Transparency layer with embedded R

I probably badly misunderstand the ORE transparency layer - as demonstrated on the following example.
I have a table X, that can be accessed from R client.
> summary(X)
       X                Y       
Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :0.000 
1st Qu.: 25.75   1st Qu.:4.686 
Median : 50.50   Median :5.658 
Mean   : 50.50   Mean   :5.248 
3rd Qu.: 75.25   3rd Qu.:6.234 
Max.   :100.00   Max.   :6.644
However using ore.doEval leads to Error: object 'X' not found
Note that the language setting is only to get message in English and has no other effect.
> ore.doEval(function() {Sys.setenv(LANG = "en"); summary(X)}, ore.connect= TRUE)
Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, data = data, prefetch = prefetch,  :
  ORA-20000: RQuery error
Error in summary(X) :
  error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary': Error: object 'X' not found
ORA-06512: in "RQSYS.RQEVALIMPL", Zeile 104
ORA-06512: in "RQSYS.RQEVALIMPL", Zeile 101
How can I access data from a table in embedded function? Do I have to use ore.tableApply()?
any help appreciated.
Jaromir D.B. Nemec

To access a table directory, use ore.tableApply.  Although ore.doEval does not explicitly accept data from a dedicated input argument, it's possible to retrieve data from the database using ore.sync and ore.pull within the function:
ore.doEval(function() {
ore.sync(table = "X")
dat <- ore.pull(ore.get("X"))
summary(dat)}, ore.connect = TRUE)
Another approach is to pass the data (table) as an argument to the ore.doEval function:
ore.doEval(function(dat) {
summary(dat)}, dat = X, ore.connect = TRUE)
Check out this blog post for more information and best practices on the use of ore.doEval and ore.tableApply.

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        var desc18 = new ActionDescriptor();
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        var idFlCn = charIDToTypeID( "FlCn" );
        var idFrgC = charIDToTypeID( "FrgC" );
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        desc18.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 100.000000 );
        var idMd = charIDToTypeID( "Md  " );
        var idBlnM = charIDToTypeID( "BlnM" );
        var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
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    Sent by MailWise<> – Your emails, with style.

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    Just saw that Adam's original post was an older one.  Will keep this here anyway to maybe help the most recent poster.
    Adam, did you try what David said about pointing to the root folder?  Did that work?
    When I copy the SD card, I name a new folder on my hard drive something specific, like Smith Wedding.  Then I copy everything inside the SD card to that new folder.  The first level inside my new folder now has folders for
    and on down from there.  When you open Log and Transfer, point it to the Smith Wedding folder (of course whatever you have named yours).
    ClipWrap2 also works great to convert the files beforehand if you want.
    What camera are you using?  I have the Sony NX30 and it was giving me fits because the .mts files don't ingest if the clips are longer than 11 min. My problem is that I'm still on FCP 6.0.6.  I think 7.0.3 fixed that.  But I did find enough work-arounds to keep the camera. 
    This is a link to the full discussion if you are interested.
    Message was edited by: SSteele

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    |                    |  
    |                    |
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    |                    |
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    ! CE2 is connected to ME3600X port g0/24.
    ! N7K:
    feature mpls l2vpn
    interface loopback100
      ip address
      ip router ospf 185 area
    port-profile type pseudowire MPLS
      encapsulation mpls
      state enabled
    l2vpn xconnect context TestToME
      member Ethernet3/28 service-instance 1
      member pseudowire185
    interface pseudowire185
      inherit port-profile MPLS
      neighbor 102
      encapsulation mpls
      vc type ethernet
      mtu 9216
    interface Ethernet3/28
      no cdp enable
      no shutdown
      service instance 1 ethernet
        encapsulation default
        no shutdown
    ! ME3600X
    interface Loopback100
     ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/24
     switchport trunk allowed vlan none
     switchport mode trunk
     service instance 1 ethernet
      encapsulation default
      l2protocol forward cdp
      bridge-domain 102
    interface Vlan102
     mtu 9216
     no ip address
     xconnect 102 encapsulation mpls

    I have this issue resolved.
    There were reported bugs in earlier version of code for the ME3600X which dropped MSTP and RSTP BPDU's.
    Also there are 2 different use cases for using the L2protocol command:
    1, When creating a service instance between 2 devices that supports the L2protocol command use L2protocol tunnel (ME3600 to ME3600)
    2, When creating a service instance between a deice that supports the L2protcol command and another device that does not support the L2protocol command use L2protocol forward (ME3600 - 2911 or ME3600 to non Cisco device)
    I upgraded the s/w on the ME3600 to 15.3-2
    Here is the working configuration between the ME3600 and the 2911
    PE1 (ME 3600X)
    int g0/1
    port-type nni
    switchport trunk allowed vlan none
    switchport mode tunk
    service instance 2 ethernet
    encapsulation dot1q 2
    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
    l2protocol forward stp
    xconnect encapsulation mpls
    PE 2 (2911)
    int g0/2.2
    xconnect encapsulation mpls
    CE 1 and CE 2
    int g0/1
    switchport mode trunk
    Thanks for your help.

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    5 0 obj
      <</Filter /FlateDecode /Length 115>>
            q 0.750000 0 0 0.750000 0.000000 792.000000 cm
            q q q 0.160000 0.000000 0.000000 0.160000 0.000000 0.000000 cm
            BT /F0 100.000000 Tf 0 g 750.000000 -690 Td[<02B0>] TJ 35.000000 0 Td[<02B9>] TJ ET Q
    10 0 obj
    <</FontName/AAAAAA+ArialUnicode/CIDSet 9 0 R /Ascent 905/CapHeight 905/Descent -212/FontFamily(Arial)/Flags 32/FontBBox [0 -212 1000 905]/ItalicAngle 0/StemV 0/FontFile2 7 0 R/Type/FontDescriptor>>
    11 0 obj
    <</BaseFont/AAAAAA+ArialUnicode/CIDToGIDMap/Identity/CIDSystemInfo <</Ordering(Identity)/Registry(Adobe) /Supplement 0>> /FontDescriptor 10 0 R/Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font>>
    12 0 obj
    <</Subtype/Type0/BaseFont/AAAAAA+ArialUnicode/Encoding/Identity-H/DescendantFonts [11 0 R]/ToUnicode 8 0 R/Type/Font>>
    8 0 obj
      <</Filter /FlateDecode /Length 252>>
            /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
            12 dict begin
            << /Registry (Adobe)
            /Ordering (UCS) /Supplement 0 >> def
            /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
            /CMapType 2 def
            1 begincodespacerange
            <0000> <FFFF>
            3 beginbfchar
            <0000> <0000>
            <02B0> <05E0>
            <02B9> <05E9>
            CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop

    I figured the app might have that ability - considering you can add text, highlight, add a signature, annotate and draw - so my thought was why not delete a page, or rearrange for that matter?.. That should be an option, this way we don't have to export to one of the other apps to delete or rearrange..
    Thanks for the help, Bernd.
    BTW if anyone is looking - PDF Max can do all of the above and delete and rearrange. With PDF Splicer you can delete and rearrange as well, but it has no other features.
    And as for Steve Werner whose comment was deleted after it got to my inbox, it is much more than a Reader, as you can plainly see from the amount of tasks the Reader app can do above.

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    I'm on a lot of mfr. and other kinds of mailing lists, like eBay watch list alerts, and so on.. these are not s p a m (although I get plenty of that.. who doesn't).. but lists I WANT to be on..
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    However, here's the problem.. when I want to forward such an email to a friend, Thunderbird ALWAYS formats it as plain ASCII text.. I know this because I look in the "sent mail" folder, and can see that it has turned an HTML email with embedded graphics into plain ASCII text..
    I absolutely can't figure out how to get it to forward an HTML email with embedded graphics INTACT, so the sender receives it looking the way it looks when I receive it from a mailing list, or an advertiser, or eBay, or whoever..
    Is Thunderbird capable of forwarding an HTML email with embedded graphics INTACT?.. If so, how / where do I turn on that capability?..
    If the capability to do this isn't built into the program, is there an add-on I can install that will give it that ability?..
    I am not new to computers.. but this really has me stumped.. I want to put Thunderbird on my 32-bit Vista laptop and stop using its horrible "Windoze Mail" program, which I've been using for years, and is slower than snot, and has all kinds of other problems..
    So, assuming whoever reads this FULLY understands my question, PLEASE tell me how to get Thunderbird to have the ability to forward an HTML email with embedded graphics AS-IS, so the receiver(s) I forward it to see it exactly the way I see it when I receive it.. if that ability is built in, please tell me how to turn it on.. if that ability is not built-in, please tell me what add-on I need to install to give Thunderbird this capability.. if Thunderbird absolutely can't forward an HTML email with embedded graphics at all, please also tell me that..
    A virtual box of candy and a dozen long-stemmed roses to anyone who can give me a solution that works..

    Dear Mr. Toad (my all-time favorite ride at Disneyland ;-) ..
    Thanks so much for your detailed reply.. my netbook is in the bedroom, turned off.. I (so far) only use it in the evening, in the bedroom.. I've saved your response, and will try your suggestions, and let you know if they solve the problem I described. I really appreciate you taking the time to post such a detailed reply..
    I can't answer your Thunderbird "configuration" questions, because I'm in the living room, using the crap Vista laptop, on which I plan to install Thunderbird, and then take Windoze Mail out in the street and drive over it a few times.. I'll get back to you one way or the other, and let you know if your instructions solved the problem, or not..
    I don't understand why Thunderbird "out of the box", so to speak, simply doesn't forward HTML emails with embedded graphics, (like Outlook Excess, and Winblows Mail do).. without having to go through those steps. I personally HATE HTML email, but over the years, it's become more and more prevelant.. so it's a problem I must fix..
    Thanks again..

  • Possible to view presentations with embedded clips  on the ipad from an external wifi  drive?

    first of all I am happy to have joined this community, my name is Chris from Germany.
    I am wondering if this setting is possible:
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    Is this the end of the story or are there any solutions (i.e. with other hardware devices or software)?
    Have a nice New Years Eve and thanks in advance,

    yes and no ...
    I have figured that out:
    First of all: you can`t just view presentations on an external device without importing them into your iPad (at least when you plan to show slides with embedded clips) - goodreader, filebrowser, dropbox ... just show you "static" slides.
    When you import a ppt-presentation into keynote all the hyperlinks, embedded clips ... are gone - no chance.
    But ... in keynote you are able to "embed" video clips when you drag and drop them directly into the slide alowing "copy video into the document" as well (that is "vital") - the files are getting larger but you don`t have to add a clip when you transfer it to another device (i.e. the iPad) - they are "fixed" in the document..
    Now seagate goflex has the problem that you just can`t open/view keynote presentations - but there is a solution:
    hacksatellite firmware. When you install that you can go into keynote, activate WebDav, import a keynote file from the external drive, edit it and send it back to the external drive - so: import (can`t live without that), show or edit the presentation, copy it again to the external device and delete the presentation in the iPad (to save storage) is the way you can get the optimum from the iPad at the moment.
    Correct me if there is any other more comfortable solution.
    Thanks for your reply Daniel,

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    I bought a laptop with windows 8 Pro with embedded(in bios) licence key.
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    Where can I download windows iso file ? Is my licence key proper to use on virtual machine?
    I am afraid that this is a forum for development issues about windows form application, for issue about windows, I would suggest you consider posting it in the following site.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    Cannot be done.

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