Trigger Media events in Applescript?

I've been searching a lot on this and i cant for the life of me find how to trigger media events in Applescript.
I have found that i can tell specific applications to playpause like itunes for example, this is not what i want.
What im trying to do is make an applescript that behaves like the play/pause button that you can find on any Apple Keyboard when executed.
I imagined that this would be as simple as to tell System Events to trigger a media event, regretfully this does not work.
If anyone could shed some light on this i would greatly appreciate it!

Some time ago I've written a rubycocoa code to post media key events. Here's an AppleScript wrapper for it.
Code is tested under 10.6.8. This won't work under 10.5.8. Don't know about later versions.
PS. If you're just trying to keep iTunes from launching when PLAY_PAUSE key is pressed, this script is not what you need. The rcd daemon is the culprit to launch iTunes by that specific key and so you'd need to "fix" it by modifying its executable. There's a tried and true method to do it, which I myself has employed.
--post_media_key_events("MUTE", 1, 0, {})
--post_media_key_events("VOLUME_UP", 12, 0.01, {option down, shift down})
--post_media_key_events("VOLUME_DOWN", 12, 0.01, {option down, shift down})
post_media_key_events("PLAY_PAUSE", 1, 0, {})
on post_media_key_events(subtype, k, d, mods)
        string subytpe : event subtype name, one of the following -
        integer k : number of key repeat
        number d : delay inserted after each key release [sec]
        list mods : any combination of the following enumerations
                shift down
                option down
                command down
                control down
                caps lock down
                * constants other than listed above are ignored
    set args to ""
    repeat with m in mods
        set m to m's contents
        if m = shift down then set args to args & space & "shift"
        if m = option down then set args to args & space & "option"
        if m = command down then set args to args & space & "command"
        if m = caps lock down then set args to args & space & "capslock"
    end repeat
    set args to subtype & space & k & space & d & space & args
    considering numeric strings
        if (system info)'s system version < "10.9" then
            set ruby to "/usr/bin/ruby"
            set ruby to "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby"
        end if
    end considering
    do shell script ruby & " <<'EOF' - " & args & "
require 'osx/cocoa'
include OSX
class AppDelegate < NSObject
    # event subtypes
    # cf. /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/hidsystem/ev_keymap.h
    VOLUME_UP             = 0
    VOLUME_DOWN             = 1
    BRIGHTNESS_UP         = 2
    BRIGHTNESS_DOWN         = 3
    MUTE                 = 7
    PLAY_PAUSE             = 16
    FORWARD                = 19
    REWIND                 = 20
    ILLUMINATION_UP         = 21
    # keyboard event
    # cf. /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/Headers/hidsystem/IOLLEvent.h
    KEYDOWN                = 10
    KEYUP                = 11
    def initWithArguments(args)
        @subtype, @count, @delay, *@mods = args
        @count = @count.to_i
        @delay = @delay.to_f
        @mods = @mods.join(' ')
    def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notif)
            @win = NSWindow.alloc.objc_send(
                :initWithContentRect, NSMakeRect(0, 0, 600, 600),
                :styleMask, NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask,
                :backing, NSBackingStoreBuffered,
                :defer, false)
            if NSApp.respondsToSelector?('setActivationPolicy')                    # 10.6 or later only
            ev1 = createMediaKeyEvent(@win, @subtype, 'keydown', @mods)
            ev2 = createMediaKeyEvent(@win, @subtype, 'keyup', @mods)
            @count.times do
                postMediaKeyEvent(ev2, @delay)
    def applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(app)
    def applicationShouldTerminate(sender)
    def createMediaKeyEvent(win, subtype, keystate, modifiers = '')
        #    NSWindow win : target window device which receives the event
        #    uint16 subtype : event subtype for event type = NSSystemDefined
        #    string keystate : one of ['keydown', 'repeat', 'keyup']
        #    string modifiers : modifier key names (shift control option command capslock) separated by white space
        mtable = {
            'capslock'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlphaShift,
            'shift'        => KCGEventFlagMaskShift,
            'control'    => KCGEventFlagMaskControl,
            'option'    => KCGEventFlagMaskAlternate,
            'command'    => KCGEventFlagMaskCommand,
        mflag = modifiers.split.inject(0) { |mflag, x| (m = mtable[x]) ? mflag | m : mflag }
        mflag |= KCGEventFlagMaskNonCoalesced
        kstate =
            case keystate
                when 'keydown'    then KEYDOWN << 8
                when 'keyup'    then KEYUP << 8
                when 'repeat'    then KEYDOWN << 8 | 1
                else 0
        raise ArgumentError, %[invalid keystate : #{keystate}] if kstate == 0
        raise ArgumentError, %[unsupported media key event subtype : #{subtype}] unless
        data1 = subtype << 16 | kstate
        data2 = 0xffffffff
        event = NSEvent.objc_send(
            :otherEventWithType, NSSystemDefined,
            :location, NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0),
            :modifierFlags, mflag,
            :timestamp, 0,
            :windowNumber, win.windowNumber,
            :context, win.graphicsContext,
            :subtype, 8,
            :data1, data1,
            :data2, data2)
        raise RuntimeError, %[failed to create event] unless event
        return event
    def postMediaKeyEvent(event, delay = 0.0)
        CGEventPost(KCGHIDEventTap, event.CGEvent)
        sleep delay
def main
    raise ArgumentError, %[Usage: #{File.basename($0)} subtype [count [delay [modifiers]]]] unless ARGV.length > 0
        s, k, d, *mods = ARGV
        subtype = AppDelegate.const_get(s.to_sym)
        k = k ? k.to_i : 1
        d = d ? d.to_f : 0.0
    rescue => ex
        $stderr.puts %[#{ex.class} : #{ex.message}]
        exit 1
    args = [subtype, k, d] + mods
    app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
    delegate = AppDelegate.alloc.initWithArguments(args)
if __FILE__ == $0
end post_media_key_events

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    Hi Tiwari,
    yes, the screenshot was from CRM-Financial, but available in CRM Transaction Processing:
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    hope it helps.

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    HI ,
    The program can call function module BP_EVENT_RAISE to raise the event. you can create vent in sm64 and sm62 .There you give the parameter of the event same as what you will define in the event of start variant of your process chian ..

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    Thomas De Landtsheer
    Go to Solution.
    Labview detection of ‏197 KB

    The problem is a few
    blocks we havent really seen yet. All these numerics and stuff outside
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    of viewing them? The stuff with the digital at INI phase, The block
    in the lower right corner of the INI phase.
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    I am not sure what you mean here can you circle it and send me a picture so that I can explain.
    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan

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         private final List listeners = new ArrayList();
         public void addListener(SocketListener listener)
         public void removeListener(SocketListener listener)
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               for (Iterator i = listeners.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                    ((SocketListener) i).dataEvent();
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    Best regards, Jens Larsen

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    If you want to use the DAQ board you have there, you will need to keep polling the digital line to recognize the state change.
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    Hope this helps.
    Filipe A.
    Applications Engineer
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    Go to Solution.
    Parallel Loop ‏10 KB

    Here is a revised version of your VI. I modified the mechanical actino of the stop button so it kept it's value until it was read. In addition, I added a delay to your upper loop. Without a delay it was running too fast to actually see the button press. I modifed the event in the the event structure to trigger on a value change of Boolean.
    You don't really need the outer loop since it will only run a single time in all instances. On the first execution of that loop it will be sitting in the turn inner loops. Once you exit the two inner loops your outer loop will always exit. Therefore, it serves no purpose.
    Your OR in the upper loop is completely uses. It serves no purpose since the result will always be equal to the value of the Stop button.
    There are better ways of triggering events. a preferred method would be to use a user event and simply generate the event at the appropriate time. This has the advantage of not requiring additional controls/indicators simply to cause an event to occur.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
    Parallel Loop ‏12 KB

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    Please help me. Thanks in advance,
    Best Regards,

    Hello Paddu,
    have a look at tables
    - btcsev, btcsed (system events)
    - btcuev, btcued (user events)
    and use function BP_EVENT_RAISE.
    kind regards
    Walter Habich

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    I do have 2 ALVs (class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID) in a Splitter-Control.
    Both ALVs do have registered the event DATA_CHANGED in seperate handler methods.
    If there is a change in first ALV(line insertion with values), there will be inserted a new line with values in the second ALV.  After handling the event at first ALV, I call CHECK_CHANGED_DATA of the second ALV and REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY of the second ALV. I would expect that the call of CHECK_CHANGED_DATA would trigger the event DATA_CHANGED, but it does not trigger the event DATA_CHANGED of the second ALV.
    The problem is maybe that the input at the data is not made by the user(UI).
    What could I do to trigger this event and check the new data at second ALV?
    Yours Joerg

    Hello ,
    yeah thats correct , but in your case what you can do is
    g_grid1(first alv) >CHECK_CHANGED_DATA( Importing E_VALID =  l_Valid )>in the implementation method of this ..update global variable g_second = 'X' in order to refresh ALV2.
    g_grid1(first alv) -->Refresh_table_display( ).
    if g_second = 'X'.
    g_grid2-->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY. so it will refresh the second alv contents.

  • How to trigger a event when WBS gets changed in Cj02

    I have a requirement where I need to send create an idoc and send the idoc to external system when WBS is created or changed.  Currently, I have the following setup:
       - I have created a YBUS2054 as a subtype of BUS2054 using SWO1
       - YBUS2054 has been delegated to BUS2054
       - created an CHANGED event in the YBUS2054. This event is implemented and then released
       - created a type linkage (object type=YBUS2054, event=CHANGED, receiver type null, and receiver function module = zz_create_wbs_idoc) using SWETYPV. This function is supposed to create an idoc when CHANGED event occurs. I just don't know how to trigger the event to occur.
       - all the port, define idoc type, logical system, and etc are setup
       - when I try to create an entry in "Event for Chagne Document" using SWEC with change doc object=PROJ, business object type = YBUS2054, with on change, I get "Key for change doc object PROJ and business object type YBUS2054 are incompatible".
    I tried various configurations, and I was not successfully in creating an event on CHANGED
    can you please advise what I am missing in getting the changed event to trigger?
    Thank you in advance,

    If the change doc doesnt exist, check if you can create an event using BSVW.
    Also use the event log to see if there are other sap standard events happening.
    I checked the package belonging to CJ02 to see if there is something useable, but didn't find anything: CN_PSP_OPR
    If there are no sap standard ways to get an event, you'll have to find a badi/enhancement spot and include some coding to start the event using fm SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

Maybe you are looking for