Trouble when starts my macbook

Im having problems to start my macbook... it freezes when the apple logo appears in the screen when starts to run.. please help

Get out your restore disc, restart the computer while holding the 'C' key, and insert the disc. (If you don't get all that done quickly enough you may have to shut down and restart to get the computer to start off the disc instead of the hard drive.) After you get to the language select screen, up in the menu, find Disk Utility and run it. What you want to find out is whether the Disk Utility program sees the hard drive and, assuming it does, if it can repair it.
If DU doesn't see the drive, you are either contacting Apple for warranty repair or otherwise replacing the hard drive. If DU does see the drive and can repair it (or it needed no repair) then you'll need to reinstall the operating system. I suggest Archive & Install. If DU cannot repair the hard drive you'll need to reformat the drive and then reinstall the OS and all your programs. If you don't have a recent backup you may be able to recover data (or even recover the entire computer) with a program called DiskWarrior.

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    From your description it sounds like the computer is having trouble finding the System folder. It's apparently looking for network drives- that's the blue earth icon, then it's going to local drives (the finder/folder with the question mark). When it can't find what it's looking for it goes through all of it's options until it finally finds a bootable disk and then it actually starts to boot. If you tell it what system folder to use, it should fix your problem. Go to your System Preferences, and open the "Startup Disk" preferences pane. Choose which System folder you want to use and click on it. Now that you've told it which folder to use, it should be able to bypass all of that looking and go straight there.

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    Hi tonynz,
    If you are having system-wide freezes or hangs in multiple applications, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    OS X: When your computer spontaneously restarts or displays "Your computer restarted because of a problem."
    - Brenden

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    seannlim wrote:
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    What other keyboards besides US did you have activated on your machine?

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    For Word it says "Word cannot open this document. The document might be in use, the document might not be a valid Word document, or the file name might contain invalid characters (for example, /)"
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    try forcing internet recover, hold 3 keys - command, option, r - you should see a spinning globe
    most people will tell you to do both pram and smc resets (google) and if you still have issues, either clean install (easy) or troubleshoot (hard)

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    Your problem is not Boot Camp, in fact, is your optical drive. Win XP requires indeed sp2, but also the internal drive, does not work from external optical drive.
    For other possible tricks, please use the appropriate Boot Camp forum, not here. Mac OS X may be installed from both external and internal optical drive and/or internal/external partition of a disk, any disk. Windows is not so generous.

  • HT1379 A flashing question mark appears when I re/start my MacBook Air 2013. At first, I pressed Power & Option button and it recovered from Internet. Then, four options appeared but none of them are helpful. Could u please help me to solve it asap?

    A flashing question mark appears when I re/start my MacBook Air 2013. Then, I pressed POWER & OPTOIN buttons and internet options appeared for internet recovery. After internet recovery, the OS X utilities appears with four options (Restore from Time machine, Reinstall OS X, Get help online and Disk utility). But none of them seemed helpful. On the last option Disk utility, the icon created only with 33KB and other disk 1 Mac Os X Base system. On First Aid, the icon Repair disk is disabled. So I could not click on repair disk. Could you please suggest me how to solve this problem asap? Thank you so much for your help in advance!

    You can try the following:
    Install or Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
            the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

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