UCM Backup

hello All
I have a 10 server cluster running ucm 7.1.3 32900-4
when i try to run a backup the DB errors out at 50%
/bin/tar: -: Wrote only 4096 of 10240 bytes
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
CCMDB Backup failed, unable to tar data to master agent
there is a bug for this error
however it's supposed to be fixed in our curent version
do you know any SFTP servers that will allow me to modify the parameters stated on the bug ?
freeftp is not an option
solawinds (free version) doesn't work quite well
I'really appreciate your help

Try to see this in Disater Recovery System Admin Guide
System Requirements
To back up data to a remote device on the network, you must have an SFTP  server that is configured. Cisco allows you to use any SFTP server  product but recommends SFTP products that have been certified with Cisco  through the Cisco Technology Developer Partner program (CTDP). CTDP  partners, such as GlobalSCAPE, certify their products with specified  version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager. For information on  which vendors have certified their products with your version of Cisco  Unified Communications Manager, refer to the following URL:
For information on using GlobalSCAPE with supported Cisco Unified Communications versions, refer to the following URL:
Cisco uses the following servers for internal testing. You may use one  of the servers, but you must contact the vendor for support:
•Open SSH (refer to http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/)
•Cygwin (refer to http://www.cygwin.com/)
•Titan (refer to http://www.titanftp.com/)
Leonardo Santana

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    Hey coolpie,
    Most trusted method for backup-restore is file system back of the UCM installation directory and the database backups. The tools that you mentioned are used for migration from one environment to another, but they are not preferred for backup and restored.
    If the number of items in you UCM is small then you may get away with using tools you mentioned. But in case of UCM with huge number its a big no.
    I think any DBA, SA would be able to give you steps required for "standard backup systems for the database and file system".

  • Backup to external disks on rotation

    Hi everyone,
    I was wondering if anyone could provide some step-by-step instructions how to set up the Archiver to export everything (files,users,tables,views,profiles,rules,fields e.t.c.) in a directory, so that I can set a Scheduler task to copy that directory to external disks on rotation.
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    I presume it's not something very difficult to do?

    For the users,tables,views,profiles,rules,fields part the easiest way would be to create CMU bundles on a scheduled basis so that it does not use up a lot of CS resource and also you can get the zip file for this which will be saving quite a lot of physical space as well .
    As for the contents schedule my recommendation would be as follows (not that this is an ideal one but I think very effective) :
    1 . Create an archive rule and schedule to run at a particular point of time every day . This will create the archives.hda which can be backed up as a physical backup to be restored as and when needed.
    2. Create a physical file system backup for weblayout/ vault directories for the same as Archiver and save that to some other file location so that the contents are backed up .
    3. Create a DB backup for the metadata at the same time as archiver / physical file so that all the metadata n db related information as well is backed up for restoration .
    Another way of doing is to have the FileStoreProvider been used to redirect the contents to a secure file location which is pretty robust so that it can be retrieved back later on but even in this CMU should be run along with DB backup to create a complete UCM backup restore points.
    Let me know your thoughts on this.

  • GET_FILE Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when moving content from tier1 to tier 2 storage

    Purpose: to migrate all the ACTIVE records from tier1 storage to tier 2 storage.
    A have applied MLR 11 patch i.e Patch 20624268: WEBCENTER CONTENT BUNDLE PATCH
    My Configurations
    Tier 1 intradoc.cfg configuration
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    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="http://www.oracle.com/UCM">
    <ns1:GenericRequest webKey="cs">
    <ns1:Service IdcService="GET_FILE">
    <ns1:Field name="dDocName">OWCDEV_004521</ns1:Field>
    <ns1:Field name="RevisionSelectionMethod">Latest</ns1:Field>
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    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <ns2:GenericResponse webKey="cs" xmlns:ns2="http://www.oracle.com/UCM">
    <ns2:Service IdcService="GET_FILE">
    <ns2:Field name="error">Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException</ns2:Field>
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    Hi 2611729
    For searching content items service is GET_SEARCH_RESULTS and for downloading the file its GET_FILE
    I dont think changing the configuration value will serve the prupose over here. You need to move the contents from one location to other and going by the explanation you have provided that movement has not happened. Every content item has a metadata called xStorageRule which mentions the location where file is stored. In your case, though you've changed the configuration setting the metadata value is still of tier1 for older content items.
    You have changed the default value and thats the reason contents are getting stored in tier2 storage now and you are able to access them via search. Since for older items xStorageRule holds older value which is different that current one you are not able to search.
    However, i belive you're trying to move the contents from tier1 to tier2 storage since contents in tier1 storage have crossed X days and might not be accessed frequently by users.
    Below mentioned option might work.
    Retain your configuration setting for valut and weblayout as earlier.
    1. Create a new storage rule Tier2Rule pointing to tier2
    2. Archive your contents using Archiver applet.
    3. Import the contents from created archive using applet and during import change the metadata xStorageRule to new storage rule Tier2Rule. This moves all your content onto tier2.
    4. Checkin new documents and it gets stored in tier1 location. I assume default storage rule will point to tier1.
    5. While searching using seach forms use the metadata StorageRule and it will provide dropdown of list (like tier1rule, tier2rule and so on). Select and perform the search.
    For download using GET_FILE, i'm not sure whether by passing xStorageRule it will work or not. You'll  have to try it out by small POC or customize the GET_FILE as required.
    I've not tried this approach earlier but by system-wise understanding it should work.
    Also, please refer UCM Backup strategy this discussion thread and others in the forum. Take a look at SAM-QFS which does this job transparently or any other solution in-line to that.

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    Thank You very much.

    PUB = Publisher
    SUB = Subscriber.
    In simple terms, think of the Publisher as the manager of the CUCM cluster. Configuration changes are typically done on the Publisher, and it distributes those changes to the Subscribers. Subscribers perform call processing, phone registration, software conference bridge, music on hold, etc., and in some setups the Publisher will as well (depends on size and design, as Jaime mentioned).
    The Pub-Sub relation for Unity is a little different... which one handles voicemail traffic depends completely on how the connectivity with CUCM is configured. In some setups, they will be distributed voicemail traffic evenly, while in other setups the Pub may get all traffic until its ports are full, and then overflow to the Sub as a backup.

  • Backup online UCM

    Hi every body,
    I have the following architecture in production environment; in one server : Universal Content Management-UCM and in another server
    oracle Database.
    For oracle database,I use rman for online backup, but for UCM i need stop the application (apache and content server) for backup copy files.
    Could someone tell me if exist any tool for make online backup for UCM?
    I need have the application 24/7 online.
    Thanks in advance.

    Have you looked at the Archiver application?
    You can use archiver to create backups of content and metadata. There are some tricks that can be used to schedule archiver to run that have been detailed in other posts in this forum.

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    Thank you in advanced!

    You'll be looking for the CiscoDRFFailure in Alert Central of RTMT. The alert can be configured to send a free text alert to an email address on backup failure.

  • CIsco DRS Backup Error on Cisco unified collaboration products (UCCX, Unity UCM)

    ERROR: Backup failed due to an interruption during file copy to backup media, Backup Completed
    the backup completes with all the .tar files, but fails to write the .xml file.
    it works if i run it on freeftpd on my windows 7 box but is failing on our linux sftp box and it was working before. the only thing we changed was upgrading from 8.6

    Hi Chris - Does the directory on the linux server where you are trying to backup has old backups? If yes, try changing the backups to a different directory or move the old backups to an archive.

  • Get native file in ucm (ucm and terastack solution working together)

    We use oracle universal content management server (ucm). A lot of files are stored on the hard disk of the system using this content management system. Now we are using Terastack Solution (http://www.hie-electronics.com/) to create backup of the data. The TeraStack Solution is an optical data storage system designed and manufactured to improve performance through affordable and reliable data storage management. Terastack solution archives (writes) all files to dvds and then a module of it truncates all these files to zero byte in size to save disk space. Now terastack solution watches all archived files. If an application tries to open such a file, it intercepts this, blocks this request, then restores the file from the dvd. During this process calling application just waits for the file to open. After restoring terastack solution sends a signal to the calling application, and the file with full contents is opened in the application.
    Now here is the problem:
    Files are check-in oracle content server. Terastack solution has burned these files to dvd and made these files to zero byte in size. Now when we click a link in content server to get a checked-in file (native file), terastack solution intercepts it, restore the file from dvd, then an open/save dialog box open to either open or save the file to a location. We save the file to a folder, open this file and come to know that there is no content in the file. It is still a zero byte file.
    When we checked the file at original location (remember ucm stores files in vault folder), we came to know that file is actually restored successfully by the terastack solution but the content server returned a zero byte file. When we click the link for the same file again to get native file in ucm then we get a fully restored file. i.e. on the first try to get native file we get a zero byte file although it is restored by terastack solution successfully. And on the second try we get file with full contents. On the second try, file has already been restored by terastack solution during the first try and terastack solution ignores files greater than zero byte in size, that’s why client gets a correct file on second try. Having size greater than zero means file is already restored.
    The link in ucm that is used to get native file does not point directly to the desired file. It calls some code in ucm that transmit the required file back to the client. Something like this:
    I think what is going on here is, when we click on a link to get native file that is zero byte in size, content server creates a response for the file, append the size of the file (currently zero) to the header of the response along with other info, and then tries to transmit the file to the client. At this point, terastack solution intercept the request and restore the file. After restoring terastack solution send signal to calling application that file is restored. But the server has already created request for the file and it is not updated during or after the restore, that’s why client gets zero byte file.
    What I want is somehow force the content server to wait until file is fully restored by terastack solution and then transmit the fully restored file to client. Is there any configuration setting for ucm that will achieve the goal?
    Any setting in bin/intradoc.cfg or config/config.cfg or something else?
    Need help.
    OS: Windows XP SP3
    Content Server 10gR3 (Deployed to: IIS, JDK used: v1.5)
    TeraStack Solution (Deployed to: JBoss)

    Thank you for your reply. Although the links to weblayout version of files works perfectly with terastack, but we want to take backup of files in vault folder. Is it possible to change the links that are use to get native file? Can we somehow make these links to directly point to vault files? If yes please tell us how.
    A custom java service to download the native file can also work. Can you please give us a sample code and how to implement it in ucm?
    Please provide one of the solutions. I’m a new comer to ucm, so please provide instructions in more details.
    BTW, I tested the restoration of file using a test dotnet web application. I added code that downloaded a user selected file to the client. The code we used is as under:
    1. FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filepath);
    2. Response.Clear();
    3. Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fi.Name);
    4. Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fi.Length.ToString());
    5. Response.ContentType = GetFileContentType(fi.Extension);
    6. Response.TransmitFile(fi.FullName);
    7. Response.End();
    GetFileContentType() function is a simple function to get content type of a file type.
    Line#4 is important here. A file is zero byte in size when a request to download a file is received by the server, and the server just appends content-length=0 in the header. So even the file is restored by the terastack afterwards, client still receives a zero byte file. At this stage our test application has the same problem, not getting a native file with full contents.
    We removed line# 4 and tried again to download a file thru our test web application. This time client got file with full contents after the file is restored. So we think this Content-Length header is the one that needs to be handled.
    You may find this information useful if you decide to build a java service solution.

  • Is there a way to reconstruct the pub database from sub database? no backup for Pub :P

    One of my customers had a problem with his publisher. They have 1 Pub and 1 Sub cluster, they are using UCM version 8.0.
    Due to power failure, the Publisher data was corrupted neither accessible so they are currently working on the subscriber and hence they cannot add, delete or modify any user.
    The customer than did format to the publisher, which they did after backing it up but that is not working so we can assume they don’t have a backup copy
    1-   Can we restore data from subscriber if publisher is down (meaning reports, CDR ...)
    2-   Can we fix corrupted data available in the publisher ? I think we can’t
    3-   Can we  export data from subscriber to publisher or we need to add the phones back manually to the Pub?
    Another issue, their UCM has 2 CUE port licenses. they expected that the partner will put it both on publisher since the other one is only a backup. I discovered that the partner has put one on each server. In another meaning once one of them is down they have only one port left which does not make sense. Is this configuration right?
    4-   When publisher is down can we use its license on the subscriber to have 2 CUE ports working instead of one.
    So in terms of redundancy what are the things we need to make sure our customer is aware of?
    Please advice,

    The 8.5(1) release added a procudure to rebuild the publisher from a subscriber. This won't work if you're on 8.0 though.
    The Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide covers this (see step 12). Your only other path might be to work with TAC. It's unclear whether there is another option available with root access or not. I suspect the answer depends on whether you can get the OS to boot on the publisher.
    I can't answer the CUE portion of this thread.

  • Exporting Specific UCM dB tables - is this possible

    Question.  Is there a way to export specific UCM Data Dictionary tables from the UCM Publisher?  Or am I forced to export the entire dB for analysis?  If I am forced to get the entire dB...the DRS backup is my only means? 
    From a CLI perspective, I currently do not see a CLI method of extracting dB tables...perhaps I am wrong...but not convinced. 
    Looking for suggestions...thx.

    Hi David
    Here is the DB dictionary where are specified all CUCM tables.
    To query CUCM db you can use integrated AXL Sql toolkit.
    In the below link, our friend William Bell explains how to use it.

  • Forcing a device to register with another UCM Server

    We have a Call Manager 6.1.3 and we are trying to move the servers from one data center to a new one.
    I looked at the primary UCM server and found approximately 20 devices registered witht the seconday server. I want to know how to force them over to the proimary server before we shut the secondary down.                  

    You need to modify the CallManager Group of those phone's Device Pool (move the backup/secondary server on top of
    the primary server) and reset them. Remember that a CallManager Group is a prioritized list of Callmanager that phones use to register.
    Now, you don't need to force them before shutting down the primary server, those phones will register immediately to the backup server when you shutdown its primary.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • UCM version upgrade and failover

    I'm new to the company, and I currently have a Cisco MCS 7828-H3 running UCM 6.1.1 with Unity connection 2.1.1.  We had a psu go faulty on the MCS which killed the phone systems for a day, and had everyone going crazy.  I figure best bet is just to buy a backup MCS off of ebay, and run it in some kind of failover config.  I was also looking to upgrade to some of the newer versions.  Looking at the version compatibility chart, 6.1.1 isn't even shown as compatible with my server, so I'm not sure how that worked out. The newest 8.6 is indeed compatible, but I was wondering how licensing works on this device?  Does smartnet cover the upgrade for going from 6.1 to 8.6?  Also, I see two machines on ebay (one of which looks beefier), but the compatibility chart doesn't show them as being compatible.  Will I still be able to upgrade them to the same versions?  How does failover work with this system.  I really don't want to have to bother with getting any new licensing for the backup server since it will just be there in the case of an emergency (1 day every couple of years).

    If a model does not show up try looking here:
    Cisco 7800 Series Media Convergence Servers
    Solution Overviews
    If it's not the same HW most likely you won't be able to install it and won't be supported if you manage to install it but the specs do not match what is on the link.
    As far a failover it's either you buy another node license and create a subscriber (which will be seamless failover for users) or you backup your config daily and when your PUB crashes you take that config and load it into the other server which will be running the exact same version as the production PUB and you also need to reach licensing in order for them to rehost the licenses from one server to the other. Obviusly the 2nd option means you'll be without phone services until you restore your config on the other server and get the licenses.
    If this helps, please rate
    If this helps, please rate

  • Import SS backup error

    I'm trying to import a backup of a SS site, but I get the following error: The storage rule 'WebStorage' is not defined or misconfigured. What does this mean? The system has UCM 11g installed, fresh copy, maybe some missing components which still need to be installed or some extra settings ?

    This looks more like that something is misconfigured at the destination system. Take a look at this link (and around) http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17904_01/doc.1111/e10792/c02_settings.htm#BEIGIEEJ for details about web storage.

  • Oracle UCM Production instance

    we are proposing the oracle UCM 11g Solution to one of my client,
    here i have doubt about the list of products, please correct us?
    1) Oracle Database
    2) Oracle Weblogic Server
    3) Oracle UCM
    4) Oracle HTTP Server???????????? is this required?
    and we are giving the solution architecture to the client? please guide me if you have any suggestions regarding this
    and Hardware requirements for this also suggest me?
    we are implementing the UCM for the first time............
    Thanks for your time....
    Edited by: ngsankar on Jun 13, 2011 9:34 AM

    Weblogic Server is a part of Oracle UCM license - in the restricted mode to host UCM (you will need it for 11g, as it is a J2EE application). So, unless you want to use it for other apps as well, it is not needed. HTTP Server is definitely not needed - Weblogic Server should contain a web server, if you need one, or you can go with another web server like Apache.
    As for the solution architecture, it quite a subtle art and as you give absolutely no details, I'm afraid it is quite difficult to answer anything. You can start with sizing - product management released (alas, internally) a sizing tool, which can answer you a question how many CPUs of UCM (application server layer) are needed. It is based on the number of concurrent users and workload they produce (GUI, search/document retrieve, checkins, conversions to PDF, conversions to multimedia formats). Once you have this, you need to consider high-availability (a cluster in one location) and disaster recovery (backup-restore or even geo clustering). There is no formula to give you the right answer, but if you require HA, you might need RAC (Real Application Clusters) at the DB layer - app layer might be cluster by Weblogic and you might also need a load balancer. For DR, you might use database options (partitioning, DataGuard). Do not forget to consider the storage (even under database)! Especially, for large storage requirements (hundreds of TB and more) it can make your project much cheaper if you use the correct storage policy (using database ASM or HSM of filesystems such as ZFS or QFS).
    Recommended HW - especially, if you need clustering, go with installation on Linux or Solaris. This will most likely lead to servers on Intel. You may go with any almost any proposal by a HW vendor of that kind (Sun Fire or blades). Just put there enough memory (12 GB at least per 2 cores of CPU). For multicore and multiprocessor servers, use Oracle VM or Solaris Zones to scale to your required number of CPUs of UCM and database (a rule of thumb: you will need half to two thirds CPUs of database compared to the number of UCM's CPUs).
    However, keep in mind you might need to fine tune the generic architecture to your client's needs (e.g if you have heavy conversions)

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