Trying to catch on to using 'discover'

I am upgrading our Solaris C++ compilation system all the way from SolStudio v6 Update 2 on Solaris 8 to SolarisStudio 12.2 on Solaris 10. (About time, huh?) Things seem to be going well enough but am struggling with the included 'discover' tool. The documentation seems a bit short and its reported "errors" seem rather dubious - but, hey, you learn something every day (especially with C++ ... ;) )
Suggestions would be appreciated.
Here is a rather abbreviate example of the type of oddity I am getting. I am writing a small application to test a class named CNCTimeStamp. The class has a fair number of features, but it can be boiled down to this
class CNCTimeStamp {
  virtual ~CNCTimeStamp();
  time_t m_timestamp;
  mutable struct tm* m_tm;
}; // class CNCTimeStampnctimestamp.cpp
CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
     ::time( &m_timestamp );
} // CNCTimeStampWhen I build it, using dmake, I get
berlin{devel}528: dmake test1
dmake: defaulting to parallel mode.
See the man page dmake(1) for more information on setting up the .dmakerc file.
nervecenter --> 1 job
/opt/solstudio12.2/bin/CC -g -xO2 -I.. -c timetoy.cpp
nervecenter --> 2 jobs
/opt/solstudio12.2/bin/CC -g -xO2 -I.. -c ../nctimestamp.cpp
nervecenter --> 1 job
/opt/solstudio12.2/bin/CC -g -xO2 -o timetoy timetoy.o nctimestamp.o
/usr/bin/file timetoy
/usr/bin/ldd timetoy
nervecenter --> Job output
/opt/solstudio12.2/bin/CC -g -xO2 -o timetoy timetoy.o nctimestamp.o
/usr/bin/file timetoy
timetoy:        ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1 [FPU], dynamically linked, not stripped
/usr/bin/ldd timetoy =>  /usr/lib/ =>  /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/
nervecenter --> 1 job
/opt/solstudio12.2/bin/discover -b /opt/firefox4/firefox -H timetoy.html -w timetoy.txt -o timetoy.disc timetoy
berlin{devel}529:All looks good so far. When I run "timetoy.disc", I get a multitude of "errors". The first is this, which shows enough in its source listing that you can see what's going on. My trouble is in grasping what an "SBR" is and how it would apply. Thoughts?
I tried this, btw, replacing the "CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();" with "CNCTimeStamp start;" to no avail. Same SBR errors. I make no claim to being an expert with C++, but all this seems over the top. Fortunately, I am wrong most of time. LOL
ERROR 1 (SBR): read from 0x8046ea0 (4 bytes) is beyond stack frame bounds at:
        CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp #Nvariant 1() + 0x36  <nctimestamp.cpp:37>
                34:    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
                35:    // Constructors
                37:=>  CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
                38:     m_timestamp(0),
                39:     m_tm(0)
                40:    {
        void nap(int) + 0xfa  <timetoy.cpp:11>
                 9:    void nap( int naptime )
                10:    {
                11:=>           CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
                13:     std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        main() + 0x86  <timetoy.cpp:48>
                46:     for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                47:     {
                48:=>           nap( argc );
                49:     }
                51:     timeplus( argc );
        _start() + 0x7c
ERROR 2 (SBR): read from 0x8046ea0 (4 bytes) is beyond stack frame bounds at:
        CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp #Nvariant 1() + 0x5c  <nctimestamp.cpp:37>
                34:    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
                35:    // Constructors
                37:=>  CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
                38:     m_timestamp(0),
                39:     m_tm(0)
                40:    {
        void nap(int) + 0xfa  <timetoy.cpp:11>
                 9:    void nap( int naptime )
                10:    {
                11:=>           CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
                13:     std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        main() + 0x86  <timetoy.cpp:48>
                46:     for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                47:     {
                48:=>           nap( argc );
                49:     }
                51:     timeplus( argc );
        _start() + 0x7c
ERROR 3 (SBR): read from 0x8046ea0 (4 bytes) is beyond stack frame bounds at:
        CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp #Nvariant 1() + 0x84  <nctimestamp.cpp:39>
                37:    CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
                38:     m_timestamp(0),
                39:=>   m_tm(0)
                40:    {
                41:     ::time( &m_timestamp );
                42:    } // CNCTimeStamp
        void nap(int) + 0xfa  <timetoy.cpp:11>
                 9:    void nap( int naptime )
                10:    {
                11:=>           CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
                13:     std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        main() + 0x86  <timetoy.cpp:48>
                46:     for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                47:     {
                48:=>           nap( argc );
                49:     }
                51:     timeplus( argc );
        _start() + 0x7c
ERROR 4 (SBR): read from 0x8046ea0 (4 bytes) is beyond stack frame bounds at:
        CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp #Nvariant 1() + 0xac  <nctimestamp.cpp:39>
                37:    CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
                38:     m_timestamp(0),
                39:=>   m_tm(0)
                40:    {
                41:     ::time( &m_timestamp );
                42:    } // CNCTimeStamp
        void nap(int) + 0xfa  <timetoy.cpp:11>
                 9:    void nap( int naptime )
                10:    {
                11:=>           CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
                13:     std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        main() + 0x86  <timetoy.cpp:48>
                46:     for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                47:     {
                48:=>           nap( argc );
                49:     }
                51:     timeplus( argc );
        _start() + 0x7c
ERROR 5 (SBR): read from 0x8046ea0 (4 bytes) is beyond stack frame bounds at:
        CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp #Nvariant 1() + 0xe4  <nctimestamp.cpp:41>
                38:     m_timestamp(0),
                39:     m_tm(0)
                40:    {
                41:=>   ::time( &m_timestamp );
                42:    } // CNCTimeStamp
                44:    CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp( time_t timestamp ) :
        void nap(int) + 0xfa  <timetoy.cpp:11>
                 9:    void nap( int naptime )
                10:    {
                11:=>           CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
                13:     std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        main() + 0x86  <timetoy.cpp:48>
                46:     for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                47:     {
                48:=>           nap( argc );
                49:     }
                51:     timeplus( argc );
        _start() + 0x7cThanks.

In the interest of helping out. I'll copy/paste here the makefile and source code. If it gets to be too long, I'll have to reply to this reply - and so on.
There are four pieces: makefile, timetoy.cpp, nctimestamp.h and nctimestamp.cpp. The goal of this exercise has been to port the code base -this C++ class, CNCTimeStamp, is merely a first piece - up to the current Solaris Studio 12.2 C++ environment. At this point I am only using the command-line interface (dmake, dbx, CC). I hope to get to solstudio and dbxtool soon -- they look great!
CCC             = /opt/solstudio12.2/bin/CC
DISCOVER        = /opt/solstudio12.2/bin/discover
FILE            = /usr/bin/file
LDD             = /usr/bin/ldd
WEBBROWSER      = /opt/firefox4/firefox
CC_OPTIMIZE     = -m32 -g -xO2
timetoy: timetoy.o nctimestamp.o
        $(CCC) $(CC_OPTIMIZE) -o $@ timetoy.o nctimestamp.o
        $(FILE) $@
        $(LDD) $@
timetoy.disc: timetoy
        $(DISCOVER) -w timetoy.txt -o $@ timetoy
timetoy.o: timetoy.cpp
        $(CCC) $(CC_OPTIMIZE) -I.. -c timetoy.cpp
nctimestamp.o: ../nctimestamp.cpp
        $(CCC) $(CC_OPTIMIZE) -I.. -c ../nctimestamp.cpp
        $(RM) timetoy
        $(RM) timetoy.disc
        $(RM) timetoy.o nctimestamp.o
test1: timetoy.disc
        ./timetoy.disc 1 1 1timetoy.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>             // sleep(3C)
#include <inttypes.h>           // int32_t
#include "nctimestamp.h"
void nap( int naptime )
        CNCTimeStamp* start = new CNCTimeStamp();
        std::cout << *start << ". Start time." << std::endl;
        sleep( naptime );
        CNCTimeStamp* stop = new CNCTimeStamp();
        time_t mynap = *stop - *start;
        std::cout << *stop << ". That nap was " << mynap << " seconds long." << std::endl;
        delete start;
        start = 0;
        delete stop;
        stop = 0;
} // nap
void timeplus( time_t offset )
        CNCTimeStamp now;
        time_t zoom = offset );
        CNCTimeStamp* future = new CNCTimeStamp( zoom );
        std::cout << now << " plus " << offset << " is " << *future << std::endl;
        delete future;
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
        int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        for ( int i = 0; i<argc; ++i )
                nap( argc );
        timeplus( argc );
        return result;
} // mainnctimestamp.h
#include <iostream>             // std:: ostream
#include <string>               // std:: string
#include <ctime>                // std:: time_t, struct tm
#include <inttypes.h>           // int32_t
// Class CNCTimeStamp represents a single moment in time.
// Implementation:
// 1. The class has two attributes, m_timestamp and m_tm.  The first,
// m_timestamp, must always be maintained from contruction thru
// to destruction.  The second, m_tm, is brought into use only
// as needed; it is entirely secondary to m_timestamp.  The function
// tm() is called to bring it into existance or return m_tm if it
// is already created.
// 2. Reliance on system calls is intentionally limited.  time(2)
// is called only in the default constructor, which is the means
// for the client to create an instance set to the present moment
// in time.  localtime(3c) is used at the point when the m_tm
// needs to be instantiated.
class CNCTimeStamp {
public: // Construction
                // Represents the current time.
                // (The moment in time when the instance
                // is created.)
        CNCTimeStamp( time_t timestamp );
                // Represents the moment set by 'timestamp'.
        CNCTimeStamp( int year,
                      int month,
                      int day,
                      int hour = 0,
                      int minute = 0,
                      int second = 0,
                      bool* isDST = 0 );
                // Represents the moment set by the params.
        CNCTimeStamp( const struct tm& tm );
                // Represents the moment set by the tm struct.
        CNCTimeStamp( const CNCTimeStamp& other );
                // Copy constructor.
        virtual ~CNCTimeStamp();
        const CNCTimeStamp& operator = ( const CNCTimeStamp& source );
        const CNCTimeStamp& operator = ( time_t time );
        const CNCTimeStamp& operator = ( const struct tm& tm );
public: // Output
        std::string YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS() const;
        std::ostream& YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS( std::ostream& os ) const;
                // Print the time as "yyyy-hh-mm hh-mm-ss"
                // ex: "2010-01-31 13:59:03"
public: // Conversion routines (public / static )
        static struct tm* tm( time_t time);
        static time_t time( struct tm* Tm );
public: // Comparison
        bool operator == ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator == ( time_t timestamp ) const;
        bool operator != ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator != ( time_t timestamp ) const;
        bool operator < ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator < ( time_t timestamp ) const;
        bool operator <= ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator <= ( time_t timestamp ) const;
        bool operator > ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator > ( time_t timestamp ) const;
        bool operator >= ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        bool operator >= ( time_t timestamp ) const;
public: // Comparison
        int delta( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
                // The amount of time, in seconds, between this
                // instance and the 'other'. The result can be
                // positive (future) or negative (past) or
                // zero (present).
                // Ex: If both this and other are for the same
                // minute in time, but 'this' is for the 30th
                // second and 'other' is for the 44th second,
                // then the delta is -14 seconds. As in, this
                // instance is 14 seconds behind the 'other'.
        static int delta( const CNCTimeStamp& first, const CNCTimeStamp& second );
                // The amount of time, in seconds, between the
                // 'first' and 'second' instances. The result can be
                // positive (future) or negative (past) or
                // zero (present).
                // Ex: If both 'first' and 'second' are for the same
                // minute in time, but 'first' is for the 3rd
                // second and 'second' is for the 13th second,
                // then the delta is -10 seconds. As in, the
                // 'first' instance is 10 seconds behind the
                // 'second'.
public: // Operations (Addition / Subtraction)
        time_t plus( time_t timespan ) const;
        time_t operator + ( time_t timespan ) const;
        time_t subtract( time_t timespan ) const;
        time_t operator - ( time_t timespan ) const;
        time_t subtract( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
        time_t operator - ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const;
public: // Access
        operator time_t() const;
        struct tm* tm() const;
        time_t m_timestamp;
        mutable struct tm* m_tm;
}; // class CNCTimeStamp
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const CNCTimeStamp& timestamp );
#endif // _NCTIMESTAMP_H_nctimestamp.cpp
#include "nctimestamp.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>        // time_t mktime( struct std::tm* timeptr )
// Constructors
CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp() :
        ::time( &m_timestamp );
} // CNCTimeStamp
CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp( time_t timestamp ) :
        m_timestamp( timestamp ),
CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp( int year,
                            int month,
                            int day,
                            int hour,
                            int minute,
                            int second,
                            bool* isDST ) :
        m_tm = new struct tm;
        memset( m_tm, 0, sizeof( struct tm ) );
        m_tm->tm_year = year - 1900;
        m_tm->tm_mon = month - 1;
        m_tm->tm_mday = day;
        m_tm->tm_hour = hour;
        m_tm->tm_min = minute;
        m_tm->tm_sec = second;
        m_tm->tm_wday = 0; // will be filled out by mktime()
        m_tm->tm_yday = 0; // will be filled out by mktime()
        if ( !isDST )
                m_tm->tm_isdst = -1;
                m_tm->tm_isdst = ( *isDST ) ? 1 : 0;
        m_timestamp = mktime( m_tm );   // <ctime> function
CNCTimeStamp::CNCTimeStamp( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) :
        m_timestamp( other.m_timestamp ),
        if ( m_tm )
                delete m_tm;
                m_tm = 0;
} // ~CNCTimeStamp
// operator =
const CNCTimeStamp& CNCTimeStamp::operator = ( const CNCTimeStamp& source )
        if ( this != &source )
                m_timestamp = source.m_timestamp;
                if ( m_tm )
                        delete m_tm;
                        m_tm = 0;
                if ( source.m_tm )
                        m_tm = new struct tm( *source.m_tm );
        return *this;
} // operator =
// operator =
const CNCTimeStamp& CNCTimeStamp::operator = ( time_t time )
        m_timestamp = time;
        if ( m_tm )
                delete m_tm;
                m_tm = 0;
        return *this;
} // operator =
// operator =
const CNCTimeStamp& CNCTimeStamp::operator = ( const struct tm& tm )
        if ( m_tm )
                delete m_tm;
                m_tm = 0;
        m_tm = new struct tm( tm );
        m_timestamp = mktime( m_tm );   // <ctime> function
        return *this;
} // operator =
// operator !=
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator != ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp != other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator ==
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator == ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp == other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator =
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator != ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp != timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator =
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator == ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp == timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator <
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator < ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp < other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator <
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator < ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp < timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator <=
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator <= ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp <= other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator <=
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator <= ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp <= timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator >
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator > ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp > other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator >
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator > ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp > timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator >=
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator >= ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return ( m_timestamp >= other.m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// operator >=
bool CNCTimeStamp::operator >= ( time_t timestamp ) const
        return ( m_timestamp >= m_timestamp ) ? true : false;
// plus
time_t CNCTimeStamp::plus( time_t timespan ) const
        return m_timestamp + timespan;
} // plus
// operator +
time_t CNCTimeStamp::operator + ( time_t timespan ) const
        return plus( timespan );
} // operator +
// subtract
time_t CNCTimeStamp::subtract( time_t timespan ) const
        return m_timestamp - timespan;
} // subtract
// operator -
time_t CNCTimeStamp::operator - ( time_t timespan ) const
        return subtract( timespan );
} // operator -
// subtract
time_t CNCTimeStamp::subtract( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return (m_timestamp - other.m_timestamp);
} // subtract
// operator -
time_t CNCTimeStamp::operator - ( const CNCTimeStamp& other ) const
        return subtract( other );
} // operator -
// tm
struct tm* CNCTimeStamp::tm() const
        if ( !m_tm )
                m_tm = tm( m_timestamp );
        return m_tm;
} // tm
// tm
struct tm* CNCTimeStamp::tm( time_t time )
        struct tm* result = new struct tm;
        memset( result, 0, sizeof( struct tm ) );
#if defined(__unix)
        localtime_r( &time, result );
        result = localtime( &time );
        return result;
} // tm
std::string CNCTimeStamp::YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS() const
        struct tm* Tm = tm();
#if 1
        // format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" which is a constant 19 chars.
        char buffer[24];
        sprintf( buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                 Tm->tm_year + 1900,
                 Tm->tm_mon + 1,
                 Tm->tm_sec );
        std::string result( buffer );
        return result;
        // This is slow at runtime. The problem is that it
        // relies heavily on the heap for building up its
        // value.
        std::ostringstream result;
        result << std::setfill('0')
               << std::setw(4) << Tm->tm_year + 1900
               << "-"
               << std::setw(2) << Tm->tm_mon + 1
               << "-"
               << std::setw(2) << Tm->tm_mday
               << " "
               << std::setw(2) << Tm->tm_hour
               << ":"
               << std::setw(2) << Tm->tm_min
               << ":"
               << std::setw(2) << Tm->tm_sec;
        return result.str();
std::ostream& CNCTimeStamp::YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS( std::ostream& os ) const
        os << YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS();
        return os;
// time
time_t CNCTimeStamp::time( struct tm* tb )
        return mktime( tb );    // <ctime> function
// operator time_t
CNCTimeStamp::operator time_t() const
        return m_timestamp;
} // operator std::time_t
// operator<<
//      Note, there is no 'this' pointer within this function.  Also,
//      ensure the feature 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' is virtual for all descendents
//      of CNCTimeStamp.
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const CNCTimeStamp& timestamp )
        return timestamp.YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS( os );
} // operator <<
// ###

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    I've used similar procedure with success in JDK1.3.1. Without seeing the rest of your code, the only thing left for you to experiment with is to call the consume() method if the count is greater than 1. I did notice that Java mouse event handler leaves much to be desired. For example, the mouseentered and mouseexited events kept getting fired even tho the mouse has entered and never leave.

  • Trying to catch Push-To-Talk button to show a message

    I'm trying to catch the PTT button when someone hit it in my program. Just a simple thing like say "Hi!" when someone press PTT button. But i can't figured out how I could do that!

    shouldn't u be returning
      return anyRecords;instead of
      return true; // after the endif????ur method name is confusing I hope this Mysearch() is a TYPO :)
    now that mySearch() returns a boolean depending on whether the query returns something or else u can compare it in jsp using jstl: tags c:equal or c:choose c:when test="" etc etc or as u have done before escape into java itselt using <% // some code in here to get the value from method mySearch()%>

  • TS4268 I have apple ID and when trying to sign in to use FaceTime,i always get registration may you help me for that guys,thanks.

    I have apple ID and when trying to sign in to use FaceTime,I always get error in registration,(This words always apper; The server encountered an error processing registration.Please try again later.)
    Can I get your Advise on what to do? Thanks

    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    iOS: FaceTime is 'Unable to verify email because it is in use'
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    How to Set Up & Use iMessage on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch with iOS s-5/
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Troubleshooting iMessage Issues: Some Useful Tips You Should Try
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password epting-apple-id-password/
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    How to Block Someone on FaceTime
    My Facetime Doesn't Ring
    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I am trying to softproof an image using a CMYK .icc file. I sent an image from LR 5 to PS CC 2014, opened the Camera Raw FIlter, but the hyperlink to access workflow is not showing up in the CR dialogue box... Any ideas why this might be?

    I am trying to softproof an image using a CMYK .icc file. I sent an image from LR 5 to PS CC 2014, opened the Camera Raw FIlter, but the hyperlink to access workflow is not showing up in the CR dialogue box... Any ideas why this might be?

    I am trying to softproof an image using a CMYK .icc file. I sent an image from LR 5 to PS CC 2014, opened the Camera Raw FIlter, but the hyperlink to access workflow is not showing up in the CR dialogue box... Any ideas why this might be?

  • My iphone 4S wont allow me to restore a bckup of icloud it has just rebooted the os and for over 24 hours i have been trying to fix it i use this phone for my job so i need help

    My iphone 4S wont allow me to restore a bckup of icloud it has just rebooted the os and for over 24 hours i have been trying to fix it i use this phone for my job so i need help. when i try to restore it says "Your iphone could not be activated becuase the activation server is unavailable, If the problom presests goto"   It has done this for 27 hours now PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

    - Connect the iPod to the computer and see if iTunes sees it. If it sees it try to get the photos off the iPod.
    - Next let the battery fully drain. It will likely take days. After charging for at least an hour try again
    - Last, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.

  • HT4623 Please  help!  i have just update my iphone 4s with 7.4 update and my phone is now asking for a password which i dont have.  I have tried my keypad lock i used before the update and also my itunes password and neither work, how do i rectify this ??

    Please  help!  i have just update my iphone 4s with 7.4 update and my phone is now asking for a password which i dont have.  I have tried my keypad lock i used before the update and also my itunes password and neither work, how do i rectify this ???

    Did you buy this iPhone new from an authorized seller?

  • HT204407 my 2 daughters and I are sharing one icloud.  I am trying to set up and use find my friends with them, but it won't let me.  It says I can't send a request to myself when I send one to her email address, which is different than mine.  What am I d

    my two daughters and I have iphones.  I am trying to set up and use find my friends with them. We have 1 icloud, but different emails.  When I send a request it states that I can't send a request to myself.  What am I doing wrong

    Sharing an Apple ID is never recommended for these reasons.
    They can create their own: and you can add them at the addresses they use for their ID.
    Sharing an Apple ID is not recommended because all of your data gets merged and when it gets deleted from one device, it deletes from them all, such as Contacts.
    iCloud Guide

  • I'm trying to reinstall Mavericks on used Macbook Pro. When I log in to my Apple ID, it says it was not the same ID used to purchase Mountain Lion. I need to change user/admin as a lot of the folders and apps are in Chinese!

    I'm trying to reinstall Mavericks on used Macbook Pro. When I log in to my Apple ID, it says it was not the same ID used to purchase Mountain Lion. I need to change user/admin as a lot of the folders and apps are in Chinese!

    The first thing you should do with a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. How you do that depends on the model. Look it up on this page to see what version was originally installed.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc, which you can get from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller — not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. I suggest you install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for some MacBook Air models. If you don't have the media, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To boot from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then reboot and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should boot into Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    Once booted from the disc or in Internet Recovery, launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive — not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive, which is what you should do.
    After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. When the installation is done, the system will automatically reboot into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    You should then run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. If you want to upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, buy it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the previous owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed — you have to repurchase them.
    If the previous owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Apple customer service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able toauthorize it under your ID. In that case, contact iTunes Support.

  • I'm trying to do a book using iphoto 11 (9.4.2), but i don't get a low resolution warning. Why? and how can i get the warning., i'm trying to do a book using iphoto 11 (9.4.2), but i don't get a low resolution warning. Why? and how can i get the warning.

    I'm trying to do a book using Iphoto, but it no longer gives a low resolution warning like it used to in the older versions.
    I don't know why it doesn't anymore, (or maybe I have to add it on somehow??) but it makes it difficult to know how much I can
    zoom in on a picture and still have it be good printable resolution.
    Does anyone know how to resolve this or add the warning to the latest version of iphoto?

    With iPhoto 9 the low resolution for photos warning has been dropped. The only warning one will get now is for text that has overflowed the text box:
    As Larry suggested send a feature request to Apple via to get it back. That's a big omission in my opinion.
    You can determine what your minimum resolution is for your images (if all taken from the same camera) by dividing the pixel dimensions by the size of the larges frame in the book which would be 8.5 x 11. If it's at or above 150 dpi you'll be above Apple's previous resolution warning limit.

  • I had a drive failure and lost the iWeb file along with other things.   I did manage to save a lot of user file documents but I don't see or   recognize the my iWeb site file. It was on a 15" G4 Titanium pb. I'm trying to find a way, using version 2.0.4

    I had a drive failure and lost the iWeb file along with other things. 
    I did manage to save a lot of user file documents but I don't see or 
    recognize the iWeb site file. It was on a 15" G4 Titanium pb.
    I'm trying to find a way, using version 2.0.4 of iWeb on a different 
    pb to recover the file into the iWeb app or a way to download the site into iWeb.
    There are 6 pages of images and text, and it 
    would be a task for me to recreate the whole thing again. I did 
    download the site but I don't know how or if I can get iWeb to see it and open it.
    Does anyone have any knowledge about this? The link to my site:
    Any suggestions will be most appreciated.
    dan auerbach
    [email protected]

    Unfortunately iWeb cannot read or import previously published files, only generate them.  You'll have to recreate your site from scratch.
    However, Chapter 2.3 on the iWeb site has tips on using some of the existing files, image, audio, video, etc., from the published site in the recreation of the site.

  • Hi I am using an iphone 4 and its was working fine.  Presently its giving browsing error.  Whenever I am trying to browse internet by using safari or any other browser it retruns with "server not responding" Can somebody give me a solution for this ?

    Hi I am using an iphone 4 and its was working fine.  Presently its giving browsing error.  Whenever I am trying to browse internet by using safari or any other browser it retruns with an error message "server not responding" Even the same thing is happening with youtube also. The worst part is am able to check my mails, able to chat and so on... only thing not able to browse through the browser.  I have tried restore option also.  This is happening with both Wlan and Data con. too
    Please help...

    I do not really know much about this kind of problem, but i may be your internet connection.
    If you are on your own #G network then:
    Go to Settings > then enable "Airplane Mode". Count to 10 and then disable it.
    Then wait patiently until you get a good connection and then try again.
    If you are on a nearby Wi-Fi connection then:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi > then disable then enable after counting to 10. Make sure that you are connected and then try again.
    If all else fails, then you need to contact your provider for assistance.

  • My iphone 5 screen has gone black in the middle of updating a app. i have tried to back it up using itunes and restore it however it will not restore my phone as i have got the app find my iphone switched on. i cannot turn it off as the screen is black

    my iphone 5 screen has gone black in the middle of updating a app. i have tried to back it up using itunes and restore it however it will not restore my phone as i have got the app find my iphone switched on. i cannot turn it off as the screen is black. can anyone help me please??

    christobell86 wrote:
    ... it will not restore my phone as i have got the app find my iphone switched on.
    You can access on a computer to turn it off.

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