Trimming Clips for Import

So I have this video clip I downloaded off the internet that I'm trying to get into iMovie, but it's too long (9:33), and therefore is too big (over 2 GB once converted to DV) for iMovie to allow me to import it.
So I asked around and someone suggested I use MPEG Streamclip, so I got it, and cut the video in half to import it in two parts. First problem was I couldn't figure out what format to export it as because nothing was working. They told me H264 or whatever, so I tried it, but nothing.
Every single frickin' time I try and import it I get the "Error during import: (-37)" and it rips out that MacOS folder from the content of iMovie and throws it away for no reason.
I'm not going to pay $30 for Quicktime Pro just to cut this video in half since this is probably the only time I'll need to do this, sooner or later I WILL be getting iLife 06, but I'm too poor and probably won't be getting it anytime soon.
So can someone tell me how the hecks or what freeware I can use to trim a freakin' video and import it into iMovie at no cost without my computer being like "how about no"?
Message was edited by: daftboychemist

EVERY SINGLE time I try and import it, no matter what the format, I get the "Error during import: (-37)". And it rips out that MacOS folder from the content of iMovie and throws it away for no reason.
EVEN as a DV stream.
So is there ANYONE who can tell me why this happening, how I can stop it from happening, and most likely inform me of some other freeware besides MPEG Streamclip that isn't jank and will actually work?
Please. I beg of you. I've been trying to figure this out and get an answer for well over a month, and as you can imagine I'm to the point where I'm super de duper angry and cuss aloud at high volumes toward everything having to do with this project and am about to give up and smash my computer and kill myself for failing at life.

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    I gather that what you want to do is modify the clips and save them as self contained movies for eventual import into iDVD.
    Edit your clip in iMovie, add your sound track, and then File/Export/compress movie for Full Quality to your desktop as a self contained Quicktime Movie. Each of these self contained Quicktime Movies can be dragged into your iDVD project by dragging them to the edge of the main iDVD menu window.

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    This a bit of a guess, as I use Project Manager in PrPro, and it has some major differences.
    I suspect that you have a large Clip, or Clips, and have used Instances of that/those on the Timeline. Is that the case?
    If you had discrete, separate Clips, that had been Trimmed, in either the Source Monitor, or on the Timeline, then those would be Trimmed, with X Frames as Handles.
    Discrete Clips are different than Instances of a larger "master Clip."
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    Good luck,

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    @Z_B-B, thank you for taking the time to respond to my cry for help. However, the link you supplied does not address the problem: I am not trying to export from Final Cut Pro to QuickTime, I am trying to export from QuickTime to the rest of the world (like people's iPhones and Ipads) in .m4v format (so I am not emailing my freinds such huge files).
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    I'd recommend you grab After Effects for your special effects and if you have a lot of editing, also Premiere. Although you can do it all in After Effects, Premiere is a lot easier to edit with. The combination is used very frequently. All your assets from your other applications are usable to various extents in both of these applications.

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    wongrayd wrote:
    Thanks.  I do not have the experience on burning discs from iMovie for the movie after editing (ie for video discs players).  It seems that i cannot find the relevant command in the tool bar for this purpsoe.  Would you please show me the way?
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    I don't know what RF means. When I have used HandBrake, I've used presets that apply to what I want to do, so I don't know the meaning of each individual setting. However, it appears that many of them are listed in the HandBrake User's Guide that is linked from the Help menu in the program:
    wongrayd wrote:
    For iMac, except iMovie, what other software is the best for the amateur?  I have read Photoshop.  Can this support m2ts files and user friendly?
    Photoshop is not amateur-level software, and although it can edit a video, it cannot burn a DVD. Unfortunately, because I still use iMovie, I haven't tried anything else. You might want to read the reviews of various DVD-burning applications in the Mac App Store.
    And maybe another forum member will jump in and help us here!

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    Set the camcorder's clock. See also:

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    Thanks for any ideas!

    I found that iMovie 6 was able to handle the multiple files and I could export them as an MPEG4 file. iMovie 08 bombed big time.

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    I just thought I'd share that with you folks. After this current project is complete I install FCP Studio 3 and the new STP. Maybe the bug is fixed in the new version.

    Nice workaround. Thanks for sharing it!

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    Thanks for your help!

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    So my two main questions are
    1) how come the time line in after effects is no longer updating the changes I make to the sequence in premiere pro?
    2) what is the easiest way to get trimmed premiere pro clips into after effects compositions?

    Question 1:
    Since you're so new to AE, it's quite possible that any of a number of things happened without you being aware of it. That and you haven't given much information for troubleshooting. I mean, we don't even know the rough versions you're using, much less minor version numbers. (For example, we don't know if you're using CC 2014, much less if you're running the 13.2 update for AE or not.) Here's some info we would need to help:
    Question 2:
    You can choose File>Import Premiere Pro Project and it'll bring the clips in. It won't update at all, but it will give you the clips you need in a way that's easier to deal with in AE.
    Alternatively, you can choose to dynamically link a Premiere Project (which sounds like what you initially did). In most cases, I prefer the first way.
    Since you've never used AE before, there are going to be a lot of things that frustrate you if you try to plow ahead without a knowledge of the basics. I strongly recommend going through the resources linked here: Getting started with After Effects Granted, there is an extensive set of resources there, but that's because AE is such a deep and complex program. Without a foundation in the basics, you are going to just keep on being frustrated.

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