Unable to get Window Handle for the 'AxCrystalActivXViewer' control.

I have Operating System : Windows 7 and Application developed in VS 2005 and I am using Crystal Report XI licenced version.
But when I am trying to use TTX(Field Defination) based reports it gives me "Unable to get Window Handle for the 'AxCrystalActivXViewer' control. Windowless ActivX Controls are not supported."
Please provide me solution for this ASAP as I am stucked on this from long lomg time.

Appears you are installing an upgrade version.
Use these links:

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    You might have better luck posting to the JBoss forum.

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    For feedback from experienced users,  post in the Final Cut Pro X forum here.
    They should be able to offer suggestions for training.
    Apple - Final Cut Pro X - Resources

  • Unable to get CommandAgrument value for the Edit Button in Gridview Control, Mean while it works for the Delete Button

    I want to show Edit/Delete Button using Ajax's HoverMenuExtender Control , But I also want to show edited record using ModalPopup Extender Control of AjaxCotrolltoolkit , for this I have used below code
    <asp:GridView ID="GridMainCat" runat="server" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="CATID" OnRowDataBound="GridMainCat_RowDataBound" OnRowCommand="GridMainCat_RowCommand" OnPageIndexChanging="GridMainCat_PageIndexChanging" OnSelectedIndexChanging="GridMainCat_SelectedIndexChanging" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10">
    <table width="100%" border="1" style="color: blue;">
    <td width="20%">Catg Id</td>
    <td width="20%">Catg Name</td>
    <td width="25%">Catg Desc</td>
    <td width="35%">Catg Image</td>
    <%-- <td width="20%">Created Date</td>--%>
    <asp:Panel ID="panel2" runat="server">
    <table width="100%">
    <td width="20%"><%#Eval("CATID") %></td>
    <td width="20%"><%#Eval("CATNAME") %></td>
    <td width="25%"><%#Eval("CATDESC") %></td>
    <td width="35%"><%#Eval("CATIMAGE") %></td>
    <%-- <td width="20%"><%#Eval("CREATEDADTE") %></td>--%>
    <!-----Panel for displaying the edit and delete options in GridView------>
    <asp:Panel ID="panel1" CssClass="HoverMenu"
    runat="server" Height="50" Width="50"
    <asp:LinkButton Style="padding: 4px;" ID="lnkDel"
    CommandName="Dlt" runat="server" CausesValidation="false" Text="Delete" CommandArgument='<%#Bind("CATID") %>' OnClientClick="javascript:return('Are you sure, do you want to delete Record??')">
    </asp:LinkButton><br />
    <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" Text="Edit" CausesValidation="false" CommandName="Edt" CommandArgument='<%#Bind("CATID") %>' style="padding: 4px;" ></asp:LinkButton>
    <asp:HoverMenuExtender ID="HoverMenuExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="panel2" PopupControlID="panel1" PopupPosition="Left" HoverCssClass="Hover"></asp:HoverMenuExtender>
    To Show ModalPopup I have used following aspx Code:-
    <asp:Button ID="btnShowPopup" runat="server" Style="display: none" CausesValidation="false" />
    <asp:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnShowPopup" PopupControlID="PanelEditMainCategory" CancelControlID="btnUpdate" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground"></asp:ModalPopupExtender>
    <asp:Panel ID="PanelEditMainCategory" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup" Style="display: none;">
    <table style="border-width: 3px; border-color: lightseagreen;" border="1" align="center" height="300px">
    <th align="left">Category Id:</th>
    <th align="left">Category Name:</th>
    <th align="left">Category Description:</th>
    <th align="left">Category Image:</th>
    <td align="left">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtCatID" Text='<%#Eval("CATID") %>' runat="server" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox>
    <td align="left">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtCatName" Text='<%#Eval("CATNAME") %>' runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
    <td align="left">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtCatDesc" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("CATDESC") %>' TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox>
    <td align="left">
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtCatImage" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("CATIMAGE") %>'></asp:TextBox>
    <th align="left" colspan="2">
    <asp:Button ID="btnUpdate" Text="Update" CausesValidation="false" runat="server" OnClick="btnUpdate_Click" />&nbsp;
    <asp:Button ID="btnCancel" Text="Cancel" CausesValidation="false" runat="server" OnClick="btnCancel_Click" />
    <th align="left"></th>
    <td align="left"></td>
    Here is my .CS code :-
    protected void GridMainCat_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
    catID = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
    if (e.CommandName == "Edt" && e.CommandArgument != null)
    if (e.CommandName == "Dlt")
    private void Bind_Grid_MainCategory()
    using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ConnectionString))
    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("USP_FETCH_MAINCATEGORY", cn))
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    dt = new DataTable();
    da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
    GridMainCat.DataSource = dt;
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;
    private void Bind_Delete_MainCategory(string catId)
    using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ConnectionString))
    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("USP_DELETE_MAINCATEGORY", cn))
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CATID", catId);
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;
    private void Bind_Edit_MainCategory(string catid)
    using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ConnectionString))
    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("USP_EDIT_MAINCATEGORY", cn))
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CATID", catid);
    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    if (dr.Read())
    txtCatID.Text = dr["CATID"].ToString();
    txtCatName.Text = dr["CATNAME"].ToString();
    txtCatDesc.Text = dr["CATDESC"].ToString();
    txtCatImage.Text = dr["CATIMAGE"].ToString();
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;
    it works fine for HoverMenu Extender, and for the delete button as well. When I click on Delete Button It finds CommandArgument value But as I click on Edit Button It does not find CommandArguement value. Kindly help me to fix this problem

    Do you mean it's firing when you click Edit?. I've replicated your code as below and it worked, try to remove the OnRowCommand run a build and then add the it again:
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void GridMainCat_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
    string catID = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
    if (e.CommandName == "Edt" && e.CommandArgument != null)
    if (e.CommandName == "Dlt")
    private void BindGridwithDummy()
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    DataRow dr;
    dt.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn("Test", typeof(String)));
    dr = dt.NewRow();
    dr[0] = "A dummy Data"; //Adds the Dummy Data in the Row
    // Show the DataTable values in the GridView
    GridView1.DataSource = dt;
    <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" OnRowCommand="GridMainCat_RowCommand">
    <asp:BoundField DataField="Test" />
    <asp:LinkButton Style="padding: 4px;" ID="lnkDel" CommandName="Dlt" runat="server"
    CausesValidation="false" Text="Delete" CommandArgument="1" OnClientClick="javascript:return('Are you sure, do you want to delete Record??')"></asp:LinkButton><br />
    <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" Text="Edit" CausesValidation="false"
    CommandName="Edt" CommandArgument="2" Style="padding: 4px;"></asp:LinkButton>

  • Unable to get another schema for the same Report!

    Hi All,
    I've created a report with data retrieved from three different schema's, but when I add a fourth schema with it's name before the query retrieved and run the report, it gives me that: table or view does not exist!
    Why does the report get the three schema's and refused the fourth one!? and how to solve the problem?
    Note: I am using reports 6i.

    Make sure the connected user has sufficient privilege on that table.

  • HT201317 I am unable to check photo stream for the icloud control panel. windows 7

    Does anyone know what causes this and how can I fix it? I have been driving myself crazy. It has worked before, but suddenly it is not.

    If you're trying to add photos to photo stream on your PC, you drag them to your photo stream uploads folder (normally My Pictures\Photo Stream\Uploads).

  • Type-mapping not working correctly, get "Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType" WARNING

    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG. The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have registered
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is simply:
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service method
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed into
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class files,
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document throughout
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi JD,
    I spent a few cycles looking over your web-services.xml file, however I
    don't have any suggestions other that one that looks like you have
    already tried, at the top, in the <schema...>
    Making edits to these generated files can be tricky and my only
    suggestion is to create a small reproducer to run by our outstanding
    support team.
    A quick look at our problem database shows one issue (CR095109) related
    to a similar problem at deploy time that was fixed with 7.0SP3. Again,
    the support folks will be able to help focus in on the issue.
    JD wrote:
    The first posting contains the wrong web-services.xml file. Please refer to this
    one instead.
    "JD" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen
    ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided
    by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG.
    The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the
    SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes
    a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition
    and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate
    the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into
    the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to
    the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.
    Name: web-services.xml
    web-services.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
    Encoding: base64

  • I have been working on the same numbers file for the past few weeks.  The last time I opened it was 1 week ago.  Today when I tried to open it I am unable and getting a message that the file is invalid and the index.xml file is missing.

    I have been working on the same numbers file for the past few weeks.  The last time I opened it was 1 week ago.  Today when I tried to open it I am unable and getting a message that the file is invalid and the index.xml file is missing. 

    Hi Tracie,
    I upgraded to Maverick OS X 10.9.5, numbers spreadsheet is saved. Upon re-opening, it appears to be frozen, a warning "file is invalid as index.xml file is missing". I checked, and the file is not "locked". This appears to occur only with using the new numbers app. When I open previous spreadsheets from old iWorks, no such problem occurs.
    How did you resolve your problem?
    Would appreciate any help here.

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    Also I'm in Australia

    Yes, turn by turn directions is available on the new ipad. I've tried it and it does work.
    What problem are you having?

  • New inst: HP-UX: db2icrt fails: CLP frontend unable to get request handle

    We are migrating our installations from the beautiful AIX to ... HP-UX.  I am told I will learn to love it, but probably not until they update df to at least 1988 levels. 
    This is the pilot install.  We have never seen this work before (and maybe no-one has...?)
    sapinst runs correctly up to the "Create database instance" phase.  At that point it dies with the following:
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, command line process, clp_start_bp, probe:3
    MESSAGE  : CLP frontend unable to get REQUEST handle
    DATA #1: Hexdump etc.
    DBI1281E: The database manager configuration file could not be read initialized.
    No further useful information is provided.
    In db2<sid> I have a bunch of dot files (.profile and the like) and the db2_software directory containing the database installation.
    During the create database instance phase, I can see that directory sqllib is created, but it is deleted when the phase fails.
    There is no litter of any kind in the /db2/<SID> directories, - nothing has been done at all.
    I have done the following: <<imagine nice bullets below - they dont seem to be available here>>
    checked that the permissions on /tmp and the installation direcctory (redirected by setenv  TEMP  /usr/sap/install) are 777: they are;
    checked the OS parameters with db2osconf - they are good
    checked the host name resolution with a perl script - gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr agree.
    the ip address, simple hostname and FQDN are on a line in the hosts file
    there is no litter from previous installations - this is a clean machine
    I could not find any reference to required environment variables (such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH) in the install guide or the install note - so I have not set any.
    I have been hacking away at this for days.  I have put in a call to SAP, who will get back to me after dark (of course...)
    This seems to be a massively popular problem, and the helpful error message ("Sorry, Sport, just can't bring myself to do it") seems to have people jumping from tall buildings and in front of busses all over Google-world.  Furthermore there also seems to be a near-infinite number of possible causes and none of them seem to apply here.
    H-PUX version is 11.31.  DB2 is 9V5 patch 4.  sapinst is latest available.  Weekend is fading fast...
    Edited by: Russell Day on Mar 5, 2010 7:46 AM

    Paul Power wrote:
    > Hi Russell,
    > Apologies if some of this has been already tried but please check the following points:
    > Make sure the machine name is listed in its hosts file.
    > Make sure to log on directly to root. ie: do not su to root from another without '-'        
    > Make sure there is no instance created already (find / -name sqllib) for that user 
    > Using ps -aef and ipc -a, no old db2 ressources should be displayed for db2 instance owner. If there are any, kill/remove it  
    > You should make sure, that LIBPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH of root and db2 instance owner does not point to an path of another db2 version
    > Regards,
    > Paul
    No need to apologise for assisting, Paul, but I have dealt with most of these.
    The host file contains the unqualified and fully qualified hostnames, on the same line, unqualified first.
    I am logging in as root (because there were no other users, and I'm old school, from when everyone logged on as root to do everything.
    There is no instance, and in fact there is no sqllib except when the "create database instance" step is running.
    The only detectable db2 process running is db2fcmd
    I have not been able to find any instructions regarding LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBPATH for HP-UX.  They are not mentioned in the installation guide at all.  I cannot find it in any of the installation notes.   I presume sapinst is setting them itself before they are needed.  Neither are set in the enviroment of db2<sid> or <sid>adm.  I have gnawed my fingernails to the elbow over this one, but I cannot see any indication that either should be set for HP-UX.  Anyway, they are definitely not set anywhere, to anything.  This was a clean machine before I started chopping it up to do this install.
    I figure it must be complicated - I have been trying to get an answer for 10 days already.  I will absolutely hate myself when it turns out to be something obvious, documented in 10 places, mostly in bold italics.  I shoulda taken my dads advice and been a riverboat gambler or a piano player in a cathouse - its a lot less complicated,

  • DRM-61026: Unable to create user session for the following reason: Login failed. Invalid user name or password.

    All Im very new to Oracle DRM and Im trying to get the app setup on Windows server running SQL Server 2008.  When I try to login to the Web Client I keep getting this error.
    DRM-61026: Unable to create user session for the following reason: Login failed. Invalid user name or password.
    Can you please help

    This might be due to The 'Oracle Instance' path may not have been set to a path relative to the 'CSS Bridge Host' (i.e. the Foundation Services machine) on the Configuration > Host Machines > CSS > General tab of the DRM Configuration Utility.
    if this is the case then
    1. Open the DRM Configuration Console.
    2. Go to the Configuration > Host Machines > CSS > General tab of the DRM Configuration Utility.
    3. Ensure that the path in 'Oracle Instance' has been set relative to the 'CSS Bridge Host' (i.e. the Foundation Services machine defined in 'CSS Bridge Host').
    4. If corrections are made to 'Oracle Instance' then restart the DRM services to pick up the change.

  • HELP!!! ... need to get Window Handle using PDA module

    I am trying to find a way to get the current window handle using the PDA module.  I need this handle to call other function via Win dll's.  Has anyone done this before?  Any help would be greatly appreciated (using windows mobile 6.1 and Labview PDA 8.5)  Thanks

    Thanks Mike ...
    I understand that this function does exist, but somehow I am not writing my wrapper properly or calling the function properly because everytime I build my labview app I get a "GetForegroundWindow is a missing VI or C file." - I cannot for the life of me figure this out ... what I was really asking is if anyone has succeeded calling this function and getting the Window Handle.  What I really want to do is run my Labview program on the PDA in full screen mode with no title bar and no SIP button visible or accessible, but to my knowledge, that will take a function call to the aygshell.dll (namely the SHFullScreen function) and that function requires a window handle to work properly ... any more help would be appreciated ... Thanks again

  • How can I get null values for the later weeks

    Hi All,
    When I execute this code I get the records till current week.
    How can I display the output so that I get null values for the later weeks. (with the help of v_numOfWeeks variable in the code)
       v_query VARCHAR2(4000);
       TYPE ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
       v_refcur ref_cursor;
       v_sum NUMBER;
       v_id NUMBER;
       v_name VARCHAR2(1000);
       v_weeknum NUMBER;
       v_pernum NUMBER;
       v_numOfWeeks NUMBER := 5;
    v_query := ' SELECT SUM(product_bkg), postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                              FROM ops_cv_extract b, (SELECT row_id, desc_text postn_name
                          FROM s_postn) postn_tbl
                          WHERE lvl_6_id = 5767
                          AND fiscal_year = 2008
                          AND b.week_num < 4
                          AND b.period_num = 3
                          AND b.postn_id = TO_NUMBER(postn_tbl.row_id)
                          GROUP BY postn_id, postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num, b.period_num
                          ORDER BY  postn_tbl.postn_name, b.week_num';
    OPEN v_refcur FOR v_query;
       FETCH v_refcur INTO v_sum, v_id, v_name, v_weeknum, v_pernum;
       EXIT WHEN v_refcur%notfound;
       dbms_output.put_line('P'|| v_pernum||'W'|| v_weeknum||' '||v_name||' '||v_sum);
    This is the output when I execute this code.
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 12561.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 216 2027.1
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    This is the output I'd like to get
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 26961.61
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 12870.4
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 213 245.88
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 72831.2
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 8739.38
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL ISAM 273 3764.92
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 49844
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 20515.17
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 213 16167.46
    P3W1 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -3336.71
    P3W2 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 -1376.68
    P3W3 COMM CNTRL TAM 273 19707.42
    P3W1 Damon Walters -609.07
    P3W2 Damon Walters 30030.24
    P3W3 Damon Walters 37475.1
    P3W4 Damon Walters
    P3W5 Damon Walters Edited by: polasa on Oct 28, 2008 6:42 PM

    Sure, in a Single SQL ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    satyaki>-- Start Of Test Data --
    satyaki>with week_tab
      2  as
      3    (
      4      select 1 period_num, 1 week_num, 10 bkg1 from dual
      5      union all
      6      select 1, 2, 40 from dual
      7      union all
      8      select 1, 3, 30 from dual
      9      union all
    10      select 1, 2, 20 from dual
    11      union all
    12      select 1, 1, 10 from dual
    13      union all
    14      select 1, 1, 20 from dual
    15      union all
    16      select 1, 3, 10 from dual
    17      union all
    18      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    19      union all
    20      select 2, 2, 20 from dual
    21      union all
    22      select 2, 3, 10 from dual
    23      union all
    24      select 2, 1, 15 from dual
    25      union all
    26      select 2, 2, 30 from dual
    27      union all
    28      select 2, 3, 20 from dual
    29    )
    30  -- End Of Test Data --
    31  select period_num,
    32         week_num,
    33         (
    34            select sum(week_tab.bkg1)
    35            from week_tab
    36            where period_num = m.period_num
    37            and   week_num   = m.week_num
    38            group by week_num, period_num
    39         ) sum_bkg1
    40  from (
    41        select dum.week_num,
    42              wk.period_num
    43        from (
    44                select 1 week_num from dual
    45                union all
    46                select 2 from dual
    47                union all
    48                select 3 from dual
    49                union all
    50                select 4 from dual
    51                union all
    52                select 5 from dual
    53              ) dum ,
    54              (
    55                select distinct period_num
    56                from week_tab
    57          ) wk
    58      ) m;
             1          1         40
             1          2         60
             1          3         40
             1          4
             1          5
             2          1         30
             2          2         50
             2          3         30
             2          4
             2          5
    10 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.48
    Satyaki De.

  • I recently built a new windows PC for the first time. My (new) wife and I both have itunes accounts, which we would like to use under different windows accounts on same PC. However, when I try to download my wife's songs it gives me an error.

    I am recently married to a wonderful woman and just built a windows PC for the first time. The idea was that we would (sorta) both be able to get a new computer out of it as we would each have a different account under windows. One of the first tasks was to migrate over our iTunes libraries. I did mine with no problem, but now that I'm try to do hers, I'm getting an error message saying "if you download past purchases with your Apple ID, you cannot auto-download or download purchases with a different Apple ID for 90 days."
    What's the best solution for this? I want my wife to be able to use the new computer under her windows account just like it's her new computer, to the extent possible. I don't want our two iTunes accounts to be fighting each other and causing problems because they are on the same physical machine. What to do? Surely this can't be the first time this has happened - where two people each want to have their own iTunes account on the same computer.
    This is the latest version of iTunes ( running on Windows 8.1.

    Drrhythm2 wrote:
    What's the best solution for this? I
    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder from her old compouter to /Music/ in her account on this new computer.

  • Unable to get a connection for pool - ResourceUnavailableException

    I have a BPEL process which starts a child instance of another asynchronous BPEL process for each message in an XML file. The child BPEL process makes a call to the Oracle Apps JCA Adapter to push the data into E-Business Suite.
    All works perfectly except when the number of messages exceeds a certain limit (15 or so). The error received is as follows:
    "Exception occured when binding was invoked.
    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'SyncPersonRecord' failed due to:
    JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection.
    ebsPeoplesoftEmployees:SyncPersonRecord [ SyncPersonRecord_ptt::SyncPersonRecord(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] :
    The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue:
    Unable to get a connection for pool = 'eis/Apps/Apps',
    No resources currently available in pool eis/Apps/Apps to allocate to applications.
    Either specify a time period to wait for resources to become available, or increase the size of the pool and retry.. Please make sure that the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections.
    Please also make sure that the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections. ".
    The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
    Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution."
    Obviously what is happening is the connection pool maximum is reached (currently 15) and this is throwing the error.
    What I need to do is to implement the suggestion of "specifying a time period to wait" and I was hoping someone could tell me how I do this?
    I have tried setting the 'Connection Creation Retry Frequency' parameter to 30 seconds which made no difference and also have checked the documentation on "Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server".
    Does anyone know if this is something that is implemented directly in the BPEL process/composite or in the connection source itself.
    Many thanks

    Open the jndi : eis/Apps/Apps in /console - config tab - increase the initial and max conn capacity and save it. Retry the scenario

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