Udf in existing form

Hi all,
   This is krishna, I created a Udf-----Balnce in "Title" in sale order. But i want to display is in the form only....How can i write the code for that....Its already link up to the data base.....

Hai Krishna,
           Using code u have to create static and edit box. Here is the sample code for u....
Create One Class
Dim FormID As String
       Sub CreateForm(ByVal FormUID As String)
            Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item
            Dim oLbl As SAPbouiCOM.StaticText
            Dim oCmb As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
            Dim oTxt As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
            Dim oTab As SAPbouiCOM.Folder
            Dim oMat As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
            Dim oCols As SAPbouiCOM.Columns
            Dim oCol As SAPbouiCOM.Column
            Dim lb As SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton
            PO_Frm = app.Forms.Item(FormUID)
Dim Top, Left As Integer
            Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("112").Top
            Left = PO_Frm.Items.Item("9").Left
      PO_Frm.Items.Item("4").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("81").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("67").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("81").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("51").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("81").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("5").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("81").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("54").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("10").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("55").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("10").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("85").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("12").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("80").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("12").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("83").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("12").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("14").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Top + 1
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("15").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Top
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("70").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Top + PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Height
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("63").Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Top + PO_Frm.Items.Item("46").Height
  'PO Category
            oItem = PO_Frm.Items.Add("pocat", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_STATIC)
            oItem.Left = PO_Frm.Items.Item("15").Left
            oItem.Width = PO_Frm.Items.Item("15").Width - 60
            oItem.Height = PO_Frm.Items.Item("15").Height
            oItem.Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("63").Top + PO_Frm.Items.Item("15").Height + 2 '103
            oLbl = oItem.Specific
            oLbl.Caption = "PO Category"
            'PO_Frm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("pocat", SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_SHORT_TEXT)
            oItem = PO_Frm.Items.Add("c_pocat", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_COMBO_BOX)
            oItem.Left = PO_Frm.Items.Item("14").Left - 50
            oItem.Width = PO_Frm.Items.Item("14").Width - 70
            oItem.Height = PO_Frm.Items.Item("14").Height
            oItem.Top = PO_Frm.Items.Item("63").Top + PO_Frm.Items.Item("14").Height + 2 '103
            oItem.DisplayDesc = True
            oCmb = oItem.Specific
            oCmb.TabOrder = PO_Frm.Items.Item("70").Specific.TabOrder + 1 '434
            oCmb.DataBind.SetBound(True, "OPOR", "U_pocat")
            PO_Frm.Items.Item("pocat").LinkTo = "c_pocat"
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
Here instead of PO Category u mention Balance.
Call this function in form Laod Event...
If it helps give reward points,

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    Hi Hemendra:
    There are no rules on Section A.
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    Hello Afzal,
    It is definitely possible. Refer to SDK Help, samples are provided in it.
    Also, post your questions, related to programming, on SDK programming forum.

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    Its more advisable to do it in the Menu Event rather than the Form_Load event and its got to be done in the Before_Action = False.
    In Menu Event,
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            objNewItem.Top = objItem.Top
            objNewItem.Width = objItem.Width
            objNewItem.Height = objItem.Height
            objNewItem.FromPane = "5"
            objNewItem.ToPane = "6"
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            objNewItem.Visible = False
            objCheckBox = objForm.Items.Item("cbSQ").Specific
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    Hope this helps.

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    Hi All,
    I posted the same query last day.I want to know how to modify an existing form in SAP, as for example suppose in sales oppurtunity form i would like to add an 'update' button along with those add and cancel button already present out there.I will be obliged if some can provide the complete procedure to do that.
    Vishnu Kumar Re...  
    Posts: 114
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       Re: Modification of an existing form  
    Posted: Dec 6, 2007 8:28 AM    in response to: Gangotri Infotech       Reply      E-mail this post 
    In ITem Event You write the following code
    iIf pVal.FormTypeEx = "320" Then
    If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD Then
    Dim oNewItem As SAPbouiCOM.Button
    Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Button
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.GetFormByTypeAndCount(pVal.FormType, pVal.FormTypeCount)
    oNewItem = oOrderForm.Items.Add("btnUpd", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON)
    oItem = oOrderForm.Items.Item("2")
    oNewItem.Top = oItem.Top
    oNewItem.Height = oItem.Height
    oNewItem.Width = oItem.Width
    oNewItem.Left = oItem.Right + 5
    oNewItem.Specific.Caption = "UPDATE"
    End If
    End If
    it place update button Right to Cancel button
    Hope it helps you
    We followed this procedure but we are receiving the desired result.We need some assistance.

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    I'm hoping that this makes enough sense that someone can help me! I'm new to Acrobat, so feel free to patronize me!

    I can't help you with this myself as I've not done it but there are quite a few tutorials kicking around the net.
    Simple ODBC Connections in Adobe LiveCycle:
    Connecting a form to a database:
    Database connected forms:

  • Combining two existing forms

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    Sorry, we are not supporting it right now. But it's a very interesting idea, and I suggest you to add or vote on feature ideas:
    If you need to add a new idea, click "Create an idea" under "Actions" in the top right.
    Kind regards,
    Shiyao Bao

  • Cannot do save function for existing form

    Just got a new computer with Acrobat Standard 11. When I open an existing form and enter data into those fields and do a save I am told must change the file name. I cannot save this form in the same file name. I can in an another name but I do not want the same form name with multiple names. So I came to this forum for help in how to solve this problem. Anybody?

    Message said something like must save to a different name. I do not have the exact error. It is left at work on my computer there.
    No the folder is not restricted. Can save form after adding data but it has to be in a different name. It is not opened from an attachment. It is open from a folder on a network server.

Maybe you are looking for