Tty & Desktop Environment in azerty, but slim in qwerty o_0

Hi Archers
I've a little problem
On my system, TTY arent in azerty, my desktop environment is in azerty too, but slim login is still in qwerty mode...
Do you know how can i fix it ?
Thx !

EvasiveFR wrote:
Hi Archers
I've a little problem
On my system, TTY arent in azerty, my desktop environment is in azerty too, but slim login is still in qwerty mode...
Do you know how can i fix it ?
Thx !
You need to set your keyboard layout in a HAL information file.  See the Dvorak Wiki for the relevant instructions, but put azerty there, instead.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2009-07-27 15:45:13)

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    Thanks in advance.

    Aakko wrote:
    I'am running Xfce4 and only KDE app I use is Kaffeine for tv-viewing.
    I would like to change KDE theme. Is there a way to get to KDE control panel from Xfce so I could change the theme?
    Assuming you have it installed,
    $ kcontrol
    or you can use kcmshell with the name of the options module you want to use, eg:
    $ kcmshell style
    to change the GUI theme.

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    Last edited by rnarch (2012-04-24 01:37:10)

    I guess Trinity desktop environment is not being supported by most in Archlinux.
    If I have to remove these packages (which are now unnecessary) will following command work all right?
    sudo pacman -Rs kdemod3-complete
    I am asking this because it involves a very large number of packages (a full desktop environment) and I hope it does not break my system which is working well at this time.
    Last edited by rnarch (2012-04-25 00:20:19)

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    vicious = require("vicious")
    volumewidget = widget({ type = "textbox"})
    --    awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q set Master toggle", false) end),
        awful.button({ }, 2, function () awful.util.spawn("xterm -e alsamixer", true)      end)
    --    awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q set Master 2dB+", false) end),
    --    awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q set Master 2dB-", false) end)
    vicious.register(volumewidget, vicious.widgets.volume," $1% ", 2, "Capture")
    supplement :   I entered awesoem DE by   typing in : /bin/su will -l -c "/bin/bash --login -c xinit" (issue "startx" makes no difference) in tty1,  then  awesome startup  on another tty (tty2 ,tty7 e.g.).   
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    [will@will-laptop ~]$ pstree
            │                └─3*[{NetworkManager}]
            │        │         └─{audispd}
            │        └─{auditd}
            │        ├─chrome-sandbox───chrome─┬─chrome─┬─10*[chrome───3*[{chrome}]]
            │        │                         │        └─chrome───12*[{chrome}]
            │        │                         └─nacl_helper_boo
            │        └─25*[{chrome}]
            │                           └─awesome
            │         ├─bash───pstree
            │         ├─gnome-pty-helpe
            │         └─{roxterm}

    Well, if you don't necessarily need pulseaudio, I'd just uninstall it. I've never had any problems with alsa and awesome wm. However, if you need pulseaudio, like I did, then some applications are going to throw errors. Is the sound muted for any sound or just when you use a specific application? If its all applications, try just using alsa and see if the problem persists. If its a specific application, you might not be able to do anything about it depending on the application. Either way, install pavucontrol, which is a great gui for pulseaudio. You might notice that the channel is muted or something else through pavucontrol. Check that dbus is started in the daemons in /etc/rc.conf. Check the troubleshooting section here: … figuration.

  • What custom desktop environment do you use?

    I know one of the reasons I love arch is that you get to build a system from the ground up--you get to build your own desktop environment out of whatever login manager/window manager/file manager/etc you want.
    I'm still experimenting with openbox and slim, so I'm just wondering what everyone else is using to make their computer "their" computer. What's your custom desktop environment built from? Maybe this will be a good starting place for other noobs (like myself), who want to be able to replace gnome or kde without losing all the features.
    btw, what office tools are you using? I don't really like openoffice, and I really don't like abiword.
    thanks for sharing!

    I am a gnome > xfce > lxde-ish > nothing-in-particular convert, so my post will be rather GTK-biased
    Panel-wise...I threw together the visibility iconbox/desktop manager thing and two tweaked dzen scripts (power status and time). It's not so much a panel as it is two blocks in the corners and a large gap in the middle where I can middle click.
    I use gmrun in lieu of Gnome's alt-F2 run dialog. I found that lxtask was a decent task manager. Seems to be unusually CPU-heavy for a task manager, though. I prefer htop. I use hardinfo for computer specs when I can't be bothered to look up the right commands.
    As far as office tools go, I keep Openoffice around for compatibility and those times when vim+latex or geany+latex is overkill. I like gnumeric as a spreadsheet program.
    I use alsamixer to control sound and nitrogen for backgrounds. No login manager here. I just xinit in my ~/.bash_profile . I've installed a lot of browsers for testing (I do a bit of web design), but I generally use uzbl, midori when uzbl doesn't work, and firefox when midori doesn't work.
    Somewhere up there, jasonwryan mentioned the LnF thread. It might be worth also checking out the Crunchbang distro's applications list. The list is not as, well, light and fast, but it does have quite a few not-heavy desktop environment-independent apps.
    PS If thunar isn't working for you, perhaps you might like pcmanfm better?

  • [Solved] Setting my own desktop environment

    Hi, I'm trying to setup my own desktop environment with the following packages:
    * slim
    * metacity
    * compton
    * wbar
    This is my slim conf:
    # Path, X server and arguments (if needed)
    # Note: -xauth $authfile is automatically appended
    default_path /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
    default_xserver /usr/bin/X
    xserver_arguments -nolisten tcp vt07
    # Commands for halt, login, etc.
    halt_cmd /sbin/shutdown -h now
    reboot_cmd /sbin/shutdown -r now
    console_cmd /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat /etc/issue; exec /bin/login"
    #suspend_cmd /usr/sbin/suspend
    # Full path to the xauth binary
    xauth_path /usr/bin/xauth
    # Xauth file for server
    authfile /var/run/slim.auth
    # Activate numlock when slim starts. Valid values: on|off
    numlock on
    # Hide the mouse cursor (note: does not work with some WMs).
    # Valid values: true|false
    # hidecursor false
    # This command is executed after a succesful login.
    # you can place the %session and %theme variables
    # to handle launching of specific commands in .xinitrc
    # depending of chosen session and slim theme
    # NOTE: if your system does not have bash you need
    # to adjust the command according to your preferred shell,
    # i.e. for freebsd use:
    # login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
    login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
    # Commands executed when starting and exiting a session.
    # They can be used for registering a X11 session with
    # sessreg. You can use the %user variable
    # sessionstart_cmd some command
    # sessionstop_cmd some command
    # Start in daemon mode. Valid values: yes | no
    # Note that this can be overriden by the command line
    # options "-d" and "-nodaemon"
    # daemon yes
    # Set directory that contains the xsessions.
    # slim reads xsesion from this directory, and be able to select.
    sessiondir /usr/share/xsessions/
    # Executed when pressing F11 (requires imagemagick)
    screenshot_cmd import -window root /slim.png
    # welcome message. Available variables: %host, %domain
    welcome_msg Bienvenido a %host
    # Session message. Prepended to the session name when pressing F1
    # session_msg Session:
    # shutdown / reboot messages
    shutdown_msg The system is halting...
    reboot_msg The system is rebooting...
    # default user, leave blank or remove this line
    # for avoid pre-loading the username.
    #default_user simone
    # Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
    # Set to "yes" to enable this feature
    #focus_password no
    # Automatically login the default user (without entering
    # the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
    #auto_login no
    # current theme, use comma separated list to specify a set to
    # randomly choose from
    current_theme archlinux-slim-theme-whitey
    # Lock file
    lockfile /var/lock/slim.lock
    # Log file
    logfile /var/log/slim.log
    Now, my desktop entry for the sessions, which is located $HOME/.config/joelDE/joelDE.desktop:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Mi entorno de escritorio
    I made the symlink: ln -s /home/joel/.config/joelDE/joelDE.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/joelDE.desktop and it DOES appears in slim sessions (F1), now jolDE script:
    # mi propio entorno
    (sleep 1s && metacity --replace &)
    bash $HOME/.fehbg &
    xscreensaver -no-splash &
    (sleep 1s && compton --config $HOME/.config/compton.conf -b) &
    (sleep 1s && wbar) &
    and finally my .xinitrc:
    # ~/.xinitrc
    if [[ ! "$1" ]]; then
    setxkbmap -layout latam
    if [ -z "$GTK_PATH" ] ; then
    export GTK_PATH
    if [ -z "$GTK_MODULES" ] ; then
    export GTK_MODULES
    export LANG=es_MX.UTF-8
    echo ${WM_Name} >$HOME/DE_name.txt
    if [ ${WM_Name} != "startxfce4" ]; then
    export DESKTOP_SESSION=${WM_Name}
    export GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0
    exec dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session ${WM_Name} >$HOME/xinitrc-log.txt 2>&1
    exec ${WM_Name} >$HOME/xinitrc-log.txt 2>&1
    # :~ EOF
    This is the thing: after choosing "joelDE" in slim sessions it shows a black screen and rerun slim...
    1.- Doesn't SLim run x11?
    2.- If not, how do I call it?
    Last edited by Joel (2014-07-14 04:37:30)

    Try moving the metacity line in joelDE to the end of the file and remove the last '&':
    # mi propio entorno
    bash $HOME/.fehbg &
    xscreensaver -no-splash &
    (sleep 1s && compton --config $HOME/.config/compton.conf -b) &
    (sleep 1s && wbar) &
    sleep 1s && metacity --replace
    With startx, and I think that this is true for SLiM as well, your X session will last as long as your ~/.xinitrc (or, I think more technically, the exec $whatever that may be at the end of the file).  So if everything in ~/.xinitrc forks (or in your case, your joelDE script), that script will complete immediately, and the X session will exit with it.

  • What's a good desktop environment/general system UI for a television?

    So right now I just upgraded to Arch (without planning to do so, but that's another story) on my media station, and I'm trying to figure out what desktop environment to use with it.  It is hooked up to an old analog TV as the only display (I do most of my configuration via ssh and the command line), and my wife (who's not a Linux user by any stretch) uses it a lot.
    I'm finding Gnome 3 (since it had Gnome on it before I just went with that) is really not suited to this purpose.  It seems to want things like a higher resolution than what can be readable easily on the TV, and if I set it to a lower resolution setting menus will get pushed off the screen.  I also prefer something where I can do all the configuration from the command line, because I'm usually going to be configuring it remotely.
    What the media station does normally is play videos in VLC (either saved video files or DVDs), play YouTube videos in a browser, and move around and delete files on the desktop with a mouse.  The way the keyboard is set up it's hard to use as well.  So I'm wanting something that makes all of those really simple with the constraints of a low resolution TV, and avoids needing the keyboard if at all possible.
    Any suggestions?
    Bonus points if people can come up with a way that someone can easily move around and delete the files from a browser on a Windows machine, as that's what my wife has with her a lot when she's sitting at the couch.  She doesn't want to install anything on that computer or use things like Windows filesharing though.

    LXDE isn't optimal if CLI configuration matters to you... but does this really matter if you expect to set it up once and be done with it?
    Openbox' XML syntax is needlessly annoying if you don't want to use the optional GUIs or other little helpers, I'd go with a simple window manager rather than a DE.
    Fluxbox is easy, text-friendly and doesn't require a DE on top to meet modern expectations. Personally, I think a well-tweaked FVWM beats the pants off anything else.
    Nevertheless, debugging the wife seems to be a higher priority for now... with good suggestions already.

  • LightDM-devel does not allow to change desktop environment

    I'm new to Arch and I'm trying LightDM under systemd as my display manager. I don't know if this is the right place to ask about it, since it involves a package from AUR but if anyone can help me, I'll appreciate it.
    I am currently using XFCE4 as my desktop environment. Since I need to switch user and language quite often, the current LightDM version available in pacman does not work for me since it has a bug that prevents it from reading the language selection correctly ( Therefore, I'm trying the development version available in AUR which corrects the language problem but introduces a new one.
    Because I am new to systemd and LightDM, I'm afraid I have ask the following newbie question. On the first time that I log in, I am able to select language and desktop environment but if I log out and try to log in again, I notice a few strange things. First of all I see that the user name is in bold letters, as if the user would be still logged in. I also notice that I am not longer able to change my desktop session or language, but if I select another user I am able to do it (unless of course, I have already logged in witht this second user, in which case the problem is the same). If I reboot or restart lightdm, I am able once again to select session and language but just like before, only once until next restart. Is this the normal behaviour of lightdm or should i report this as a bug?
    Please, let me know if I'm omitting any important information regarding my system or configuration that may be responsible for this behaviour.
    Last edited by pedroobv (2013-08-02 22:46:20)

    Hello Liza,
    Did you try my solution?
    [Re: Change source system name in variant in BWQ]
    There are solutions to change variants properties, but that particular program has the logsys parameter not able to change, so you cannot change the value of that variant (only with debug).
    It's best to go for that solution I already provided to you...

  • Do I need to reinstall desktop environment for each user?

    I have installed xwindows and the i3 desktop environment on my root account by mistake.  I created a user account and logged into it, but I could not start a xwindows because it wasn't installed on that account.  Do I need to reinstall everything on the new user or is there a way to copy everything over?

    offtopic @Xyne
    What I am still wondering is if using xorg wrap is a hack as opposed to some "cleaner" systemd solution.
    Well, simply not using Xwrapper.config, then Xorg will handle this on it's own (see man page extract below). I don't think Openbox has problems with this, so I think the problems you had would have to be looked at separately. But maybe better on their own topic...
    'man Xorg.wrap'
    By default Xorg.wrap will autodetect if root rights are necessary, and if
    not it will drop its elevated rights before starting the real X server. By
    default Xorg.wrap will only allow executing the real X server from login
    sessions on a physical console.
    When auto-detecting the wrapper will drop rights if kms graphics are avail‐
    able and not drop them if no kms graphics are detected. If a system has
    multiple graphics cards and some are not kms capable auto-detection may
    fail, in this case manual configuration should be used.
    You're a bit late on that one

  • What is the best Desktop Environment in Arch Linux?

    Hello, Arch Community! I am having troubble desiding which DE to install on my new Arch box. I have narrowed it down to KDE, GNOME, and Xfce.
    I like KDE's customization but I also like GNOME's simplicity. Xfce is lightweight, but in previous experience GNOME apps such as NetworkManagerApplet don't run that well with it and I had troubble with Compiz Fusion in Xfce. Please help me decide. Please don't tell me that it is 'apples and oranges' or any crap like that. I just want an answer that talks about performance and customization, etc.
    BTW I am glad to return to Arch after getting sick of Fedora's massive updates. I am in love with Arch's rolling release cycle.
    Last edited by theDBANfan (2009-07-26 03:00:32)

    you dont even need a proper desktop environment, thats part of the reason i like arch so much, you can use ~/.xinitrc as your own personal desktop environment.
    just put what you want in your ~/.xinitrc
    this is mine
    xbindkeys &
    lxde-settings-daemon &
    xfdesktop &
    xfwm4 &
    xfce4-panel &
    exec ck-launch-session startlxde
    i have the minimal lxde install (just lxde-common, lxde-settings-daemon & lxsession-lite + lxapperance for my themes) so all my settings like themes  etc... are loaded on boot then i just added the panel i wanted, the window manager i wanted etc...
    if you want a fast minimal install with only the apps you want then do something similar, load somekind of settings manager so all your settings are loaded every time you boot then pick and choose you favorite panel, window manager etc...

  • I want to try a window manager WITHOUT desktop environment

    Hello everyone, I am now using Gnome, but I want to try something lightweight.
    My main concern here is the system tray which I rely heavily, there are several things importmant to me:
    1 network manager. As I'm using gnome, I use gnome-network-manager to manage WIFI.
    2 SCIM. I have to input language other than English, but I don't care if there is no icon in system tray
    3 battery monitor and extras(e.g. volumn control, time, etc) which are not necessary, but would be good if there is replacement.
    Is there any tutorial/guide for a building a system like this(without desktop environment) on Arch?
    Thanks !

    Hi Olnex,
    Try running pypanel and idesk from the .xinitrc or .xsession file in your homedir.
    Every application there should be executed when you start your window manager.
    Don't forget to call them with an '&', so that the application runs in the background (e.g. pypanel &).
    As a file manager i'm mainly using midnight commander in a terminal.
    For USB managing i'm not a big help, i'm afraid.
    I'm using hal/udev-rules for automount at the moment, and unmount drives manually. So i'm not familiar with any GUI for that.
    Just search the forum a little, there is a lot of information in it.
    Don't be afraid to try out new packages.

  • Impossible to start the desktop environment after upgrade failure

    Hello, after a long time without doing upgrades on my archlinux, I tried it once today. The upgrade failed, there were some packages conflit. Then nautilus and terminal were unable to be launched, so I restarted my PC. But when it's supposed to display the login window, the screen became black with a little clock instead of the mouse point.
    Anyone can tell me how can I recovery my desktop environnement please?
    If it isn't possible, how can I copy my data on a USB disk?
    Thank you.

    First question, is the gdm daemon in your rc.conf or your inittab?
    If it is in the inittab, then append the number 3 to the end of the grub kernel init string. This will boot to runlevel 3, and leave you in a text console.
    If it is in rc.conf...well, if you can Ctrl+Alt+Bkspc out of the X session with the little clock, then just run from the console, then that's easy. Otherwise switch to another console (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and log in, then try doing
    killall gdm
    As a last resort, you can always boot to single user by putting 1 at the end of the grub init string instead of 3.
    After you are in the console, then try doing xinit /usr/bin/gnome-session and see if it works. If not, then you can try rolling back packages and whatnot.
    Also, check /var/log/pacman.log and paste the failures you got.

  • Cannot access desktop environment, neither gnome nor awesome

    Hi All,
    My Archlinux has been installed for a while when suddenly, maybe after one `yaourt -Syu` and reboot, cannot reach my desktop environment(gnome).
    At first, it seems like gdm doesn't run. So I manually run it, but the gnome reports an error in the GUI (the error is very general, so I have no idea what happened at all). Then I tried to install awesome, but I can't access to it as well.
    I've tried to switch my graphical driver from nouveau to nvidia, but I still can't get into Gnome. Surprisingly, I get into awesome successfully. However, I failed to open any terminal or application but quit awesome.
    I've tried to replace sysvinit with systemd-sysvcompat after switching my graphical driver back to nouveau. By doing that, gdm seems to run at boot up, but I still can access Gnome, because the computer just halt and the graphical interface never come up. Neither can I access awesome.
    I can't figure out where the problem is. My desktop environment used to function normal for a long time. What could possibly be wrong after any upgrade?

    1)  What was updated.
    2)  What are the errors.
    3)  What can you find in the various logs and/or journal.

  • [Help] Setup a Vim-like desktop environment

    The funny thing is that I don't know absolutely how to work with Vim, but I want to learn it by building a "desktop environment" based on vim and (mostly) on terminal apps that behave like Vim.
    And of course I need the help of the Arch community!
    Well first of all I probably need a good tutorial (except vimtutor) to start learning vim behaivour and keybindings: Have you got any suggestions?
    Then I need ideas about software: of course I prefer to use stable, maintained and lightweight software that is in the repos, or at least in the AUR.
    Following is my list: I will add your suggestions and clarify my choices here.
    Help me to build my Vim-like-environment!
    Login Manager: none
    Window Manager: i3
    Editor: vim (of course)
    Terminal: urxvtd + urxvtc
    File Manager: vifm
    Image Viewer: feh
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    Browser: uzbl-tabbed
    Email Client: mutt
    IRC: weechat
    IM: bitlbee
    Music: ncmpcpp
    Video: mplayer
    Network: netcfg
    Have your say!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-04-13 21:15:35)

    Login Manager: none
    => I don't use one either
    Window Manager: wmii (never used one, this one has my vote for now. Feel free to suggest others.)
    => I use dwm, but that's probably just a matter of preference. They behave in the same way.
    Editor: vim (of course)
    => Vim here too.
    Terminal: urxvt
    => I use urxvtd (daemon) and connect with urxvtc (clients) This saves resources if you open up a lot of terminals.
    File Manager: vifm
    => I got hooked to Midnight Commander. Tried vifm, but I never really got into it as much as I did in MC. But no vi keybindings in MC and that has been bothering me since the beginning... MC with vi keybindings would be the perfect filemanager though.
    Image Viewer: feh
    => I use this one too.
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    => Didn't know about this one! Thanks!
    Browser: vimperator? uzbl? vimprobable? surf?
    => I use vimperator. Uzbl is too unusable without a lot of configuration and for surf I don't know wether it had vi keybindings. But I didn't know vimprobable and I will try it out when I get home! Thanks again. ^^
    Email Client: muttator? mutt? (re)alpine? sup?
    => mutt here. It is great. I write gpg encrypted mail using vim, abook is used to import contacts.
    IRC: weechat? irssi? ii?
    IM: bitlbee? minbif?
    => Didn't know minbif, but I use irssi and bitlbee. It's cool.
    Music: ncmpcpp? cmus? moc?
    => I use moc. It doesn't have vi keybindings though, but it's ui is simple and clean. I like it. You could also check out "herrie".
    Video: mplayer
    => You don't need anything else. ^^
    If you use mutt, I can also suggest Newsbeuter for RSS feeds, because it behaves just like mutt.
    Last edited by Rockwolf (2010-01-26 13:02:01)

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    I have downloaded Mtn Lion successfully but get this error when trying to install 'this copy of the install can't be verified. It may have been corrupted or tampered with during download. delete this copy and download a new one' I have done that and

  • CALC_EACH_PERIOD for NEXT(%variable%) Partially working

    Hi, I have several parameters: TIME= input by prompt METRIC = Importe , $$ obtained by CV in template NEXT(X)= number of periods (months) in the future, in which the value Importe is going to be posted. CALC_EACH_PERIOD= logic used for posting Import