itouch crash unexpectedly and the only way to rectify this issue is to download something from the app store and they work again
    Did you try to restore your iPod to factory settings and add your apps one by one to find out which app causes the crash? Try not to restore from a backup it may contain the corrupt parts you don't want to install again.
    3) That last scentence brings me nicely onto my final problem which is this: my computer tells me that i do not have the authority to put onto my ipod. Despite all of them being free and despite all of them having being backed up from my ipod.
    Deauthorize and authorize your computer in iTunes, here's how to:

  • N95 + One Touch Access issue on Windows Vista Busi...

    Hi all,
    I searched for a solution to this issue both in this forum and in the Nokia PC Suite help but I couldn't find any.
    I'm able to use Nokia PC Suite with my N95 + cable DKE-2 except for One Touch Access.
    When I clic on "Connect to the Internet" I get the following error message pop up:
    "You do not have sufficient privileges to modify the connection properties. Only Administrators can create and modify connections."
    The funny thing is that I am an Admnistrator of my notebook (I don't know how many times I checked it from the Advanced User Accounts Control Panel).
    If I clic "Ok" I get the One Touch Access window with the following message:
    "There are no Nokia modems installed. Please make sure you have installed Nokia Connectivity Cable driver software."
    And below the picture of the notebook and the base station:
    "No modem found!"
    But if I check in the Device Manager (Control Panel) list I find "Nokia N95 USB Modem #2".
    Moreover, as far as I understood, the cable driver is automatically installed with the Nokia PC Suite and I shouldn't reinstall it:
    This is the System Information I get from the Help > About > System Info command:
    Operating system:
    Microsoft Windows Vista
    Build 6000
    No service pack installed
    Language: English (United States)
    Language for non-Unicode programs: English (United States)
    Locale: Italian (Standard)
    Input language: Italian (Standard)
    Nokia PC Suite:
    Language: English
    Connectivity Cable Drivers:
    Microsoft Outlook:
    Version 12.0
    Build 5000
    Bluetooth stack:
    Microsoft Bluetooth stack
    Version 6.0.6000.16386
    This is the log of the "Query Modem" command (Device Manager > Properties > Diagnostics):
    ATQ0V1E0 - OK
    AT+GMM - Nokia N95
    AT+FCLASS=? - 0
    ATI1 - 356962013384111
    ATI2 - V 06wk41v31
    (c) Nokia
    ATI3 - Nokia N95
    ATI4 - 2006_wk41_v26
    ATI5 - OK
    ATI6 - OK
    ATI7 - OK
    The modem driver is updated: version, date 21/06/2007.
    The Nokia N95 software is updated: version 12.0.013.
    Any help is very appreciated!
    Thank you,

    I've had the same problem but it was not solved by installing PC Suite 6.84 (as this failed to install), however this is how I got around it.
    Find the "OneTouchAccess.exe" program. It should be in C:/Program Files/Nokia/Nokia PC Suite 6/. Right-click the "OneTouchAccess.exe" program icon and go to ‘Properties’, then click the ‘Compatibility’ tab. Under ‘Privilege Level’, select ‘Run this program as administrator’ and click ‘OK’.
    Then when "PC Suite" tries to launch "OneTouchAccess.exe" via the "Connect to the Internet" icon, it does so with the right privilieges.
    (Any body know why PC Suite 6.84 would not install on my Acer notebook running Windows Vista V6.0 Build 6000?)

  • IPod 5th generation screen touch sensitivity issues?? Lack of sensitivity!!

    Hello all! I am just wondering if anyone else has issues with the sensitivity of their screen to touch? I have to tap my screen multiple times especially along the edges or if the buttons on the screen are smaller. The Airplane mode one is tricky for me.
    I play a game called CSR Racing and find that sometimes the buttons don't respond well.
    Is anyone out there having any issues with their screens? Should I be worried and call Apple? It gets annoying when you have to tap multiple times or have your finger tip positioned just right.
    Post up if you have any issues at all, thanks!!

    I've noticed this, too. I have new iPod touch 5th generation. Where I find it troublesome is in something like Contacts or Music. When I am looking for a contact or a song and the list of letters A-Z shows up on the right hand side, I have a to tap a letter several times before I get any response. I wasn't sure if this was a hardware or software problem, or if the letters are so small that my finger hits too many at one time. Then I noticed that when I am relaxing with a game of Solitaire, the cards along the right edge of the screen often won't respond on the first tap. I am curious about this, too. Otherwise I am pretty happy with my new iPod.

  • Adobe Reader XI Signature and touch monitor issue

    Hi. I am trying to utilize signature feature on this new Adobe Reader XI. When I first tried this at a local Microsoft Store, it worked beautifully and I immediately downloaded the software on my computer (Windows 7; touch screen computer).  Upon installing them, however, I cannot get my finger to sign just as I was able to do before at the Store.  It just won't let me sign on the box (but I was able to do it using a mouse). I thought it is perhaps a Windows issue and I tried it with my friend's Windows 8 computer.  However, same problem occurs.  What would be a possible solution to this issue?  Thank you very much!!!!

    Use the forum for Adobe Reader.

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