Troubles with timeout using java.nio.channels and non-blocking sockets

I have a server application that employs java.nio.channels with non-blocking sockets.
The server waits for connections. The client should connect and be first in sending data.
Timeouts are significant! If client exceeds the allowed time to send data, the server should break the connection.
The huge trouble I've discovered that I cannot control the timeout when client connects but remains silent.
My code looks as follows:
Selector oSel;
SocketChannel oSockChan;
Socket oSock;
SelectionKey oSelKey;
Iterator<SelectionKey> oItSelKeys;
int iCurrState, iMask, iCount;
iMask = SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT | SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT | SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE;
while ( iCurrState == INT_SERVER_WORKING )
*// retrieving next action*
iCount =;
if ( iCount > 0 )
oItSelKeys = oSel.selectedKeys().iterator();
while ( oItSelKeys.hasNext() )
oSelKey =;
if ( oSelKey.isValid() )
switch ( oSelKey.readyOps() & iMask ) {
case SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT :
oSockChan = oSSockChan.accept();
oSock = oSockChan.socket();
oSockChan.register(oSel,SelectionKey.OP_READ,new MyPacket(oSock.getInetAddress(),oSock.getPort()));
case SelectionKey.OP_READ :
((MyPacket) oSelKey.attachment()).inRequest(); *// preparing request*
this.getReader().add(oSelKey); *// sending key to reading thread*
case SelectionKey.OP_WRITE :
((MyRequest) oSelKey.attachment()).inResponse(); *// preparing response*
this.getWriter().add(oSelKey); *// sending key to writing thread*
case SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT :
default :
*// nothing to do*
catch ( IOException oExcept )
*// do some actions*
Timeouts are easily controlled by reading and writing threads (see OP_READ and OP_WRITE ).
But when a client just connects without consequent data send, the state of this connection remains as OP_ACCEPT. The connection remains open for arbitrarily large time and I cannot control it!
Please help with idea how can I terminate such connections!

How can I process the keys that weren't selected at the bottom of the loop? Should I use the method keys() ?Yes. Form a new set from keys() and removeAll(selectedKeys()). Do that before you process selectedKeys().
And the second moment: as I understood a single key may contain several operations simultaneously? Thus I should use several if's (but not if/else 'cause it's the equivalent of switch ... case ).If there is anything unclear about 'your switch statement is invalid. You need an if/else chain' I fail to see what it is. Try reading it again. And if several ifs were really the equivalent of "switch ... case", there wouldn't be a problem in the first place. They're not, and there is.

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    All works fine, until either the client or server drops the connection. How can I detect this has happened, so my proxy app can drop the other end of the connection ?
    The method is not triggered by this event. I have tried using and then checking the status of each channel, but they still show isConnected()=true.
    Phil Blake

    Please don't cross post.

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         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("data.txt");
         FileLock fl = fos.getChannel().tryLock();
         if (fl != null) {
         System.out.println("Locked File");
         System.out.println("Released Lock");
              System.out.println("File is already locked!");

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    import java.nio.channels.*;
    public class copyImage
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
    try {
    // Create channel on the source
    FileChannel srcChannel = new FileInputStream("dragonfly.jpg").getChannel();
    FileChannel dstChannel =new FileOutputStream("1.jpg").getChannel();
    // Copy file contents from source to destination
    dstChannel.transferFrom(srcChannel, 0, srcChannel.size());
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    } catch (IOException e) {

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    <MSG_TEXT>Exception in NIOServerSocketDriver:selectForRead</MSG_TEXT>
         at java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel.configureBlocking(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
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    Can you turn up your debug level to FINEST? It appears that during the read operation an attempt to access a channel closed to read occurs.
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    OracleDBBinding odbBinding = new OracleDBBinding();
    // Create address.
    EndpointAddress odbAddress = new EndpointAddress("oracledb://ADAPTER/");
    // Create channel factory from binding and address.
    ChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> factory =
        new ChannelFactory<IRequestChannel>(odbBinding, odbAddress);
    // Specify credentials.
    factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "SCOTT";
    factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "TIGER";
    // Open factory
    // Get channel and open it.
    IRequestChannel channel = factory.CreateChannel();

  • Java NIO locking and NTFS network resources

    Hi all - just ran into a really nasty situation and I was wondering if anyone else has hit it and might have some suggestions.
    Platform: JRE 1.4_02 on a Win XP machine
    The following test code locks a file, then copies it to another location using NIO.
    When I run it with source path on my local drives (C), it works fine. If I run it with source path on a network shared resource, it fails with an IOException with description 'Error performing inpage operation'.
    If I disable the lock immediately before the copy operation, it works fine.
    My conclusion is that there is something about the NIO locking implementation that prevents it from working properly with NTFS volumes on other hosts. Can this be right? I've found the following bug report:
    but this seems like a huge problem that would prevent folks from using NIO in many, many applications. Maybe I'm wrong on something here...
    Anyway, here's the test code:
    import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
    import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
    * Created on May 28, 2004
    * (c) 2004 Trumpet, Inc.
    * @author kevin
    public class test {
         private void createFile(File f) throws IOException{
              FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f);
              for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
         public test() {
              boolean testWithReleasingLockPriorToCopy = false;
              final File f1= new File("w:/temp/test2.lok");
              final File f2 = new File("w:/temp/test.lok");
              try {
                   RandomAccessFile raf1 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw");
                   RandomAccessFile raf2 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw");
                   FileChannel ch1 = raf1.getChannel();
                   FileChannel ch2 = raf2.getChannel();
                   FileLock flock1 = ch1.lock();
                  if (!f2.getParentFile().exists() && !f2.getParentFile().mkdirs())
                       throw new IOException("Unable to create directories for destination file '" + f2 + "'");
                  if (testWithReleasingLockPriorToCopy)
                   ch1.transferTo(0, raf1.length(), ch2);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              test t = new test();
    }Does anyone have any pointers here? I need to be able to exclusively lock a file on a network drive (preventing any other applications from opening it), then make a copy of it. I can't use regular stream operations, because the lock prevents them from working properly (it appears that, once you grab a file lock using NIO, the only way your application can use the file is via the NIO operations - using stream operations fails...).
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    - Kevin

    i've run into the same problem recently, channels working fine for local file locking, but when you turn to the network, they fail to accurately handle locks.
    i ended up writing a jni utility to ship with my java application that locks files using native windows calls.
    my .c file ends up looking something like this:
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Mapper_NativeUtils_LockFile
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring filename)
    const char* ntvFilename = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, filename, 0);
    int retVal = (int)CreateFile
    , 0
    , 0
    //add code to throw java exceptions based on retVal
    if (retVal == (int)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return retVal;
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, filename, ntvFilename);
    return retVal;
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_Mapper_NativeUtils_UnlockFile
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint handle)
         CloseHandle((void *)handle);
    return 1;
    it's a little shy on the error checking side, but it provides support for network file locking that java seems to lack.

  • Java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException

    I am using selector for read and PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sc.getOutputStream()),true) for writing to the socket and I get this exception at write statement. Can anyone suggest me what should I do??
    at java.nio.channels.Channels.write(
    at java.nio.channels.Channels.access$000(
    at java.nio.channels.Channels$1.write(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder$CharsetSE.writeBytes(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder$CharsetSE.implFlushBuffer(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder$CharsetSE.implFlush(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.flush(

    Thanx for the reply. I am using Selecotor for read and if it timesout I used PrintWriter to write to Socket ( Not socket channel). So, once it comes out of select loop, it'd excecute PrintWriter.println("Timeout message....") statement. And at this statement I/m getting exception.

  • File Locking using java.nio package

    I am trying to lock a file using FileChannel's lock method on a CIFS file system. My application is on windows and the CIFS is accessed using UNC format ( \\\blah.. ). I get the following error The network request is not supported
         at Method)
         at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.lock(
    From the same machine using the same UNC formatm, when I lock the file using windows C API, I can successfull lock.
    Anyone has any idea why JVM can not lock even using nio package. Shouldnt it use the same ( or similar ) API under the hood as its clear by the package name java.nio
    The C program I am using is
    #include <io.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/locking.h>
    #include <share.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void main( int argc, char **argv )
    int fh,numread;
    char buffer[40];
    char filename[500];
    /* Quit if can't open file or system doesn't
    * support sharing.
    if ( argc > 1 )
    fh = sopen(filename , O_RDWR, SHDENYNO, //_SH_DENYRW,
    if( fh == -1 )
    exit( 1 );
    /* Lock some bytes and read them. Then unlock. */
    if( locking( fh, LKNBLCK, 30L ) != -1 )
    printf( "No one can change these bytes while I'm reading them\n" );
    numread = _read( fh, buffer, 30 );
    printf( "%d bytes read: %.30s\n", numread, buffer );
    lseek( fh, 0L, SEEK_SET );
         printf( "Press a key to unlock the file.....\n" );
         locking( fh, LKUNLCK, 30L );
    printf( "Now I'm done. Do what you will with them\n" );
    perror( "Locking failed\n" );
    _close( fh );

    It uses LockFile and LockFileEx. Please check in the MSDN documentation the peculiarities of such APIs.
    Java_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_lock0(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, jobject fdo,
                                          jboolean block, jlong pos, jlong size,
                                          jboolean shared)
        jint fd = fdval(env, fdo);
        HANDLE h = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
        DWORD lowPos = (DWORD)pos;
        long highPos = (long)(pos >> 32);
        DWORD lowNumBytes = (DWORD)size;
        DWORD highNumBytes = (DWORD)(size >> 32);
        jint result = 0;
        if (onNT) {
            DWORD flags = 0;
            OVERLAPPED o;
            o.hEvent = 0;
            o.Offset = lowPos;
            o.OffsetHigh = highPos;
            if (block == JNI_FALSE) {
                flags |= LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY;
            if (shared == JNI_FALSE) {
                flags |= LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
            result = LockFileEx(h, flags, 0, lowNumBytes, highNumBytes, &o);
            if (result == 0) {
                int error = GetLastError();
                if (error != ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION) {
                    JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Lock failed");
                    return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;
                if (flags & LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY) {
                    return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;
                JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Lock failed");
                return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;
            return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_LOCKED;
        } else {
            for(;;) {
                if (size > 0x7fffffff) {
                    size = 0x7fffffff;
                lowNumBytes = (DWORD)size;
                highNumBytes = 0;
                result = LockFile(h, lowPos, highPos, lowNumBytes, highNumBytes);
                if (result != 0) {
                    if (shared == JNI_TRUE) {
                        return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_RET_EX_LOCK;
                    } else {
                        return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_LOCKED;
                } else {
                    int error = GetLastError();
                    if (error != ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION) {
                        JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "Lock failed");
                        return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;
                    if (block == JNI_FALSE) {
                        return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;
        return sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_NO_LOCK;

  • Java.nio.channels.Pipe?

    Someone explain what java.nio.channels.Pipe should be uses for, and how to use it?

    You can use this class to transfer the content of a channel from one thread to another thread.
    The writing thread blocks when the pipe is full.
    package com.desoft.pipetest;
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    public class PipeTest {
    public static void main (String args[])
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
    FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();
    Pipe p =;
    PipeReader pr = new PipeReader( p );
    Thread t = new Thread( pr );
    fc.transferTo(0, fc.size(), p.sink() );
    catch( IOException ioe )
    * Read from a Pipe and write Content to System.out
    static class PipeReader implements Runnable
    Pipe p;
    public PipeReader( Pipe p )
    this.p = p;
    public void run()
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 10 );
    int len = 0;
    while( (len=p.source().read( buffer )) > 0 )
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
    System.out.print( (char)buffer.get());
    catch( IOException ioe )

  • Using java.nio

    I have copied this, one program from a book that would have to read file of gives to me to you mixed but it does not work, you could me why?
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
    public class ReadPrimesMixedData {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    File aFile = new File("C:/Beg Java Stuff/primes.txt");
    FileInputStream inFile = null;
    try {
    inFile = new FileInputStream(aFile);
    } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
    FileChannel inChannel = inFile.getChannel();
    try {
    ByteBuffer lengthBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
    int strLength = 0; // Stores the string length
    ByteBuffer buf = null; // Stores a reference to the second byte buffer
    byte[] strChars = null; // Stores a reference to an array to hold the string
    while(true) {
    if( == -1) // Read the string length, if its EOF
    break; // exit the loop
    strLength = (int)lengthBuf.getDouble(); // Extract the length and convert to int
    buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(strLength+8); // Buffer for the string & the prime
    if( == -1) {            // Read the string & binary prime value
    assert false; // Should not get here!
    break; // Exit loop on EOF
    strChars = new byte[strLength]; // Create the array for the string
    buf.get(strChars); // Extract string & binary prime value
    System.out.println("String length: " + strChars.length+ " String: " +
    new String(strChars) + " Binary value: " + buf.getLong());
    lengthBuf.clear(); // Clear the buffer for the next read
    System.out.println("\nEOF reached.");
    inFile.close(); // Close the file and the channel
    } catch(IOException e) {
    This e' the program that writes the file
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
    public class PrimesToFile2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    int primesRequired = 100; // Default count
    if (args.length > 0) {
    try {
    primesRequired = Integer.valueOf(args[0]).intValue();
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    System.out.println("Prime count value invalid. Using default of "
    + primesRequired);
    long[] primes = new long[primesRequired]; // Array to store primes
    primes[0] = 2; // Seed the first prime
    primes[1] = 3; // and the second
    // Count of primes found - up to now, which is also the array index
    int count = 2;
    long number = 5; // Next integer to be tested
    for (; count < primesRequired; number += 2) {
    // The maximum divisor we need to try is square root of number
    long limit = (long) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((double) number));
    // Divide by all the primes we have up to limit
    for (int i = 1; i < count && primes[i] <= limit; i++)
    if (number % primes[i] == 0) // Is it an exact divisor?
    continue outer; // yes, try the next number
    primes[count++] = number; // We got one!
    File aFile = new File("C:/Beg Java Stuff/primes.txt");
    FileOutputStream outputFile = null;
    try {
    outputFile = new FileOutputStream(aFile);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    FileChannel file = outputFile.getChannel();
    final int BUFFERSIZE = 100; // Buffer size in bytes
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFERSIZE);
    DoubleBuffer doubleBuf = buf.asDoubleBuffer();
    CharBuffer charBuf = buf.asCharBuffer();
    LongBuffer longBuf = null;
    String primeStr = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
    primeStr = "prime = " + primes; // Create the string
    doubleBuf.put(0,(double) primeStr.length());// Store the string length
    charBuf.put(primeStr); // Store the string
    buf.position(2 * charBuf.position() + 8); // Position for 3rd buffer
    longBuf = buf.asLongBuffer(); // Create the buffer
    longBuf.put(primes[i]); // Store the binary long value
    buf.position(buf.position() + 8); // Set position after last value
    buf.flip(); // and flip
    try {
    file.write(buf); // Write the buffer as before.
    } catch (IOException e) {
    try {
    System.out.println("File written is " + file.size() + " bytes.");
    outputFile.close(); // Close the file and its channel
    } catch (IOException e) {
    This works correctly

    I don't have problems when I compile the program but if I run the program ....I have this
    String length: 9 String: prim Binary value: 7277852183226228736
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 162166969980682240
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 7854388801345436928
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 3573983215616
    at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(
    at ReadPrimesMixedData.main(
    ring length: 0 String: Binary value: 7566167222444367872
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 88089088
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 8214681170873443584
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 1856
    String length: 0 String: Binary value: 8070575878335130880
    Exception in thread "main"

  • Does JMQ 3.5 SP1 Enterprise Edition use Java NIO anywhere?

    I was wondering, does anyone know whether JMQ 3.5 SP1 Enterprise Edition uses Java NIO anywhere?
    Cheers, Andrew

    Yes ...
    java.nio is not used on the client (because it needs to support older
    jdk's), however we do use nio on the broker.
    java.nio is used:
    - in the "channels" support in the shared thread pool to allow
    non-blocking reads
    - we use the various Buffer classes for reading,writing and
    persisting some of our data

  • How to include Logs/log4j in SOA with out using java embedding activity

    I have a requirement where I need to log the values of a particular variable and need to store it in a new log file. Is there any way to log the details with out using java embedding activity.

    You can try this.

  • HT1926 Started having trouble with iTunes so I uninstalled everything and tried to reinstall but it says ' iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes.'  Well, I've uninstalled and reinstalled 5 times.  Now wh

    Started having trouble with iTunes so I uninstalled everything and tried to reinstall but it says ' iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes.'  Well, I've uninstalled and reinstalled 5 times.  Now what?

    I figured it out.  A week ago I had downloaded a screensaver from a website I trusted and that's when my problems started. I uninstalled it but that didn't help.  So, I reinstalled it then used an uninstall softtware app that cleanns more than the control panel does. Then I used a computer cleaner to be sure everything was wiped clean.  And it worked.  I downloded iTunes for the 7th time in 2 days and finally it worked!  And I lost nothing from my account.
    Maybe this info will help others.

  • DPS java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException

    I've upgraded today to all my DS and DPS from on Redhat 5.6 x64, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_27-b07)
    I get this on my proxy after a while:
    [29/Aug/2011:17:08:08 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:124 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [29/Aug/2011:17:08:08 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:124 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    On the LDAP server I get
    [29/Aug/2011:17:22:49 +0300] conn=91 op=766568 msgId=1 - SRCH base="" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="1.1"
    [29/Aug/2011:17:22:49 +0300] conn=91 op=766568 msgId=1 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
    which is DOSing my log file.
    If I restart the proxy server the problem is gone for a while but it gets back after an hour or so thus making my whole LDAP infrastructure unusable.

    I disabled proactive monitor for failed server and the problem didn't occur for 15 hours. Then I got the following.
    Just for the record, is running on the same machine as DPS.
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:04 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:165 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:04 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:165 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:04 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:165 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:04 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:165 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:05 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Worker Thread 25. Abandon current operation.
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:05 +0300] - BACKEND - WARN - Attempt to bind as to backend server on connection server-example:165 failed. java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:06 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Worker Thread 36. Abandon current operation.
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:07 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Connection Handler 0 for Listener Thread
    Exception thrown from thread Connection Handler 0 for Listener Thread java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:07 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Connection Handler 0 for Listener Thread Disconnecting all client connections.
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:08 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Connection Handler 1 for Listener Thread
    Exception thrown from thread Connection Handler 1 for Listener Thread java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:08 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Connection Handler 1 for Listener Thread Disconnecting all client connections.
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:16 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for
    Exception thrown from thread Proactive Monitor for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:16 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for
    Exception thrown from thread Proactive Monitor for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:16 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for
    Exception thrown from thread Proactive Monitor for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:16 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for No more monitoring running on
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:16 +0300] - EXCEPTION - ERROR - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for No more monitoring running on
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:17 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for
    Exception thrown from thread Proactive Monitor for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    [30/Aug/2011:09:08:17 +0300] - EXCEPTION - INFO - Fatal uncaughtException in Proactive Monitor for
    Exception thrown from thread Proactive Monitor for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
    I changed all servers to reactive monitor and will see what's going on.

  • Java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException

    i have been facing this exception, please tell me how to remove it
    here is my code
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    public class abc
         public static void main(String arg[])
              File ff=new File("aaa.txt");
              FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(ff);
              FileChannel fc=fis.getChannel();
              FileLock lock=fc.lock();
              catch(Exception e)

    what should i do then to make the channel writable . please tell me what to change in the code, i just want to lock the file and after that i will modify it.

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