Remove a domain controller when dcpromo bombs

i'm trying to demote one server in a two server setup
i start dcpromo , it gets part way through and then bombs with an "Access is denied" error
which is b~@:!hit. Ive tied this 2 or 3 times with known good passwords(see dcpromoui.log below)
So how can i fix that or delete the controller without using dcpromo
dcpromoui E28.638 0466 13:58:28.218   Enter DS::DemoteDC
dcpromoui E28.638 0467 13:58:28.218     Enter State::IsLastDCInDomain false
dcpromoui E28.638 0468 13:58:28.218     Enter State::IsForcedDemotion false
dcpromoui E28.638 0469 13:58:28.218     Enter State::GetAdminPassword
dcpromoui E28.638 046A 13:58:28.218     Enter State::GetAppPartitionList
dcpromoui E28.638 046B 13:58:28.218     Enter AllocateAppPartitionList
dcpromoui E28.638 046C 13:58:28.218     Calling DsRoleDemoteDc
dcpromoui E28.638 046D 13:58:28.218     lpServer               : (null)
dcpromoui E28.638 046E 13:58:28.218     lpDnsDomainName        : (null)
dcpromoui E28.638 046F 13:58:28.218     ServerRole             : DsRoleServerMember
dcpromoui E28.638 0470 13:58:28.218     lpAccount              : (null)
dcpromoui E28.638 0471 13:58:28.218     Options                : 0x80
dcpromoui E28.638 0472 13:58:28.218     fLastDcInDomain        : false
dcpromoui E28.638 0473 13:58:28.218     cRemoteNCs             : 0
dcpromoui E28.638 0474 13:58:28.250     HRESULT = 0x00000000
dcpromoui E28.638 0475 13:58:28.250     Enter DeallocateAppPartitionList
dcpromoui E28.638 0476 13:58:28.250     Enter DoProgressLoop
dcpromoui E28.638 0477 13:58:28.250       Enter State::GetOperation DEMOTE
dcpromoui E28.638 0478 13:58:28.250       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateButton
dcpromoui E28.638 0479 13:58:29.765       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Active Directory Domain Services successfully transferred the remaining data in directory partition DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk to Active Directory Domain Controller \\
dcpromoui E28.638 047A 13:58:43.297       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Stopping service NETLOGON
dcpromoui E28.638 047B 13:58:44.797       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Stopping service IsmServ
dcpromoui E28.638 047C 13:58:47.797       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Stopping service kdc
dcpromoui E28.638 047D 13:58:49.297       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Creating a new local security account manager (SAM) database...
dcpromoui E28.638 047E 13:58:50.875       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Removing Active Directory Domain Services objects that refer to the local Active Directory Domain Controller from the remote Active Directory Domain Controller
dcpromoui E28.638 047F 13:59:02.875       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Configuring service NTDS
dcpromoui E28.638 0480 13:59:04.375       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Configuring service NETLOGON
dcpromoui E28.638 0481 13:59:05.875       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Configuring service DFSR
dcpromoui E28.638 0482 13:59:07.375       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText The attempted domain controller operation has completed
dcpromoui E28.638 0483 13:59:07.375       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateButton
dcpromoui E28.638 0484 13:59:07.375       Progress loop complete.
dcpromoui E28.638 0485 13:59:07.375       Calling DsRoleGetDcOperationResults
dcpromoui E28.638 0486 13:59:07.375       Error 0x0 (!0 => error)
dcpromoui E28.638 0487 13:59:07.375       Operation results:
dcpromoui E28.638 0488 13:59:07.375       OperationStatus      : 0x5 !0 => error
dcpromoui E28.638 0489 13:59:07.375       DisplayString        : The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
dcpromoui E28.638 048A 13:59:07.375       ServerInstalledSite  : (null)
dcpromoui E28.638 048B 13:59:07.375       OperationResultsFlags: 0x0
dcpromoui E28.638 048C 13:59:07.375       Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
dcpromoui E28.638 048D 13:59:07.375       Enter State::SetOperationResultsMessage The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
dcpromoui E28.638 048E 13:59:07.375       Enter State::SetOperationResultsFlags 0x0
dcpromoui E28.638 048F 13:59:07.375   Exception caught
dcpromoui E28.638 0490 13:59:07.375   catch completed
dcpromoui E28.638 0491 13:59:07.375   handling exception
dcpromoui E28.638 0492 13:59:07.375   Enter State::ClearHiddenWhileUnattended
dcpromoui E28.638 0493 13:59:07.375   Enter EnableConsoleLocking
dcpromoui E28.638 0494 13:59:07.375     Enter RegistryKey::Create SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
dcpromoui E28.638 0495 13:59:07.375     Enter RegistryKey::SetValue-DWORD DisableLockWorkstation
dcpromoui E28.638 0496 13:59:07.375   Enter State::SetOperationResults result FAILURE
dcpromoui E28.638 0497 13:59:07.375   Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText
dcpromoui E28.638 0498 13:59:07.375   Enter State::IsOperationRetryAllowed
dcpromoui E28.638 0499 13:59:07.375     true
dcpromoui E28.638 049A 13:59:07.375   credentials were invalid, hr=0x80070005
dcpromoui E28.638 049B 13:59:07.375   Enter GetErrorMessage 80070005
dcpromoui E28.638 049C 13:59:07.375   Enter State::GetOperationResultsMessage The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
dcpromoui E28.638 049D 13:59:07.375   Enter State::GetOperation DEMOTE
dcpromoui E28.638 049E 13:59:07.375   Enter State::GetParentDomainDnsName
dcpromoui E28.638 049F 13:59:44.469   credential retry canceled
dcpromoui E28.638 04A0 13:59:44.469   Enter ComposeFailureMessage
dcpromoui E28.638 04A1 13:59:44.469     Enter State::GetOperationResultsMessage The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
dcpromoui E28.638 04A2 13:59:44.469     Enter State::GetOperationResultsFlags 0x0
dcpromoui E28.638 04A3 13:59:44.469     Enter State::GetOperationResultsFlags 0x0
dcpromoui E28.638 04A4 13:59:44.469     Enter State::SetFailureMessage The operation failed because:
The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
"Access is denied."
dcpromoui E28.638 04A5 13:59:44.469   posting message to progress window
dcpromoui E28.318 04A6 13:59:44.469               Enter ProgressDialog::UpdateText Operation Stopped
dcpromoui E28.318 04A7 13:59:44.485               Enter ProgressDialog::OnDestroy
dcpromoui E28.318 04A8 13:59:44.485             OPERATION FAILED
dcpromoui E28.318 04A9 13:59:44.485           Enter State::GetNeedsReboot false
dcpromoui E28.318 04AA 13:59:44.485           Enter State::IsOperationRetryAllowed
dcpromoui E28.318 04AB 13:59:44.485             true
dcpromoui E28.318 04AC 13:59:44.485           Enter Wizard::SetNextPageID id = 156
dcpromoui E28.318 04AD 13:59:44.485             push 142
dcpromoui E28.318 04AE 13:59:44.485         Enter FailurePage::OnInit
dcpromoui E28.318 04AF 13:59:44.485           Enter MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey::Init
dcpromoui E28.318 04B0 13:59:44.485             Enter ControlSubclasser::Init
dcpromoui E28.318 04B1 13:59:44.485         Enter FailurePage::OnSetActive
dcpromoui E28.318 04B2 13:59:44.485           Enter State::GetOperationResultsCode FAILURE
dcpromoui E28.318 04B3 13:59:44.485           Enter State::GetNeedsReboot false
dcpromoui E28.318 04B4 13:59:44.485           Enter State::GetFailureMessage The operation failed because:
The attempt at remote directory server to remove directory server CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk was unsuccessful.
"Access is denied."
dcpromoui E28.318 04B5 13:59:47.876         Enter DCPromoWizardPage::OnWizNext
dcpromoui E28.318 04B6 13:59:47.876           Enter FailurePage::Validate
dcpromoui E28.318 04B7 13:59:47.876           Enter Wizard::SetNextPageID id = 154
dcpromoui E28.318 04B8 13:59:47.876             push 156
dcpromoui E28.318 04B9 13:59:47.876         Enter FinishPage::OnInit
dcpromoui E28.318 04BA 13:59:47.876           Enter MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey::Init
dcpromoui E28.318 04BB 13:59:47.876             Enter ControlSubclasser::Init
dcpromoui E28.318 04BC 13:59:47.876         Enter FinishPage::OnSetActive
dcpromoui E28.318 04BD 13:59:47.876           Enter State::GetNeedsReboot false
dcpromoui E28.318 04BE 13:59:47.876           Enter getCompletionMessage
dcpromoui E28.318 04BF 13:59:47.876             Enter State::GetOperation DEMOTE
dcpromoui E28.318 04C0 13:59:47.876             Enter State::GetOperationResultsCode FAILURE
dcpromoui E28.318 04C1 13:59:47.876             Enter NeedDsBinaryWarning
dcpromoui E28.318 04C2 13:59:47.876               Enter Computer::RemoveLeadingBackslashes
dcpromoui E28.318 04C3 13:59:47.876               Enter GetProductTypeFromRegistry
dcpromoui E28.318 04C4 13:59:47.876                 Enter RegistryKey::Open System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions
dcpromoui E28.318 04C5 13:59:47.876                 Enter RegistryKey::GetValue-String ProductType
dcpromoui E28.318 04C6 13:59:47.876                 LanmanNT
dcpromoui E28.318 04C7 13:59:47.876                 prodtype : 0x2
dcpromoui E28.318 04C8 13:59:47.876             Enter State::GetFinishMessages
dcpromoui E28.318 04C9 13:59:59.751         Enter FinishPage::OnWizFinish
dcpromoui E28.318 04CA 13:59:59.766         Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04CB 13:59:59.766         Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04CC 13:59:59.766         Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04CD 13:59:59.766       Enter State::GetNeedsReboot false
dcpromoui E28.318 04CE 13:59:59.766       Enter State::GetUserCancelled false
dcpromoui E28.318 04CF 13:59:59.766       Enter State::GetOperationResultsCode FAILURE
dcpromoui E28.318 04D0 13:59:59.766       Enter State::GetHadNonCriticalFailures
dcpromoui E28.318 04D1 13:59:59.766         bHadNonCriticalFailures = false
dcpromoui E28.318 04D2 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D3 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D4 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D5 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D6 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D7 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D8 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04D9 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04DA 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04DB 13:59:59.766       Enter ControlSubclasser::UnhookWindowProc
dcpromoui E28.318 04DC 13:59:59.766     exitCode = 54
dcpromoui E28.318 04DD 13:59:59.766   Enter State::UnbindFromReplicationPartnetDC
dcpromoui E28.318 04DE 13:59:59.766 closing log

this is what i decided to do. unfortunately the metadata cleanup did not complete
Access is denied? - that sounds familiar
the server is still listed in "AD Sites and Services" (and cannot be deleted by the management snapin)
select operation target:
select operation target:
select operation target:
select operation target: select server 1
Site - CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk
Domain - DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk
Server - CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-ac
        DSA object - CN=NTDS Settings,CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Site
        DNS host name -
No current Naming Context
select operation target:
select operation target: quit
metadata cleanup:
metadata cleanup:
metadata cleanup: remove selected server
Transferring / Seizing FSMO roles off the selected server.
Removing FRS metadata for the selected server.
Unable to find server reference on "CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=Sites,
LDAP error 0x5e(94 (No result present in message).
The attempt to remove the FRS settings on CN=LPSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Palatine,CN=
Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=data-action,DC=co,DC=uk failed because "Element not fo
metadata cleanup is continuing.
DsRemoveDsServerW error 0x5(Access is denied.)
metadata cleanup:
metadata cleanup:

Similar Messages

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    I have SBS 2008 with a Windows Server 2008 SP2 server as a second domain controller.  I've added a new 2012 server and made it a domain controller.  I need to demote the 2008 box.  If I run dcpromo, it doesn't detect that it is a domain
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    I have gone through the thread. Please check the following:
    1. Login to 2012 DC, and check "NTDS Settings" are not seen under 2008 DC in Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in
    2. Ensure that 2012 DC have all FSMO roles
    3. Do your clients point to 2008 DNS for resolution or 2012 DC for resolution? If they use 2008, plan to change them to 2012
    4. Ensure that 2008 DC doesn't run any other services like - WINS, DFS, DHCP, Certificate Services etc.
    5. Run repadmin /replsummary to see replication state for 2008 DC
    Once the above are answered, I would suggest that you clean-up the Active Directory metadata by using NTDSUTIL on 2012 DC.
    If there are any configuration issues with 2008 DC and it is not completely removed from the configuration then you could end up with having Lingering Objects in your environment and it might create more issues.
    I suggest to clean-up AD before Tombstone period kicks in for 2008DC.
    - Sarvesh Goel - Enterprise Messaging Administrator

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    Thanks for any help.

    On the Windows Server Technical Preview, 
    Install-ADDSForest -SkipPreChecks -DomainName DOMAIN.CONTOSO.COM -DomainMode Win2008 -ForestMode Win2008R2 –DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" –SYSVOLPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" –LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS\Logs"
    gives me the error "No NTFS 5 drives exit." (note exit, not exist)
    I'll reinstalling windows 2012 and see if I get a different message there.
    This was just a standard install, so the drive is definitely NTFS.

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    I need some help on removing a faulty domain controller from the AD forest. Here is the scenario:
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    2. The old one is non-functional and is down for ever.
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    change that affects Exchange would cause a big loss. Looking forward for your valuable suggestions..

    Hi Ed,
    I don't have issues with the AD on the Exchange server. Eventhough it is configured as an AD, Exchange is pointed to the main working domain controller, which is a different machine. I just want to remove the traces of an old domain controller from which
    I transferred the FSMO roles to the new domain controller. The old  domain controller is completely down and hence I can't do a conventional 'dcpromo' on it. So just planning to do a 'metadata clean up' for removing the non-working DC from the forest. 
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  • Restoring a Domain Controller - When other DC's are available

    I'm trying to get some clarity and confidence on the proper way to restore domain controllers.  here are my questions:
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    1a. In this scenario - will i need to enter into DSRM mode prior to booting the server?
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    2a. In this scenario - will i need to enter into DSRM mode prior to booting the server?

    1. What is the proper way to restore a Domain controller into an existing Forrest where other domain
    controllers are present when you have a system state backup taken by Windows Server Backup?
    You can restore the DC using two possible methods:
    Method 1: Do a non-authoritative restore using a system state backup. Do not do an authoritative restore so that you do not lose recent changes here.
    Method 2: If the DC is an FSMO holder then size the FSMO roles to another DC, do a metadata cleanup and then re-install the server and promote it again as a DC. If it is not an FSMO holder then simply do a metadata cleanup and then re-install
    the server and promote it again as a DC.
    1a. In this scenario - will i need to enter into DSRM mode prior to booting the server?
    Yes. You need to get inside DSRM mode to restore the DC from a system state backup.
    2. What is the proper way to restore a Virtualized Domain Controller into an existing Forrest where
    other domain controllers are present when you have a 3rd party image based backup solution that has HyperV VSS writers? 
    You can read that:
    Also, see that about DC cloning in Windows Server 2012 and higher:
    2a. In this scenario - will i need to enter into DSRM mode prior to booting the server?
    You can find the details in the links I shared.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Get Active Directory User Last Logon
    Create an Active Directory test domain similar to the production one
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part I
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part II
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part III
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  • What note when remove an Domain controller from Existing Domain!!!

    Dear everybody,
    My company has 3 Domain controllers at the moment.
    all of them have some functions: DHCP, DNS.
    Now, we have plan to remove an DC/
    So, What note we need to pay attention when remove one of them?
    Thanks for your help!!!

    1. Migrate DHCP first. Using below command
    netsh dhcp server export C:\dhcp.txt all       -old Server
    netsh dhcp server import C:\dhcp.txt all       -New Server.
    2. Enable DNS debug log & see which client still pointing the old DC.
    3. Change the DHCP Scope accordingly.
    MCTS, MCP 2003,MCSA 2003, MCSA:M 2003, CCNA, Enterprise Admin, ITIL F 2011
      Script Gallary:
    Note: Disclaimer: This posting is provided & with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights..

  • Only contact Domain Controller when on a particular network

    As per subject, I have a laptop joined to a domain and logging on is slow when outside the network. Obviously it is trying to contact the domain contoller but fails. Can we set it to immediately use the last saved password when not within the network?

    That might be the reason.
    but as you could logon it, the cached info is worked here. the logon is slow might caused by the mapped drives. and disable the always wait ..policy should fit this, which is not recommended when mapped drive is in use.
    Run Xperf to take a check with the slow logon process.

  • Remove domain controller 2008 from active directory

    I have 2 DC 2008R2 & i have 2 ts one of them don't get the GPO i do everything i found that my 2 dc don't replicate good i can see the different on sysvol folder.
    After that i explain my self, My question if i remove the dc (its not the fsmo dc its the second), and after removing i add this dc ?
    I need to check some checks before ?
    After removing i need to delete from the dns record
    ?After Adding the same dc to the domain i need to check something ?

    >i want to remove my dc and replace him with new dc.
    You can add a new DC to a domain, and then remove the DC that you want to remove.
    To add a DC to a domain, after add server to a domain, we can run dcpromo to install AD.
    After server 2012, Adprep.exe commands run automatically as needed as part of the AD DS installation process.
    For more detailed information about Adprep.exe, you can refer to the following link:
    Running Adprep.exe
    For detailed steps about how to Removing a Domain Controller from a Domain, you can refer to the following link:
    Removing a Domain Controller from a Domain
    Best Regards,

  • Group Policy Management Console Failes to open when one Domain Controller is powered down

    Hi All,
    This was an accidental discovery, but here's my dilemma. I have a site with 2 domain controllers(Windows 2008 R2), and if I shut down my second domain controller, when I try to open the Group Policy Management  Console on the 1st domain controller,
    it fails to open and I get the following error, "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" with 3 options to "retry", "choose another domain controller", or remove.   If I go to chose another domain
    controller and select the 1st domain controller it still fails.  Unless the 2nd DC is turned on, I have no issues opening the GP management console. Not sure, why this is happening, I've done it in the pass without issue.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Well it seems that some how the PDC emulator is set to be the 2nd DC instead of the 1st DC on the 1st DC which explains why the failure after the 2nd DC went down. Why or should I say how could the PDC get switched from the primary DC without human intervention.
    Does the PDC automatically switch for any reason?

  • Provision Search in SharePoint Foundation 2013 without Domain Controller / Active Directory - Domain accounts

    I have successfully setup SharePoint Foundation 2013 as single server farm with SQL Server Standard database in a DMZ environment using local accounts since DMZ doesn't have an Active Directory and hence Domain accounts using powershell as described
    When I run Farm configuration wizard to provision search service application, I get an error:
    ERROR: "The service application(s) for the service "Search Service Application" could not be provisioned because of the following error: I/O error occurred."
    The log file logged the details of this error as:
    ERROR: "Failed to create file share Analytics_e441aa1c-1a8d-4f0a-a079-58b499eb4c50 at D:\SharePoint Search\Office Server\Analytics_e441aa1c-1a8d-4f0a-a079-58b499eb4c50 (System.ArgumentException: The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid
    that cannot be translated."
    After investigation, I found that potentially the error could be because the timer service is trying to setup a network share for analytics component (as part of provisioning search). It is trying to setup that share with a domain account that happens to
    be a local user instead in this case and fails with error “System.ArgumentException: The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid that cannot be translated”.
    I got some pointer from the below thread
    However, the above thread doesn't state that the solution worked.
    I have tried creating share manually for Analytics_<Guid> folder but it doesn't work since every time farm configuration wizards is run it creates a new Analytics_<Guid> folder.
    Since, I have setup SharePoint Foundation 2013 on a production environment I cannot test and trial various solutions.
    Can some please guide me on how to successfully provision search for SharePoint Foundation 2013 setup as a single server farm with SQL Server Standard database in a DMZ environment using local accounts (without Active Directory - domain accounts).
    Thanks in advance.

    Microsoft documentation doesn't always specifically call out all products (Project Server isn't there, either). But it does apply. You'll need to stand up at least one Domain Controller, or allow port access back to a DC.
    Preferably, set up SharePoint on the internal network and use a reverse proxy (which will terminate client connections at the reverse proxy) present in the DMZ.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Error finding a domain controller

    I have an error in finding a windows domain controller when a PC bootup and does a network access via a Cisco wireless PCMCIA card (AIR PCM-352) managed by Cisco ACU.
    This is the situation:
    - the operating system of the PC is Windows XP sp2
    - the wireless card is an AIR PCM352 with firmware V.5.60.21
    - the version of ACU is 6.6.00
    - the Access point is a Cisco 1120 (802.11b) with IOS version 12.3(8)JA
    - wireless communication is completely open (ssid in guest mode, authentication open ,no wep)
    - the ip address of the PC is obtained via DHCP (DHCP server is a Microsoft Server)
    I notice a difference between a Cisco PCMCIA card 352 managed by Cisco ACU and by Windows XP.
    In fact this error doesn't happen when the WLAN card is controlled by Windows wireless utility.
    Is it possible that the startup timing of the Cisco ACU is later than the Window's one?
    Does anyone resolved this error?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Antonio,
    Obviously you get the error of the domain not found because your wireless card is not even associated (the wireless card utility hasn’t started)
    Can you clarify the line "Is it possible that the startup timing of the Cisco ACU is later than the Window's one? " . You mean start the Cisco ACU before the windows one right?
    The best way to get around issues like that is to use for example the Odyssey client from Funk and turn on GINA and it should work fine.

  • Directory service console not able to open in a Domain Controller

    I have a 2008 domain controller. when i open the users and computer console i get the below error
    data from "domain name" is not available from domain controller because: the search filter cannot be recognized. try again later, or choose another DC by selecting connect to Domain controller on the domain context menu.
    what could be the issue????Pls help
    thanks in advance
    Thanks Chandru CT. MCITP

    When you open ADUC on windows 2008, it is trying to connect DC which is not available due to connectivity issue or DNS issue, try to connect different DC using ADUC console and see if it works.
    By default, DC should connect its own ADUC when type DSA.MSC in run, if it is connecting other DC, then there is issue with the existing DC.
    Verify DNS resolution is working and also might rebooting resolves your issues.
    Awinish Vishwakarma
    MY BLOG:
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Does Oracle 10G R2 support installation on Windows 2003 Domain Controller?

    Does Oracle 10g R2 support installation on Windows 2003 Domain Controller? I remember that 10g R1 had issues with the DC? Is it still the case. Does it work now?
    Any help is appreciated.

    We have Oracle 10g R2 running on a Windows 2003 domain controller. It was not a domain controller when Oracle was installed. The domain was created after installation. (I don't recommend that procedure. I spent a long day fixing the installation after they configured the domain.) If Oracle is unhappy with being on a domain controller, it has not shown it yet.

  • Rebuilding Domain controller & Transport Routes after system refresh

    I have refreshed Dev from Prdn, now my domain controller only shows single system
    I have documentation but, it is confusing to me how to have QAS and Prdn join the domain controller again and show the domain as a three tier system
    When I log into QAS and Prdn I still see the old 3 tier system including the domain and the other systems.
    Please advise
    Edited by: Maria Graziano on Mar 27, 2008 3:53 PM

    You don't perform backup of domain controller.
    You only designate in STMS one of servers as "Backup Domain Controller"
    when Primary  controller fails than "Backup domain Controller" takes his role and becomes a primary.
    So action to refresh domain controller is:
    1. Designate one of servers as backup domain controller
    2. Backup transport directory if it is on refreshed server (just in case)
    3. Switch backup controller to become primary
    4. Refresh primary system
    5. Join refreshed system to domain
    6. Switch back primary function to refreshed server

  • Group MSA account fail when Domain Controller in Test Domain Fails to start KdsSvc. Event ID 7023

    Yesterday, in my test domain, I created the KDS root key using the Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
    command on a DC that is not the PDC Emulator because it was the server I was on at the time.  Today, when I tried to create gMSA accounts on the PDC emulator, I get:
    Event ID 7023 The Microsoft Key Distribution Service terminated with the following error: An Exception occurred in the service when handling the control request
    I turned on logging on to the KdsSvc and get 2 other errors:
    KdsSvc Event ID 4001: Group Key Distribution Service failed to start. Status 0x80070020
    KdsSvc Event ID 4007: Group Key Distribution Service cannot connect to the domain controller on local host.  Status 0x80070020.  Group Key Distribution Service cannot be started because of the error.  Please contact the administrator to resolve
    the issue.
    I took the opportunity to clean up AD, the Schema, and DNS, but the kds errors continues.  I am replicating successfully, DNS changes are reflected immediately, and when I run the get-KDSRootKey on the failing server, the key is returned.  The
    Get-KdsConfiguration matches the KDS config on the DC that originally ran to create the key.
    I have a pretty strict GPO pushed to my DCs but I am still able to create gMSAs on the other server.  I checked ADS&S and found the msKds-ProvRootKey so I know it is at the domain level, but there is so little documentation on the KdsSvc that I
    am not sure if it is working as planned.  I have tried unassigning several GPO configuration items but I am throwing darts at this point.  I have also uninstalled McAfee AV; IDS/IPS; Firewall.
    With that said, I have questions:
    Will gMSAs still work even though the domain pdc emulator cannot start the service?
    Is the KdsSvc supposed to start only on the server Add-KDSRootKey was originally created?
    What happens if the server the KdsSvc key was created fails and has to be removed from the domain?
    Is there any books or configuration items I can review to learn the KdsSvc better?
    Windows Standard Server 2012 R2 x64
    Active Directory 2012 R2 Schema Updated from Windows 2008 R2
    All FSMO roles are on the PDC Emulator which is a Windows 2012 R2 DC
    DCDiag returns no errors or test failures
    Repadmin returns clean results (/showreps & /replsum)
    Windows 2008 R2 Root CA hierarchy (not DCs)
    W32tm services are running with less than 6/10's of a ms difference among the domain.

    For Windows Server 2012, the Windows PowerShell cmdlets default to managing the group Managed Service Accounts instead of the original standalone Managed
    Service Accounts.
    New-ADServiceAccount -name <ServiceAccountName> -DNSHostName <fqdn> -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword <group>
    -ServicePrincipalNames <SPN1,SPN2,…>
    Did you use the command abouve?
    Here is a good bolg:
    Windows Server 2012: Group Managed Service Accounts
    Hope this helps.

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