TV Show Release Dates

Is there a way to edit a tv show's release date in itunes so 'unknown release date' doesn't show up on your ipod? It shows up under the episode's title on the ipod. The shows were ripped from my DVDs but I cannot enter this information or even stop 'unknown release date' from showing.
i have a 120G ipod classic
when you right click and look in the episodes info there is a place to enter the year, but not the date. entering the year does not fix this problem. i'd like to be able to do it without having to download another program.

Sorry. I was making a suggestion that you look with google.
Without going into details -- how is this related to Apple computers and getting online and networking?
Perhaps someone on the discussions at abc will have something for you.
"so" you're welcome.
have a nice day.

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    Message was edited by: downinitjr

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    Hi Daniel Reilly,
    I understand that your TV show episodes may be showing an incorrect release date. I would like to recommend that you report an issue with these purchases using this link:
    Report an problem with an item you bought from the iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    I read your post earlier when I was searching around for the same thing and felt like coming back to share the knowledge I've gained.
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    I agree that Apple should improve the year field to be an actual date.
    I am not 100% happy doing this, but when you have multiple albums from a single artist for the same release year, a temporary solution is to chage the album title by adding an outline type letter before album titles for that year, so that they appear in the correct order:
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    a. Low
    David Bowie
    b. "Heroes"
    This could help in the short term until Apple changes that field.

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    I also don't know why these forums don't have an "iTunes store" section.
    You mean like this? -> Using iTunes Store with Windows
    or this ? -> Using iTunes Store with iTunes for Mac
    It is the same regardless of what operating system you run your client on.
    The actual store is the same though iTunes is slightly different, such as some of the options and key presses.
    If someone were having problems, the first question I would ask is what computer and OS is being used.
    If a question is posted in the *Using iTunes Store with Windows forum*, I won't need to ask.

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    Thanks in Advance.

    Verify the table T161M has the values
    kvewe = 'B'
    kappl = 'EL'
    druvo = 1
    kschl = LHPA
    as mentioned in the code.
    The solution is add in SPAD the

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