Two cases??

So, I ordered a bumper with my iPhone. Got both. Love both.
Yesterday, Apple sends me an email that they are refunding the price of the bumper. Great!
Today Apple sends me ANOTHER email that my iPhone is eligible for a free case.
Should I try to get a second case free? Would it work?

There is an argument to be made for people who purchased bumpers already and want another case.
I purchased a bumper because that was the only case available at the time of my iPhone purchase. Now, Apple is offering access to bumpers AND third party cases. So people who bought bumpers already as non-complaining loyal Apple customers now are robbed of that choice? We have to stick with the only case that was available at the time?
I would gladly send my bumper back and get a fresh choice from all of the varieties for a new free case (so I am not double dipping, which I agree is dishonest if you are an actual Apple fan).
Seems like the person who FAILED to get a case will now be better off than those who bought them right away.

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    Message was edited by:
    hb venki

    Please suggest me,is it possible to add two case
    or Eg:
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    AND ics_mtrl_code BETWEEN '651000' and
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    AND ics_mtrl_code BETWEEN '655000' and
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    This looks like you are trying to nest more than one case statement. This can be done if you provide the correct syntax ensuring that each case statement follows the case when ... else ... end syntax... e.g.
    SQL> select x,y, y/x from t;
             X          Y        Y/X
             1         97         97
             2         96         48
             3         97 32.3333333
             4        100         25
             5        105         21
             6        112 18.6666667
             7        121 17.2857143
             8        132       16.5
             9        145 16.1111111
            10        160         16
            11        177 16.0909091
            12        196 16.3333333
            13        217 16.6923077
            14        240 17.1428571
            15        265 17.6666667
            16        292      18.25
            17        321 18.8823529
            18        352 19.5555556
            19        385 20.2631579
            20        420         21
    20 rows selected.
    SQL> select x, y, case when mod(x,2)=0 then
      2                 case when y/x < 17 then 1 else 0 end
      3               else
      4                 case when y/x > 17 then 1 else 0 end
      5               end as z
      6  from t;
             X          Y          Z
             1         97          1
             2         96          0
             3         97          1
             4        100          0
             5        105          1
             6        112          0
             7        121          1
             8        132          1
             9        145          0
            10        160          1
            11        177          0
            12        196          1
            13        217          0
            14        240          0
            15        265          1
            16        292          0
            17        321          1
            18        352          0
            19        385          1
            20        420          0
    20 rows selected.
    Or else how can i add this two column like
    recpt1 = ics1 - ics2; plz suggestionAnd this looks like you want to perform a calculation on two of the resultant formula which you would achieve through nesting your query inside another query and performing the calculation on the nested queries columns which you have aliased.

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    The CAS in the internet facing site will proxy to the CAS in the non-internet facing site. And you do have a cert on that CAS in Site B. The default built-in one. However, if you have clients in Site B, you should replace that built-in cert with one that
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    Understanding Proxying and Redirection
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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    Both plans will work. You can generate a cert for each individual CAS with the correct subject names on each cert relative to the CAS that you will enable it on or create one cert with the correct subject names that cover both CAS and export and import
    the cert from one CAS to the other. Up to you.
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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    Hello all,
    I'm fairly new to LabVIEW and I'm trying to collec​t data from multiple sources with synchronized tim​ing on the acquisition but I'm having trouble figu​ring it out. My problem is that I've got two count​er frequency inputs, one optical tachometer readin​g one pulse per revolution, and a max machinery fl​ow meter with a k factor of 12000. I can't seem to​ figure out how to sync the timing with my multiple analog inputs. I've be​en attempting to get the tachometer  to sync with ​the analog inputs first by following the example l​inked here. ( So far each time I run it I either get a timeout e​rror on the DAQmx read or a "Multiple sample clock​ pulses were detected" error (see attached image).  It seems if I slow the sampling rate way down to ​say 10 hz and ensure that the tachometer signal is​ over 800-1000 RPM (13-17 Hz) before starting the VI then the program will run without errors until ​the RPM drops below that threshold then the "Multi​ple sample clock pulses" error occurs.  The code is attached below.
    Does anyone know of a more effective way of syncin​g counter frequency inputs with analog inputs?  I'd like to have a VI that can show 0 RPM (and ev​entually 0 flow as well, but I think I need to fig​ure out the timing of one counter before I add ano​ther as it seems I can't have two counters in the ​same task). Any help on this would be greatly appr​eciated.
    LabVIEW version 13.0
    cDAQ-9178 Chassis with NI 9401 for the two counter inputs and NI 9205 for the analog inputs.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏44 KB
    LV_Error.JPG ‏31 KB

    Maybe third times the charm? 
    So I've finally got a good handle on why the VI is having problems at low RPM though I'm somewhat embarassed how long it took me to do that
    Because I have the counter time synced to my Analog input task if it doesn't see at least two pulses between the two clock pulses set by the analog input task I get the -201314 "Multiple sample clock pulses" error. This seems fine at first as it just sets a minimum RPM that I can measure and it's well below the area I'm interested in so no problems there.  I tried a simple error handler that would clear the error when it happend assuming the loop would keep iterating until the RPM went above that minimum at which point I would get a signal again. This is not the case, the read function just continues to spit out the -201314 error even after the RPM is back in the readable range. So then I tried adding two case structures so that when the error occured it would stop the task, clear the error, and then start the task again on the next loop iteration (Code Attached). This also doesn't work as the error shows up again on the stop task and then AGAIN on the start task on the next loop iteration. It seems this error is not actually being cleared and once it happens it stays with the task regardless of what the error cluster is carrying. 
    Anyone have any ideas?  The only solution I can think of is to just clear all tasks and recreate them each loop iteration until the RPM is readable again but that strikes me as a horribly clunky solution.
    SimpleDAQ_1_Start ‏48 KB

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    While multiadressing may get you "synchronous" enough it's by no means a guarantee that both instruments will really react equally fast when receiving the trigger command over the GPIB bus. For true hardware synchronized operation you will have to use the trigger bus on the back of the device to connect them together, select one of the 4 trigger lines to use and set them up correctly on both instruments, one as input and one as output and then send the trigger command to the device that drives the trigger line. That will give you synchronisation to microseconds accurate. GPIB multi addressing will be in the range of several milliseconds and sequential GPIB in the range of maybe 100 milliseconds. 
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Nothing I have read gives me to believe I can have Appletalk active on more than one network port. If that is the case, my second question would be:
    I there some other way to print to either printer on the network without having to turn off Appletalk manually on the ports not being used?
    Here's the configuration I'm facing
    G4 Quicksilver 10.3.9
    HP Laserjet 2100M with wireless Belkin DP-311P print server
    Brother HL-2700CN wired to Belkin Wireless-G router
    I would appreciate any help on this, even if it's the simple response, "No, you can't print to both without manually de/activating Appletalk."

    for file sharing between computers running 10.4.x and 10.3.x.
    actually, not for that either. 10.4 has dropped support for AppleTalk-only File Sharing to make way for Intel Macs and their protocols. 10.4 does still support AppleTalk printing.
    AppleTalk would be required to print to older Apple LaserWriters that do not support LPD/LPR printing. In all but two cases, the printers have no Ethernet port, so a Bridge device or software would be required:
    Personal LaserWriter NTR
    Personal LaserWriter 320
    LaserWriter Select 310
    LaserWriter Select 360
    LaserWriter 4/600 PS
    LaserWriter IIf
    LaserWriter IIg (Ethernet)
    LaserWriter Pro 600
    LaserWriter Pro 630 (Ethernet)
    Some third-party wireless Access points do not pass AppleTalk packets at all, and cannot be used to print to that class of older LaserWriters.
    In 10.3.9 and previous, AppleTalk may still be used for File Sharing with older Macs.
    Q840AV,5500,G3 AIO,G3 B&W,G4/867   Other OS   and 9.2, 10.3 and Server - LW IIg, LW 4/600, ATalk ImageWriter LQ

  • Service Tax Treatment in case of Crebit Note in Deferred Tax Transfer Prog

    Dear All,
    I have done the Configuration related to the Deferred Tax Transfer Programme and also its working fine. Incase regular case, that booking vendor invoice then make the vendor payment & then transfer the service tax credit from Interim Account to Final account through the Deferred Tax Transfer Programme.
    Now my issue is I have two cases
    1. I have booked a Vendor Invoice & also make a payment of that invoice to Vendor and also transfer the serice tax through Def Tax Prog and afterwarsd we received a credit note of 50% with Ser Tax
    2. I have booked the vendor invoice but not make the vendor payment & I received the credit note for the 50% with Ser Tax
    So please suggest me the way for booking this service tax related entries (considering the deferred tax programme )  & how this will transfer through Deferred Tax Programme.
    Points will be fully assured for helpfull answer.

    The problem is solved

  • Execute default case unless user presses one of several event buttons, in which case execute a different case only once.

    Hello everyone,
    I am communicating with a serial device using the VISA functions. My VISA commands are inside a loop, and per loop itteration I am sending a default command and receiving a message back from my device. However, I would like to incoroporate two non-default cases, which are to be initiated by buttons on the front pannel. When pressed, a corresponding command should be sent to the serial device only once, and then I'd like to go back to the default case. The message coming back fromt the device should be a string, common to all cases - I don't want a separate string per case. How can this be done efficiently?
    I tried to do a three-case case structure, but I haven't figured out how to use boolean switch buttons for more than two cases (I prefer buttons to a drop-down menu selection). I also tried an event structure (which I have no experience using), but these remain idle, and I can't figure out how to make a default case run actively.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Go to Solution.

    An event structure has a time out event which you could wire a value to.  The default value (nothing wired to it) is -1 which means never timeout.  You can put in a 0 which means zero timeout, execute the timeout case immediately if some other event hasn't already been queued.  Or put in any value meaning milliseconds.  Wait that many milliseconds and execute the timeout case if another event hasn't happened in the mean time.
    Do combine multiple boolean buttons, build them into an array.  Then search 1-D array for the first true.  A -1 means none are true, a number from 0 to n-1 means that particular element of the array is true.  So you just feed the value to the case structure.  (-1,default   0    1     2    ...)

  • Multipart request is garbled in case of binary file (excel)

    I am having problem in uploading file in our portal application.
    We have a 10g portal server ( Authentication is done using coreid.
    We have a http apache server hosted on a different machine with webgate plugin protecting all the request. Coreid is hosted on a different machine. So we have three machines, one for http server, one for portal server and one for coreid. The request is SSL request.
    When I submit a multipart request, I am not able to upload the file. When I printed the whole request in a file, I could see header of file item (which contains filename, content type etc.) is getting stripped off. Not only this, any html element above "file" element in the form is also stripped off. This happens only in case of binary file. Uploading text files works fine.
    Above case is when I submit the request to http apache server.
    Now if I submit the multipart request directly to portal server, file upload works fine, both for text and binary (excel).
    What is different in these two cases:
    In case of first case request is going thru http server and webgate. SSL is configured in http server, so request is SSL request.
    In second case, submitting directly to portal server, the request is not over SSL.
    Please help me solving this problem.
    Help is greatly appreciated.
    Rana Biswas

    Would like to add another thing, the problem is not limited to portal application. I created two simple jsps one form and another to receive the multipart request and deployed it in a separate application, which is NOT a portal application.
    Same problem is there.
    Rana Biswas

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    Suppose the client typed the following:
    GET /xxx/index.html<ENTER>
    (Response header and Entity body here)
    if the user typed:
    GET /xxx/index.html<ENTER>
    (Response header and Entity body here)
    How can I solve the above two cases?
    I have used the folowing statement but it fails, why?
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream( )));
    String request = null;
    request = in.readLine();
    Another problem in my WebServerThread is the output to the screen as shown in below: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read
    at Method)

    A second <ENTER> following directly after another will appear as empty line when you use in.readLine().

  • Count distinct in case statement

    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    ELSE 0
    END) AS UNIQUE_COUNT, /* Not possible */
    THEN A.AMT_1
    ELSE 0
    THEN A.AMT_2
    ELSE 0
    TABLE_B B,
    This is a simplified version of my query.
    I am trying to do 4 things here,
    1. count A.M_ID
    2. count distinct A.M_ID, this is where I have a problem.
    3. and 4. Its just the sum from 2 diff columns.
    Note that the dates for count and amt are different and I can't hard code them.
    Can any one help me in the distinct count step?
    This query is also running kinda slow.
    So any suggestions, comments are very welcome.
    Note: TABLE_A has 700 million recs, TABLE_B 4 million and TABLE_c is just 500 recs

    Taking advantage of the fact that most aggregate functions ignore nulls, you could do something like:
    SELECT a.p_id, b.p_name, c.p_desc,
                                          ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE(sysdate)),-1) AND
                           a.m_id IS NOT NULL THEN m_id END) AS countall,
                                        ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE(sysdate)),-1) AND
                         a.m_id IS NOT NULL THEN a.m_id END) AS unique_count, /* entirely possible */
                                        ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE(sysdate)),-1) THEN a.amt_1
                    ELSE 0 END) AS total_amt_1,
                                        ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(TO_DATE(sysdate)),-1) THEN A.AMT_2
                    ELSE 0 END) AS TOTAL_AMT_2
    FROM table_a a, table_b b, table_c c
    WHERE a.p_id = b.p_id and
          b.pt_id = c.pt_id
    GROUP BY a.p_id, b.p_name, c.p_descThe two case statements inside the COUNT return either a.m_id or NULL. A simplified test case is:
    SQL> WITH t as (
      2     SELECT 1 m_id, 9 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      3     SELECT 1 m_id, 6 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      4     SELECT 2 m_id, 9 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      5     SELECT 2 m_id, 6 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      6     SELECT 1 m_id, 5 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      7     SELECT 2 m_id, 5 dt FROM dual UNION ALL
      8     SELECT null m_id, 9 dt FROM dual)
      9  SELECT count(CASE WHEN dt BETWEEN 6 and 9 THEN m_id end) cid,
    10         count(distinct CASE WHEN dt BETWEEN 6 and 9 THEN m_id end) cdid
    11  FROM t;
           CID       CDID
             4          2I'm not entirely sure that you actually need the a.m_id IS NOT NULL predicate in the CASE statements, but I left it to be safe.

  • Help with multiple case statements

    I am new to BO.  I am on XI 3.0.  SQL 2005.  In Designer, I am trying to create a measure in a financial universe that would end up being multiple case statements within one select.  This is what I tried to do, but it doesn't work with the two case statements.  Can I use an ELSE leading into the second CASE WHEN somehow?  How can I accomplish this?  Sorry for my ignorance!
    CASE WHEN dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month = 12 THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales END
    CASE WHEN  dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month = 11 THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales END
    Any Suggestions?

    I don't know enough about your data or requirement to provide a solution, however, the construct that you post will not work because it causes you to build an object with multiple case statements when only one case statement per object is permitted.  From what I see in your code I would be inclined to combine the two statements into one as such:
    CASE WHEN dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month in (11,12) THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales else null END

Maybe you are looking for

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