Trouble(s) with maps

Is it just me, or does the mapping functionality have some distance to go before it's really solid, steady, and useable? I'm working with the Sample Sales data. I'll include all of the XML from the Advanced tab at the end of this post, so that anyone can recreate what I'm doing. I've tried using Firefox and IE, and basically I get the same crummy results.
1. In, I could click on a piece of a map, such as a state, and its information window would pop-up. At that point, I could click on the pop-up to freeze it, click on the link for the state name on that frozen popup, and it would fire a master-detail event. Now, in, doing that exact same thing does NOT fire the Master-Detail event. I know the Master-Detail event works, because when I click on the state name in the Table view, it changes my graph slider position.
2. In, I don't remember the drilling being troublesome. In, it seems like every time I make a change to the graph, such as changing a color of one of the percentile breaks, the graph reverts back to the 2000 mile view.
3. The OBIEE_WORLD_MAP takes a very long time to render. I know maps are CPU-intensive, but seriously, 30 seconds to drill in from 1000 miles to 500 miles?
4. OK, I'm finally drilled in to 500 miles. I save the analysis. I re-open the analysis. And... ARRRRRGH - I'm back at the 2000 foot level. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??
5. Same thing when I open the map view to edit it. It jumps back out to 2000 miles. That is SO annoying. Why isn't there a Property for that?
Am I just missing something, or are maps just not really ready for prime time?
XML code from Advanced Tab
<saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlVersion="201008230" xmlns:sawx="">
<saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simpleCriteria" subjectArea="&quot;A - Sample Sales&quot;" withinHierarchy="true">
<saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="cee563185b849e2e8">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Time"."T05 Per Name Year"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column>
<saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c282afb16d4aae8a5">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Ship To Geo Codes"."R62 Geo Ctry State Name"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula>
<saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" interaction="clientEvent">
<saw:clientEventSpec channel="NavState"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat>
<saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="cc5440c1758b8619f">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Products"."P4 Brand"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column>
<saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="cfe93e6d4b952110e">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Base Facts"."1- Revenue"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column>
<saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c0f03fa9ace355720">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Base Facts"."2- Billed Quantity"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column></saw:columns>
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:comparison" op="equal">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Ship To Geo Codes"."R61 Geo Country Code"</sawx:expr>
<sawx:expr xsi:type="xsd:string">USA</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
<saw:views currentView="3">
<saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1">
<saw:cvCell viewName="dvtchart!1"/></saw:cvRow>
<saw:cvCell viewName="mapview!1"/></saw:cvRow>
<saw:cvCell viewName="tableView!1"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
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<saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="cc5440c1758b8619f"/>
<saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="cfe93e6d4b952110e"/>
<saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c0f03fa9ace355720"/></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge>
<saw:edge axis="column"/></saw:edges></saw:view>
<saw:view xsi:type="saw:mapview" name="mapview!1">
<saw:splitterLayout orientation="horizontal"/></saw:mapLayout>
<saw:panHand display="true"/></saw:panTools>
<saw:zoomIn display="true"/>
<saw:zoomOut display="true"/></saw:zoomTools>
<saw:pointTool display="true"/></saw:selectionTools></saw:mapToolBar>
<saw:scaleInfo display="true"/>
<saw:overview display="true" viewState="collapsed"/></saw:mapInformation>
<saw:panButtons display="true"/>
<saw:zoomSlider display="true"/></saw:mapOverlay></saw:mapWidgets>
<saw:infoLegend display="true" viewState="collapsed"/>
<saw:boundingLayer layerID="l0"/>
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<saw:boundingBox coords="-179.72032000000001,17.192104999999998,-67.36094500000001,73.30148"/></saw:viewportInfo>
<saw:spatialLayer sid="__OBIEE__MAPVIEW__LAYER__OBIEE_NAVTEQ_Sample__OBIEE_STATE__~v0" class="omv_predefined_layer" layerID="l0">
<saw:layerLabelFormat display="true"/>
<saw:columnRef columnID="c282afb16d4aae8a5"/></saw:spatials>
<saw:visual visualID="v0" xsi:type="saw:colorScheme">
<saw:varyFillColor binType="percentile" numBins="4" allowThresholdEdit="false">
<saw:columnRef columnID="cfe93e6d4b952110e"/>
<saw:rampItem id="0">
<saw:text>First Quartile</saw:text></saw:caption>
<saw:g class="color" fill="#EE342A"/></saw:rampItem>
<saw:rampItem id="1">
<saw:text>Second Quartile</saw:text></saw:caption>
<saw:g class="color" fill="#FFF200"/></saw:rampItem>
<saw:rampItem id="2">
<saw:text>Third Quartile</saw:text></saw:caption>
<saw:g class="color" fill="#1FB24D"/></saw:rampItem>
<saw:rampItem id="3">
<saw:text>Fourth Quartile</saw:text></saw:caption>
<saw:g class="color" fill="#7296CE"/></saw:rampItem></saw:rampStyle></saw:varyFillColor>
<saw:g class="color"/>
<saw:columnRef columnID="c0f03fa9ace355720"/></saw:tooltip></saw:visual>
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<saw:varySliceSize chartSize="10">
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<saw:columnRef columnID="cee563185b849e2e8"/></saw:slices></saw:visual></saw:visuals></saw:spatialLayer></saw:spatialLayers>
<saw:canvasFormat width="800" height="400"/>
<saw:mapInteraction autoCreateFormats="true"/>
<saw:formatPanel width="216" height="433"/></saw:view>
<saw:view xsi:type="saw:dvtchart" name="dvtchart!1" autoPreview="false">
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<saw:columnRef columnID="cee563185b849e2e8"/></saw:category></saw:categories>
<saw:measures showMeasureLabelsOnCategory="false">
<saw:column measureType="y">
<saw:columnRef columnID="cfe93e6d4b952110e"/></saw:column></saw:measures>
<saw:columnRef columnID="cc5440c1758b8619f"/></saw:seriesGenerator>
<saw:sections displayAsSlider="true">
<saw:columnRef columnID="c282afb16d4aae8a5"/></saw:section></saw:sections></saw:selections>
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<saw:scale scaleValues="auto" showMajorTicks="false" showMinorTicks="false" logarithmic="false"/></saw:axisFormat></saw:axesFormats></saw:view></saw:views></saw:report>

After a month of no response, I guess nobody out there knows any more about maps than I do. That's sad!!
Oracle, if you can offer ANY suggestions as to why mapping should be so horrendously slow and unpredictable, I'd love to hear them.

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       List list = new ArrayList();
       list.add(new OptionItem("colecao","Cole��o");
       list.add(new OptionItem("descricao","Descri��o");
    public class OptionItem {
       private String value;
       private String label;
       public OptionItem(String v, String l) { value = v; label = l; }
       public String getValue() { return value; }
       public String getLabel() { return label; }
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    request.setAttribute("mapaColecao", mapa);
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                    <html:options collection="mapaColecao" property="value" labelProperty="label"/>

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    Re: Problem with maps in Mavericks on iMac 
    Dec 8, 2013 7:14 PM (in response to robin1943)
    Try this
    Since my date and time were incorrect and imessage was not working as well, I tried this
    1. Go to system preferences and click date and time
    2. Select date and time tab
    3. Uncheck "set date and time automatically" and manually enter the correct time
    4. Go to time zone tab and uncheck the box there too
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    Case 2: several DebMas IDoc's ==> XI ==> one XML-file : problems with mapping.
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    Businesspartner 2 : Customer Master Partner Functions (E1KNVPM).
    Businesspartner 3 : Customer Master Partner Functions (E1KNVPM).
    Businesspartner 4 : Customer Master Partner Functions (E1KNVPM).
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    Is this a serious bug in the mapping of SAP XI ?
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    E1KNVVM -
    > Partner_Container
    E1KNVPM -
    > Partner
       PARVW -
    > ParnerRole
       KUNN2   -
    > PartnerNumber
    Theo Pijlman

    Input idoc has field F1 with occurence 0..unbnd
    My input values for field F1 is
    Say, I have a mapping, F1---->TargetF1
    In the target only 3 TargetF1s will be created for the values 1,2,3 and nothing will be created for the field F1 with no value.
    To overcome this, use collapse contexts.
    This way, the TargetF1 fields created will have the following values:
    Collapse contexts makes sure that a target is created, even if there is a context change specified at the source.
    Hope this is clear.

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    gkmorton wrote:
    My IPad is loked with a message "ICloud Backup-  This Ipad has not been updated in 2 weeks.
    Perform a Reset...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.
    gkmorton wrote:
    I have connectd to my computer and it says there is a new software version available.
    Before Updating... Decide if you want to... If you Update... there is No going Back...
    It is both Prudent and Recommended to Backup Before any Major Update or Upgrade.
    How to BackUp
    What gets Backed Up

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    Do you have to go back and use PS CC?
    Actulally that wasn't working either. Maybe it is me on the CC version.

    If you have problems why not ask for help?
    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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    No cell company due to a correct bill go and forgive that $60.
    Let's say one million customers all called and because they also did not back date the plan now all owe $60 or more and call in and ask for an accommodation just look at how much money Verizon would lose.
    No carrier will do what you ask.
    So my advice is to go and see if another carrier will do what you wish.
    But remember, there are activation fees and plan fees and you have to spend more money on new devices. Makes sense spend $800+ to save $60.
    Good Luck

  • Error 2001 with Maps applicaion

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    "There is a problem communicating with the server. Try again later (2001)"
    Though searching for simple location like cities works normally. This problem happens only when I search for streets and similar.
    I would appriciate any help with this.

    There was someone from Hungary the other day with same issue. From some of the responses I gather there are or were issues in Hungary.
    I did a search and found others in Czech Republic reporting the issue, but I didn't pay close attention to the dates of the threads.
    That is why I suggested it might be a problem that is location wide.
    At any rate I don't believe (and I guess you don't either) that it is a matter within your control.
    - Ira

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    I need help with mapping my pl/SQL Handler path.
    Currently i have an URL like this :
    But I need something like :
    I tried to rename the "Location Handler" from "pls" to "d", works great, but it always appends my Default DAD User to the URL.
    And I tried to map my PL/SQL Handler to "/" and create a DAD User called "d" and set it to default. Didn't worked...
    Any help is appreciated....

    try to use the rewrite directive or the
    rewrite engine (mod_rewrite).
    Please see the Online documentation for how
    to do this:
    Hope it helps

  • Problem with mapping the Entity beans onto database tables

    I got a problem with mapping the Entity beans onto database tables. Here are what I did:
    First Step:
    asant capture-schema
    Second Step:
    capture-schema -driver com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver -dburl jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/sun-appserv-samples -username pbPublic -password pbpublic -table APPLICANT -table APPLICANTSKILL -table CUSTOMER -table LOCATION -table job -table JOBSKILL -table SKILL -out build/agency.dbschema
    The first step was fine. But, in the second step, I got the error message as follow:
    using dburl:jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/sun-appserv-samples
    using username:pbPublic
    using password:pbpublic
    using driver:com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
    using schemaname:null
    using output file:build/agency.dbschema
    JDO71100: Failed to find a class. Verify that the class is available on your CLASSPATH
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.sun.forte4j.modules.dbmodel.jdbcimpl.ConnectionProvider.<init>(Co
    at com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.mapping.ejb.CaptureSchema.main(CaptureSch
    Thanks for your help!

    You need to add the pbclient.jar or some similar name like that, in the CalssPath.

  • Routing with Maps and Contacts

    Before 1.1.3 update, I was able to select an address from a contact and use it as source or destination. After installing the 1.1.3 update, nothing gets selected from the contacts while routing with maps.

    Yep...its a glitch of some sort. Go into your contacts and edit the address. Then, select the country from the scroll menu. That should fix it up. Major pain though to do that with every contact for which you have an address.

  • Send With Map of Attachments & Map Variable

    I'm trying to send multiple attachments using "Send With Map of Attachments" Service.  I've setup a map variable (attachments_map) of sub-type string to hold the path and file name for each file (represented as <full_path>/<file_name>.pdf).<br /><br />What I'm confused about is that I don't understand the keys of the map given the following statement in the help file about this specific Email service: "The keys for the map are the attachment file names. The file names should include the file name extension if the email receiver needs to associate the file with software to open it."<br /><br />I have two questions:<br /><br />1)  What are the keys for the map needed for the "Send With Map of Attachments" service for Attachments and what is the XPath representation to send this data to the service (e.g., /process_data/attachment_map/@file[0] or /process_data/attachment_map/@file[<file_name>] or what) ?  I don't know what the required XML structure looks like.  As you can tell, I've not used a map variable before either!  :)<br /><br />2)  As in the "Send With Document" service, is there a way to define the file name saved in the e-mail that the receiver sees?<br /><br />Example:<br />Receiver sees this in e-mail:  "File.pdf"<br />But the path and file are actually this:  T:/Files/XXXX_File.pdf<br /><br />Thanks for your help in advance!

    FINALLY figured this out! I configured a map variable of sub-type document called "attachment_map". I have the files that are to be attached stored in a database, and I used the component Query for Multiple Rows to get the attachment data into an XML document. I then built an iterative process loop to parse the XML (using the NodeSet functions count() and position() to control this) loading the file name for each file (the map key) into the process variable "attachment_file_name" and the full file path and name into another variable "attachment_file_full_path". The process loads the documents (one at a time) into the map variable using the Foundation file utility Read Document - the input variable is /process_data/@attachment_file_full_path and the output variable is /process_data/attachment_map/[@id=/process_data/@attachment_file_name]. After the map is loaded with all the attachments I wanted, I used the Send With Map of Attachments component with /process_data/attachment_map/ as my Attachments variable. As long as the file names are unique, they all came through.

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    Hi there, I have an iphone 6 running ios 8.1 and it is no longer allowing me to play/pause songs through the car's audio system. I have a USB port in the car that allows me to plug my iphone in and control the Music through the car audio system. I ha

  • How to restore iPod when it doesn't appear in the Source List?

    About 6 months ago I stupidly wiped my iPod Nano (5th Gen) and reformatted it as fat32. I assumed that when I formatted it back to Mac OS Journaled it would work normally as an iPod again but it doesn't. When it is plugged into my Mac running 10.5.8,

  • Difference in Fault message types & exceptions for Webservice in ABAP

    Hello all, I am relatively new to the web service framework in SAP. My problem scenario is as follows. I have a WSDL file of a webservice from 3rd party non-SAP s/w  and I want to replicate the same webservice into SAP by creating FM in SE37 with sam

  • I need help with a button animation!

    Hi, I hope someone can help with a simple-looking problem which nonetheless has me stumped! I have a feeling that I've missed something obvious. I've created a movie clip to act as a button (I've called it "abs_button") and placed it on the stage. My

  • Connecting iOS 6 to wifi

    Whenever I try to connect my iOS 6 iPhone 5 to the Internet using my netgear genie adapter on my windows xp, I get the Windows is unable to connect to the selected network message. Any suggestions?