Trouble with mount nfs

I want to mount some nfs exported directories from a couple linux machines, but I'm not having any luck with the two ways I know of doing so.
Using the 'connect to server' from the go menu ('nfs://host/path') doesn't ever finish -- the 'connecting' window just stays open for many minutes with the barber pole going.
Running sudo mount -t nfs host:path dest_mount in a terminal results in:
NFS Portmap: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
Ideas much appreciated,

Some further info:
I was able to mount an nfs share from one machine (running CentOS 5.0) after changing the exports file -- adding options root_squelch and insecure.
The other nfs share, from a machine running CentOS 4.5, gives me the port mapper error. At a glance, I don't see anything different in the configuration of the two machines. /etc/exports has the same options.
I'll look more closely but if someone has an insight ...

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    df output:
    rootfs                                                  103212320 13629136   84340304  14% /
    udev                                                        10240        0      10240   0% /dev
    run                                                         10240      344       9896   4% /run
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/11331a92-bb2a-4aa2-a376-de9c2d12d6a3  103212320 13629136   84340304  14% /
    tmpfs                                                     2011176        0    2011176   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                                                     2011176      176    2011000   1% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                                                     2011176        0    2011176   0% /media
    run                                                         10240      344       9896   4% /var/lock
    run                                                         10240      344       9896   4% /var/run
    /dev/sda1                                               369251368 61124056  289370348  18% /media/Akai-Data
    As you can see, / is mounted twice.
    my /proc/self/mounts looks like this (in fact, is):
    my partition layout inherit from the time where I had both Windows and Arch Linux installed (so I was low on free primary partitions) is: sda1 350 GB ext4, sda3 8 GB swap, sda4 98 GB ext4. So I have no /home and / in different partitions as sda1 is where I have all my data.
    my /etc/fstab:
    devpts                 /dev/pts      devpts    defaults            0      0
    shm                    /dev/shm      tmpfs     nodev,nosuid        0      0
    /dev/sda1 /media/Akai-Data ext4 defaults,realtime,data=writeback 0 2
    /dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda4 / ext4 defaults,user_xattr,realtime,data=writeback 0 1
    Also, my /tmp folder has not being cleaned in 5 days. ¿Does it not supposed to be cleaned at every boot/shutdown (I have booted few times in five days)?
    So, my troubles here are:
    / is mounted twice, and /tmp is not being cleaned. Any clue on this?
    Also, to me, my/proc/self/mounts seems weird, aside from the fact that I think there is why / is mounted twice. Could someone check that?
    Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by ethail (2011-05-10 16:34:09)

    The only place I have found that is on my /boot/burg/burg.cfg file:
    linux   /boot/vmlinuz26-pf root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/11331a92-bb2a-4aa2-a376-de9c2d12d6a3 ro fastboot quiet logo.nologo resume=/dev/sda3 init=/sbi/e4rat-preload
    But as far as I can remember, that has been always there since I started using burg instead of grub (half of a mont ago, maybe more). And never got troubles with that.
    Also, rc.local has everything comented out
    EDIT: have I to assume that the burg entry is leading to troubles?
    Last edited by ethail (2011-05-10 21:37:04)

  • Mount.nfs: Operation not permitted

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    root# mount /mnt/metis/home
    mount.nfs: Operation not permitted
    metis:/home /mnt/metis/home defaults,noauto 1 1
    Any idea how to fix this ?
    Last edited by my64 (2010-01-08 10:26:17)

    I can confirm the problem and b) solution. Since I don't have access to the server I need to use version 3. Can be used from the command line with:
    mount.nfs share mount_point -o 'vers=3'
    or in /etc/fstab in a line like:
    share mount_point nfs vers=3 0 0
    When I use vers=3 in my fstab I get an error that the line is bad.  This is the exact line :
    FileServer:/media/Music/ /media/NFS_Music nfs vers=3 defaults 0 0
    Upon running mount -a, I get the error:
    [mntent]: line 18 in /etc/fstab is bad
    Where's my error?

  • Trouble with a new format

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    KT4V-L m/b
    1gig 2100 DDR RAM
    Maxtor 7200 30 gig HDD
    Sparkle 300 watt PS
    GF 5600 GPU

    Reading that list of parts you are trying to use, I see one item that may cause major problems. The sparkle 300W PSU, it may not be able to handle the needs of the system with that FX5600.
    As for the slowness, the IDE cable could cause this. Ensure the blue end is hooked to the board, and the hard drive is hooked to the black end, and not to the gray plug in the middle.

  • Virt-install cannot mount nfs directory

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    I'm trying to use ovms but I cannot create any virtual machine.
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    I created a dvd from Oracle Unbreakable EL 5.0 cds on a different machine.
    The dvd image is shared by a linux CentOS box. The ISO image is inside /opt/tmp_os_isos/50 so I did
    service nfs start
    mkdir /mnt/dvd50
    chmod a+rwx /mnt/dvd50
    mount -o ro,loop /opt/tmp_os_isos/50/Enterprise-R5-GA-Server-i386-dvd.iso /mnt/dvd50/
    exportfs *:/mnt/dvd50
    and on the ovms server I did:
    [root@ovms ~]# virt-install
    What is the name of your virtual machine? giallo2
    How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 512
    What would you like to use as the disk (path)? /virtpcs/dischi/giallo
    How large would you like the disk (/virtpcs/dischi/giallo2) to be (in gigabytes)? 30
    Would you like to enable graphics support? (yes or no) no
    What is the install location? nfs:
    And I always end up with the error
    That directory could not be mounted from the server.
    If I try to run
    [root@ovms ~]# mount.nfs /mnt/50
    it works!
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    Where am I wrong?
    thanks, andrea

    I realized this problem was somehow related with the ovms installation: the pc I installed ovms on has two network card; when I installed ovms I configured eth0 via DHCP (eth0 is linked to the office network and to internet) and I configured eth1 with a static IP (eth 1 is connected to a "private" network made by 2 more pc).
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  • Can't mount NFS from my Arch laptop, am I missing something obvious?

    I have been trying to solve this issue for over a week and tried everything that I can imagine with no luck...
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    - Qnap SS-839 Pro with several NFS shares on
    - MythTV frontend/backend running Mythbuntu.
    I can mount my NFS shares without problem. I use this fstab. /var/lib/mythtv/music nfs nolock,async,proto=tcp,rw,ac 0 0 /var/lib/mythtv/videos nfs nolock,async,proto=tcp,rw,ac 0 0
    - Arch laptop
    I can't get to mount any of the NFS share:
    [18:59:14][[email protected]]
    /mnt/aether Arch64# /etc/rc.d/rpcbind restart
    :: Stopping rpcbind                                                      [DONE]
    :: Starting rpcbind                                                      [DONE]
    [18:59:32][[email protected]]
    /mnt/aether Arch64# mount to_sort/
    mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
    mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
    mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
    [19:00:03][[email protected]]
    /mnt/aether Arch64# mount to_sort/ -o no-lock
    mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
    I tried using the 2 following lines in my fstab on  my laptop but nothing works:
    1) /mnt/aether/to_sort nfs nolock,async,proto=tcp,rw,ac 0 0  (same option than under mythbuntu)
    2) /mnt/aether/to_sort nfs defaults 0 0
    I'm no guru when it comes to nfs sharing etc, but I really can't see what I am missing here, nor whatelse can I try!
    Any idea will be more than welcome!
    Thanks in advance

    I finally solved this problem after 4 months after someone posted a similar issue with Arch few days ago...
    He said to install the iana-etc package... I already had the package but still gave it a go:
    [08:15:33][[email protected]]
    ~ Arch64$ showmount -e
    clnt_create: RPC: Unknown host
    [08:15:41][[email protected]]
    ~ Arch64$ sudo pacman -Syu iana-etc
    :: Synchronising package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    warning: iana-etc-2.30-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (1): iana-etc-2.30-1
    Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
    Total Installed Size: 0.88 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    (1/1) checking package integrity [########################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) upgrading iana-etc [########################################################################################################################] 100%
    [08:20:13][[email protected]]
    ~ Arch64$ showmount -e
    Export list for
    [08:20:18][[email protected]]
    ~ Arch64$
    As you can see, it is now working and I am now completely puzzled...
    How come reinstalling this package solved the issue?
    Any idea on what the problem was would be more than welcome

  • Trouble with booting system after upgrade udev= systemd

    Hi everybody,
    I have been trouble with my system since last upgrade (udev => systemd)
    My issue is something like this: but advice from this discussion doesn't work.
    When system booting, *immediately* (very fast, too fast) display login screen after start parsing hook [udev]
    Of course, i can't login - type username and i have redraw screen again on all /dev/tty* - i have no chance to type password.
    Many invalid logins suspend init for 5 minutes and allow me see display error due stop redraw screen - cannot find.
    I suspect that, partitions aren't mount (this fast login screen doesn't have even hostname). I have a 4 discs, with many partitions - mounting
    this take a some time (+- 5 secs).
    In rescuecd, i can mount all partitions and chroot. In chroot all works fine - /bin/login (i was checked authorization on all users),
    paths and pams are ok. Of course i try ,,default rescue trick'': `pacman -Suy linux udev mkinitcpio` and 'mkinitcpio -p linux' on rescuecd
    but nothing it's changed after reboot. I checking grub config, and unpack and check initramfs-linux.img - all ok.
    In my mkinitcpio.conf ofcourse i have MODULES="ext3" (for my filesystems).
    Please help.

    crab wrote:
    This may or may not be related... but I saw this message just now during an upgrade:
    (121/168) upgrading mkinitcpio [###################] 100%
    ==> If your /usr is on a separate partition, you must add the "usr" hook
    to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and regenerate your images before rebooting
    And am wondering what the message means by if /usr is on a separate partition - separate partition to what?  /boot? / ?
    I have my /usr partition in the same partition as /  (but /boot is in a different partition)
    Logic tells me I'm safe (haven't rebooted yet), as / is "master", and anything else is a separate partition, and I have /usr on the same partition as /.
    Do you guys have separate /usr and/or /boot partitions?  As stated in first sentence this may not be related, but looks important...
    It means separate from /. So yes, you're right, you are "safe" from having to do anything with this message on your system.
    And to the other people on this thread: make sure you do have all your packages uniformly updated, including any pam-related AUR or ABS-build packages. libpam and the pam module directory (.../lib/security) were moved from /lib to /usr/lib a little while back, so make sure that anything that cares about where these may be have been updated so they aren't confused by this move.
    Last edited by ataraxia (2012-06-03 22:40:22)

  • Trouble with LaCie disk and time machine

    HI everyone,
    I've been having trouble with using time machine to back-up to my 1 TB LaCie drive (purchased 5/12, unfornuately I was dumb and didn't register the drive and no longer have the box with the serial number and there is no serial number on my drive. The only problem I had up until the end of August was that every so often the LaCie drive (using my FW 800 port) would unmount after waking up from sleep.
    The end of August the drive unmounted for no reason while I was on the computer doing a task. Could not get the LaCie drive remounted (rebooting, etc. etc.) To make a long story short, ended up calling apple care who took me through resetting my SMC and PRAM to no avail. Was booted to higher level of support who walked me through trying to repair my drive using the disk utiltiy. When that didn't work, she walked me through erasing and reformatting the LaCie drive and starting a new time machine back-up. Every thing ok until about ten days ago.
    Last week, when I woke my iMac up from sleep, I got an error saying that the disk was not ejected properly and I could not mount the drive. Restarting did nothing, the disk did not  mount. Shutting down and rebooting seemed to solve the problem and the disk was mounted. Every so often I've had the problem with the disk unmounting after waking up from sleep before. So, I changed my energy sleep preferences. At the end of the day when I am done, I'd unmount the LaCie drive before putting the Mac to sleep using the apple menu.
    Today I came in to start my day, plugged the drive in and it would not mount. Tried rebooting nothing. Went into the disk utility, at first the LaCie drive passed the disk verify (6:26:25 and 6:26:38). Then I went into repair disk on the indented drive at 6:27:13, I wasn't sure what it is was doing, thinking that it had hung, I stopped the repair at 6:27:24. Exited disk utility, and the LaCie drive mounted. But I was getting a read only error when I tried to back-up using time machine. So, I went back into disk utility at 6:27:35, when I verified the disk (indented disk), I got an error saying the disk need to be repaired. After several minutes the disk could not be repaired. So, I erased and reformatted the drive. Ran a time machine back-up and it seemed to back-up everything on my hard drive. Just ran another verify disk and it passed.
    Is the drive failing? Have some other back-ups of my documents, my address book, iCal and am going to make a backup of some of my pref files and important e-mail files and am going to do some more back-ups after I am done.
    Have reached out to the women at apple care whom I talked to last August, but don't expect to hear back from her for at least 24 hours.
    Here is my disk utility log
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Verifying partition map for “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Starting verification tool:
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking prerequisites
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking the partition list
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking for an EFI system partition
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s size
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s file system
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500: The partition map appears to be OK
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:26:25 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Verifying partition map for “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Starting verification tool:
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking prerequisites
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking the partition list
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking for an EFI system partition
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s size
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s file system
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500: The partition map appears to be OK
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:26:38 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:27:13 -0500: Disk Utility started.
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Verifying and repairing partition map for “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Starting repair tool:
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Checking prerequisites
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Checking the partition list
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Checking for an EFI system partition
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s size
    2013-11-07 06:27:21 -0500: Checking the EFI system partition’s file system
    2013-11-07 06:27:23 -0500: Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500: Reviewing boot support loaders
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500: Checking Core Storage Physical Volume partitions
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500: Updating Windows boot.ini files as required
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500: The partition map appears to be OK
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:27:24 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500: Verifying volume “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500: Starting verification tool:
    2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500: Checking file system2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500: Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:27:35 -0500: Disk Utility stopped verifying “LaCie”: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.
    2013-11-07 06:28:05 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:28:13 -0500: Verify and Repair volume “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:28:13 -0500: Starting repair tool:
    2013-11-07 06:28:13 -0500: Checking file system2013-11-07 06:28:13 -0500: Volume repair complete.2013-11-07 06:28:13 -0500: Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.2013-11-07 06:35:05 -0500: Stopped by user
    2013-11-07 06:44:56 -0500: Disk Utility started.
    2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Verifying volume “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Starting verification tool:
    2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Checking file system2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 06:45:20 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 06:45:59 -0500: Missing thread record (id = 5057741)
    2013-11-07 06:46:06 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 06:46:19 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 06:46:38 -0500: Invalid directory item count
    2013-11-07 06:46:38 -0500: (It should be 0 instead of 4)
    2013-11-07 06:46:38 -0500: Invalid volume directory count
    2013-11-07 06:46:38 -0500: (It should be 166840 instead of 166841)
    2013-11-07 06:46:38 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 06:47:05 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 06:48:10 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500: The volume LaCie was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
    2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500: Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500: Disk Utility stopped verifying “LaCie”: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.
    2013-11-07 06:48:12 -0500:
    2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Verify and Repair volume “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Starting repair tool:
    2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Checking file system2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 06:50:02 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 06:50:41 -0500: Missing thread record (id = 5057741)
    2013-11-07 06:50:48 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 06:51:02 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 06:51:20 -0500: Invalid directory item count
    2013-11-07 06:51:20 -0500: (It should be 0 instead of 4)
    2013-11-07 06:51:20 -0500: Invalid volume directory count
    2013-11-07 06:51:20 -0500: (It should be 166840 instead of 166841)
    2013-11-07 06:51:20 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 06:51:47 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 06:52:55 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 06:52:56 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 06:52:56 -0500: Repairing volume.
    2013-11-07 06:52:56 -0500: Missing directory record (id = 5057741)
    2013-11-07 06:52:56 -0500: Look for missing items in lost+found directory.
    2013-11-07 06:53:10 -0500: Rechecking volume.
    2013-11-07 06:53:10 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 06:53:10 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 06:53:10 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 06:53:16 -0500: Incorrect number of thread records
    2013-11-07 06:53:22 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 06:53:35 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 06:53:53 -0500: Invalid directory item count
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: (It should be 5 instead of 6)
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: Invalid volume directory count
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: (It should be 166844 instead of 166842)
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: Invalid volume file count
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: (It should be 1056326 instead of 1056321)
    2013-11-07 06:53:54 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 06:54:20 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 06:55:25 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 06:55:26 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 06:55:26 -0500: Repairing volume.
    2013-11-07 06:58:06 -0500: Rechecking volume.
    2013-11-07 06:58:06 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 06:58:06 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 06:58:07 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 06:58:12 -0500: Incorrect number of thread records
    2013-11-07 06:58:18 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 06:58:31 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 06:58:50 -0500: Invalid volume directory count
    2013-11-07 06:58:50 -0500: (It should be 166844 instead of 166842)
    2013-11-07 06:58:50 -0500: Invalid volume file count
    2013-11-07 06:58:50 -0500: (It should be 1056326 instead of 1056321)
    2013-11-07 06:58:50 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 06:59:17 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 07:00:22 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 07:00:24 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 07:00:24 -0500: Repairing volume.
    2013-11-07 07:03:03 -0500: Rechecking volume.
    2013-11-07 07:03:03 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 07:03:03 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 07:03:04 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 07:03:09 -0500: Incorrect number of thread records
    2013-11-07 07:03:15 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 07:03:29 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 07:03:47 -0500: Invalid volume directory count
    2013-11-07 07:03:47 -0500: (It should be 166844 instead of 166842)
    2013-11-07 07:03:47 -0500: Invalid volume file count
    2013-11-07 07:03:47 -0500: (It should be 1056326 instead of 1056321)
    2013-11-07 07:03:47 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 07:04:14 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 07:05:19 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 07:05:20 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 07:05:20 -0500: The volume LaCie could not be repaired after 3 attempts.
    2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500: Volume repair complete.2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500: Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500: Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500:
    2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500: Disk Utility stopped repairing “LaCie”: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    2013-11-07 07:05:21 -0500:
    2013-11-07 07:09:45 -0500: Disk Utility started.
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500: Preparing to erase : “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500:     Partition Scheme: GUID Partition Table
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500:     1 volume will be erased
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500:         Name        : “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500:         Size        : 999.86 GB
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500:         File system    : Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500: Unmounting disk
    2013-11-07 07:11:45 -0500: Erasing
    2013-11-07 07:11:54 -0500: Initialized /dev/rdisk1s2 as a 931 GB HFS Plus volume with a 81920k journal
    2013-11-07 07:11:54 -0500: Mounting disk
    2013-11-07 07:11:54 -0500: Erase complete.
    2013-11-07 07:11:54 -0500:
    2013-11-07 10:38:00 -0500: Disk Utility started.
    2013-11-07 10:38:12 -0500: Verifying volume “LaCie”
    2013-11-07 10:38:12 -0500: Starting verification tool:
    2013-11-07 10:38:14 -0500: Checking file system2013-11-07 10:38:14 -0500: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    2013-11-07 10:38:14 -0500: Checking extents overflow file.
    2013-11-07 10:38:14 -0500: Checking catalog file.
    2013-11-07 10:38:29 -0500: Checking multi-linked files.
    2013-11-07 10:38:29 -0500: Checking catalog hierarchy.
    2013-11-07 10:38:41 -0500: Checking extended attributes file.
    2013-11-07 10:39:04 -0500: Checking multi-linked directories.
    2013-11-07 10:39:31 -0500: Checking volume bitmap.
    2013-11-07 10:39:32 -0500: Checking volume information.
    2013-11-07 10:39:32 -0500: The volume LaCie appears to be OK.
    2013-11-07 10:39:32 -0500: Repair tool completed:
    2013-11-07 10:39:32 -0500:
    2013-11-07 10:39:32 -0500:

    I just got a call back from the upper level support person at apple care who had been advising me on my trouble with time machine and my LaCie 1 TB FWD. I had sent her much of the same verbiage as I posted here. As some of you have probably figured out, the verdict is that the drive is probably failing. She says this because I have had to do two erase and reformats. She thought that the intermitant problem that I have had with the drive unmounting when my iMac wakes from sleep could be related to the drive failing.
    In the meantime I have a secondary back-up (not using time machine) and the LaCie  1 TB FWD is working for the moment.
    Thanks to all who read all my verbiage.
    And in the meantime, I've learned something. I marked this question as solved. But I'm open to other things to try.
    Message was edited by: njtreehugger minor edits and update

  • Trouble with RED Log and Transfer in FCP6

    Hi there,
    I am cutting my first RED feature and am having an issue getting all my footage into FCP 6. I decided to go with the RED Quicktime files and am Log and transferring them in as we speak. Most of the footage was able to be dropped right in with no problem what so ever but I am on the last 1TB hard drive and it won't mount the folders to transfer the footage except one. One folder when in fine but the rest won't even mount. I tried importing each .RDC folder in on its own but I get an error:
    "A008c001_0212LV001.R3D" contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media.
    Obviously these files are put together the same way as the other couple hundred files but these ones are giving me trouble. Has anyone else ran into this problem and how do I get the footage in.
    By the way I can open the .R3D files in Red alert without any problem

    A while has passed, unfortunately. I've been working my way through this mess, as well.
    When you get the "unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure" message it usually indicates that a catalog-like file is missing. The same now happens with P2 transfer.
    Check for an ".rsx" file within the RDC folder. Log and Transfer may not be happy if this file is missing. Sometimes it gets missed when the media is being consolidated across drives.
    ** What I'm having trouble with now is that Log and Transfer repeatedly fails to load a selected directory --- except on the umpteenth attempt. You know, the one where I'm beyond the point that most normal people are up the Bell Tower sniping at the citizenry.
    Message was edited by: JP Owens

  • Deep trouble with external HD

    Hi everybody, I'm in deep trouble with a 1 TB Samsung external drive.
    I have partitioned it in 2, Hear (music) and See (pics and videos).
    Now when I connect it to my mac via USB, in the Finder I only see the Hear partition.
    Disk Utility at first sees the See partition, shadowed, but doesn't show the number of files and folder. The info window says it is not Journaled, while the info window of Hear says it is partitioned.
    I tried to mount it and it says the disk can't be mounted.
    I verified the disk and it says in red that the disk must be repaired "invalid B-tree node size".
    I repaired it and it says the disk can't be repaired, and that I must backup as much files as I can.
    I don't know how to back it up, since Carbon Copy Cloner doesn't not see it neither Time Machine does.
    I hope some of you could be of help.

    brilehnhof wrote:
    I have set up my primary event library to be on this external drive. It has worked fine in the past.
    From your description I'm not sure if you meant that the disk was working OK, then you tried to use it with iMovie and the problem then arose. Was it working OK previously with iMovie, or just with other stuff you have on it?
    iMovie works only with external drives that are formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). To check the formatting of your drive, in Finder right-click (or Control-click) on it's name and select Get Info from the pop-up menu.
    The disk can be reformatted using Disk Utility, but this will erase everything on the disk, so it will need to be backed up first. If you need to reformat and want help with the process, please post back.
    If it's not a reformatting problem, perhaps we can offer other possible solutions.

  • User mount NFS via PCManFM asks for authentication

    I finally got around to updating my system last night, and I ran in to the bind mount issue with pacman but that's solved now.
    Today I was trying to access an NFS share in the usual way, they're defined in fstab but don't activate until I click on them in PCManFM file manager.
    nas1:/c/media /media/nas1/media nfs noauto,user,_netdev,bg 0 0
    Previously there would be a bit of a delay after the first time I opened the share while the connection was made and then everything worked fine. But today I got a dialog box that said:
    Authentication is required to manage system services or units.
    And then I'm expected to enter root's password.
    systemctl shows me that rpc-statd is not running, and journalctl shows me why:
    Opening /var/run/ failed: Permission denied
    /var/run is:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Feb 15 16:57 run -> ../run
    and /run is:
    drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 560 Mar 4 23:16 run
    So I'm guessing that my user can't start rpc-statd because normal users don't have permission to write to the /run directory so the PID file can't be created.
    Any idea what the actual problem is? And what the solution is? Thanks,

    Did some more probing and googling of error messages, found the following thread [SOLVED]rpc.statd Failed to create RPC listeners,exiting.
    So I manually started rpcbind.service (as opposed to and then I was able to start rpc-statd.service and connect to the NFS shares on my NAS via PCManFM.
    Is this a bug in something? I'm still looking around to try and figure out what should be starting rpcbind.service and where. Is it perhaps PCManFM that's not working properly or is this something I need to ensure is in my environment for PCManFM to be able to mount NFS shares on demand?

  • How do I mount nfs conditionally?

    I have a file server with nfs shares and I've been mounting those shares with fstab entry.
    I recently discovered (via systemd-analyze) that my really slow boot times were a result of the file server not being available ( powered off.)
    The server will not always be online, so how do I change my fstab entry to only mount when the server is available?
    I do like having the ability to mount -a when I need to mount on the fly.
    I've attempted to search for this info, but found myself in a mess of fstab vs. systemd automount vs autofs posts.
    Thank you

    WonderWoofy wrote:
    Yes, autofs indeed.  I have the following additional mount options on my nfs share:
    To avoid confusion, it's worth mentioning that autofs and systemd automount are two completely different beasts.
    WonderWoofy wrote:
    when I do get back onto my home network with the nfs share, I simply do
    $ mount /mount/point
    FYI, the presence of x-systemd.automount in your fstab means you don't have to issue the mount command - it will automount whenever you try to access it.

  • Trouble with 30Gb Photo

    first time posting on here... I looked back through a few page to see if this issue had already been addressed.
    A few days ago, my 30Gb iPod Photo started skipping songs on its own. So after resetting it, it lost all it's content. I've read a couple troubleshooting guides about the computer not recognizing the iPod, but still haven't yet found a way to restore my iPod.
    When using the updater, I get many different error messages such as "Can't mount iPod" or "iPod service error"
    I've tried re installing just about every iPod related software on my computer, as well as trying to Format my iPod (which I can't even do).
    I'm hoping I don't have to send this out for service, as my warranty expired 6 days ago...
    Can anyone help me out?
      Windows XP  

    The Sad iPods icon or folder with an exclamation mark are the toughest problems to deal with, and must do a Restore in order to fix it. However, when your iPod is showing this icon, it is probably too late for your computer to recognize the iPod.
    1. Try these five steps (known as the five Rs) and it would conquer most iPod issues.
    2. Try to put the iPod into Disk Mode if it fails to appear on the desktop
    Still can't see your iPod?
    Several things could keep iPod from appearing in iTunes or in the Desktop/Finder when you connect it to your PC/Mac. The most likely causes are listed below in logical order. Check from the top of the list to see if that is what's keeping iPod from appearing.
    3. Try to wait 30 minutes while iPod is charging.
    4. Try another known-good FireWire or USB through Dock Connector cable.
    5. Try another known-good FireWire or USB port on your computer .
    6. Try to disconnect all devices from your computer's FireWire and USB ports.
    7. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. We've found that in many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    8. Try to do an Erase (Disk Utility) on a Mac computer or a format with a PC (Disk Management tool) but ensure you choose the right Drive (your iPod not your Hard Disk of your computer). You may need to plug and unplug your iPod with the computer for several attempts, and switching around Format and Restore, and hope out of sudden, it will get recognized.
    9. Diagnostic mode solution – which I copied from a thread of a post from thinktwice
    “Then I cam across this special Diganostics Mode that you can get to by resetting and then while the Apple is showing pressing the Select and backwards keys simultaneously. It bring up and weird Diagnostic utility witha a abunch of tests. Here is what I did
    - I tried the 5in1 test and got and error on Firewire.
    - I did the HDD R/W and surprisingly it passed.
    - I went on to the HDD scan. This supposedly tkaes acouple of minute so I waited. I think 4-5 dots appeared then nothing. The iPod started to get hot. THe disk was spinning away. After a while the battery got very low. THis test chews up the battery. So I escaped out by resetting and went to connect it to a power source.
    My USB was dangling out of my computer and I was too lazy to get the Firewire AC adapter thing going so I connected expecting the whole lockup thing with iTunes. Surprise. IT was recognized immediately and has been working like a champ. So go figure.
    Details on Diag mode can be found at
    10.Let me ask you a question, if an iPod with no iPod software with it. When your connect it with a computer, what would happen?
    Yeah, the computer will treat it as a fresh external hard disk, which will get force mounted, the computer will ask you to format the iPod. It does not really matter the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted iPod software on the iPod, after that the computer will recognize it.
    Once it has been completed, eject your iPod, open the iPod updater and interestingly, you will able to do the Restore this time.
    Base on the above, that's why I suggest Windows users who experience trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac machine or vice versa. PC computer will not recognize a Mac formatted iPod, but it will get mounted in an attempt to format your iPod.
    But, if none of these steps address the issue, your iPod may need to be repaired. You can arrange for service at the iPod Service Website.
    I have just read an interesting solution about the Sad iPod, it does make sense but the warranty will be waived once you open the iPod, I would not do it myself as I am not good on doing this
    Pictures and instructions of how to open the iPod case for battery replacement

  • Trouble with flash 8

    Hi all
    I'm using Flash 8 and I was saving the swf file in version
    Flash 7 because
    I was having trouble with line spacing with version 8. Now
    I'm getting this
    erre message.
    **Error** C:\Users\LD\AppData\Local\Macromedia\Flash
    8\en\Configuration\Classes\FP8\ Line 36: The
    class or interface
    'flash.geom.Rectangle' could not be loaded.
    var scale9Grid:Rectangle;
    **Error** C:\Users\LD\AppData\Local\Macromedia\Flash
    8\en\Configuration\Classes\FP8\ Line 51: The
    class or interface
    'flash.geom.Transform' could not be loaded.
    var transform:Transform;
    **Error** C:\Users\LD\AppData\Local\Macromedia\Flash
    8\en\Configuration\Classes\FP8\ Line 55: The
    class or interface
    'flash.display.BitmapData' could not be loaded.
    function attachBitmap(bmp:BitmapData, depth:Number,
    pixelSnapping:String, smoothing:Boolean):Void;
    **Error** C:\Users\LD\AppData\Local\Macromedia\Flash
    8\en\Configuration\Classes\FP8\ Line 59: The
    class or interface
    'flash.display.BitmapData' could not be loaded.
    function beginBitmapFill(bmp:BitmapData, matrix:Matrix,
    repeat:Boolean, smoothing:Boolean):Void;
    Total ActionScript Errors: 4 Reported Errors: 4
    thank you for the help

    Oh, OK, you likely have a file with a .dmg extension on it? You need to double-click that - it will mount on your Desktop looking like an external drive. Then you need to double-click the Install Flash Player app.
    This should actually install Flash Player and, after you restart Safari, your'll be able to watch video.
    Good luck,

  • Mount.nfs: No such device

    I have setup nfs between Ubuntu and Arch linux. First beeing a server an later a client. When I try to mount with:
    mount -t nfs movies
    The error is mount.nfs: No such device
    Is this server or client side problem. … /tips.html
    Look under "Common NFS Errors"
    I'm guessing you haven't installed nfs-utils and portmap on the client. Or you haven't started them. In the right order (portmap, then nfslock - you don't need to start nfsd on the client)

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi, I am trying to post a Remittance Advice REMADV PEXR2002 IDoc into SAP.  For a given item from the EDI 820, i need to create two line items in the payment advice.  E.g.  the invoice amount for an item is 1000.  The payment is 700.  And i need to p