Transferring music to Mac

I recently bought a MacBook Pro, and want to use it to sync my iPod Touch. Because of the internet capabilities on this device, I have purchased apps and songs directly on my iPod, and are therefore not in my PC iTunes Library. Is there any way I can get those songs/apps tranferred to my Mac Library?

In itunes, with ipod touch attached, Click File>Transfer Purchases.

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    There are several different ways to read HFS+ volumes on a pc. I used to have one but it was for reading .dmg on pc. I did find a program called HFSExplorer that might help you. If you can, I would transfer the music you have to your internal HDD on your Mac using a program like Senuti and then putting it on the iPods HDD using disk mode, then you should be able to read them on the pc usaing the aforementioned program.
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    I hope this helps some!

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    I believe that what you mean is your iPod HD's format not music files format.
    Have a read, see if it helps

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    You can't trasnfer music using an iPod Shuffle since it is linked to ONLY one library, however you can transfer the files in Disk mode, set your iPod to Disk mode and asign the whole space for data (Itunes preferences/iPod)
    So you can transfer (and no listening in iPod) the files from the PC to the G4, after all your music is on the G4, add it to iTunes and now you can asign more space for music on iPod preferences.
    good luck

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    Are you transferring these tracks back from your Mini
    to iTunes and are the ones that transfer purchased
    tracks? The transfer of non purchased content such
    as songs imported from CD is designed by default to
    be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there are a
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    retrieve the music files and playlists from your
    iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of
    functionality and some will transfer movies, videos,
    photos, podcasts and games as well. Have a look at
    the web pages and documentation, this is just a small
    selection of what's available, they are generally
    quite straightforward. You can also read reviews of
    some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded
    TuneJack Windows Only
    Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    YamiPod Mac and
    Windows Versions
    Rescue Mac & Windows
    Copy Mac and Windows Versions
    There is also a manual method of accessing the iPod's
    hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on
    Windows or a Mac. The procedure is a bit involved and
    won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's
    available at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off
    the iPod
    My songs are currently on my mini and in itunes, but when i try to transfer them to my new nano, it will not work. The only songs it will transfer are the songs that I copied from cd's. I also have a new computer that I am using, does this have anything to do with it? If I use my old computer would it work. From you response, it sounds like there is a solution w/ the link that you provided. Correct? Thank you for your feedback.

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    You can't sync or drag your non iTMS music back directly from an iPod to iTunes, the transfer of music is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there is a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on Windows posted in this thread: MacMuse - iPod to iTunes
    If you prefer something more automated then there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. Have a look at the web pages and documentation for these, they are generally quite straightforward. As iTunes 7 is just out some of these may not have caught up with it yet though I haven't experienced any problems with the Mac software I use.
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    iGadget Windows Only
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    iPod Access Mac and Windows Versions
    PodUtil Mac and Windows Versions
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    PodPlayer Windows Only
    CopyPod Windows Only
    There is a new function in iTunes 7 under File, "Transfer Purchases from iPod" which transfers iTMS purchases. A paragraph on it has been added to this article: How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer

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    What can I do?

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    If you dragged the file called 'iTunes' in to the music folder in the finder and it asked 'do you wish to overite' then it has probably overwritten the folder tha t already existed
    (with the new music in).
    If you haven't emptied you trash it might be in there, but don't click retore the trash just drag the folder onto the desktop.
    Hope this helps.

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    I just recieved my new Macbook Pro with Retina.  It is my first Mac.  I am transferring music using Migration Assistant from my Vista PC.  I was wondering if it would cause any issues if I cancel the operation (as it will take over a day on wireless)?  There are no settings involved, just music files (mostly mp3's).

    If you were transferring files during the initial setup, you were using Setup Assistant. Migration Assistant can be run later; however, it will automatically create a new user account (because you've already set up an account during the setup), so you'll wind up with two accounts and duplicate folders which will take a while to sort.
    If you just want to drag over certain files, best to use target disk mode (you need a firewire cable):
    If you want to use that, you can just erase your drive using the recovery option and then download/reinstall your OS again.

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    An iPhone is not PC or Mac formatted.
    She will need to transfer her iTunes library from her Mac to the PC. You can have more than one iTunes library on the same computer. Assuming she will have her own computer login account on the PC, her iTunes library transferred from her Mac can be placed under her computer login account on the PC. This will probably be the best way to do this if you have different iTunes accounts.
    Follow the instructions included with this link for transferring her iTunes library from her Mac to the PC. The same would apply in the reverse.
    If you share the same iTunes account and she only wants to transfer the iTunes content that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store from her iPhone to your iTunes library on the PC, with her iPhone connected to iTunes on the PC and without syncing, at the iTunes menu bar go to File and select Transfer Purchases From - the name of her iPhone. This will include all music purchased from the iTunes store that is on her iPhone, and all 3rd party apps - all paid and free apps.

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    Keep in mind, I know how to get music from my Mac onto my zune. It's the opposite that I'm having trouble with.
    Thank you.

    Hi John,
    Welcome to the Mac Forums!
    Sorry you are having problems. The "Priviliges" problem you are having has nothing to do with files being locked. It has to do with the way Mac OS tracks who is allowed to see what data on your computer. This way when you have multiple users logged onto your Mac, each user can only see what they are allowed to see and can't rummage through everyone elses files. Keeps things private from other users. Unfortunately, it can create complications when copying files.
    I think the best solution for you is to set up your entire Windows iTunes library for "sharing." Then have your new Mac look for shared music on the wireless network. iTunes on the new Mac should then "see" all your Windows music. As long as you have the Mac set up as "authorized" in your iTunes account, you should be able to make copies or duplicates using iTunes of all the tracks in your library that are stored on your Mac hard drive.
    Hopefully this will work for you. I have not tried it, but from my knowledge of iTunes, it should work. Keep us posted.

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