Trying to pass a CLOB from 8i to 9i

Hello all,
I am trying to select a CLOB data from oracle 8i and trying to insert it into a global temp table in Orace 9i. I am getting the following error...
l_clob CLOB;
-- select clob data into a local variable in oracle 8i
into l_clob
from xxcss_ssf_request_results
where request_id =11111 ;
-- select clob data into a local variable in oracle 9i
insert into xx@XXCSS_APPS_CTS.COM(a)VALUES(l_clob);
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-02063: preceding line from XXCSS_APPS_CTS
ORA-06512: at line 12
Is there anyway I can achieve this functionality.

Did you can, under sql*plus :
select * from xx@XXCSS_APPS_CTS.COM;Maybe the user which used for the dblink has not the grant as well.

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  • ORA-22275 Invalid lob locator when using CLOB from a view

    I am having problems when passing a CLOB from a "Union all" view to a function. I get an ORA-22275 error when trying to construct an XmlType from the CLOB and
    the CLOB originates from a view. If the CLOB originates from a table, eveyting works fine. Here is the code, that reproduces the problem
    CREATE TABLE testclob
        (field1                         CLOB)
    -- insert some data
    insert into testclob values ('<a/>');
    -- Define a clob view over some tables
    create or replace view v_testclob
    select field1 from testclob
    union all
    select field1 from testclob; -- in reallity I use different tables
    -- Creat a functions that proceses the CLOB
    function MyFunction(v_myClob clob) return VARCHAR2
       myXML XMLTYPE;
      select xmltype(v_myClob) into myxml from dual; -- the view crashes ** HERE **
      -- code ommited
      return 'some data';
    -- Try to use the function:
    -- Selecting from a table works OK
    select myfunction(field1) from testclob;
    -- Selecting from the view crashes
    select myfunction(field1) from v_testclob;
    Error: ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified ORA-06512: at "D_TEST.MYFUNCTION", line 6
    -- I using the following version:
    select * from v$version;
    -- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production      
    -- PL/SQL Release - Production                           
    -- CORE     Production                                       
    -- TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production          
    -- NLSRTL Version - Production The only workaround I have found is to use substr
      select xmltype(dbms_lob.substr(v_myClob)) into myxml from dual; -- workaround.. but this mght trucnate my data.
    What am I doing wrong?

    You need to apply the latest patchset for your version of the database on your version of the operating system:
    SQL> CREATE TABLE testclob
      2      (field1                         CLOB)
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> -- insert some data
    SQL> insert into testclob values ('<Data>Testing</Data>')
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> -- Define a clob view over some tables
    SQL> create or replace view v_testclob
      2  (field1)
      3  as
      4  select field1 from testclob
      5  union all
      6  select field1 from testclob
      7  /
    View created.
    SQL> -- Creat a functions that proceses the CLOB
      2  function MyFunction(v_myClob clob) return VARCHAR2
      3  IS
      4     myXML XMLTYPE;
      5  BEGIN
      7    select xmltype(v_myClob) into myxml from dual; -- the view crashes ** HERE **
      8    -- code ommited
      9    return 'some data';
    10  END;
    12  /
    Function created.
    SQL> -- Try to use the function:
    SQL> -- Selecting from a table works OK
    SQL> select myfunction(field1) from testclob;
    some data
    SQL> -- Selecting from the view crashes
    SQL> select myfunction(field1) from v_testclob;
    some data
    some data
    SQL> disconnect
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production

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    I have model node element under which there are 7 values, and I've created value node element and trying to pass the values from the model node Element to this value node element. But instead of passing all the values its listing only one value.
    How do we rectify this problem!!!
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Anil
    I've created the node named: TableNode
    and the name of the node from which i want to get the data is : Li_Required_Node
    the Node Structure is
      |_ Zs_Quantity_Input
    The Schddt has some 7 values
    The code Snippet is as follows:
    IPublicPricesComp.ITableNodeElement nodeElement;
    IPublicPricesComp.ILi_Required_NodeElement scheduleElement;
    int counter3Max = wdContext.ILi_Required_Node().size();
    for( int counter3= 0 ; counter3 < counter3Max ;counter3++ )
    nodeElement = wdContext.createTableNodeElement();
                             scheduleElement = wdContext.nodeZs_Quantity_Input().nodeOutput_Contract_Qty().nodeLi_Required_Node().getLi_Required_NodeElementAt(counter3);
    On writing the above code and then binding the node to a table column only one value getting displayed
    Where can be the error?
    Thanks in Advance

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    while the sub vi is running. I've tried passing to a global, but the
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    execution. I understand why this is happening, I'd like a method, if
    one exists, to work around it.

    You've done several things incorrectly. First, the subVI has a while loop that terminates with a front panel Boolean. Since you don't make the front panel of the subVI visible, the subVI just runs with no way to stop it. When you call a subVI, execution passes to the subVI and the calling VI is paused. Since the subVI has no way to stop and return to the main, the while loop in the main is not running and reading the global variable. If you were to drag the subVI outside the while loop, then you would see the global update. You still would need to make the subVI visible in order to be able to press it's stop button. Of course, with the subVI visible, it's front panel is showing the value getting updated and there's no reason to have a global in the main anyway.
    If you want to have a subVI remain hidden, you can't use a while loop with a front panel control that's needed to stop it. Well, you can but that gets kind of complicated. If you do have a subVI and want to update an indictor with a global, the reading of the globabl should be done in a separate while loop. To keep the update in the same loop, don't use a global. You can create a reference to a front panel indicator and pass that to the subVI. The subVI writes to the value property. Here's a real simple example of that in 7.0.
    Reference.llb ‏23 KB

  • Passing a parameter from one class to another class in the same package

    I am trying to pass a parameter from one class to another class with in a package.And i am Getting the variable as null every time.In the code there is two classes.
    We have implemented caching in the front-end level.But according to the business logic we need to clear the cache and again have to access the database after some actions are happened.There are another class file called
    So, we are dealing with three java files.The database interaction is taken care by the file.Below I am giving the code for the perticular function in the
    public Object loadContent() throws Exception {
    Hashtable htStore = new Hashtable();
    JetspeedRunData rundata = this.getInputData();
    String pId = this.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug(" in the portlet content: "+pId);
    pId1=pId;//done by sraha
    htStore.put("PortletId", pId);
    HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();
    "BugWatcherPortletContent:: build normal context");
    HttpSession session = null;
    int bugProfileId = 0;
    Hashtable bugProfiles = null;
    Hashtable bugData = null;
    boolean fetchProfiles = false;
    try {
    session = request.getSession(true);
    // Attempting to get the profiles from the session.
    //If the profiles are not present in the session, then they would have to be
    // obtained from the database.
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) session.getAttribute("Profiles");
    //Getting the selected bug profile id.
    String bugProfileIdObj = request.getParameter("bugProfile" + pId);
    // Getting the logged in user
    String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    if (bugProfiles == null) {
    fetchProfiles = true;
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    // setting the bugprofile id as -1 indicates "all profiles" is selected
    bugProfileIdObj =(String) session.getAttribute("bugProfileId" + pId);
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    bugProfileId = -1;
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    ("bugProfileId" + pId),
    //fetching the bug list
    bugData =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(userId, bugProfileId, fetchProfiles);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("BugWatcherPortletContent:: got bug data");
    if (bugData != null) {
    Hashtable htProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    } else {
    htStore.put("NoProfiles", "Y");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    htStore.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    ("BugWatcherPortletContent:: CodedPortalException!!",e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    "BugWatcherPortletContent::Generic Exception!!",e);
    htStore.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.GET_BUGLIST_FAILED));
    if (fetchProfiles) {
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    session.setAttribute("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    // putting the stuff in the context
    htStore.put("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    htStore.put("SelectedProfile", new Integer(bugProfileId));
    htStore.put("bugs", (ArrayList) bugData.get("Bugs"));
    return htStore;
    And I am trying to call this function as it can capable of fetching the data from the database by "getbugProfiles".
    In the new class I have coded a part of code which actually clears the caching.Below I am giving the required part of the code:
    public void doPerform(RunData rundata, Context context,String str) throws Exception {
    JetspeedRunData data = (JetspeedRunData) rundata;
    HttpServletRequest request = null;
    //PortletConfig pc = portlet.getPortletConfig();
    //String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    /*String userId = ((JetspeedUser)rundata.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    String pId = request.getParameter("PortletId");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);  */
    //Calling the variable holding the value of portlet id from
    //We are getting the portlet id here , through a variable from
    /*BugWatcherPortletContent bgAct = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    String portletID = bgAct.pId1;
    PortalLogger.logDebug("got the portlet ID in bugwatcherRefreshAction:---sraha"+portletID);*/
    // updating the bug groups
    Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
    try {
    request = data.getRequest();
    String userId = ((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    //String pId = (String)request.getParameter("portletId");
    //String pId = pc.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after getting the pId-----sraha");
    result =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(profileId, userId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("select the new bug groups:: select is done ");
    context.put("SelectedbugGroups", profileId);
    //start clearing the cache
    ContentCacheContext cacheContext = getCacheContext(rundata);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching - removing markup content - before removecontent");
    // remove the markup content from cache.
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching-removing markup content - after removecontent");
    //remove the backend content from cache
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName()));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching User: " +((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName());
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching pId: " +pId);
    if (pdata != null)
    // User's data found in cache!
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null- after removeObject");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -finish calling the remove content code");
    //end clearing the cache
    // after clearing the caching calling the data from the database taking a fn from the
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after clearing cache---sraha");
    BugWatcherPortletContent bugwatchportcont = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    Hashtable httable= new Hashtable();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after making the type casting-----sraha");
    Set storeKeySet = httable.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, httable.get(paramName));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after calling the databs data from hashtable---sraha");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    catch (Exception e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.EXCEPTION_CODE));
    try {
    ((JetspeedRunData) data).setCustomized(null);
    if (((JetspeedRunData) data).getCustomized() == null)
    catch (Exception e)
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction", e);
    In the bugwatcher Action there is another function called
    here though i have found the portlet Id but unable to fetch that in the . I am also giving the code of that function under the bugWatcherAction.Java
    // Get the PortletData object from intermediate store.
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(
    pId1 = (String)portlet.getID();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("in the bugwatcher action:"+pId1);
    try {
    Hashtable htStore = null;
    // if PortletData is available in store, get current portlet's data from it.
    if (pdata != null) {
    htStore =(Hashtable) pdata.getObject(     PortletCacheHelper.getUserPortletHandle(
    //Loop through the hashtable and put its elements in context
    Set storeKeySet = htStore.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, htStore.get(paramName));
    bugwatcherRefreshAction bRefAc = new bugwatcherRefreshAction();
    So this is the total scenario for the fetching the data , after clearing the cache and display that in the portal.I am unable to do that.Presently it is still fetching the data from the cache and it is not going to the database.Even the portlet Id is returning as null.
    I am unable to implement that thing.
    If you have any insight about this thing, that would be great .As it is very urgent a promt response will highly appreciated.Please send me any pointers or any issues for this I am unable to do that.
    Please let me know as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,
    Santanu Raha.

    Have you run it in a debugger? That will show you exactly what is happening and why.

  • Passing a parameter from one form to another

    I'm trying to pass a parameter from one form to another. I've read lots of postings about this, and I have succeeded in calling the second form using code behind one of the existing Portal buttons (insert). Here is the code:
    pro_id NUMBER;
    pro_link VARCHAR2(1200);
    pro_id := p_session.get_value_as_number(
    p_block_name => 'DEFAULT',
    p_attribute_name => 'A_PRO_ID');
    pro_link := portal30.wwv_user_utilities.get_url(
    Trouble is, the parameter does not get passed. This could be because:
    the field I'm trying to populate is based on an LOV ?
    the target form is not set up to receive parameters? (I read this somewhere, but how do you do it?)

    Dear InoL
    My Header Form coding as follows.
    When I press the button to move to the lines the following code executes
         IF NOT ID_NULL(pl) THEN
         END IF;
         pl := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST('PL_AT');
         END IF;
    Created PARAMETER as P_AT, Data Type CHAR, MAX LENGTH 30
    Thank you

  • Passing filter values from column formula in OBIEE 10g

    I am trying to pass filter value from the column LY Spend YTD columns where we have a filter option and passing the year filter 2013 as below.
    FILTER("Fact - Purchasing - Invoice"."LY Spend YTD" USING (Time."Year" = '2013'))
    My goal behind doing this is, we have a filter already present for the whole criteria on the year which is 2012.
    But specifically for this column i dont want to pass the year 2012 to it, Instead I want to pass 2013 to it. But I am not succeding the result is blank.
    Please suggest and let me know if further understanding is needed.

    Hi Srini
    Thanks for you reply.
    I cannot do that way because some measures are satisfying with year 2012 and displaying the data and other measure are satisfying with 2013.
    I am working on LY Spend YTD, LY spend YTD - 1, Spend YTD and Year ago spend.
    So thats the reason I have thought that way of passing the filter in column formula irrespective of criteria filter.
    Please suggest.

  • Is it possible to pass  a value from the list to another page..

    Hi everyone,
    I created a (list region) on a page and there is a FORM on the same page.I am trying to pass a value from that page to another page when the user selects one of the list entries.I tried with SET THESE ITEM.. WITH THESE VALUES in the list entries like
    but its not working for me.I want to pass that value only when the user hits that list entry.Is it possible to do.

    Assuming P10_ID is an item on the FORM, I think , the form would have to be posted (submitted) for the item's vaue to be available in session state.

  • Passing a variable from html to java

    I'm trying to pass a value from a coldfusion page to an applet.

    I'm trying to pass a value from a coldfusion page to
    an applet.
    ThanksGood luck! So what part of the code is the problem, or what exactly is your question?

  • Passing multiple paremeters from report through WESubmitLink or WEOpenInTargetLink

    <p>Hello,</p><p>I am trying to pass multiple parameters from one report to another through the WEOpenInTargetLink and WESubmitLink formulas without having the user prompted.</p><p>I can do this using conventional CR methods with change subreport links by simply passing a static value with the same name as the parameter. This passes the parameters to the subreport without prompting. I would like to do the same with the aforementioned formulas.</p><p>is this possible? if so, how? I cannot find any method for doing this in the docs or online.</p><p>Thanks. </p><p>&#160;</p>

    <p>hello, this is indeed possible and one of the main uses of webelements.</p><p>in your case you do not want to use WEOpenInTargetLink as this function is specifically designed for a named browser window or iframe. </p><p>when you are targeting another report, use the WETargetPath function that is in the main webelements folder...placed there as it is a key function to pass values back and forth.</p><p>have a look at the Simple Example report that is in the webelements download. the one thing you would change is the target report though so that the formula containing the submit button would look something like</p><p>stringvar path:= WETargetPath ("rpt", "Name", "insert your target report name", "");<br />WESubmitButton ("Update", path, "");</p><p>jamie</p>

  • Pass a parameter from one ASP portlet to another ASP portlet

    We are trying to pass a parameter from one ASP portlet to one or more other ASP portlets.
    We are using PDK-URL Services and have created a provider.xml for each of the ASPs and the ASPs work as normal within the portlets created.
    We are now trying to use PDK-URL Services to pass parameters to a portlet. As a first step we set up a portlet which displayed an ASP, this ASP (and the portlet) expected a parameter. If the parameter value is left blank the Portlet displays a default page (not the ASP page) for passing in the parameter i.e. a text box and a submit button. If the parameter is entered and submitted the ASP page returns and the results of the query are based on the parameter typed in.
    As the next step what we are now trying to do is pass a parameter from one ASP portlet to another.
    The Documentation says that there are two types of parameters Qualified where Parameters will be passed only to the initiating portlet i.e., portlet which contains them and Unqualified where all portlets will be affected by the parameter sent by any portlet.
    Very little information was available on this, apart from the one liner explanation of each (above).
    When we tested the above, using the PDK sample ("ParamCustomizationPortlet") portlets it doesn't appear to be doing anything in particular.
    Any ideas on the best approach to passing parameters from one ASP portlet to another?
    Thanks for your time.

    We can visualize Qualified and Unqualified parameters only when there are multiple portlet instances in a single page. For example, add two instances of ASP portlet you have created, and submit from one portlet. You can see the other portlet also receiving this parameter, provided you are using unqualified parameters.

  • ORA-00932 when trying to pass ARRAY from Java SP to PL/SQL

    Hi all
    I am trying to pass ARRAYs back and forth between PL/SQL and Java stored procedures. But I keep getting:
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected a return value that is an instance of a user defined Java class convertible to an Oracle type got an object that could not be converted
    Here's my PL/SQL:
    create or replace type CONTENTP.sentences_array as VARRAY(1000) of CLOB
    -- I've also tried .. as TABLE of CLOB and varray/table of VARCHAR2
    proc_clob CLOB;
    SELECT document_body
    into proc_clob
    from documents
    where document_id = 618784;
    arr := processdocument.sentencesplit (proc_clob);
    PROCESSDOCUMENT package definition:
    FUNCTION sentenceSplit(Param1 CLOB)
    LANGUAGE java
    NAME 'com.contentp.documents.ProcessDocument.sentenceSplit(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.ARRAY';
    FUNCTION removeHTML(Param1 CLOB)
    return CLOB
    LANGUAGE java
    NAME 'com.contentp.documents.ProcessDocument.removeHTML(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.CLOB';
    Java sentenceSplit code:
    public static oracle.sql.ARRAY sentenceSplit ( CLOB text) throws IOException, SQLException
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
    String[] arrSentences = sent.getsentences ( CLOBtoString (text) );
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDesc =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("SENTENCES_ARRAY", conn);
    ARRAY ARRSentences = new ARRAY (arrayDesc, conn, arrSentences);
    return ARRSentences;
    I have confirmed that the String[] arrSentences contains a valid string array. So the problem seems to be the creation and passing of ARRSentences.
    I have looked at pages and pages of documents and example code, and can't see anything wrong with my declaration of ARRSentences. I'm at a loss to explain what's wrong.
    Thanks in advance - any help is much appreciated!

    I am trying to do something similar but seems like getting stuck at registerOutParameter for this.
    Type definition:
    type APL_CCAM9.VARCHARARRAY as table of VARCHAR2(100)
    Java Stored Function code:
    public static ARRAY fetchData (ARRAY originAreaCds, ARRAY serviceCds, ARRAY vvpcs) {
    Connection connection = null;
         ARRAY array = null;
         try {
         connection = new OracleDriver ().defaultConnection();
    ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", connection);
    String[] result = new String [2];
    result[0] = "Foo";
    result[1] = "Foo1";
    array = new ARRAY (adString, connection, result);
    connection.commit ();
    return array;
    } catch (SQLException sqlexp) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException exp) {
    return array;
    Oracle Stored Function:
    Java Code calling Oracle Stored Procedure:
    ocs = (OracleCallableStatement) oraconn.prepareCall(queryBuf.toString());
                   ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", oraconn);
                   String[] originAreaCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getGeogAreaCds();
                   ARRAY areaCdArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, originAreaCds);
                   ocs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.ARRAY);
                   ocs.setArray (2, areaCdArray);
                   String[] serviceCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getServiceCds();
                   ARRAY serviceCdsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, serviceCds );
                   ocs.setArray (3, serviceCdsArray);
                   String[] vvpcs = sTDynAllocationVO.getVesselVoyagePortCdCallNbrs();
                   ARRAY vvpcsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, vvpcs);
                   ocs.setArray (4, vvpcsArray);
    ARRAY results = ocs.getARRAY(1);
    Error I get:
    Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=2003
    Thanks for help in advance.

  • I am trying to pass the value of a field from the seeded page /oracle/apps/

    I am trying to pass the value of a field from the seeded page /oracle/apps/asn/opportunity/webui/OpptyDetPG. The value I want is in the VO oracle.apps.asn.opportunity.server.OpportunityDetailsVO and the field PartyName.
    I have created a button on the page whose destination URL is
    It opens the correct page, but in the URL it shows this
    You can see that &CustName is not getting the proper value. Do I need to do something different?

    You cannot call the form with OA.jsp . This is applicable only for OAF based pages registered as a function.
    For calling a Form, use the below example:
    You have to change the application responsibility key and form function name .
    Sudhakar Mani

  • When trying to rent a movie from Apple TV, I'm asked to verify my payment method.  I don't have a credit card but I do have over $100 dollars in iTunes store credit.  How do I get passed this in order to be able to rent movies again?

    When trying to rent a movie from Apple TV, I'm asked to verify my payment method.  I don't have a credit card but I do have over $100 dollars in iTunes store credit.  How do I get passed this in order to be able to rent movies again?

    so i dont understand why i wouldnt be able to purchase the $14.99 movie (unless there's tax or something, but i dont think so?)
    Yes, there is tax.

  • Trying to change my region from uk to New Zealand but comes up with incomplete pass how can I get round this ?

    Trying to change my region from uk to New Zealand but comes up with incomplete pass how can I get round this ?

    Thanks for the Clarification...
    GlenieBoy wrote:
    ... method of payment is not valid in this iTunes Store as it's set to uk..?
    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps... Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...

Maybe you are looking for