Touch Screen on iMac

Is possible to do touch screen on new iMacs?
Also able to use functionality of iphone/ ipod touch?
Is there software and hardware that make it happen?

It is possible to get current iMacs modified to have a touch screen. It will be costly though given that large size of the screens involved.
Much of the functionality of an +iPod touch+ is very distinct to it's function as a media player and handheld device so very little would be common. Multi-touch only works on the +MacBook Air+ in terms of Mac models.
BTW this forum is for the much older iMac (Flat Panel) models
G4 (aka Flat Panel): Intel:
Click image to go to correct forum.

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    See below for a few links.
    You should ask the people at Troll Touch if the have a software to create a user interface.
    Usually, the maker will provide programmers with the programming codes and a interface guide line on how to program the different gestures.
    I know that PQLabs as a SDK for their touch screens.
    With the programming codes in hand, any good Flash or HTML 5 programmer can setup a web site that will take advantage of the touch screen.
    One thing I can tell you is that with touch screens based web sites, when it comes to links or buttons to push,everything needs to be bigger than on a standard web site. People will be using their fingers to do the clicking.
    A finger is a much bigger pointer than a mouse pointer!
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    You can look at these for possible solutions:
    TUIO is an open framework that defines a common protocol and API for tangible multitouch surfaces. .html

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    Have you tried your good friend Google?
    I found this during a quick search: Add-On Touch Screens
    I am sure there are plenty of companies that make such devices, the only concern being that it is both Mac-compatible and of a desirable color.

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    No they don't.
    Apple's position is that touchscreens are for tablets and phones (in Apple's case the iPad and iPhone) and that OSX does not need a touchscreen - the trackpad and/or mouse is more flexible.
    That may change in future but no one here knows.
    In answer to your second question, there is NO touch screen available for the MacBook Air (2012 or any other vintage), nor for the MacBook Pro.  If you must have a touchscreen, consider an iPad with a stand and a wireless keyboard.  Alternatively, a Windows 8.1 laptop or desktop???

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    I do Not know for certain, but from my understanding, touch screen interfaces require that the OS version used to drive them be "designed" from the beginning to operate within that environment.  Obviously, at this point OS X has Not been designed to function that way (non of the Mac's using it work that way); although the mobile version, iOS 6, used in iPhones and iPads was indeed designed from scratch to operate that way.  So one day sometime down the road it's possible that OS X too will share this ability.  But not yet.
    Hope this helps

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    kind of feel like Apple's losing its "cutting-edge, innovative, pushing new technology, user friendly options & ideas" identity with the passing of Mr. Jobs.
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    daniel1948 wrote:
    I just downloaded the NetFlix app to my iPod Touch 32 GB and lo and behold I can stream "instant watch" content from NetFlix to my iPod. But the screen is tiny. I know there are cables I can use to connect the Touch to a TV.
    But my question is: Is there a way to send the stream from my Touch to my iMac so I can watch on its screen?
    No. There is not.

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    Does anyone have a suggestion?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Previous Post.
    If you clicked on your username and looked at your profile, you can see the messages you've created or replied to in the past.

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    If the reset does not work try the remaining items of:
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              

  • Has anyone used a touch screen monitor with scxi.I am having video lock ups while using LV and MAX

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    Max is the NI interface for all the drivers. It may be a specific driver that is causing problems, perhaps NI-VISA. I would try installing things one piece at a time. Might want to start by uninstalling everything so that you start with a clean system. First install LabVIEW with no drivers at all. See if the Micro touch screen still works. Then try installing NI-DAQ. Install each of the drivers you need one at a time. If you don't need something, leave it out.

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    Sorry for my English! thank you in advance!

    Hi there Psycho_ar,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting touchscreen response
    -Griff W.

  • IPhone 4 touch screen not working

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    Good Morning S.GOPINADHAN,
    I understand your iPhone screen is black and you are not able to turn it on.  The article below will explain what to do when your iPhone is not responsive.  I'll also include instructions on how to back up your iPhone when you are able to turn it on.
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
    iCloud: Back up your iOS device to iCloud
    - Judy

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