Trying to delete group from Blackberry Messenger

I am on a BES server.
I recently upgraded my BB Curve 8310 to the new and since then i get the bug with it of resetting and getting the message that I switched devices.  That started the issue that I have.  What happened is I had my contacts in groups and then they went to pending it put on the groups and it would say GROUP (0/4).  That being said I cannot delete the groups as it says there are 4 people in it.  When in fact there is NONE showing.  When all the contact went back to non pending update and I removed everyone from the groups and deleted them there is one group left that still thinks there are contacts in it.  So I cannot remove the group.  Anyone have any suggestions.
Things I have tried
- Removing the battery 
- Wiping the handheld and readding to the BES Server
- Deleteing all contacts and re adding
No luck so far.

I have the same problem!!! Also, calendar entries are by default inserted in groups calendar.... It's horrible... I don't want (need) groups on messenger!!!

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    aespinoza2210 wrote:
    could it be in the itunes folder or does it have to be in the itunes media folder, which is within the itunes folder??
    A Espinoza,
    The iTunes Media folder is set in Preferences > Advanced, and is the key to most iTunes folder organizational activities.  So I doubt that the automatic deletion will work for files that are somewhere else within the folder structure.
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    I wouldn't have been condescending had you included that you no longer have your own computer with your original post or with your reply to my post and thanked me for replying and trying to help. Those that answer questions and offer suggestions here volunteer their time to do so. Not only did you not thank me for trying to help - someone should have manners when being helped regardless if the helper is being paid to do so but even more so when the helper volunteers their time, you didn't even read what I provided very carefully. Bad enough not having any manners when asking for help, but you should at least read what is provided somewhat carefully.
    That being said, I'm not wanting to make you feel stupid. I appreciate at least minimal manners and a thanks on your part. Please don't answer if you are going to be completely mannerless with someone who is volunteering their time to help you.
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