Transmision paralela o serial

Para poder realizar practicos de laboratorios necesito algun codigo y circuito de hardware recomendado para poder convertir señales digitales a analogicas y viceversa hacia y desde la pc pero con la particularidad que no es posible utilizar alguna placa de adquisicion ya que la idea es que puedan ingresar y sacar datos desde el puerto paralelo o serial así se puede repartir a los alumnos el hard para que prueben en sus pcs sin la dependencia de la placa de adquisicion. Desde ya muchas gracias.

Jose Luis,
Tal vez te interese saber más acerca de uno de nuestros productos diseñados específicamente para laboratorios de electrónica y circuitos. El producto no ha sido anunciado todavía así que no puedo dar más detalles por este medio.
Por ahora te puedo decir que involucra el uso de una tarjeta de adquisición pero de unamanera bastante innovadora, totalmente orientada hacia aplicaciones educativas. Si estás interesado en obtener más detalles por favor manda un e-mail a través de\ask
Alejandro Asenjo
Ingeniero de Aplicaciones
National Instruments

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    There is no multi threading in Flash - so everything is executed in serial manner - first come, first served basis.

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    based on  this SAP notes:
    You can create a backup for a selected Database using Service Manager and also schedule the back up itself.
    To do so please perform the following steps:
       1. Double click on the Service Manager icon at the bottom of your screen (Quick Launch Bar) or go to Start, Programs, SAP Business One, Service Manager, Service Manager.
       2. In the Server field, select your server.
       3. In the Service field, select SBO BackUp.
       4. Click on Start to activate the service or Pause to pause it and on Stop to Stop it.
       5. Click on the Clock Icon
    In the pop up window, you can select to schedule your backup By Date, By Intervals, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Select the required option and click on Ok.
       1. Click on the Wheelwork Icon to open the General Settings window.
             1. Select a destination for your backup file.
    Note that your backup will be compressed in the Temp folder. Once the file is saved into your Backup directory, it will be removed from your Temp file.
       1. Define the pathes to the Directory and the Temp files and click on OK.
    Click on the Server Icon and select your server.
       1. Click on the Database Icon.
    In the pop up window, you will get the list of all your databases.
       1. Select the databases you would like to backup or clear the check boxes of the databases you do not want to back up and click on OK.
    I am afraid it is not paralel but serialized. So, try to create different backup schedule for both.

  • [Q]: Error number 37 when use 'SERIAL/PARALELL port write' VI !!!

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    the 'serial port write' VI wich can be use to write
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    Can somebody help me.
    Best regards.
    FARGET Vincent
    [email protected]

    Vincent Farget wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I want to write data to the parralel port, so I use
    > the 'serial port write' VI wich can be use to write
    > data to the parallel port using port number :
    > 0 = COM1, 1 = COM2, ect... 10 = LPT1,
    > 11 = LPT2. (I use 10 -> LPT1).
    > But I always have the same error : Number 37
    > which mean 'Device not found'. I have tested my
    > VI on three different PC (Windows 98 and NT4)
    > and I have always the same error.
    > My PC (Windows 98) is well configure so I don't
    > know where is the problem.
    > Can somebody help me.
    > Thanks.
    > Best regards.
    > FARGET Vincent
    > [email protected]
    I have finally found and use the 'Out Port' function
    which is in the advanced/memory functions.
    FARGET Vincent
    [email protected]

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    Here's how I have rs422 control through usb.
    Purchase a Keyspan USA-28X usb to serial adaptor
    Purchase an Addenda cable to span from the mini-din connector on the keyspan to the d-sub connector on your vtr. Scroll to the bottom of this page:
    This combo is used by lots of folks and it works very, very well.
    Good luck.

  • Broadcaster Serial Execution Problem

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    Do you have any idea on how can we proceed?
    Thank you and regards.

    Hi Alberto,
    you are describing a behaviour which is explained in detail in the following paper:
    "Checking Precalculation Server Issues for BEx Analyzer Workbooks in BW 7.X"
    To circumvent your issue you can add an additional wait step in your process chain. The wait step calls an ABAP program which waits for some time. Depending on your programming skills you can implement this wait step as easy as WAIT UP TO X SECONDS or if you are more experienced you can retrieve some information from the current process chain, identify the precalculation job, read the job log of the precalculation job and wait until the job (and the precalculation) has been finished.
    Regards Matthias Nutt
    SAP Consulting Switzerland

  • Captura de datos por el puerto serial

    Buenas noches,
    Tengo un problema con la captura de datos por el puerto serial. Logro capturar la cadena de datos, pero el problema es que se desordena la cadena de datos.
    Agradecere cualquier ayuda, ya que soy nuevo en LabView.
    Ir a solución.
    dato en desorden.png ‏44 KB
    dato sincronizado.png ‏45 KB

    Parece que el dispositivo conectado simepre transmite sin que haya un comando de inicio; igualmente parece que el paquete de 64 bytes es terminado por un retorno de carro.
    Creo que el problema es que no tienes sincronización entre la transmisión y la lectura: podrías modificar el código para parar la lectura en el retorno de carro, algo así:
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Control serial comunication! help!

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    I am trying to acquire data from serial port. I am using FTDI serial - usb converter.
    I attached the vi example and captures. 
    It send CDD1 CDD3 CDD3 to device and the device send ADD1 ADD3, then I send CDD3 and device start to measure and send to serial port.
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    The main question is about to stop the first loop when I turn off the device in middle of transmision (for example) or some times I dont know why, If I choose the incorrect port to check all is working ok, the port read the data i sent and send CDD3 CDD3. Then the loop 1 no stop!. I want programately the loop detect the " time out" and stop the loop.
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    So, I would like if anyone can give me advises to stop the loop1 when it doesnt recieve data.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏38 KB
    com-error.png ‏52 KB
    error_com3.png ‏47 KB

     Yes, the images no show any error.  The first picture shows that the device send to pc the correct bytes hex and show the bytes of string captured.
    The second, show that If I put com3, that is not the usb-serial it sometimes can not open, this com3 is empty I dont have anything connected.
    In other ocasions it open and read and send the bytes I wrote... so the program think its correct and is waitting for data, the loop1 no stop...
    And also If i use the good com4, i want have any check to stop the loop1 if for error or person remove the cable or turn off the device...
    I attached the block diagram and the sequence structure I am using... I dont know if it is better use flat sequence to have all the error wire conected... or better option.
    Thanks for your time.
    block_diagram.png ‏46 KB
    sequence_structure.png ‏22 KB

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    Thank you

    Hmm. The new-age generation notebooks dont support the serial or parallel ports
    Therefore youve got not many possibilities to connect a older devices to a notebook which was not equipped with the serial or parallel port.
    As far as I know there are some USB-to-serial or USB-to-parallel port adapters.
    Google a little bit and Im sure you will find some good offers.
    But note; I read somewhere that not all adapters work properly you will have to investigate a little bit.
    Good luck

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    Hi Again let me explain more Detaili'm electronic Engineer and work with electronic proccessor and microcontroller, like ARM, AVR,PIC,8051(old Microcontroller).this is my project: i measuring some data(wieght, tempereture and humidity and then i had to print this on a LABLE (size A5). my microcontroller is ATMEGA32 and i have derisl port(RS232)on my Microcontroller.what should i do?   

  • Projeto - Reconhecimento de Voz e Comunicação Serial

    Olá, estou desenvolvendo um projeto no qual devo reconhecer comandos de voz e enviar posteriormente informações através de comunicação serial.
    A idéia do projeto é a seguinte :
    - Reconhecer comandos de voz como "POSIÇÃO 1, POSIÇÃO 2"
    - Para cada comando reconhecido, uma mensagem deve ser enviada via comunicação serial.
    No entanto, não venho conseguindo reconhecer comandos de voz através de alguns VI's fornecidos pela NI, então venho pedir ajuda para procurar um caminho para começar a construir tal projeto.
    Grato desde já.
    Gilberto Neto
    Estudante de Tecnologia em Mecatrônica Industrial
    Faculdade de Tecnologia Termomecanica

    Olá, achei bem interessante este projeto, porém tenho algumas perguntas:
    Existe alguma especificação quanto ao Hardware para capturar o sinal?
    Quando você diz: "Reconhecer comandos de voz como "POSIÇÃO 1, POSIÇÃO 2", você está se referindo que o conteúdo da mensagem falada é "POSIÇÃO 1,POSIÇÃO 2" ou que isso é uma mera identificação para uma mensagem diferente?
    Capturar o sinal emitido pela voz é relativamente fácil,porém a identificação e interpretação desse sinal que é algo mais complexo (Relativo a segunda pergunta que eu fiz). Com as VI's da paleta (Sound), você irá apenas coletar esse sinal, porém a análise heurística para interpretação fica a cabo do desenvolvedor. Felizmente, existem algumas Library como o SAPI e outras para abreviar este processo.
    Sobre a serialização deste sinal, você será basicamente "obrigado" a trabalhar com filas de tamanho fixo , pois os dados devem ser armazenados em sequência e serem despachados em blocos ANTES de serem repassados as funções VISA. Uma dica é repassar essa informação utilizando dados do tipo Digital (0,1) em vetores bidimensionais para assegurar que a mensagem seja serializada completamente (sem perder nenhum bit pelo caminho)
    Você irá precisar de 3 Loops: Um para a captura dos dados, um para interpretação e arranjo e outro para envio das informações. Pesquise sobre a arquitetura QMH ou P/C. Não é necessário usar nada mais complexo neste quesito
    Espero que eu tenha ajudado
    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not."

  • Deploying only Acrobat XI Pro CC package w/ Enterprise Serial # - Still getting "Sign In Required"

    Downloaded Creative Cloud Packager to create a serialized package of only Acrobat XI Pro.  I further customize the deployment via Adobe Customization Wizard XI, but did not re-enter the serial number (as suggested).  I am able to deploy from the Exceptions folder with the following cmd, msiexec /i "%inst%AcroPro.msi" PATCH="%inst%Updates\AcrobatUpd11006.msp" TRANSFORMS="%inst%Transforms\en_US.mst" /qn.  Upon launching Acrobat, I receive the a pop-up message, "Sign In Required.  Siging in with an Adobe ID and registering Creative Cloud Membership Enterprise is required within 32767 days otherwise it will stop working."  I don't understand why the serial number and Adobe ID I enterred when packaging did not carry over.  Any insight would be appreciated.

    Downloaded Creative Cloud Packager to create a serialized package of only Acrobat XI Pro.  I further customize the deployment via Adobe Customization Wizard XI, but did not re-enter the serial number (as suggested).  I am able to deploy from the Exceptions folder with the following cmd, msiexec /i "%inst%AcroPro.msi" PATCH="%inst%Updates\AcrobatUpd11006.msp" TRANSFORMS="%inst%Transforms\en_US.mst" /qn.  Upon launching Acrobat, I receive the a pop-up message, "Sign In Required.  Siging in with an Adobe ID and registering Creative Cloud Membership Enterprise is required within 32767 days otherwise it will stop working."  I don't understand why the serial number and Adobe ID I enterred when packaging did not carry over.  Any insight would be appreciated.

  • Using a serial Wacom tablet on a Mac Pro

    I have a good Wacom tablet with serial port interface that I would like to connect to a Mac Pro.
    Is there some way to do this? Is there any sort of serial to usb adapter or would that not work with a Mac Pro?
    Thanks for any advice.

    I don't think so. See these knowledge base articles from Wacom:

  • HT1349 How do you get help from apple if you don't know where to find the serial number of my "product."  I don't know if they mean my itunes program, my iphone, my computer, which one, the number on the computer (is there one), or something in Windows or

    How are you supposed to get help from Apple if you don't know what your serial number is?  They say to input the serial number of the "product" that you are asking about.  Since my problem is how to deauthorize/authorize computers, and they are saying I have more than 5 (which I have never owned more than 5 computers in my life), I can't imagine what serial number they mean.  Does it mean your desktop computer?  If so, which one?  Do they mean your device?  LIke your iPhone, iPod or whatever?  Do they mean the software ON one of your computers and/or devices?  If so, which program, and on which computer/device?
    We have three operational computers, one does not have iTunes on it.  Since Apple is saying I have more than 5 authorized computers, and I can't imagine what they are, I am afraid to deauthorize all my computers.  See what I mean?  I just wanted to ask the question about how I can find out WHICH computers Apple thinks I have authorized, so I can decide if it's safe to deauthorize them all or not.  I only know of 2 computers that have iTunes on them, so how can there be 5?  We also have 2 iPhones and 2 iPods in this family, but one of the iPhones has his own apple id.  He may have been using mine, since his computer died.  I read that those don't count as "computers" to the 5.  Do they, then?
    Help!  I can't contact apple because I have no idea what they mean about serial number.  I doubt they would help me anyway.  In order to get the serial number off my desktop computer (that has iTunes on it already), I will have to move furniture, so I don't want to if that's not it.  Is there some way to find the serial number in the software, either on my desktop or my iPhone?

    sunshinecowgill wrote:
    We have three operational computers, one does not have iTunes on it.  Since Apple is saying I have more than 5 authorized computers, and I can't imagine what they are, I am afraid to deauthorize all my computers.  See what I mean?  I just wanted to ask the question about how I can find out WHICH computers Apple thinks I have authorized, so I can decide if it's safe to deauthorize them all or not. 
    You could have more 5 computers authorized if you ever, for example, reformatted a hard drive or replaced a hard drive without deauthorizing the computer first. Apple's system would see that as a different computer, even though you don't. There's nothing to be afraid of in deauthorizing everything and the reauthorizing what you actually have. You won't lose any data. Mistimp is correct, they can't tell you which computers are authorized.

  • How Many Times Can I Use The Same Serial Number For Adobe Creative Suite 4?

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    Fred Tech wrote:
    Broadly speaking, it depends on the type of license you have.
    Specifically, if you have a single license then officially, you should only install it once on one computer.
    Practically, (unless it has changed with CS4) you maybe able to install it on more then one computer, BUT can only run one instance of the software at a time. You can not run more then one instance of the software concurrently; i.e. you can't run Dreamweaver on Computer 1 and Photoshop on Computer 2. That would be two instances, and is not permitted.
    This is my understanding. I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong
    Sorry Fred you are wrong.
    If you have a single license you can install it on as many computers as you like. you can only activate the suite on two computers at anyone time. Work and Home or as many of us do it Desktop and Laptop. You can not use the computers simultaneously. You only have 20 activation/deactivations so use them wisely. Student versions only have one activation. You can not break up the suite installs the suite is considered one application.

Maybe you are looking for

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