TV Show Listings Last To First ?

When i view my tv shows in iTunes there like this
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
ect ect
But on my Appletv there listed like this
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Why are they not listed like i have on iTunes as i have to scroll all the way down to watch the
start of the season of what ever show i have in appletv ?
Hope someone can help
All the best

Apple appear to have chosen to list TV shows in reverse order (by date for by date listings and by episode for by show listings), I assume they have done this to place the newest TV shows at the top of the list, as unlike itunes the tv can only show a handful of shows at once without scrolling.

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    First try the following:
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         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
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    where you can check the Show Library Folder checkbox.
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    Fix #1
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    2 - run Option #4 to rebuild the database.
    Fix #2
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    5 - Click on the Create button.
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    I don't have any problem with my system. My guess is there is something there you aren't quite getting. I'd recommend a visit to your Apple Store, AASP or to contact AppleCare so they can coach you personally.
    You can also play with the Address Book Preferences. However to see how changing a Preference affects the Address Book drag the Preferences window off of the Address Book so you can see both the Preferences window and Address Book Windows. Then toggle a Preference and you will see it instantly changes in the Address Book. 

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    Further questions about this script should be directed either to its author or to Microsoft's Entourage newsgroup <>.
    Hope this helps! bill
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    Have you tried Mail Preferences?
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    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
                   reversed = false;
                   reversed = true;
    public void setImageFile(java.lang.String imageFile) {
         fieldImageFile = imageFile;
    /* Get and download the image for the new postcard background */
    backgroundImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( fieldImageFile );
         MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker( this );
         mt.addImage( backgroundImage, 0 );
              mt.waitForID( 0 );          
         catch( InterruptedException ie )
         mt.removeImage(backgroundImage, 0);
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    {     if( backgroundImage != null )
         g.drawImage( backgroundImage, 0, 0, this );
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    The only way would be to change the display order of the AB to use <FileAs> which in turn requires that the default order for the <FileAs> field is configured to be <Last, First>.
    Way to change the AB display order is by going into Account Settings (you don't mention which version of Outlook is in use) or with Outlook closed, use the Control Panel <Mail> app to open the profile
    - click on the <AddressBooks> tab
    - highlight Outlook AddressBook
    - click <Change> and select the appropriate <Show Names> option
    Note: if your current default FileAs setting is not configured to be <Last, First> - you will need to <bulk> change all existing contact items since any change to the FileAs default setting only applies to newly created contacts.
    Karl Timmermans [Outlook MVP] "Outlook Contact Import/Export/Data Mgmt"

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    I have set the window enough space,  also when  debuging the program , open_form, write_form,
    all of those sy-subrc = 0.
    both static texts and dynamic texts are set  in the window,   but only the last line shown.
    Anyone could help me?
    Thanks a lot.
    Julie Lv

    There are several possibilities to resolve your problem.
    You can work with 2 main windows on in1 page.
    With NEW-WINDOW you switch to the next main-window
    How to use it.
    make an item in main window with that /: NEW-WINDOW command
    if you are ready with first loop call a WRITE_FORM with that NEW-WINDOW statement.
    to cojntinue in the other main.
    Other possibility is. (in case there are not ot many lines)
    Use for every line other variable names.
    Fill these in the loop. And after loop WRITE FORM
    eg. (if maximum is 3 lines)
    &VAR1_1& &VAR1_2& &VAR1_3& &VAR1_4&
    &VAR2_1& &VAR2_2& &VAR2_3& &VAR2_4&
    &VAR3_1& &VAR3_2& &VAR3_3& &VAR3_4&
    Hope this helps.
    Gr., Frank

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    Any information would be appreciated. Below are my system specs, if it helps.
    Os: Windows7 x64
    iTunes version:

    This is by design.
    If you import an updated MP that is modifying the Incident class all Incident objects are updated to reflect the modifications of the updated MP.
    For instance: If you remove two obsolet enum values and import the updated MP in SCSM, in all Incident objects the obsolte enum property values will be removed = Updated Incident object = Last Modified Date will change.
    Hope this helps.
    Andreas Baumgarten | H&D International Group

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == always??!

    Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Remember passwords for sites"
    Tools > Options > Privacy > History: "Remember search and form history"

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    Hi Css1492,
    I think this is a setting in the driver. 
    Follow these steps to check the print settings.
    Click the Windows icon, click All Programs, click HP, click the folder for your HP printer, and then click the icon for your HP printer. The printer software opens.
    NOTE:You can also open the HP printer software from your computer desktop: double-click the icon for your HP printer.
    Click Print & Scan, and then click Set Preferences. The Printing Preferences dialog box opens.
    Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Options dialog box opens.
    Layout Options:  You should be able to select from  "Front to Back"  or "Back to Front" 
    Select "Front to Back" to have the first page print first. 
    Click OK, and then click OK again to apply the settings.
    Let me know if this helps!
    I am an HP Employee

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