Tree node roll over

hi all,
I want to create my tree which at mouse roll over any node that node will change its icon and will expand if the node text is greater than the tree width. only the rolled over node will be expanded, exactly like the windows explorer.
Ahmad Elsafty ?

Similar Messages

  • Determine if mouse is over tree node

    I recently added some code from this forum on
    highlighting a node when the mouse is over it.
    I am taking this futher and setting a Border around the nodehowever it draws a border around every node.
    I want to only draw the border when the mouse is over the node.
    the example i got does this to set the foreground
    i do this to set the border
    i ve tried getting the positions of both the mouse and the jlabel but am having trouble determining if the position of the mouse is within the position of the node in the tree.
    Ive used methods like the contains method but it doesnt work for me . can anyone give me a hint as to how to see if the points of the mouse are on the Jlabel?

    This is very close to your solution. Last month, I implement ToolTip Text on every Tree Node so when Mouse goes on to the Node, It shows the Tool Tip Text. Have a look at this code and try to change it accordingly.
    This code is in the Constructor in your class.
    tree.setCellRenderer(new IDETreeCellRenderer());
    tree.setToolTipText("");Class: IDETreeCellRenderer - Cell Renderer for the Tree
    package tv.izone.ide.tree;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import tv.izone.core.*;
    import tv.izone.ide.guiutilities.*;
    public class IDETreeCellRenderer
        extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
       DefaultTreeCellRenderer label;
        * Override TreeCellRendererComponent, used for changing Tree Node for comments.
        * @param tree Tree to be used
        * @param value Value of the Node
        * @param selected true, if selected
        * @param expanded true, if expanded
        * @param leaf true, if it is a leaf
        * @param row Row Number
        * @param hasFocus True, if has Focus
        * @return Component, Tree
       public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded,
                                      boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
          try {
          label = (DefaultTreeCellRenderer)super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row,
    // Instead of setToolTipText(), try setBackgroundColor() or setBorder()
         return label;
          } catch (Exception ex) {
          // NullPointerException, usually comes at the start of the Application
          // when the Tree is empty.
          return this;
    }Hope this Helps

  • How to resize a custom tree node like you would a JFrame window?

    I am trying to resize a custom tree node like you would a JFrame window.
    As with a JFrame, when your mouse crosses the Border, the cursor should change and you are able to drag the edge to resize the node.
    However, I am faced with a problem. Border cannot detect this and I dont want to use a mouse motion listener (with a large number of nodes, I fear it will be inefficient, calculating every node's position constantly).
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import java.util.EventObject;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.Box;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
    import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
    public class ResizeNode extends JPanel {
           AnilTreeCellRenderer2 atcr;
           AnilTreeCellEditor2 atce;
           DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
           JTree tree;
           DefaultMutableTreeNode markedNode = null;
         public ResizeNode() {
                super(new BorderLayout());
                   treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(null);
                   tree = new JTree(treeModel);          
                  tree.setCellRenderer(atcr = new AnilTreeCellRenderer2());
                  tree.setCellEditor(atce = new AnilTreeCellEditor2(tree, atcr));
                   JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tree);
         public void setRootNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode node) {
           public static void main(String[] args){
                ResizeNode tb = new ResizeNode();
                tb.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,200));
                  JFrame frame = new JFrame("ResizeNode");
                  frame.setSize(400, 200);
         private void populate() {
              TextAreaNode2 r = new TextAreaNode2(this);
               TextAreaNode2 a = new TextAreaNode2(this);
               treeModel.insertNodeInto(a, r, r.getChildCount());          
    class AnilTreeCellRenderer2 extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer{
    TreeBasic panel;
    DefaultMutableTreeNode currentNode;
      public AnilTreeCellRenderer2() {
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent
       (JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded,
       boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus){
         TextAreaNode2 currentNode = (TextAreaNode2)value;
         NodeGUI2 gNode = (NodeGUI2) currentNode.gNode;
    class AnilTreeCellEditor2 extends DefaultTreeCellEditor{
      DefaultTreeCellRenderer rend;
      public AnilTreeCellEditor2(JTree tree, DefaultTreeCellRenderer r){
        super(tree, r);
        rend = r;
      public Component getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
       boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row){
        return rend.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, isSelected, expanded,
         leaf, row, true);
      public boolean isCellEditable(EventObject event){
        return true;
    class NodeGUI2 {
         final ResizeNode view;
         Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
         final JTextArea aa = new JTextArea( 1, 5 );
         final JTextArea aaa = new JTextArea( 1, 8 );
         NodeGUI2( ResizeNode view_ ) {
              this.view = view_;
              box.add( aa );
              aa.setBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 0, 0, 1, 0, Color.GREEN ) );
              box.add( aaa );
              box.setBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 5, 5, 5, 5, Color.CYAN ) );
         private Dimension getEditorPreferredSize() {
              Insets insets = box.getInsets();
              Dimension boxSize = box.getPreferredSize();
              Dimension aaSize = aa.getPreferredSize();
              Dimension aaaSize = aaa.getPreferredSize();
              int height = aaSize.height + aaaSize.height + + insets.bottom;
              int width = Math.max( aaSize.width, aaaSize.width );
              if ( width < boxSize.width )
                   width += insets.right + insets.left + 3;     // 3 for cursor
              return new Dimension( width, height );               
    class TextAreaNode2 extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {  
         NodeGUI2 gNode;
         TextAreaNode2(ResizeNode view_) {     
              gNode = new NodeGUI2(view_);

    the node on the tree is only painted on using the
    renderer to do the painting work. A mouse listener
    has to be added to the tree, and when moved over an
    area, you have to determine if you are over the
    border and which direction to update the cursor and
    to know which way to resize when dragged. One of the
    BasicRootPaneUI has some code that can help determine
    that.Thanks for replying. What is your opinion on this alternative idea that I just had?
    I am wondering if it might be easier to have a toggle button in the node that you click when you want to resize the node. Then a mouse-down and dragging the mouse will resize the node. Mouse-up will reset the toggle button, and so will mouse down in an invalid area.

  • Does an irrepariable "Invalid B-tree node" = unusable HD?

    I've decided my external LaCie drive has officially "died," but I want to know if it's truly unuseable or if I can just reformat it and start over (with it) again.
    The Drive: a LaCie 300GB with one 40GB scratch partition and one 260GB backup partition.
    What happened: After a about a week of erratic/slow disk access to the backup partiton (I'd shrugged it off as a full and fragmented drive), it finally just screeched to a snail's pace - so I could read/write to it, but, for example, copying 5MB file to/from it took about 3mins. I quickly backed up as much as I could off of it to another drive (100GB took 14hrs) and just as it finished copying the last file, it disappeared from my sidebar (though the scratch partition was still visible). I Disk Utility and could see it was unmounted and it's "name" had been reset to "disk5s3". Running the First Aid repair resulted in a quick "Invalid B-tree node size" ... "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit".
    Flash forward three days later: After unsuccessfully running Disk Warrior and Data Rescue for 20hrs (progress estimated it would take 400hrs to complete scan) - I gave up.
    Sorry for the long setup, but my question is: can I just "zero" the drive and use it again, or is it "damaged" physically and suitable for a paperweight only. If it's usuable after reformatting, is there a way to test the hardware of the drive to assure it's stable?
    Thanks for your time!

    can I just "zero" the drive and use it again, or is it "damaged" physically and suitable for a paperweight only
    Like Dwight I doubt the drive is physically damaged but simply has a damaged catalogue b-tree. The only way you're going to find out though it to erase the drive and write zeros to it. Just be aware that everything on the drive will be lost (though I gather you know that already) if you do this.

  • How do I fade in a roll over image

    I have a roll over text/png to link on my home page that I would like to fade in.
    I saw something on the net and tried it and it didn't work.
    Any thoughts?  I realize these won't CSS work on all browsers. Should I go to Java?
    My home page:
    <div class="clearovalfortree">
    <a href="portfolio.html" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image10','','images/treewithtextversion3.png',1)" class="opacity" >
    <img src="clearovalfortree.png" alt="text for tree2" width="800" height="600" id="Image10"></a></div>
    img.opacity {
      opacity: 0.5;
      filter: alpha(opacity=50);
      -webkit-transition: opacity 1s linear;
    img.opacity:hover {
      opacity: 1;
      filter: alpha(opacity=100);
      -webkit-transition: opacity 1s linear;

    All you need to do is place the images on top of each other and change the opacity of the top image on hover as in
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    #test {
        width: 800px;
      position: relative;
      margin: auto;
    #test img {
        width: 800px;
      position: absolute;
      left: 0;
      -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
      -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
      -o-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
      transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
    #test {
      opacity: 0;
    <div id="test">
        <img class="bottom" src="" alt="">
        <img class="top" src="" alt="">

  • Displaying the entire text of a tree node when the tree isn�t wide enough

    I have a JTree displayed in a JScrollPane, so there is a chance that some of the tree data may be hidden if the tree's width is insufficient, so when the user moves the cursor over a tree node whose text is not completely visible (cut off by the right edge of the scroll pane and/or window), a tooltip is displayed to show the entire node text. So far so good!
    If the user double click a node in the tree a new window is supposed to be opened. This works fine if the tooltip hasn�t been displayed jet, but if it has then the user has to click 3 times to open the window.
    The first time to remove the tooltip and the next 2 opens the window.
    How can I awoid this?

    Any ideas, please?

  • WebDynpro ABAP tree node collapse trigger event of row selection

    Hello expert,
    I have a table in my WD abap view, I use MasterColumn to display the tree structure, everything works just fine.
    However I encounter one problem:
    If I open the tree structure and select one node (table row selection), the event onLeadSelectis triggered, this is correct. However if I collapse any  parent nodes (along the tree path) of the selected node, WD puts the selection on the clicked parent and thus the event onLeadSelect is triggered for the parent. This is a strange behavior, because when I collapse a node, I certainly don't want to trigger the onLeadSelect event for the node, becaseu this would invoke the function linked to the event which is only supposed to be triggered when you explicitly select the table row.  (BTW, if you don't select any child nodes, then collapse the parent, it does NOT trigger the event).
    I've looked into the wdevent data to see if I can differentiate between the event of node collapsing and row selecting, event data is exact same for both cases, thus I have no way to stop the event handler in case of node collapsing.
    Anyone had this issue and a solution for this?

    Hi Jayson,
    Its the behavior of the tree element, the lead selection of child is carried over to the parent.
    Whenever there is lead selection set and on toggling of tree node, first OnToggle event triggers and then OnLeadSelect triggers. So you can control the execution of onLeadSelect by using EXPANDED parameter of event OnToggle.
    Please refer the below steps:
    Create an action ON_TOGGLE for the vent OnToggle of tree element and it will be having parameter EXPANDED
    Create an attribute in view-->attributes tab GV_EXPANDED
    Collect the parameter EXPANDED into gv_expanded
              wd_this->gv_expanded = expanded.
    Now, you can use wd_this->gv_expanded to control the execution of LEADSELECT logic
    Hope this helps you.

  • Tree Node

    I want to know how to add a tree node that look like this
    Hello David
    Hello Allan
    From this Code it will create a tree structure
    Hello David
    Hello Allan
    htree ITEM;
    top_node FTREE.NODE;
    new_node FTREE.NODE;
    new_node2 FTREE.NODE;
    item_value VARCHAR2(20);
    rg_data RECORDGROUP;
    v_ignore NUMBER;
    htree := Find_Item('tree_block.david_tree');
    item_value := 'Hello David';
    new_node := Ftree.Add_Tree_Node(htree,
    item_value := 'Hello Allan';
    new_node := Ftree.Add_Tree_Node(htree,
    From this result I don't konw how to add node using record group to create A, B C on Hello David node and D, E, F on Hello Allan node
    Hello David
    Hello Allan
    I try using this code but didn't work and not sure what syntax it went wrong.
    rg_data := FIND_GROUP('RG_BANKNAME');
    -- Add the new node at the top level and children.
    --v_ignore := POPULATE_GROUP(rg_data);
    The record group object Record Group Query the sql statement look like this :
    Also you have any example using SIBLING_OFFSET and when to use it?

    The Recordgroup has to have a specific structure, maybe this helps

  • Hierarchical tree node problem

    Hi all --
    Today's problem is (drum roll)............
    My application uses a heirarichal tree where each tree node contains the name of a form within this system. The user can navigate from form to form by clicking the appropriatetly name tree node. This seems to work - sometimes. Some users click on a node for one form, but get transferred to another named form(usually the one above or below the one actually activated). I've also found out that this happens ONLY when the user has their screen resolution set to 800 x 600. This application was developed at screen resolution 1024 x 768 and it woks fine. Anybody know why??

    Here is the code for both the tree node selected and tree node activated triggers
    Tree Node Seleceted code:
    :CONTROL.Node_Activated := null ;
    :CONTROL.Node_Selected := Ftree.Get_Tree_Node_Property('CONTROL_TREE.MENU', :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE, Ftree.NODE_VALUE) ;
    Tree Node Activated code:
    LN$I Pls_integer ;
    :CONTROL.Node_Selected := null;
    :CONTROL.Node_Activated := Ftree.Get_Tree_Node_Property('CONTROL_TREE.MENU', :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE, Ftree.NODE_VALUE) ;
    If :CONTROL.Node_Activated IS NOT NULL Then
    if :GLOBAL.curr_proc_id <> :control.node_activated or :control.node_activated
    is null then                          
    :CONTROL.Node_Activated || ' is already opened. Please check your current or previously opened library.' );
    LN$I := Show_Alert( 'AL_FORM_OPENED' ) ;
    end if;          
    end if ;
    end ;

  • JTreeTable problem editing tree node

    Iam using the swing JTreeTable component and facing a problem. Iam displaying hierarchical data in the JTreeTable. Now I would like to provide the facility to edit a tree node. I have a TreeSelectionListener registered on the tree and a TreeModelListener registered on the DefaultTreeModel. Wheneve, I start editing a node by double clicking it the valueChanged method is called but I do not see the new value the user types in this method. I have another method setValueAt which is where I can see the new value the user has entered.
    I can set this new value to the treenode using
        node.setUserObject(newValue);However, if I do this, the next time I try to edit the same node, the editor component is painted over the tree node thus displaying an empty textfield that occupies the entire cell.
    How can I make the editor appear above the tree node with the contents loaded in it always.
    Any help is appreciated.

    You bind a mouselistener to the tree, so it has to be handled there.
    When clicking once (method should be "mouseReleased" or something, treenodes name (toString) should be .setText("");

  • Tree node retrieving data for the 1st node only for 3 data blocks ?!

    Hello alllll
    i have 3 DATA BLOCKS MAster-Detail-Detail ; GL_TYPES -< GL_ACCOUNTS -< GL_COMPANIES
    The Rel between 1 & 2 is
    GL_ACCOUNTS.TYPE_ID = GL_TYPES.TYPE_IDThe Rel between 2 & 3 is
    GL_COMPANIES.ACCOUNT_ID = GL_ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNT_IDi also have a Treewhich is retrieving data in the opposite data blocks the following code used in WHEN-TREE-NODE-SELECTED Trigger and it works fine but not for every node ;
    the node selected shows data for the first node only; Say Assets but if i selected any other node it doesn't return any data ?
    could any boady pls explain to me why is that happening ?
    The following code is:
            htree ITEM;
            NODE_VALUE VARCHAR2(100);
    -- Find the tree itself.
    htree := FIND_ITEM ('BL_TREE.IT_TREE');
       set_block_property('GL_ACCOUNTS', DEFAULT_WHERE, 'GL_ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNT_ID = '  ||
       ftree.get_tree_node_property('BL_TREE.IT_TREE', :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE, FTREE.NODE_VALUE));
    END IF;

    Hello Ammad Ahmed
    Thanks really for reply ,i appreciate... :)
    Can you explain little more what is the meaning of this?a tree block on canvas beside 3 data blockS out of 2 tables as follows
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ACCOUNT_ID                                NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    TYPE_ID                                   NOT NULL NUMBER(1)
    ACCOUNT_NAME                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
    IS_CLOSED                                 NOT NULL NUMBER(1)
    ACCOUNT_ID_PARENT                                  NUMBER(10)
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ACCOUNT_ID                                NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
    COMPANY_ID                                NOT NULL NUMBER(2)only table GL_ACCOUNTS has a self rel so on data blocks on forms i have out of these 2 tables 3 data blocks in the following order
    GL_ACCOUNTS_PARENT on GL_ACCOUNTS has a where clause on it's property;
    account_id in ( select distinct account_id_parent from gl_accounts ) on GL_ACCOUNTS_PARENT block i am displaying on 1 row:
    1. the account_id ,
    2. the account
    3. name and account_type_name in a LOV
    on the second block GL_ACCOUNTS depending on the GL_ACCOUNTS table also am displaying muti rows :
    1. the account_id ,
    2. the account
    and a relation on form
    am displaying the company_id & company_name in multi_rows
    how the data will be looking in data blocksam using the following link -> Large trees - using partial tree population
        CURSOR crTop IS
                 ACCOUNT_NAME LABEL
            FROM GL_ACCOUNTS
           ORDER BY type_id, ACCOUNT_id;
        nd FTree.NODE;
          Ftree.DELETE_TREE_NODE(itTree, FTree.ROOT_NODE);
          FOR rec IN crTop LOOP
              nd:=FK_ADD_NODE(Ftree.ROOT_NODE, rec.VALUE , rec.LABEL);
              PR_QUERY_DETAILS(nd, rec.VALUE);
          END LOOP;
      if any unclear... pls notify me...!

  • WHEN-TREE-NODE-SELECTED need 2 Execute-Query on Master-Detail data block

    I optimize tree using this link
    For huge amount of data (Accountings)
    All i need for now is
    WHEN-TREE-NODE-SELECTED need 2 Execute-Query on the data block
    htree ITEM;
    node_value VARCHAR2(100);
    -- Find the tree itself.
    htree := FIND_ITEM ('BL_TREE.IT_TREE');
    node_value := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE ,  ftree.node_value  );
       set_block_property('GL_ACCOUNTS', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'ACCOUNT_ID ='|| node_value  );
    END IF;
    END;The above code is working fine 4 the detail block which is *'GL_ACCOUNTS'*
    when i substitute is Master block which is 'GL_ACCOUNTS_TYPES' it doesn't display all data
    Help is Appriciated pls.

    In WHEN-TREE-NODE-SELECTED i modified the following code :_
            htree ITEM;
           node_value VARCHAR2(100);
           parent_node FTREE.NODE;
      -- Find the tree itself.
      htree := FIND_ITEM ('BL_TREE.IT_TREE');
      -- Get the parent of the node clicked on. 
                  parent_node := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PARENT ( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE );
                set_block_property('GL_TYPES', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'TYPE_ID ='|| parent_node  );
      -- Get the detail of the parent node
          node_value := FTREE.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY( htree, :SYSTEM.TRIGGER_NODE ,  ftree.node_value  );
               set_block_property('GL_ACCOUNTS', DEFAULT_WHERE , 'ACCOUNT_ID ='|| node_value  );     
          END IF;
    FRM-40350 : Query caused no records to be retrieved but i have records in the data base ...!
    Well, Do u think that's because in ur package i retrieve only the detail block ?

  • Populating tree node data from database

    I have to populate a tree node with data in the database.Its like this..I have to show emp table in the form of a tree. Under Empno, I have to get the data from the table and populate wise all the columns should be retrieved. This is wat i need..

    Gail just announced in our blog ( that she is working on this tutorial. If you would like to be an early reviewer, send email to [email protected] with "Database Tree Tutorial Early Reviewer" in the subject.
    Diva #2

  • How can I edit the selected tree node immediately?

    I have completed a popup menu ,which appeares when I have a mouse rightclicked event
    over the selected tree node.when I selected the popup menu item,i can edit the tree node ,but
    I feel that the tree celleditor appear slowly ,what should i do? the following is my code:
    menuItemRenameNode.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    void renameNode_ActionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
    this.getCellEditor().addCellEditorListener(new CellEditorListener(){
    public void editingCanceled(ChangeEvent e){
    CellEditor cellEditor =(CellEditor)e.getSource();
    System.out.println("editing canceled:"+cellEditor.getCellEditorValue().toString());
    protected boolean canEditImmediately(EventObject e){
    return true;
    public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e){
    CellEditor cellEditor =(CellEditor)e.getSource();
    System.out.println("editing stopped:"+cellEditor.getCellEditorValue().toString());

    Please check the suggestions in the thread:
    | T. Ravi Kumar

  • Tree item when-tree-node-selected fires differently from 6i to 10g.

    In forms 6i, when you keyboard navigate between tree nodes, the wtns trigger will fire. In 10g it does not. In 10g, it will fire if you press the tab key or mouse click on a node.
    Anyone know if this was done on purpose?
    I ran into this after finally trying my props.fmb in 10g. It works fine in 6i, but not in 10g
    copy of my form is here:
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production) cleint server
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    I wrote most of the tree handling code for oracle apps APPTREE. This is the code that most if not all tree's in apps uses to build standard tree. So I have a pretty good understanding of the forms tree item. And know the wtns fired for web forms 6i on every node like 6i client server. This is very strange IMO.

    thanks for the reference. Although the bug you identify deals with when-tree-node-activated, it is possible they fixed the when-tree-node-selected issue at the same time. With my test tree, i can currently duplicate both issues. I tried to download the patch, but it is only available for linux and unix. No windows patch. I don't have my linux env up and running to where I can test yet. So I can not confirm.

Maybe you are looking for

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