Unable To Expand on Mac 10.7.4

When I try to unzip (or expand) my downloaded zip file, I get an Error 2 - no such file or directory.
I tried moving it to the Adobe Audition file, but same result.
I am using the standard Archive Utility with Mac, I have had no issue unzipping/expanding other files...
Any suggestions??

And what exactly is it that you are trying to "expand"? Have you considered simply re-downloading? The file could be damaged....

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  • Unable to expand...

    i've just installed sqldeveloper 1.2.1-32.13 on mac os x 10.4.11.
    it's the first install for me, first install on this machine.
    when connected to a database, in the left column of the main window i'm unable to expand virtually all of those nodes (tables, views, ...):
    click on the triangle next to "tables", it opens a dialog "loading tables..." which then instantly disappears. no tables are being listed, and the triangle i just clicked on also diappears. no more clicking on that node possible. same is for views, indexes, ...
    the db connection appears to be fine, since i can type a sql select command (on the right) and get a valid result.
    i have the J2SE 5.0 set as primary java application runtime version. i have 1.5.0_07 which appears to be the latest release for os x (?).
    any idea what's wrong?
    thanks for your feedback.

    i get no messages in the system console, but launching from terminal shows a java exception:
    Exception in thread "ProgressBarThread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.setStringAtName(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.bind(DBUtil.java:746)
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.bind(DBUtil.java:1096)
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.executeOracleQuery(DBUtil.java:471)
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.executeQuery(DBUtil.java:498)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.ObjectQueryInstance.executeQuery(ObjectQueryInstance.java:73)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.xml.XmlFolderInstance.getChildren(XmlFolderInstance.java:121)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.xml.XmlFolderInstance.listChildren(XmlFolderInstance.java:67)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.ObjectFilter$1Loader.doWork(ObjectFilter.java:144)
    at oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressRunnable.run(ProgressRunnable.java:159)
    at oracle.ide.dialogs.ProgressBar.run(ProgressBar.java:553)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
    apparently it can't display the progressbar. but why?

  • Unable to expand child links in ALV Tree

    I have written the following code for ALV Tree using function modules.
    type pool declarations for tree
    TYPE-POOLS : fibs,stree.
    tables: ekko.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
      ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
      ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
      statu TYPE ekpo-statu,
      aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat,
      matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
      menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
      meins TYPE ekpo-meins,
      netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
      peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh,
    END OF t_ekko.
          it_ekpo     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0,
          it_emptytab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0,
          wa_ekko     TYPE t_ekko,
          wa_ekpo     TYPE t_ekko.
    DATA:w_repid type sy-cprog.
    *Data declaration for additional node information
    DATA : t_node TYPE snodetext.
    *Internal table and wa decl for nodes
    DATA : it_node LIKE TABLE OF t_node INITIAL SIZE 0,
           wa_node LIKE t_node.
    *Start of selection event
    *Select the data for tree
    PERFORM fetch_data.
    *Build the hierarchy for tree
    PERFORM build_hierarchy.
    *Build Tree for display
    PERFORM build_tree.
    *& Form fetch_data
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fetch_data .
      SELECT ebeln
      up to 10 rows
        FROM ekko
        INTO corresponding fields of TABLE it_ekko .
      loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko.
        SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh
          FROM ekpo
          appending TABLE it_ekpo
         where ebeln eq wa_ekko-ebeln.
    *& Form build_hierarchy
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM build_hierarchy .
    *Building the nodes and hierarchy for tree
    CLEAR : it_node[], wa_node.
    wa_node-type = 'T'.
    wa_node-name = 'Product Hierarchy Level'.
    wa_node-tlevel = '01'.
    wa_node-nlength = '35'.
    wa_node-color = '4'.
    wa_node-text = 'Test'.
    wa_node-tlength ='20'.
    wa_node-tcolor = 3.
    APPEND wa_node TO it_node.
    CLEAR wa_node.
    loop at it_ekpo into wa_ekpo.
    wa_node-type = 'P'.
    wa_node-name = 'Purchasing Doc'.
    wa_node-tlevel = '02'.
    wa_node-nlength = '25'.
    wa_node-color = '4'.
    wa_node-text = wa_ekpo-ebeln.
    wa_node-tlength ='20'.
    wa_node-tcolor = 3.
    APPEND wa_node TO it_node.
    CLEAR wa_node.
    *Filling the values of internal table into tree
    wa_node-type = 'P'.
    wa_node-name = 'Material No'.
    wa_node-tlevel = '03'.
    wa_node-nlength = '20'.
    wa_node-color = '1'.
    wa_node-text = wa_ekpo-matnr.
    wa_node-tlength ='20'.
    wa_node-tcolor = 4.
    APPEND wa_node TO it_node.
    CLEAR wa_node.
    ENDFORM. " build_hierarchy
    *& Form build_tree
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM build_tree .
    *Fm for constructing the tree
    nodetab = it_node.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    w_repid = SY-CPROG.
    *FM for displaying the tree
                       CALLBACK_PROGRAM                = w_repid
                      CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND           = 'USER1_COMMAND'
                      CALLBACK_TEXT_DISPLAY           =
                      CALLBACK_MOREINFO_DISPLAY       =
                      CALLBACK_COLOR_DISPLAY          =
                      CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE            =
                      CALLBACK_GUI_STATUS             =
                      CALLBACK_CONTEXT_MENU           =
                      STATUS                          = 'IMPLICIT'
                       CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAME            = '0'
                       COLOR_OF_NODE                   = '4'
                       COLOR_OF_MARK                   = '3'
                       COLOR_OF_LINK                   = '1'
                       COLOR_OF_MATCH                  = '5'
                       LOWER_CASE_SENSITIVE            = 'X'
                       MODIFICATION_LOG                = 'X'
                       NODE_LENGTH                     = 40
                       TEXT_LENGTH                     = 75
                       TEXT_LENGTH1                    = 0
                       TEXT_LENGTH2                    = 0
                       RETURN_MARKED_SUBTREE           = 'X'
                       SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 0
                       SCREEN_START_LINE               = 0
                       SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 0
                       SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 0
                       SUPPRESS_NODE_OUTPUT            = 'X'
                      LAYOUT_MODE                     = ' '
                       USE_CONTROL                     = 'L'.
                      F15                             =
    ENDFORM. " build_tree
                                 USING command
                             CHANGING value(exit)
    write 'Hi'.
    But I have a problem
    1.  I can expand the child links in tree structure when I comment the exporting parameter CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND in the function Module  'RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY'.
    2 But when i uncomment the exporting parameter I am unable to expand the child links in output.
    Please let me know if i have missed something in the code.
    Useful answers will be rewarded

    Hi Sidhhart,
    Check out this prog.
    message-id zord
    line-size 270.
    type-pools slis.
      begin of t_header occurs 0,
        EXPCOL type c,
        vbeln type vbak-vbeln,
        audat type vbak-audat,
        vkorg type vbak-vkorg,
        vtweg type vbak-vtweg,
        spart type vbak-spart,
      end of t_header,
      begin of t_item occurs 0,
        vbeln type vbap-vbeln,
        posnr type vbap-posnr,
        matnr type vbap-matnr,
        arktx type vbap-arktx,
        pstyv type vbap-pstyv,
      end of t_item,
      t_fieldcat type standard table of slis_fieldcat_alv with header line,
      t_event    type standard table of slis_alv_event with header line,
      x_keyinfo  type slis_keyinfo_alv,
      x_layout   type slis_layout_alv,
      x_variant  like disvariant.
        g_repid    type sy-repid,
        g_formname type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    *& SELECTION SCREEN                                                    *
    selection-screen begin of block a with frame title text-000.
      Select-options : s_date for vbak-audat obligatory.
       p_date type vbak-audat.
    selection-screen end of block a.
    *& INITIALIZATION                                                      *
      clear : g_repid,t_header,t_item.
      refresh : t_header,t_item.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
    *& AT SELECTION-SCREEN                                                 *
    at selection-screen.
      if s_date-high > sy-datum.
        message e001.
      select vbeln audat vkorg vtweg spart from vbak
      into corresponding fields of table t_header
      where audat in s_date.
      select vbeln posnr matnr arktx pstyv from vbap
      into table t_item
      for all entries in t_header
      where vbeln = t_header-vbeln.
      perform sub_display_alv.
    *&      Form  sub_display_alv
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_display_alv.
    *column 1
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'VBELN'                             " field name
          'T_HEADER'                          " table name
          'ORDER'                             " column heading
          '8'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 2
        perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog  using:
          'AUDAT'                             " field name
          'T_HEADER'                          " table name
          'ORDERDATE'                         " column heading
          '10'                                " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 3
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'VKORG'                             " field name
          'T_HEADER'                          " table name
          'SALES ORG'                         " column heading
          '6'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 4
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog  using:
          'VTWEG'                             " field name
          'T_HEADER'                          " table name
          'DIVISION'                          " column heading
          '2'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 5
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog  using:
          'SPART'                             " field name
          'T_HEADER'                          " table name
          'CHANNEL'                             " column heading
          '4'                                " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 6
    perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
         'vbeln'                             " field name
         'T_item'                            " table name
         'Order'                             " column heading
         '8'                                 " column width
         ' '                                 " fix column?
         ' '                                 " key
         ' '                                 " no display
         ' '                                 " sum this column
         'X'                                 " do not sum
         ' '                                 " input allowed?
         ' '                                 " currenct type field name
         ' '                                 " data type
         'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 7
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'POSNR'                             " field name
          'T_ITEM'                            " table name
          'SALES DOC.ITEM'                    " column heading
          '8'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 8
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'MATNR'                             " field name
          'T_ITEM'                            " table name
          'MATERIAL'                          " column heading
          '8'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 9
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'ARKTX'                             " field name
          'T_ITEM'                            " table name
          'SALES ORDER ITEM'                  " column heading
          '8'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                 " hotspot.
    *column 10
      perform sub_populate_fieldcatalog using:
          'PSTYV'                             " field name
          'T_ITEM'                            " table name
          'ITEM CATEGORY'                     " column heading
          '8'                                 " column width
          ' '                                 " fix column?
          ' '                                 " key
          ' '                                 " no display
          ' '                                 " sum this column
          'X'                                 " do not sum
          ' '                                 " input allowed?
          ' '                                 " currenct type field name
          ' '                                 " data type
          'X'.                                " hotspot.
      perform sub_assign_events.
    Create a Layout for the ALV
      perform sub_layout.
    Define the key fields that links the header & item tables
      perform sub_define_key.
    dispaly list
      perform sub_call_list_display.
    endform.                    " sub_display_alv
    *&      Form  sub_populate_fieldcatalog
         -->P_G_FIELDCAT  text
         -->P_0198   text
         -->P_0199   text
         -->P_0200   text
         -->P_0201   text
         -->P_0202   text
         -->P_0203   text
         -->P_0204   text
         -->P_0205   text
         -->P_0206   text
         -->P_0207   text
         -->P_0208   text
         -->P_0209   text
         -->P_0210   text
         -->P_0211   text
         -->P_0212   text
         -->P_0213   text
    form sub_populate_fieldcatalog  using
      t_fieldcat-fieldname      = l_fieldname.
      t_fieldcat-tabname        = l_tabname.
      t_fieldcat-reptext_ddic   = l_column_heading.
      t_fieldcat-outputlen      = l_outputlen.
      t_fieldcat-fix_column     = l_fix_column.
      t_fieldcat-key            = l_key.
      t_fieldcat-no_out         = l_no_out.
      t_fieldcat-do_sum         = l_do_sum.
      t_fieldcat-no_sum         = l_no_sum.
      t_fieldcat-cfieldname     = l_cfieldname.
      t_fieldcat-datatype       = l_datatype.
      t_fieldcat-hotspot        = l_hotspot.
      append t_fieldcat.clear t_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " sub_populate_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  sub_assign_events
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_assign_events.
      refresh t_event.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET'
         i_list_type           = 1
         et_events             = t_event[]
         list_type_wrong       = 1
         others                = 2
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    Read the record for the top-of-page event
      read table t_event with key slis_ev_top_of_page.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        t_event-form = g_formname.
        append t_event.
    endform.                    " sub_assign_events
    *&      Form  SUB_LAYOUT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_layout.
       clear x_layout.
    x_layout-f2code = 'QUOTE'.
      x_layout-zebra  = 'X'.
      x_layout-expand_fieldname = 'EXPCOL'. " Field for expand/collapse
      x_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      x_layout-no_totalline = 'X'.   " 0001+
    endform.                    " SUB_LAYOUT
    *&      Form  SUB_DEFINE_KEY
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_define_key.
       clear x_keyinfo.
      x_keyinfo-header01 = 'VBELN'.
      x_keyinfo-item01   = 'VBELN'.
    endform.                    " SUB_DEFINE_KEY
    form top_of_page.
      write :/10 sy-datum, 20 sy-pagno, 30 sy-uname.
    form sub_user_command using f_ucomm like sy-ucomm
                                f_selfield type slis_selfield.
      if f_ucomm = 'QUOTE'.
        if f_selfield-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
          Set Parameter id 'AUN' field f_selfield-value.
          call transaction 'VA03'.
    *&      Form  sub_call_list_display
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form sub_call_list_display.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY'
        i_callback_program             = g_repid
        i_callback_user_command        =  'SUB_USER_COMMAND '
        is_layout                      = x_layout
        it_fieldcat                    = t_fieldcat[]
        i_save                         = 'A'
        it_events                      = t_event[]
        i_tabname_header               = 'T_HEADER'
        i_tabname_item                 = 'T_ITEM'
        is_keyinfo                     = x_keyinfo
        t_outtab_header                = t_header[]
        t_outtab_item                  = t_item[]
       program_error                  = 1
       others                         = 2
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " sub_call_list_display

  • Unable to connect my mac book pro to Apple tv to watch downloads

    Im unable to get my Mac Book Pro to connect to my Apple TV? Have been able to connect both the iPod and iPad but not this?

    You can use AirPlay to mirror what is on your MacBook.  Take a look at this link, http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5209?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

  • Unable to expand tree in safari 5.1.7 for windows

    I am using Safari v5.1.7 in Windows OS. There is a left navigational panel with tree structure in web content page. When I open web content in safari 5.1.7, I am unable to expand the tree. This happening with the pages which are carrying huge data. For the normal pages, I could able to expand the children of the tree.
    Please anyone help on this.

    Above issue is an urgent issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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  • Unable to Expand nodes under Migrated Content.

    Hi all,
    We have recently installed EP 7.0 and we have uploaded the Business Packages Specific to CRM 5.0.But under Migrated Content--> EP 5.0 I'm not able to drill down further.I'm able to see the Folders like Iviews, Pages,Roles etc..But I'm unable to expand these folders further.Like if I want to see all the roles present in the roles Folder i'm not able to do so.But the roles are present and I can see them if I search them in Identity management.
    Can someone help me on this.
    thanks and regards,
    Vijaya Sai.V

    This folder would be empty in case of fresh install, i also have it empty.
    The business package deployed sits under
    Content Administration -- Portal Content -- Content delivered by SAP --
    Hope this helps,

  • Unable to expand drop down by index UI element

    I have got one Drop down by index in my webdynpro form and I want to bind this to backend data. For this purpose, I created one adaptive rfc model  and also did all this model binding, context mapping etc.
    Now my context in view  looks like this :- GetDropDown_Mn (parent node) , this has got child Output_DropDown which again has two value attributes Name and Text.
    This is component controller code where you bind and invalidate
    __Shell__Ca_Read_Cr_Drbox_Val_Input dropdown = new __Shell__Ca_Read_Cr_Drbox_Val_Input();
    I then tried to bind my UI element in view with Name attribute , but when I try to run my application , the field appears as read only, kind of non editable (blocked) and I am unable to expand my dropdown.
    The readonly property of UI element is false. I have hard coded one value like " Please select from drop down list " and I want the backend values to come below this. For this, I have written code to append the backend values with the hardcoded value. Now the problem is my dropdown is blocked  and not able to expand ( unable to click the arrow button), and I cannot see the other values in dropdown except the hard coded value.
    Can someone please help me on this. 
    The cardinality of context node is 1..n, selection = 0..1 and I have set Leadselection = -1.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Sai,
    You can use the below code to add the please select in ur drop down in wdInit() method
    wdContext.nodeVn_Node().currentVn_NodeElement().setVa_Attribute("-Please Select-");
    please use the name of node as u have created in the context.
    and after that please check if yoy are getting values from RFC call or not.
    if you are getting the values then try to change the selection property of that node to 1..n and comment the lead selection line that you have written.
    hope this will help.

  • Unable to expand table (or 'any' object) node - permissions issue?

    I am the dba for a database and hence have access to the system user. When I connect to the db through SQL Developer, I can expand the table node under any user and list tables. As I can with any object node.
    I now want to create an admin user that has restricted capabilities, one of which will be to view objects, such as tables etc..
    (I will ultimately do this via a role to allow multiple users to have the admin capabilities, but for now have just created an admin_user userid).
    However, when I connect to the database using this admin_user userid, I am unable to expand any object node.
    I have played with different permissions, granting 'select any dictionary', 'select_catalog_role', 'select on dba_tables' but the user still can not view any objects via the appropriate node. eg. attempting to go to Other Users - username - Tables just shows nothing. (There are no filters).
    However the admin_user can run a SQL command to view the tables. eg. Select * from dba_tables, will list all tables for all users within the database. So they DO appear to have the appropriate access.
    So why can't they see the tables in the tables node?
    Is there some piece of configuration within SQL Developer itself that I have overlooked?

    I am the dba for a database and hence have access to the system user. When I connect to the db through SQL Developer, I can expand the table node under any user and list tables. As I can with any object node.
    I now want to create an admin user that has restricted capabilities, one of which will be to view objects, such as tables etc..
    (I will ultimately do this via a role to allow multiple users to have the admin capabilities, but for now have just created an admin_user userid).
    However, when I connect to the database using this admin_user userid, I am unable to expand any object node.
    I have played with different permissions, granting 'select any dictionary', 'select_catalog_role', 'select on dba_tables' but the user still can not view any objects via the appropriate node. eg. attempting to go to Other Users - username - Tables just shows nothing. (There are no filters).
    However the admin_user can run a SQL command to view the tables. eg. Select * from dba_tables, will list all tables for all users within the database. So they DO appear to have the appropriate access.
    So why can't they see the tables in the tables node?
    Is there some piece of configuration within SQL Developer itself that I have overlooked?

  • Unable to expand permanent memory Error

    Hi everyone,
    When running the MIDlet I'm coding I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with the fellowing message: "Unable to expand permanent memory".
    I tried to raise the heap size of the WTK emulator but no change. And what is more annoying is that the debugger won't step into the offending method.
    Do you have an idea on how to solve this problem.
    CU Jerome

    The runtime tells me that on a total of 512kb of memory 467kb are free.
    The offending method is initializing some arrays and populating them.
    CU Jerome

  • Unable to expand Tree in EP   (e.g. Portal Content)

    Dear Portal Gurus,
    We are on EP 6.0,SP12.
    We are unable to expand any tree structure (including stanadard Tree Structure) inside EP.
    I get the following message :
    Could not load or refresh node Tree creation failed on node: pcd:portal_content .
    Pls let me know what needs to be done.

    when I exported a transport package I saved it on Portal conect and after doing all the transporting, when I opened the content administration and try to expand the portal content, I get the following error:
    Could not load or refresh node Tree creation failed on node: pcdportal_content
    <a href="http://ing.perez.googlepages.com/portal.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://ing.perez.googlepages.com/portal.jpg" border="0" /></a>
    I get this error from the log
    1.5#0011856BDDE1006D00000086000011B000042238FAC1E7DA#1163528027322#com.sap.portal.pcd.Gl.Notification.Engine#sap.com/irj#com.sap.portal.pcd.Gl.Notification.Engine#IENAFS02#197##091402wb79_EPD_2059550#IENAFS02#0a01e440740b11dba4e00011856bdde1#Thread[T-IMPORT-1114_121327_931_71801fdd2c1d2d9b,5,SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_Group]##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Java###[XfsNotificationEngine.register] Exception occured: 
    {0}#1#PcdRuntimeException: SQLException is not transient, error code = 0, sql state = HY000
    [SAP_NWMss][SQLServer JDBC Driver]IO Error creating temp file: null
    com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlRuntimeException: SQLException is not transient, error code = 0, sql state = HY000
    [SAP_NWMss][SQLServer JDBC Driver]IO Error creating temp file: null
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlFactory.handleUnexpectedSQLError(PlFactory.java:2428)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlFactory.checkDeadlockResolution(PlFactory.java:2436)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlContext.lookupSubtree(PlContext.java:280)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.<init>(XfsContext.java:128)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.<init>(XfsContext.java:85)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.getXfsChildFromPlChild(XfsContext.java:590)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.readXfsObjectFromPersistence(XfsContext.java:535)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.getChildAtomicName(XfsContext.java:433)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.getChild(XfsContext.java:277)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.getChild(XfsContext.java:280)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.getChild(XfsContext.java:280)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.XfsContext.lookup(XfsContext.java:228)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.notif.XfsNotificationEngine.triggerInformDanglingDeltalinks(XfsNotificationEngine.java:463)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xfs.notif.XfsNotificationEngine.register(XfsNotificationEngine.java:302)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.transport.PcdGlTransportAdapter.endElement(PcdGlTransportAdapter.java:346)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xml.ContentHandlerManager.endElement(ContentHandlerManager.java:204)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xml.PcdXMLContentHandler.endElement(PcdXMLContentHandler.java:107)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.handlers.SAXDocHandler.endElement(SAXDocHandler.java:154)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.XMLParser.scanEndTag(XMLParser.java:1913)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.XMLParser.scanElement(XMLParser.java:1809)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.XMLParser.scanDocument(XMLParser.java:2792)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.XMLParser.parse0(XMLParser.java:227)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.AbstractXMLParser.parseAndCatchException(AbstractXMLParser.java:141)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.AbstractXMLParser.parse(AbstractXMLParser.java:156)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.AbstractXMLParser.parse(AbstractXMLParser.java:259)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.Parser.parseWithoutSchemaValidationProcessing(Parser.java:278)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.Parser.parse(Parser.java:340)
         at com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.SAXParser.parse(SAXParser.java:125)
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(SAXParser.java:345)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xml.PcdXMLParser.parse(PcdXMLParser.java:85)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.xml.PcdXMLParser.parse(PcdXMLParser.java:54)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.transport.PcdGlTransportManager.importObject(PcdGlTransportManager.java:612)
         at com.sapportals.portal.transport.Transport.importObject(Transport.java:110)
         at com.sapportals.portal.transport.app.ImportRunner.importObject(ImportRunner.java:322)
         at com.sapportals.portal.transport.app.ImportRunner.run(ImportRunner.java:164)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [SAP_NWMss][SQLServer JDBC Driver]IO Error creating temp file: null
         at com.sap.nwmss.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.nwmss.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.nwmss.jdbc.base.BaseImplClobEmulated.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.nwmss.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerImplResultSet.getData(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.nwmss.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.getClob(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.basic.BasicResultSet.getClob(BasicResultSet.java:432)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.direct.DirectResultSet.getClob(DirectResultSet.java:1060)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.common.dispatch.ClobResultColumn.getClob(ClobResultColumn.java:138)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.common.CommonResultSet.createClob(CommonResultSet.java:1035)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.common.CommonResultSet.getClob(CommonResultSet.java:302)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.common.dispatch.ClobResultColumn.dispatchGetString(ClobResultColumn.java:114)
         at com.sap.sql.jdbc.common.CommonResultSet.getString(CommonResultSet.java:448)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.AttributeHeadersTable.readStringValue(AttributeHeadersTable.java:934)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.AttributeHeadersTable.readFirstValue(AttributeHeadersTable.java:657)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.AttributeHeadersTable.readAttributeHeader(AttributeHeadersTable.java:639)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.AttributeHeadersTable.selectSubtreeObjectsAttributeHeaders(AttributeHeadersTable.java:762)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlFactory.getSubtreeSegment(PlFactory.java:878)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlFactory.getSubtree(PlFactory.java:804)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlContext.lookupSubtree(PlContext.java:253)
         at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.pl.PlContext.lookupSubtree(PlContext.java:274)
         ... 33 more

  • I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro. I have bought it just 5 months back. All of a sudden, i am unable to turn the mac on. It doesn't even get Charged. What could be the issue ?

    I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro. I have bought it just 5 months back. All of a sudden, i am unable to turn the mac on. It doesn't even get Charged. What could be the issue ?

    If you're unable to turn it on, let alone even charge it then it definitely sounds like a battery issue to me. I'd wait for someone else to reply just to be sure but I think somehow the battery by the sounds of it must have died. However, I could be very wrong.
    If you're still under applecare which you should be then it should be an easy free fix. Hope this helps!

  • Unable to update my mac mini

    I'm unable to update my mac mini. When I try it shows a message "software quit unexpectedly". I try and reopen but message returns.

    Hi, is this using Software update?
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at the top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If 10.7 or more, reboot holding CMD+r down to boot from the Restore Partition, use Disk Utility there.

  • Download error: Unable to expand "___" into "Downloads". (Error 2 - No such file or directory).

    I keep on getting the message "Download error: Unable to expand "___" into "Downloads". (Error 2 - No such file or directory)" when I try to unarchive zip files that I have just downloaded. Can anyone walk me through how to fix this?

    Possible solution if dealling with MobileMe gallery. 
    I ran into this problem while downloading my mobileme gallery albums and videos. I can't tell if that is where you ran into your problem or not, but if it is, this is what worked for me. Most of my albums downloaded and expanded successfully, however about 5 downloaded and would not expland giving the error you got. After several retries, I selected one of the albums, clicked the settings icon, changed the name (added "-2" to the name). This time the downloaded zip file expanded successfully. This worked for all of the albums that I had problems with.

  • I have recently downloaded Bootcamp onto my MBP.  However, when i try to expand it from "downloads" it says "Unable to expand BootCamp5.0.5033 into downloads.  Error 2-no such file or directory.  I have tried changing the partition and Zipeg. didnt work

    I have recently downloaded Bootcamp onto my MBP.  However, when i try to expand it from "downloads" it says "Unable to expand BootCamp5.0.5033 into downloads.  Error 2-no such file or directory.  I have tried changing the partition and Zipeg. didnt work.

    You need to read and follow the Boot Camp instructions. Boot Camp Assistant is already on your computer in the utilities forderf. You run Boot Camp Assistant. Part of the process is to to then download the Windows Support software. This download is then installed from within Windows.
    There is no Boot Camp download that needs to be installed or unzipped from within OSx which you seem to be doing.

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  • Release date for F30-123?

    Sorry if this question has already been asked - I was in a hurry and could not look through all the replies I got from my search. Does anybody know the release date for the Qosmio F30-123, and whether it is worthwhile waiting for as opposed to buying