Trying to build a generic dynamic sql block

I have this requirement of wanting to compare column values in source and target( which are almost of the same structure) based on what table name is input by the user.
I came across a sql select statement developed by Tom kyte which kind of answers the question but what i am looking for is a more generic approach so that I can dynamically build a similar query and output very similar results.
Tom's example
So, using my assumptions and making your 'test case' (it isn't a test case yet, it is lacking) a better one:
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> create table t1(c1 number(2) primary key, c2 varchar2(10), c3
Table created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> create table t2(c1 number(2) primary key, c2 varchar2(10), c3
Table created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t1 values(1,'a','c');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t2 values(1,'b','c');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t1 values(2,'a','b');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t2 values(2,'a','c');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t1 values(3,'a','b');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t2 values(3,'a','b');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t1 values(4,'a','b');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t2 values(4,'x','y');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t1 values(5,'a','b');
1 row created.
ops$tkyte%ORA10GR2> insert into t2 values(6,'a','b');
1 row created.
select case sum(new_cnt - old_cnt) over(partition by c1)
when 1 then 'T2 (missing in T1)'
when -1 then 'T1 (missing in T2)'
else case old_cnt when 1 then 'T1' else 'T2' end
end "TABLE"
, C1 PK, C2, C3
, case when new_cnt = 1 and count(*) over(partition by c1) > 1 then (
case when lag(c2) over(partition by c1 order by new_cnt) = c2 then 0 else 1 end
+ case when lag(c3) over(partition by c1 order by new_cnt) = c3 then 0 else 2 end
) end COL_DIF_ID
from (
select c1, c2, c3, sum(old_cnt) old_cnt, sum(new_cnt) new_cnt from (
select o.*, 1 old_cnt, 0 new_cnt from t1 o
union all
select n.*, 0 old_cnt, 1 new_cnt from t2 n
) group by c1, c2, c3 having sum(old_cnt) <> sum(new_cnt)
) order by c1, new_cnt
T1 1 a c
T2 1 b c 1
T1 2 a b
T2 2 a c 2
T1 4 a b
T2 4 x y 3
T1 (missing in T2) 5 a b
T2 (missing in T1) 6 a b
It beautifully does the job but can we make this more generic in any manner using dynamic sql ?

try this:
cTable1 varchar2(30):='T1';
cTable2 varchar2(30):='T2';
cPK varchar2(30):='c1';
cSQL varchar2(4000):=null;
bFirst boolean:=true;
cSQL:='select t1.*,t2.*,(case when t1.'||cPK||' is null then ''Missing in T1'' else null end) exists_t1,(case when t2.'||cPK||' is null then ''Missing in T2'' else null end) exists_t2,';
for c in(select column_name from
(select column_name from  user_tab_columns where table_name=cTable1 and column_name!=cPK
select column_name from  user_tab_columns where table_name=cTable2 and column_name!=cPK)) loop
if bFirst then
cSQL:=cSQL||'(case when';
cSQL:=cSQL||' and ';
end if;
cSQL:=cSQL||'(t1.'||c.column_name||'=t2.'||c.column_name||' or (t1.'||c.column_name||' is null and t2.'||c.column_name||' is null))';
end loop;
cSQL:=cSQL||' then ''='' else ''!='' end) diff_t1_t2 from '||cTable1||' t1 full outer join '||cTable2||' t2 on(t1.'||cPK||'=t2.'||cPK||')';
end;then you can enclose the generated SQL with a select * from (..) where diff_t1_t2='!='
It will give you something like:
SELECT t1.*,
           WHEN t1.c1 IS NULL THEN 'Missing in T1'
           ELSE NULL
        END) exists_t1,
           WHEN t2.c1 IS NULL THEN 'Missing in T2'
           ELSE NULL
        END) exists_t2,
           WHEN(   t1.C1 = t2.C1
                OR (    t1.C1 IS NULL
                    AND t2.C1 IS NULL))
        AND    (   t1.C2 = t2.C2
                OR (    t1.C2 IS NULL
                    AND t2.C2 IS NULL))
        AND    (   t1.C3 = t2.C3
                OR (    t1.C3 IS NULL
                    AND t2.C3 IS NULL)) THEN '='
           ELSE '!='
       ) diff_t1_t2
FROM   T1 t1 FULL OUTER JOIN T2 t2 ON(t1.c1 = t2.c1)JV
Edited by: user11268895 on Jun 16, 2010 8:25 AM
Edited by: user11268895 on Jun 16, 2010 8:27 AM
Edited by: user11268895 on Jun 16, 2010 8:29 AM

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    I am sure there is a better way to do this with dynamic sql. please help.

    -- Dynamic PIVOT
       @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
       @y    AS INT,
       @sql  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
    -- Construct the column list for the IN clause
     SET @cols = STUFF(
       (SELECT N',' + QUOTENAME(y) AS [text()]
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dealerlvl AS y FROM dbo.test2) AS Y
        ORDER BY y
        FOR XML PATH('')),
       1, 1, N'');
    -- Construct the full T-SQL statement
     -- and execute dynamically
     SET @sql = N'SELECT *
     FROM (SELECT dealerid, dealerlvl, node
           FROM dbo.Test2) AS D
       PIVOT(MAX(node) FOR dealerlvl IN(' + @cols + N')) AS P;';
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

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    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

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    ORA-06512: at line 4
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    Warm Regards

    In your case you have to use a cursor:
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        select trdt from inv_trans;
      r_cur   c_cur%rowtype;
      open c_cur;
      fetch c_cur into r_cur;
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    Did you mean, executing a pl/sql block generated from an sql.
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      DATA: field_symbol(13) TYPE c,
            v_lines          TYPE sy-tabix,
            v_count(2)       TYPE n.
      DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES v_lines.
      DO v_lines TIMES.
        v_count = v_count + 1.
        CONCATENATE '<fs_new_sf' v_count '>' INTO field_symbol.
        ASSIGN (field_symbol) TO <f2>.
        CONCATENATE '<fs_new_sf' v_count '>' INTO field_symbol.
        ASSIGN (field_symbol) TO <f2>.
    V_SF01 could be anything from MATNR to any field in table MARA.
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    the statement
    ASSIGN (field_symbol) TO <f2>.
    fails to assign the field symbol.

    Hi Sudheer,
    There is a program termination because does not exist a field symbol called <fs_new_sf1> or <fs_new_sf2>... <fs_new_sfn> when you assign (field_symbol) TO <f2>.
    You should look for Dymamic Type specification, something like this:
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <dobject> TYPE any.
    PERFORM declareData USING dref 'SFLIGHT'.
    ASSIGN dref->* to <dobject>.
    FORM declareData USING dref TYPE REF TO DATA
                           tname TYPE string.
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    CREATE DATA dref TYPE (tname).

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    thanks in advance

    Hi Paul
    I would change the Heading Type in the Report Details screen to PLSQL and use the shuttle item to return the column values. e.g.
    RETURN :p1_shuttle;
    I'm assuming the shuttle already has a colon separated list of the column headings in the correct order?
    I hope that helps

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    CREATE OR REPLACE package pkg_f0015 is
    type rClieInstSlate is record
    (clie_id CMS_CLIENTS.ID%type
    ,client_nm varchar2(1000)
    ,cs_no CMS_CLIENTS.CS_NO%type
    type tClieInstSlate is table of rClieInstSlate;
    type uClieInstSlate is ref cursor return rClieInstSlate;
    procedure prLocationSlateQry(
    auLocaSlate in out uClieInstSlate,                anCsNo in CMS_CLIENTS.CS_NO%type,
    avClieNm in varchar2,
    avSearchType in varchar2,
    avLotyCd in CMS_LOCATION_TYPES.CD%type);
    end pkg_f0015;
    procedure PRLocationSlateQry( auLocaSlate in out uClieInstSlate,
    anCsNo in CMS_CLIENTS.CS_NO%type,
    avClieNm in varchar2,
    avSearchType in varchar2,
    avLotyCd in CMS_LOCATION_TYPES.CD%type) IS
    vSelect varchar2(5000);
    vAddCond varchar2(1000);
    vSupLevel varchar2(50);
    vSelect := 'select clie.ID,'||
    ' CLIENT_NAME,'||
    ' clie.CS_NO,'||
    ' clna.BIRTH_DT dob'
    ' from CMS_CLIENT_NAMES clna,'||
    'CMS_CLIENTS clie'||
    ' where clna.CLIE_ID = clie.ID';
    if avSearchType= 'C' then
    vAddCond := ' and clie.CS_NO = nvl('||anCsNo||',clie.CS_NO)';
    vSelect := vSelect || vAddCond;
    open auLocaSlate for vSelect;
    end if;
    end PRLocationSlateQry;
    I wonder if what I want is possible

    Now it works. Previously we had the parameter p_guid declared as RAW, which obviously is not any good. :)
    Edited by: biciste on Apr 28, 2009 4:57 PM

  • Execute Dynamic SQL statement using procedure builder

    i want to execute a dynamic SQL statment using procedure builder not using forms
    because my statement depending on a variable table name
    i know that i can do that from forms using
    but i wanna to use the procedure builder
    which function i should use and how?
    please explain in example if you don't mind.

    You can very well use DBMS_SQL Package supplied by Oracle for doing this.
    Search for DBMS_SQL in OTN. You will get all info regarding this.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by itslul:
    i want to execute a dynamic SQL statment using procedure builder not using forms
    because my statement depending on a variable table name
    i know that i can do that from forms using
    but i wanna to use the procedure builder
    which function i should use and how?
    please explain in example if you don't mind.

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    I studied the EXEC_SQL and i wrote these syntax(below), but it gives me error...Could you help me please......:
    PROCEDURE Dynamic_sql IS
    connection_id EXEC_SQL.CONNTYPE;
    sql_string VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_pc varchar2 (4);
    v_pd varchar2 (30);
    v_poc varchar2(4);
    v_pvd DATE;
    v_pid DATE;
    exec_id PLS_INTEGER;
    out_file TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE;
    linebuf varchar2(7000);
    vchFileName VARCHAR2(100);
    Vchfolder VARCHAR2(100);
    AppID      PLS_INTEGER;
    nmbAlert          varchar2(50);
    vchFileName := 'dynamic_sql_'||sysdate||'.txt';
    Vchfolder := 'D:\KONS\Damar\';
    host('mkdir '||Vchfolder,NO_SCREEN);
    out_file := text_io.fopen(vchfolder||vchFileName,'w');
    cursorID := EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR(connection_id);
    EXEC_SQL.PARSE(connection_id, cursorID, sql_string, exec_sql.V7);
    --EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(connection_id, cursorID, '', input_empno);
    EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(connection_id, cursorID, 1,v_pc, 4);
    EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(connection_id, cursorID, 2, v_pd, 30);
    EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(connection_id, cursorID, 3, v_poc, 4);
    EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(connection_id, cursorID, 4, v_pvd);
    EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(connection_id, cursorID, 5, v_pid);
    exec_id := EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE(connection_id, cursorID);
    WHILE (EXEC_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(connection_id, cursorID) > 0 ) LOOP
    EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(connection_id, cursorID, 1, v_pc, 4);
    EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(connection_id, cursorID, 2, v_pd);
    EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(connection_id, cursorID, 3, v_poc);
    EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(connection_id, cursorID, 4, v_pvd);
    EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(connection_id, cursorID, 5, v_pid);
    TEXT_IO.PUT_LINE(out_file,v_pc || v_pd ||v_poc||v_pvd||v_pid);
    --Forms_DDL('INSERT INTO TEMP VALUES('||''''||nRows||' '||v_state_id||''''||')');
    EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(connection_id, cursorID);

  • Dynamic PL/SQL block vs dynamic SQL SELECT

    Hi there,
    I have a question regarding the optimal way to code a dynamic SELECT INTO statement. Below are the 2 posiibilities I know of:
    _1. Dynamically executing the SELECT statement and making use of the INTO clause of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement_
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2)
    v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_num_of_employees NUMBER;
    v_query_str := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp_'
    || p_loc
    || ' WHERE job = :bind_job';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query_str
    INTO v_num_of_employees
    USING p_job;
    RETURN v_num_of_employees;
    _2. Encapsulating the SELECT INTO statement in a block and dynamically exectuting the block_
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2)
    v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_num_of_employees NUMBER;
    v_query_str := 'begin
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :into_bind FROM emp_'
    || p_loc
    || ' WHERE job = :bind_job;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query_str
    USING out v_num_of_employees, p_job;
    RETURN v_num_of_employees;
    I was just wondering which way would be preferred? I know the second method uses a bind variable for the INTO clause, but does the first one also use bind varialbes (no semi-colon)? Any differences in terms of efficiency or speed?
    Thanks alot
    Edited by: BYS2 on Oct 19, 2011 1:23 AM

    sybrand_b wrote:
    No difference in terms of performance or speed
    Both variants will wreck the primary purpose of PL/SQL: to avoid parsing.
    When I would see a 'developer' do this, I would fire him on the spot.
    Why abuse PL/SQL in such a fashion? Both statements don't require parsing, as there is nothing dynamic in them and indicate a complete lack of understanding of Oracle, or a desire to deliver completely unscalable applications, resulting in end-users desiring to lynch you, and rightly so.
    Remove the dynamic SQL or find another job.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBANot dynamic? What if p_loc and p_job were generated dynamically based on user-input? or what if there were potentially thousands of tables that p_loc could refer to? Should I make a CASE statement with a thousand cases?
    In addition, the first example was actually taken directly from the official Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide (version 10.2). - look under 'Sample Single-Row Query Using Native Dynamic SQL' heading. Therefore, if you have any issues with this alleged 'improper' usage of dynamic SQL, perhaps you should go talk to Oracle directly.
    While I appreciate your response, I don't think it has occurred that you that not everyone is a 'developer'. In fact, I have only very recently (several days ago) taught myself how to use Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and XMLDB by reading several of the official Oracle language and developer's guides. It is more a passing interest to me as I am working on some medical research which may require the use of a database. I am actually in medical school at the moment but have an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer engineering so I am generally well-versed in programming.
    Perhaps the next time, you post your rubbish, rude and unhelpful comments, you should stop and think that people come to this forum because they need help and not because they want to be told to 'find another job'. In fact, I am quite certain that I could make you look absolutely stupid in any topic of electrical engineering or medicine.
    Please do us all a favour and stop polluting this forum with your vapid posts. While I understand that your behavior is likely a compensatory mechanism to cope with your inferiority complex, know that help IS available if you need it.
    Edited by: BYS2 on Oct 19, 2011 2:13 AM

  • Build dynamic SQL query in Database Adapter.

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to build dynamic sql query at Database Adapter.
    My BPEL process is getting search spec as input from siebel. I need to process this searchspec in BPEL and need to build the SQL query dynamically at Database Adapter to fetch the records from DB.
    it goes like this....
    1. Sieble Search Spec: city1 OR city2 OR city3 OR city4 .....
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' OR city like 'city2' OR city like 'city3' OR city like 'city4' ......
    2. Siebel Search spec: city1 AND country1 AND state1....
    I need to build query as
    Select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' AND country like 'country1' AND state like 'state1' ....
    3. Siebel Search spec: state
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where state like '%state%';
    Is it feasible in Database Adapter? if its Yes.
    Any guidelines to achieve this?
    Thank you

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to build dynamic sql query at Database Adapter.
    My BPEL process is getting search spec as input from siebel. I need to process this searchspec in BPEL and need to build the SQL query dynamically at Database Adapter to fetch the records from DB.
    it goes like this....
    1. Sieble Search Spec: city1 OR city2 OR city3 OR city4 .....
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' OR city like 'city2' OR city like 'city3' OR city like 'city4' ......
    2. Siebel Search spec: city1 AND country1 AND state1....
    I need to build query as
    Select * from S_ADDR_PER where city like 'city1' AND country like 'country1' AND state like 'state1' ....
    3. Siebel Search spec: state
    I need to build query as
    select * from S_ADDR_PER where state like '%state%';
    Is it feasible in Database Adapter? if its Yes.
    Any guidelines to achieve this?
    Thank you

  • Build stored procedure from a dynamic SQL query

    I have the following method, that receives a string from a textbox and creates a dynamic select command. Since I am using a dataSet I cannot execute a dynamic SQL query by calling a method of a strongly-typed dataset (.xsd). I have been told that the best
    way to do this is to pass an array of values to the stored procedure.
    But I have no clue how to build the stored procedure.
    string[] allWords = txtSearch.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    string sql = "SELECT Books.ISBN, Books.Title, Books.Tag, Books.Image, Books.photoType, Publishers.Name AS publisherName FROM Books INNER JOIN Publishers ON Books.codPublisher = Publishers.codPublisher WHERE ";
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
    for (int i = 0; i < allWords.Length; ++i)
    if (i > 0)
    sql += "OR ";
    string paramName = "@param" + i.ToString();
    sql += string.Format("(Books.Title LIKE {0}) ", paramName);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, allWords[i] + "%");
    command.CommandText = sql;
    //execute the SQL query against the db...

    After hours around this, I have came with this solution.
    private SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection();
    private System.Data.DataSet dataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();
    private System.Data.DataTable dataTable;
    private System.Data.DataRow dataRow;
    private SqlCommand search(string searchParam, int searchOption)
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
    string sql;
    string[] allWords = searchParam.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    sql = "SELECT Livros.ISBN, Livros.Titulo, Livros.Tema, Livros.Resumo, Livros.Imagem, Livros.fotoTipo, Editoras.Nome AS nomeEditora FROM Livros INNER JOIN livrosAutores ON Livros.ISBN = livrosAutores.ISBN INNER JOIN Autores ON livrosAutores.idAutor = Autores.idAutor INNER JOIN Editoras ON Livros.codEditora = Editoras.codEditora WHERE ";
    using (command)
    for (int i = 0; i < allWords.Length; ++i)
    if (i > 0)
    sql += "OR ";
    if (searchOption == 1)
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Titulo LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    sql += string.Format("(Livros.Autor LIKE '%{0}%') ", allWords[i]);
    command.CommandText = sql;
    return command;
    protected void Bind()
    sqlConn.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.BibliotecaConnectionString;
    string connectionString = sqlConn.ConnectionString.ToString();
    SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(search(searchText, searchOption).CommandText, connectionString);
    sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "livrosTitulo");
    dataTable = dataSet.Tables["livrosTitulo"];
    dataGrid.DataContext = dataTable.DefaultView;

  • Query Build problem in Native Dynamic SQL

    I am writing a procedure to calculate the summary from the monthly salary table by dynamically building the query using ref cursor,open cursor using the bind variables and bulding the query statement.But the query is not returning any rows
    vSQL := 'select a.ad_code,a.acc_code,m.jobtype,m.estbtype,'||'sum(m.'||vabsrec.vadsn||') from gencopayroll.pay_allowaccounthead a,'||
    'gencopayroll.pay_monthly_paybill m where bill_type = :ptype and loc_id = :plocid '||
    'and processing_period = :pprocmon and a.ad_code = :padcode group by a.acc_code,'||

    I am writing a procedure to calculate the summary
    from the monthly salary table by
    1) dynamically building the query using ref cursor
    2) open cursor using the bind variables
    3) bulding the query statement.Can you show us the code that performs these steps.
    Once a cursor is opened you need to fetch the rows from it in order to get the data.
    Also, have you checked that the query runs as plain non-dynamic SQL within SQL*Plus with the same parameters, to see that it returns data?
    What is you purpose for using Dynamic SQL? If you clarify the requirement we may be able to show you how to do the same using non-dynamic SQL.

  • SQL SP works, then throws 0x80040E14 after trying to build executable

    I have test software in LabVIEW 2011 that logs results into our SQL Server database with a stored procedure.  Once I got it working consistently, I checked it into our Visual Sorce Safe.  It was working until I tried to build the software into an executable.  Upon trying to log results in the executable, I received the following -2147217900 error when trying to execute the stored procedure (the ati_sp_InsertProcedureRun stored procedure) to create the procedure run in the database:
    NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>>><ERR>ADO Error: 0x80040E14
    Exception occured in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Syntax error or access violation in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Rec Create ->NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>>>
    What's really odd is that I began receiving this error in the development environment.  On multiple computers.  I have verified that the code is still the same as before; I pulled the VI from Source Safe, which predated the last time I successfully logged results.
    I don't know if attempting to run as an executable was the precipitating event.  Around the same time, I attempted to solve a problem where the test software kept referring to VIs from the 2010 Database Connectivity Toolkit by uninstalling the 2010 Database Connectivity Toolkit and letting LabVIEW update the called VIs to the 2011 versions and saving.  I've also since tried repairing and then uninstalling and reinstalling the 2011 Database Connectivity Toolkit.
    Attached is a standalone implementation of my database logging code, a little sanitized for proprietary information.  Has anyone encountered similar mysterious errors when changing from 2010 to 2011 or when building executables?  The code I'm using is the same, and IS assures me that there have been no changes to the database.
    Thank you for any help or insight,
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏10 KB ‏83 KB ‏21 KB

    So far I have been unable to see anything that gives me a lead as to what the problem could be.  For this I am sorry.I think both of us will have one of those face palm moments.
    I have a question and comment for you,  does the Code still work on the original computer?
    Second,  I think it would help if you compiled a version of code with the ability to highlight execution. after being installed as an executable.  Try running the executable (in highlight mode) on the other computers and see where it breaks.
    Could you also send me a version of your code in Highlight execution mode?
    As for me I downloaded your code and I was unable to get it to even run on my computer.
    Highlight Execution debuggable executable.

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