Traversing through oracle directory in Plsql

Hi experts ,
I want to traverse the oracle directory to search for a particluar pdf file and then convert that pdf file into blob file.
This blob file will be store in the oracle table.
The problem is that the path of the oracle directory will be dynamically set with the variables.
Please guide me for this as i dont't have the enough knowledge about the oracle directory objects.
Any useful link will also be appreciated.

Oracle is a database software. Asking it to do OS level operation is in a sense wrong. But such a thing is achievable in oracle if you take the help programming language like C or Java.
Here is a very old post from ASKTOM where in Tom demonstrates how to do a list directory using embedded Java code and with the help of global temporary table.
Ask Tom "reading files in a directory -- how to get a list of available files."
This should get you started. If you have expertise in Java or C you can improvise it, as its a decade old code.
And to load the file into blob column of a table, again I will refer you to an ASKTOM post.
Ask Tom "Display PDF file stored in the Database"

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    Mr Prakash,
    Why are you asking this question multiple times in every forum you can spell?
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    ops$tkyte@8i> GRANT JAVAUSERPRIV to ops$tkyte
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
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    25 /
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    You may also try something like this. Set DIR to the root directory to start the search.
    #     convert png to jpeg and put jpeg in jpegs sub-directory
    while read -d $'\0' f
        [[ -d "$d" ]] || mkdir "$d"
        sips -s format jpeg "$f" --out "$d"
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    --------create an empty file
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    Saubhik wrote:
    Try to use utl_file.fopen with 'W'.Or maybe even with "A", and then close it. If you use "W" it will overwrite the file if it already exists. ;)

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    you can also write me on :
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    I also Tried to Use This
    But How can i Use SQLLDR Command In Stored Procedure.
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    2. Application is on Remote Server(Oracle Forms D2k).
    3. User Is Using Application Using Terminal Server LogIn.
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    Jus help to Sort This Issue ........
    you can also write me on :
    [email protected], [email protected]

    TEXT_IO is a PL/SQL package available only in Forms (you'll want to post in the Forms forum for more information). It is not available in a stored procedure in the database (where the equivalent package is UTL_FILE).
    If the Terminal Server machine and the database machine do not have access to the file system on the client machine, no application running on either machine will have access to the file. Barring exceptional setups (like the FTP server on the client machine), your applications are not going to have more access to the client machine than the operating system does.
    If you map the client drives from the Terminal Server box, there is the potential for your Forms application to access those files. If you want the files to be accessible to a stored procedure in the database, you'll need to move the files somewhere the database can access them.

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    Hope that helps,
    Rod West

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    Hi Ganesh,
    As this error comes when you are trying to insert non-numeric value into a numeric column in db it seems that your field might be numeric and you are trying to send it as a string in database.
    Please check your Store Proc carefully..
    Reference Thread: Oracle/PLSQL: ORA-01722

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    if the listener fails to spawn a dedicated server process it is commonly indicating an issue with the listener. So posting the listener and also a listener trace including a description of the env where you installed the gateway into which directory would be helpfull. Please keep also in mind if you have for example a database and you install into this directoty a gateway you have to reapply the patchset again do get consistent file version.
    So please describe more detailed your env.

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    I have created
    but through this path i m not able to create text file.
    create or replace procedure WriteTest is
    f utl_file.file_type;
    s varchar2(200) := 'this is some info';
    f := utl_file.fopen('TEST2DIR','sample2.txt','W');
    end WriteTest;
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    --when i give local machine path then it will create at local machine where oracle is installed. but not able to create at other machine.

    Well for starters your directory object is called TESTDIR and in your fopen statement you are referring to TEST2DIR.
    On top of that I'm not sure oracle is happy to refer to network locations. I think you have to map it to a regular drive mapping (shared directory) type path. Can't say I've every tried to do it though.

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    - oidctl connect=mydb1 server=odisrv instance=1 stop
    - odisrvreg -h localhost -p 389 -D cn=orcladmin,cn=Users,dc=localhost;dc=com -w ,pass
    where pass is the password of orcladmin.
    -> now I get the following error:
    Error javax.naming.NoPermissionException [LDAP:error code 50: Insufficient Access Rights]; remaining name 'cn=odisrv+orclhostname=maschine,cn=odi,cn=oracle internet directory' !
    Any idea ??
    Thanks for all help & comments.

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