Trial Version: Outside Wheel Missing

I am running the trial version with a view to taking up a subscription having been a longtime CS4 and CS5.5 user, therefore Speedgrade is new to me.
I'm running the tutorials and notice on my trial version I have no outside rotary wheel on any of the wheel functions - I just have the colour wheel, no white rotary. Is this a feature intentionally missing in the trial version?
Many thanks.

The outside wheel has been changed for the slider on the left side. It's exactly the same functionality but fit in a different way. Move the slider down to decrease the luminance and up to increase it.

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    Hi Mark,
    If your company has a license, then someone with the appropriate authorization should be able to order through the SAP Service Marketplace.  It isn't something like NSP that you install on a desktop, so you should probably talk to a Basis person in your company if they could set it up for you.

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    Thanks Christoph,
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    Edited by: Dirk Tyriard on Feb 17, 2008 6:01 PM

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    Hi Viet-Toan Nguyen ,
    First thing you can do is uninstalled the previously installed sapdb and choose to install db inside sap installation instead of using existing db instance in one of the installation step, So don't install db seperately , choose it during sap installation.
    If you have tried first thing properly and the error still persist then.....
    Second  thing is :
    Compatibilities for Oracle JDBC Drivers :
    Starting with 10g Release 1 (10.1), the Oracle JDBC drivers no longer support JDK 1.1.x or earlier versions.
    And also check the paths:
    ORACLE_HOME /jlib directory.
    ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar for full globalization support ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
    ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar for full globalization support
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    Hi gretchenm66156293,
    Are you running into this issue with one PDF in particular, or with any PDF that you open? Did the PDF display correctly previously? How was that PDF created?
    For starters, please choose File > Properties and click the Fonts tab. What fonts are used in the PDF? Are they "embedded" or "subsetted."
    I would be happy to take a look at the PDF here, if you'd like. Let me know!

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    I doubt it's missing. You probably just aren't looking in the right place. It's not a menu item. But, hey... way to cast an accusatory finger for no reason.
    It's a brush, look in the Brushes panel. Or click the "New Brush" icon at the bottom of the Brushes Panel and select Bristle Brush.

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    best regards,
    Roelof Jan Bouwknegt

    Roelof Jan Bouwknegt wrote:
    > Hi Thomas,
    > It's working now. Very promising technology. Is it true that I can build now a full featured high perfomant Flex application with a powerful consistent WD4A backend framework? That's too good. Thx for your quick help.
    > best regards,
    > Roelof Jan
    That is true.  Keep in mind however that the Flash Island isn't meant to take up your entire UI.  It is intended to supplement the existing Web Dynpro UI elements.  There are things that WD does better than Flex - Value Help, Translation, Personalization, Accessibility.  Of course there are advantages to using Flex as well - especially for very visual or highly interactive UI element constructs.  Hopefully the combination of Flex and WD gives you the best of both worlds when used in a powerful combination.

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    Hello KC,
    try to install it on vista before you revert to XP ( for the java-stack).
    I have installed both on vista business and it's running well ( fullfilled all the requirements, except the OS).
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    Here is the latest help documentation.
    The only thing missing in the trial version is the Additional Content. That is all of the extra sound effects, music beds, etc.

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    Sorry charco I didn't realise you were new Welcome.
    Command is the key with  ⌘ on it. Press down the command key and the shift key and 4 all together. The curser changes to a cross and you draw around anything on the screen with the cursor and it puts a png picture on the desk top. Command shift 3 takes a screen shot and puts it on the desktop too. Press esc to cancel if you get lost.
    I use command shift 4 to draw around strange windows or warnings so I have a record of them.

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    I meant do you have a third-party font manager, and I see the answer is no.
    And the font's don't appear inthe font list, or Find Font, at all?
    If that's the case I might sayt it's time to uninstall, run the cleaner tool (CS Cleaner Tool for installation problems | CCM, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3) and reinstall.

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    Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Did you look in Filter - Stylize - Wind?
    It only works on pixel-based layers.  Is the tutorial based on an older version of Photoshop, or have they done something to the text to rasterize it into pixels?
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