Troubles with iCloud

I recently purchased an iPad and I'm haven't had any luck with the iCloud.  I was under the impression it would share photos, apps, and contacts.  Maybe I have missed a step, but I've signed-in the iCloud in both my iPad and iPhone.  What should I do to have photos shared between the two devices?
Also, I've added my RoadRunner email on the iPad and it says it is already in use.  I guess this is because I have it on my iPhone?  Can I have it on both?  If I can have it on both, what steps do I need to take so I do not receive this error message?

Hey Dorian O.,
Thanks for the question. I understand that you are receiving notifications on your Mac to approve iCloud keychain. Have you tried using your iCloud security code or your SMS-capable device instead?:
Frequently asked questions about iCloud Keychain - Apple Support
How do I set up iCloud Keychain on a new device without another device to approve from?
If you can't access any of your other devices that are using iCloud Keychain, you can still set up iCloud Keychain on another device if you have these items:
Your iCloud Security Code
The device that is using the SMS-capable phone number you provided when you first set up iCloud Keychain. A verification code is sent via SMS to this phone number. If you can't access this number, contact Apple Support, who can verify your identity, so that you can complete setup on your new device.
After you complete the setup, your iCloud Keychain will be pushed from the cloud to the new device.
Matt M.

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                        iPod iOS 5.1.1
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    On the Mini go to, sign in.
    - To upload to an iOS iWorks app click on iWorks and then oh the app you want. Then click on the gear icon in the upper rihgt.. You have option to upload. To download, clcikonthe docuyment you want to download and a download button will appear.
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    Try to meka a manual backup.
    Settings>iCloud>Storage and Backup>Backup now.

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    Hello tw_mama,
    I was looking into the issue you are experiencing and found an article that may shed some light on the subject. It's called iCloud: Account troubleshooting found here:
    This section in particluar:
    I get an "Unsupported Apple ID" error when I try to sign in to iCloud from my iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
    Depending on how you created your Apple ID, you may not be able to create an iCloud account with your current Apple ID. If your Apple ID works in the iTunes Store, App Store, Game Center, FaceTime, or with other Apple Services, your Apple ID should work for iCloud. Also, if you created your Apple ID while you applied for a job at, your Apple ID should work for iCloud. If you cannot use your Apple ID with any Apple Services, it might not be compatible with iCloud. Contact iCloud Support for assistance.
    All the best,

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    All I can suggest is that you open that file on the MBA and save it as a new file, then see if you can open the new one on the iMac.

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    Hey Dorian O.,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are receiving notifications on your Mac to approve iCloud keychain. Have you tried using your iCloud security code or your SMS-capable device instead?:
    Frequently asked questions about iCloud Keychain - Apple Support
    How do I set up iCloud Keychain on a new device without another device to approve from?
    If you can't access any of your other devices that are using iCloud Keychain, you can still set up iCloud Keychain on another device if you have these items:
    Your iCloud Security Code
    The device that is using the SMS-capable phone number you provided when you first set up iCloud Keychain. A verification code is sent via SMS to this phone number. If you can't access this number, contact Apple Support, who can verify your identity, so that you can complete setup on your new device.
    After you complete the setup, your iCloud Keychain will be pushed from the cloud to the new device.
    Matt M.

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    You'll have to create an App-specific password to work around this.
    Go to:
    Select: Manage your Apple ID
    Log in with your credentials and if applicable your Verification Code
    Select: Password and Security
    Select: Generate an App-Specific password
    You'll have to give the app a name. You can use the generated password for Outlook. You can use the same password on all of your iDevices that has Outlook for iOS if applicable.
    Have fun

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    The server responded with an error.
    Access to account “iCloud” is not permitted.
    The server responded:
    to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
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    Please help!

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    Anyone help?

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    When I had no new mail, and the mail in my outbox hadn't gone out I called Apple Care. Naturally when I was on the the phone with them, the web site let me get to mail, and once I manually took my iCloud mailbox online everything was working.
    Odd that so few people appear to have been affected. The first thing I did this morning was to check some of the Apple news sites to see the normal screams of outrage and found nothing.
    But I appear to be back in business now. Hope you are, too. But still sorry to say that I was glad to hear that it wasn't my imagination.

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    But now 4 hours after standing still when the screen is locked to restore from iCloud and it does not do anything or downloaded anything.
    I have updated to 8.0.2 via computer, because it could not be updated because it stood was about to restore.
    What could be causing and how do I fix it?

    Apple's explaination of this warning message is:
    "This message is provided if you decide to cancel a background restore. If you proceed you will need to restore again to get all your data on your device, or download your music, apps, and other data again in another way. The best way to avoid this is to not cancel a background restore. If you do cancel a restore, make sure you have copies of the data that was not restored. If you wish to restart a canceled restore, you will need to erase all the content and settings on your device and reinitiate the restore during the iOS Setup Assistant."
    My interpretation of this is that if you cancel the restore, the remaining data in the backup will not be restored to your phone until you restore again, unless you have copies of the missing data that you can restore to your device another way (such as by syncing).  I believe you'll be able to restore the backup again, you will just need to go to Settings>General>Reset, tap Erase All Content and Settings, then go back through the setup screens on your phone and when given the option, choose Restore to iCloud backup and this time enter the correct iCloud ID.

  • TS3991 trouble with icloud / document uploading...

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    From my office imac i can view on ipad, iphone etc  just fine but it's giving me this problem on my macbook.
    Help is appreciated, thanks.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You have OS X Lion and it requires OS X Mountain Lion. You can upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion, so open App Store > Purchases, and download Mountain Lion (I tell you this because it looks like you already have Mountain Lion in your other iMac; if you didn't purchase Mountain Lion, purchase it).
    While it's being downloaded, make a backup of your files and check that your apps are compatible > When the download finishes, the Mountain Lion installer will show up, so follow its steps. After upgrading, open a iWork application and you will be able to see the iCloud files.
    Another way to see them without upgrading is to open, log on with your Apple ID and select iWork

  • Trouble with icloud pictures on my mac

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    To avoid the time and size limits in My Photo Stream I suggest you create a Shared Photo Stream from your Mac with the photos.

  • Anyone having trouble with iCloud mail?

    I noticed I couldn't connect to mail from my iPad. Then I checked my iPhone with the same result. Then I tried connecting from my iMac. Still couldn't connect. Then I went to I could get to contacts and calendar, but not mail. First noticed about three hours ago, but the problem is still there. Anybody else?

    When I had no new mail, and the mail in my outbox hadn't gone out I called Apple Care. Naturally when I was on the the phone with them, the web site let me get to mail, and once I manually took my iCloud mailbox online everything was working.
    Odd that so few people appear to have been affected. The first thing I did this morning was to check some of the Apple news sites to see the normal screams of outrage and found nothing.
    But I appear to be back in business now. Hope you are, too. But still sorry to say that I was glad to hear that it wasn't my imagination.

Maybe you are looking for