Unable to install Oracle 11.2 64bit client

I'm unable to get win64_11gR2_client.zip to successfully install on my Windows 7 Pro laptop. I've tried it as both user and as the administrator. Basically the Summary windows failed to popup. I see that several people have had a similar problem, however all the workaround I've attempted have failed.
Using paramFile: C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\install\oraparam.ini
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 4294967296    Passed
The commandline for unzip:
C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\install\unzip -o ..\stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/"*.jar" -d "C:\Users\t841645\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-10-31_10-27-17AM"
Total args: 23
Command line argument array elements ...
-local -debug -printtime -printmemory -printdiskusage -logLevel finest
INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/C:/Users/t841645/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-10-31_10-27-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/C:/Users/t841645/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-10-31_10-27-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/C:/Users/t841645/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2013-10-31_10-27-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Verifying target environment...
INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
INFO: Inventory exists: true
INFO: oraInst.loc does not exist
INFO: Registering setup bean
INFO: Building Flow
INFO: Building the flow graph
INFO: Loaded state init
INFO: Loaded state clientInstallType
INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
INFO: Loaded state getOracleHome
INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Loaded state checkPrereqs
INFO: Loaded state postPrereqs
INFO: Loaded state summary
INFO: Loaded state clientCustomInstall
INFO: Loaded state schedulerAgent
INFO: Loaded state mtsDialog
INFO: Loaded state setup
INFO: Loaded state finish
INFO: Linking states
INFO: State[checkPrereqs]: route=success; to=summary
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_SCHEDULERAGENT; to=schedulerAgent
INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_no; to=productLanguage
INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_yes; to=getOracleHome
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[init]: route=success; to=clientInstallType
INFO: State[mtsDialog]: route=success; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=CUSTOM; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=NON_CUSTOM; to=summary
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=executeprereqs; to=checkPrereqs
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=ignoreprereqs; to=summary
INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_yes; to=getOracleHome
INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
INFO: State[setup]: route=success; to=finish
INFO: State[summary]: route=success; to=setup
INFO: Successfully built the flow
INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream
INFO: Translating external format into raw format
INFO: Registering the flow data beans
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'UNIX_GROUP_NAME' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INVENTORY_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SELECTED_LANGUAGES' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_HOST' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PORT' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_USER' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PWD' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOSTNAME' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'OCMSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Set value for bean ClientSetupBean
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.commons.bean.resource.BeanStoreResourceBundle, key oracle.install.commons.bean.BeanStoreErrorCode.hint
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.client.bean.ClientInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClientInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Registering the flow views
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [PrereqUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SummaryUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SetupUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [CustomInstallUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SchedulerAgentUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [OraMTSUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallLocationUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallTypesUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [FinishUI]
INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
PROPERTY                                VALUE                                                    
COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION          false                                                    
COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES               false                                                    
DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES                false                                                    
FROM_LOCATION                           C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\inst
INSTALL_TYPE                            InstantClient                                            
MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD                *Protected value, not to be logged*                      
ORACLE_HOSTNAME                         L072730.corp.ads                                         
PROXY_PWD                               *Protected value, not to be logged*                      
SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT    true                                                     
SELECTED_LANGUAGES                      {"en"}                                                   
oracle_install_LaunchNetCA              false                                                    
oracle_install_NoMigration              true                                                     
oracle_install_RACInstall               false                                                    
oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber  49156                                                    
oracle_install_db_InstallEdition        EE                                                       
INFO: Launching Oracle Client Installer
INFO: Started executing the flow in INTERACTIVE mode
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key application.icon
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key wizard.roadmapVisible
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key wizard.helpAvailable
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key wizard.size
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key init.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :init
Followed Path    :[init]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state init
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state init
INFO: All forked task are completed at state init
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state init
INFO: Completed executing action at state <init>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <init>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <init>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <init>
INFO: Validating state <init>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state init
INFO: Completed validating state <init>
INFO: Verifying route success
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key clientInstallType.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key getOracleHome.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key getOracleHome.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key checkPrereqs.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key checkPrereqs.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key summary.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key summary.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key setup.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key setup.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key finish.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key finish.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key clientInstallType.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :clientInstallType
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Get view named [InstallTypesUI]
INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 199.0705451965332
INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 751.6538038253784
INFO: View for [InstallTypesUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI@26c42804
INFO: Initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: InstallTypesPane installType is: InstantClient
INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 199.0705451965332
INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 751.6538038253784
INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state clientInstallType
INFO: Completed executing action at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Client Install Type set in InstallTypeUI is : Administrator
INFO: Validating view at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Validating state <clientInstallType>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state clientInstallType
INFO: Completed validating state <clientInstallType>
INFO: In Transition of InstallTypesAction:
INFO: Verifying route ic_no
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key productLanguage.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key productLanguage.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key getOracleHome.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key getOracleHome.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key checkPrereqs.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key checkPrereqs.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key summary.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key summary.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key setup.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key setup.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key finish.tag
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key finish.accessibleDescription
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key productLanguage.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :productLanguage
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType, productLanguage]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Get view named [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: View for [ProductLanguageUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI@47e779a7
INFO: Initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Fetching Available Languages...
INFO: Displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: All forked task are completed at state productLanguage
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state productLanguage
INFO: Completed executing action at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: The languages in which the product will be installed are [en]
INFO: Validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.common.action.ProductLanguageAction
INFO: Completed validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: Verifying route productlanguage_yes
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key getOracleHome.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :getOracleHome
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Get view named [InstallLocationUI]
WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases.conciseHelpText
WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc.conciseHelpText
INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI@171fcdde
INFO: Initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: Validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Administrator.xml
INFO: refDataFile: C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml
INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: true
FINEST: oracle.install.library.util.CompatibilityMatrix:InstallInventory exists: true
INFO: isNewHome= true isORCAHome=false
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\install\..\stage\shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/C:/Users/t841645/Downloads/win64_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Translating external format into raw format
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/C:/Users/t841645/Downloads/win64_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
FINEST: oracle.install.library.asm.ACFSUtil:PRCT-1011 : Failed to run {0}, PRKN-1014 : Failed to execute remote command "C:\WINDOWS\system32\acfsutil.exe" on node "L072730".executable doesn't exist
INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
INFO: PATH has :==>C:\Users\t841645\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2013-10-31_10-27-17AM\jdk\jre\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\ActivIdentity\ActivClient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ActivIdentity\ActivClient\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\StarTeam SDK 10.0\Lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\StarTeam SDK 10.0\Bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CaliberRM SDK 2008\lib;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\FUNCTION;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL;C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\;C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Wbem;C:\UTIL;C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\AdminStudio\5.5\ConflictSolver;C:\Program Files (x86)\ixos\bin;c:\progra~1\ixos\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\;C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY
INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_YES
INFO: Verifying route INVENTORY_YES
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key prereqExecutionDecider.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :prereqExecutionDecider
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key checkPrereqs.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :checkPrereqs
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Get view named [PrereqUI]
INFO: View for [PrereqUI] is [email protected]069
INFO: Initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state checkPrereqs
INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Administrator.xml
INFO: refDataFile: C:\Users\t841645\Downloads\win64_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Administrator.xml
INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
INFO: Completed executing action at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: L072730:C:\Users\t841645\AppData\Local\Temp
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Environment variable: "PATH"
INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = true
INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 128MB (131072.0KB) of total physical memory.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:L072730
INFO: Expected Value:128MB (131072.0KB)
INFO: Actual Value:7.9331GB (8318456.0KB)
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Free Space: L072730:C:\Users\t841645\AppData\Local\Temp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:L072730
INFO: Expected Value:130MB
INFO: Actual Value:19.5607GB
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:L072730
INFO: Expected Value:64-bit
INFO: Actual Value:64-bit
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Environment variable: "PATH": This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:L072730
INFO: Expected Value:1023
INFO: Actual Value:752
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: All forked task are completed at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Validating state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction
INFO: Completed validating state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Verifying route success
FINE: oracle.install.commons.util.Resource:Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ClientDialogLabelResID, key summary.billboard
FINEST: oracle.install.commons.flow.RoutePlan:-----RoutePlan-----
Current Vertex   :summary
Followed Path    :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary]
Tentative Traced Path   :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Tentative Path   :[init, clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, prereqExecutionDecider, checkPrereqs, summary, setup, finish]
Rolled Back Path :[]
Traced Path      :[clientInstallType, productLanguage, getOracleHome, checkPrereqs, summary]
Selectable Nodes  :-todo-
INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]

Pl confirm that you are executing setup by right-clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator". Pl also verify that your hostname does not have any special characters or that the Admin password does not have any special characters.

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    " setup is valid but to enother type machine"
    (proc INTEL XEOM)

    I have downloaded this version:
    Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard/Personal/Client Edition
    for Windows XP 2003/Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)
    There is nothin to read about "just for itanium". Pls can u give me a link (or metalink ID) where u got your informations? Is it possible to run 9i 32bit on Win2k3 Enterprise 64bit?

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    810591 wrote:
    the version on which oracle db is
    I do not know about the oracle 10g client that which version is that on.
    For your information actually error is ORA-03134: connection to this server are no longer supported.
    The error which i am getting is on SSMA a tool by microsoft to migrate oracle to sql 2008. So that tool is displaying this error when i am trying to connect to oracle by the help of SSMA.That tool may be displaying the error, but it is only passing what it was given by the underlying Oracle client. The MS product really has nothing to do with the underlying problem, and can do nothing to fix it.
    I believe Schavalli is right, you may need to get a 9.2 client in there as an intermediary. I once had a system where the app was built in pro-C and the source was lost so could not be recompiled/relinked. We had to host the db on 10.2 to take advantage of certain security features. Ended up having to have an intermediate 9.2 database for the 8.1 client (and there's where we had to patch up to to connect to, and all of the "tables" in the 9.2 were really just public synonyms to db_links pointing on to the 10.2 database.
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    Thanks for help

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    There are many versions of RedHat. Your post indicates you are using one of them, but your post really does not give a hint as to which one. Funny thing is - different versions have different install requirements.
    I really don't understand why operating system version is such a big secret. Especially since it is logically so critical to installation issue. Even when installing on Windows, the first questions is 'which Windows'.
    You have, of course, followed the suggestions at http://www.puschitz.com and noted the errors and workarounds, have you not.
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    I have installed Oracle 11g on SuSe Linux 11.0 with no issues. I am unable to install Oracle Developer Suite10.12.02 on same (SuSe 11.0). The installation gets to about 94% and then fails with the following error:
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__fprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__sprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    Here's the actual (make failure) log entry:
    gcc -o rwbuilder -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods//lib/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib//stubs -rdynamic -Bdynamic -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/jdk/jre/lib/i386 -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/jdk/jre/lib/i386/server -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads -ljvm rxmasb.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/ui10.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/uiicxd.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/rwsng.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/rwscl.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/rwssc.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/rwssc0.o /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/reports/lib/rwsdt.o -lrw /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib//librw.a -lobx -lnn -lrws -lde /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib//libzrc.a -lrws -lucol -luicc -lca -lmma -lmmiw -lmmov -lmma -lmmos -lmmoi -lmmia -lmmft -lmmcm -lvgs -luihx -luc -luipr -luimotif -lot -lrem -lree -lrec -luiimg -luimotif -luipr -luiimg -luc -lrem -luimotif -luia -ltknqap -luipr -luimotif -lutt -lix -lixd -lrod -lror -lros -lrod -lror -lros -lrod -luat -ldfc -lutc -lutj -lutl -lutsl -lpls10 -lplp10 /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/libplc10.a -lpls10 -lplp10 -lslax10 -lsql10 -lclntsh `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lmm -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/sysliblist` -Wl,-rpath,/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib,-rpath,/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/lib:/usr/lib -lm `cat /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lpthread -lm -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib -L/home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib/stubs/ -lsnls10 -lpthread -ljvm -lhpi -Wl,-rpath,/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lm -lXp -lXext /home/oracle/app/product/11.1.0/ods/lib//librw.a -lnsl
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__fprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__sprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [rwbuilder] Error 1
    The only serious flaw I can see in the config is that I'm using libstd++ 4.3 instead of the requested 3.2.2 which 'should' be acceptable as it's a newer version - can anyone help please? Thanks in advance for any helpful advice anyone can offer.
    Richard Foley
    ps. What's also a bit odd, is that the overall exit status of the installation is regarded as succesful...
    *** End of Installation Page***
    The installation of Oracle Developer Suite 10g was successful.
    Edited by: orafoley on Oct 14, 2008 5:19 PM

    Hi Hub,
    Done that, nothing:
    $> env | grep -i LD
    On the off-chance that it had something to do with installing Oracle 11.0 with ODS Developer 10.0, I've rolled my database installation back too, so now I have:
    Oracle 10.2.01
    Oracle Developer Suite 10i (ODS 10.12.02)
    SuSe 11.0
    Now when I runInstaller I get this, which is surprisingly similar:
    Start output from spawned process:
    rm -f /home/oracle/app/product/; \
    rm -f /home/oracle/app/product/
    rm -f rwsutil.o rwspid.o ; \
    /usr/bin/ar x /home/oracle/app/product/ rwsutil.o rwspid.o ; \
    (LD_OPTIONS="-z muldefs"; \
    /usr/bin/gcc -o /home/oracle/app/product/ -shared -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ rwsutil.o rwspid.o \
    -lm /home/oracle/app/product/ -lpthread -Wl,-rpath,/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lm -lXp -lXext `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -lc )
    rm -f zrhitem.o zrhcursor.o; \
    /usr/bin/ar x /home/oracle/app/product/ zrhitem.o zrhcursor.o
    rm -f rwbuilder
    gcc -o rwbuilder -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -rdynamic -Bdynamic -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -ljvm rxmasb.o /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ /home/oracle/app/product/ -lrw /home/oracle/app/product/ -lobx -lnn -lrws -lde /home/oracle/app/product/ -lrws -lucol -luicc -lca -lmma -lmmiw -lmmov -lmma -lmmos -lmmoi -lmmia -lmmft -lmmcm -lvgs -luihx -luc -luipr -luimotif -lot -lrem -lree -lrec -luiimg -luimotif -luipr -luiimg -luc -lrem -luimotif -luia -ltknqap -luipr -luimotif -lutt -lix -lixd -lrod -lror -lros -lrod -lror -lros -lrod -luat -ldfc -lutc -lutj -lutl -lutsl -lpls10 -lplp10 /home/oracle/app/product/ -lpls10 -lplp10 -lslax10 -lsql10 -lclntsh `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lmm -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lnro10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -lnsslb10 -lnsgr10 -lnzjs10 -ln10 -lnnz10 -lnl10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 -lclient10 -lnnetd10 -lvsn10 -lcommon10 -lgeneric10 -lcore10 -lunls10 -lsnls10 -lnls10 -lcore10 -lnls10 `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -Wl,-rpath,/home/oracle/app/product/,-rpath,/home/oracle/app/product/ -lm `cat /home/oracle/app/product/` -ldl -lpthread -lm -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -L/home/oracle/app/product/ -lsnls10 -lpthread -ljvm -lhpi -Wl,-rpath,/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lm -lXp -lXext /home/oracle/app/product/ -lnsl
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__fprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    /usr/lib/libXtst.so.6: undefined reference to `__sprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [rwbuilder] Error 1
    End output from spawned process.
    Exception thrown from action: make
    Exception Name: MakefileException
    Exception String: Error in invoking target 'libso_install bld_install proxy_install runm_install server_install cgi_install cli_install conv_install qv_install' of makefile '/home/oracle/app/product/'. See '/opt/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2008-10-30_02-12-25PM.log' for details.

  • Installing oracle 10g and 11g client  on the same Linux RHEL 5.4 host

    Is it possible to install Oracle 10g and 11g client on the same Linux RHEL 5.4 host and have the application switch between 10g and 11g? and how would the 10g and 11g be installed?

    Thanks for your reply.
    Typeically if 10g is installed in /home/roacle/product/10.2.0, are you saying that for 11g, it would be /home/oracle/product/11.0.0 ?
    How about switching the application? Does changing the ORACLE_HOME and PATH environment variable setting enough ? Let's say from
    ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1 to /home/oracle/product/11.0.0/client_1

  • Install oracle 11g r2 on client

    HI Folks, please specify a good link to install oracle 11g r2 on client machine on windows xp
    and also steps how to install
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: newbie on Feb 14, 2011 9:20 PM

    The correct place for such question is {forum:id=64}

  • Unable to install Oracle XE Client on Ubuntu 8.04 - "no such user"

    I've just installed Oracle XE client on my desktop machine (64bit Ubuntu 8.04), and I had to manually create some users and groups:
    sudo groupadd nobody
    sudo groupadd oinstall
    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -g oinstall -G dba oracle
    sudo passwd oracle
    before the install would complete, due to what appears to be incorrect arguments to useradd by the installer.
    It took quite a lot of hunting to find the above, and I'm a little concerned since no one else seems to have had the same problems.
    I installed using:
    $ sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture oracle-xe-client_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb
    (the force-architecture was required for the server install on my server, so I did the same here)
    I read the install instructions on the oracle pages
    (http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/database/xe/files/install.102/b25144/toc.htm#BABFEDEI) and didn't see anything about having to manually create these accounts, and I seem to have followed the rest of the instructions correctly.
    What did I do wrong? I'm probably going to have to do it again sometime, and I'm a little concerned that I might have just been causing trouble for myself by doing those extra manual steps.
    Note that I had to provide a password for the oracle user; how does oracle manage to log in using this account, since I didn't have to provide it anywhere?
    Any help/advice would be appreciated,
    many thanks,
    BTW I'm really not happy with the preview/post message thing in this forum; I'm using Firefox 3.0.1 and if you use preview then the back button clears the entire text (yay, thanks!); I tried to be more cunning next time, and use the back button instead, but then none of the "preview", "post message" and "cancel" buttons work... so this was my third attempt at writing this message, and it's somewhat shorter than the original, like my patience :p

    BTW I'm really not happy with the preview/post
    message thing in this forum; I'm using Firefox 3.0.1
    and if you use preview then the back button clears
    the entire text (yay, thanks!); I tried to be more
    cunning next time, and use the back button instead,
    but then none of the "preview", "post message" and
    "cancel" buttons work...It's not Firefox related - same issue with other browsers.
    Please put your entry regarding this into this thread:
    Preview not working correctly - works now
    That's the right place for this issue...

  • Unable to install Oracle client

    I am trying to install the Oracle client but it gives an internal error and the installation gets terminated.It creates a log and .err file I am pasting the contents of the log file. Please let me know if any of you can help.
    Using paramFile: C:\TEMP\client\install\oraparam.ini
    No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\TEMP\client\install\unzip -qqq ../stage/Components/oracle.swd.jre/"*.jar" -d "C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM"
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\TEMP\client\install\unzip -qqq ..\stage\Components\oracle.swd.oui\\1\DataFiles\/"*.jar" -d "C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM"
    The commandline for unzip:
    C:\TEMP\client\install\unzip -qqq ..\stage\Components\oracle.swd.oui.core\\1\DataFiles\/"*.jar" -d "C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM"
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 584.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 100.INFO: Environment Variables:
    INFO:      ORACLE_HOME =
    INFO:      PATH = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_2;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1;T:\SDCHS20N440\Oracle\agent10g\jlib;T:\SDCHS20N440\Oracle\agent10g\bin;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\BMCSOF~1\common\globalc\bin\Windows-x86;C:\PROGRA~1\BMCSOF~1\Patrol36\bin;C:\Program Files\Citrix\System32\Citrix\IMA;C:\Program Files\Citrix\System32\Citrix\IMA\Subsystems;C:\WINNT\System32\Citrix\IMA;C:\Program Files\Citrix\system32;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\FUNCTION;C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\bin;C:\Program Files\Rational\common;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Patrol36\BEST1\7.2.00\bgs\bin;C:\Program Files\Compuware\Common;
    INFO:      CLASSPATH = .;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\java\db2java.zip;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\java\db2jcc.jar;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\java\common.jar
    INFO: Username:smukherj
    INFO: Oracle Universal Installer version is
    INFO: Setting variable 'PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION' to ''. Received the value from variable association.
    INFO: Reader/Writer 'oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicGlobalContextXMLReaderWriter' was created.
    *** Welcome Page***
    INFO: Unable to read T:/SDCHS20N440/Oracle/agent10g/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
    INFO: Unable to read C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
    INFO: Unable to read C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_2/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
    INFO: Initializing install inventory
    INFO: Setting up install inventory
    *** Specify Source Location Page***
    INFO: Initializing OUI Shiphome access setup
    INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
    *** Select a Product to Install Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelComp ( ToplevelComp )' property to 'oracle.client,, >, [ 912 ][OH:2]'. Received the value from the default settings.
    *** Select Installation Type Page***
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
    INFO: Setting up install inventory
    INFO: Initializing install inventory
    INFO: Setting up install inventory
    *** Specify Source Location Page***
    INFO: Initializing OUI Shiphome access setup
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
    *** Select a Product to Install Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelComp ( ToplevelComp )' property to 'oracle.client,, >, [ 912 ][OH:2]'. Received the value from the default settings.
    *** Select Installation Type Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'InstallType ( DEP_MODE )' property to 'InstantClient'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'TopLevelInstallType ( TLDepModes )' property to 'InstantClient'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: The selected install type is "InstantClient".
    *** Specify Home Details Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'OracleHome ( ORACLE_HOME )' property to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Setting the 'OracleHomeName ( ORACLE_HOME_NAME )' property to 'OraClient10g_home3'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Initializing OUI Oracle Home access setup
    INFO: Setting variable 'ORACLE_HOME' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the UI page.
    INFO: Loading shiphomepropertiesfrom C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.client_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.client Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.displayFonts_9.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_fonts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oem.client_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/sysman'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.mgmt_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_olap_wrksht'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.ic_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlplus.ic_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.sqlplus.ic Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.esm_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.client_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_has_client'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlj_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_java_sqlj'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jle3_3.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/jle3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\oui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.opatch_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\OPatch'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.jre_1.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\jre\1.4.2'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ons_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/opmn'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.assistants.acf_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.assistants.acf Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.cabo_2.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/uix'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui_2.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/dbui'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.dbui4_4.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/dbui4'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.ewt_3.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/ewt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.help_4.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/help'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.ice_5.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/ice'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jewt_4.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/jewt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.jle_2.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/jle'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.kodiak_1.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/kodiak'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.regexp_2.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/regexp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.bali.share_1.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_tools_share'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.buildtools.common_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_buildtools_common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.buildtools.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_buildtools_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.csmig_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms_expimp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.common_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.dbjava.common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.ic_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_dbjava_ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_dbjava_jdbc'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc12_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.dbjava.jdbc12'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.jdbc14_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.dbjava.jdbc14'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.dbjava.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.dbjava.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.emdw.emcp_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.emdw.emcp Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.emdw.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.emdw.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.common_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.has.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rsf_has_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.javavm.client_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.javavm.client Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.jdk_1.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\jdk'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.admin_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.client_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ldap.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_ldap_rsf_cmp'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.aso_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.network.aso Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.client_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_network_client'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.owm_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.network.owm Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.network.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.rsf.ic_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.network.rsf.ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.network.ssl_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.network.ssl'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf_lbuilder'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoledb_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntoledb Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoledb.odp_net_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/ODP.NET'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntoramts_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oramts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.admin_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.admin Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.oraconfig_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.oraconfig Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.odbc_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3in'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.odbc.ic_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3in'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oem.oemlt_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oemlt'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oo4o_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.oo4o Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oracore.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.oracore.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.api_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.oraolap.api'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.oraolap.dbscripts_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ordim.annotator_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.ordim.client_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.interMedia.imclient'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.perlint_5.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\perl'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.precomp Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.common_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.precomp.common Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.lang_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.precomp.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rsf_precomp_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.crs_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.dbscripts_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms_dbscripts'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.hs_common_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms_hs_common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.install.common_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.install.common'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.oci_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms_oci'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.plsql_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms_plsql'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.ic'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rman_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.rman'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rdbms.util_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.rdbms.util'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.rsf_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.rsf Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.slax.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle.slax.rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlj.sqljruntime_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_java_sqlj_sqljruntime'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.sqlplus_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.sqlplus Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.winprod_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.winprod Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.wwg.plsql_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rdbms'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_prod'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk.parser.java_10.' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: oracle.xdk.parser.java Product Location: Empty path specified.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.xdk.rsf_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/oracle_rsf_rdbms_rsf'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.java.j2ee.core_10.' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\jdk\jre\lib\ext'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Performing operation for OUI Oracle Home access setup
    INFO: Unable to read C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_3/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
    INFO: SRVM ClusterInfo.IsLocalOnly() called. Return value obtained is 'false'.
    INFO: The CRS clusterware location for 'oracle.crs' is not found.
    INFO: This is not a cluster system.
    INFO: Node selection page will not be shown.
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Client " is "InstantClient".
    INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Client could be found. Missing component oracle.doc
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle Instant Client " is "InstClient".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client " is "Typical".
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.client_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.odbc.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.dbjava.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.network.rsf.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of 'oracle.sqlplus.ic_10.' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    *** Language Selection Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'SelectedLanguages ( SELECTED_LANGUAGES )' property to 'en'. Received the value from the default settings.
    *** Specify Local Host Name Page***
    INFO: Setting the 'HostName ( ORACLE_HOSTNAME )' property to 'sdchs20n440.corp.siebel.com'. Received the value from the default settings.
    INFO: Defaulting prerequisite location to 'C:\TEMP\client\stage/prereq'.
    *** Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks Page***
    INFO: Entry point:oracle.client_InstantClient_install
    INFO: Starting Prerequisite checks : Mon Dec 04 16:34:15 IST 2006
    INFO: Checking CertifiedVersions
         This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S.
    INFO: Expected result: One of 4.0,4.1,5.0,5.1,5.2
    Actual Result: 5.0
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: Checking ServicePackChecks
         This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Service Pack level recommended for installing the product is available on the system.
    INFO: Expected result: 1
    Actual Result: 4
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: Checking TotalMemory
         This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has sufficient physical memory.
    INFO: Expected result: 128MB
    Actual Result: 2047MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: Checking OracleHomeSpace
         This is a prerequisite condition to check whether the specified Oracle Home contains any spaces in the path.
    INFO: Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: Checking CompatibilityChecks_IC
         This is a prerequisite condition to check whether the Oracle Home specified by the user already contains an installed product which is incompatible with the product being installed.
    INFO: Actual Result: NEW_HOME
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INFO: Prerequisite checks completed : Mon Dec 04 16:34:32 IST 2006
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.client installation
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getOSName
    INFO: Query Returned: NT_X86
    INFO: Setting variable 's_operatingSystem' to 'NT_X86'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ntEnvOH' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10. getComponentInstallTypeName
    INFO: Query Returned: InstantClient
    INFO: Setting variable 's_installType' to 'InstantClient'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getInstallType
    INFO: Query Returned: InstantClient
    INFO: Setting variable 's_bundleName' to 'IC'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_OPSSelectedNodes' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'n_TMPDIR_BYTES_REQ' to '0'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'n_TEMP_BYTES_REQ' to '0'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_removeNTenvOH' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = WINDOWS
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isWINDOWS' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = UNIX
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isUNIX' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isOrcaHome' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getenv
    name = TEMP
    INFO: Query Returned: C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1
    INFO: Setting variable 's_TEMP_LOC' to 'C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_OSDUnixMakePath' to '/usr/ccs/bin/make'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isUXW' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isIntel_Solaris' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isHP' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isDG' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getenv
    name = TEMP
    INFO: Query Returned: C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1
    INFO: Setting variable 's_TMPDIR_LOC' to 'C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getenv
    name = ORACLE_HOME
    INFO: Query Returned:
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ntEnvOH' to ''. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: Setting value of child variable s_bundleName of oracle.network.aso to IC
    INFO: Setting value of child variable s_bundleName of oracle.rdbms.ic to IC
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.ic installation
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getOSName
    INFO: Query Returned: NT_X86
    INFO: Setting variable 's_operatingSystem' to 'NT_X86'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ociBkpFileName' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_bundleName' to 'IC'. Received the value from variable association.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = WINDOWS
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isWINDOWS' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = UNIX
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isUNIX' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ezLocation' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/instantclient'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isSolaris' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isHP' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.so.10.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.sl.10.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.a
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_clntshExists' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'SO_EXT' to '.so'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting value of child variable s_bundleName of oracle.odbc.ic to IC
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.odbc.ic installation
    INFO: Calling Query WindowsGeneralQueries10. getWindowsDirectory
    INFO: Query Returned: C:\WINNT
    INFO: Setting variable 's_windowsSystemRoot' to 'C:\WINNT'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query WindowsGeneralQueries10. getWindowsSystemDirectory
    INFO: Query Returned: C:\WINNT\system32
    INFO: Setting variable 's_windowsSystemDirectory' to 'C:\WINNT\system32'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_registryRoot' to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_bundleName' to 'IC'. Received the value from variable association.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_odbcLocation' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\ODBC'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_odbcKey' to 'software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_netAdminFolder' to 'Oracle - OraClient10g_home3\Network Administration'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_oracleBin' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic installation
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. getOSName
    INFO: Query Returned: NT_X86
    INFO: Setting variable 's_operatingSystem' to 'NT_X86'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ociBkpFileName' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_bundleName' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = WINDOWS
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isWINDOWS' to 'true'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = UNIX
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isUNIX' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ezLocation' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/instantclient'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isSolaris' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isHP' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.so.10.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.sl.10.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\lib\libclntsh.a
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_clntshExists' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 'SO_EXT' to ''. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network.rsf.ic installation
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.dbjava.ic installation
    INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10. isCurrentPlatformInGroup
    platGroup = UNIX
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 'b_isUNIX' to 'false'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: Setting variable 's_jservFile' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.properties'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
    INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sqlplus.ic installation
    INFO: oracle.srvm.formCluster:false
    *** Summary Page***
    Global Settings
    Source: C:\TEMP\client\stage\products.xml
    Oracle Home: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3 (OraClient10g_home3)
    Installation Type: InstantClient
    Product Languages
    Space Requirements
    C:\ Required 169MB (includes 39MB temporary) : Available 25.84GB
    New Installations (7 products)
    Oracle Client
    Oracle Instant Client
    Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
    RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
    SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
    Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
    SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
    INFO: Method 'dispose()' Not implemented in class 'oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifp.OiifpWizIntroPanel'
    INFO: config-context initialized
    INFO: *** Install Page***
    INFO: FastCopy : File Version is Compatible
    INFO: Install mode is fastcopy mode for component 'oracle.client' with Install type 'InstantClient'.
    INFO: HomeSetup JRE files in Scratch :584
    INFO: Setting variable 'ROOTSH_LOCATION' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\root.sh'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.client_InstantClient_filemap.jar'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'racfiles.jar'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.client_InstantClient_1.xml'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.client_InstantClient_dirs.lst'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'setperms1.sh'.
    INFO: Number of threads for fast copy :1
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:50 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:50 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:50 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:50 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll.o.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ociBkpFileName' to 'oci.dll.o.1'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10. productInstalled
    location = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
    name = oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic
    startVersion =
    endVersion =
    acceptCompatible = null
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:50 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10. copyGroupFromJar
         selectedNodes = null
         copyGroup = filegroup4
         permissions = null
         owner = null
         group = null
         copyAsText = null
         JarLoc = C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM\temp0
         gpEntries = [[sqora.chm ->%s_odbcLocation%/help/sqora.chm 215861 plats=1=>[912] langs=2=>[en]]
         DllGroup = false
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10. copyGroupFromJar
         selectedNodes = null
         copyGroup = filegroup3
         permissions = null
         owner = null
         group = null
         copyAsText = null
         JarLoc = C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM\temp1
         gpEntries = [[ODBCRelnotesUS.htm ->%s_odbcLocation%/html/ODBCRelnotesUS.htm 68357 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
    , [ODBCRelnotesJA.htm ->%s_odbcLocation%/html/ODBCRelnotesJA.htm 93273 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
         DllGroup = false
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10. copyGroupFromJar
         selectedNodes = null
         copyGroup = filegroup2
         permissions = null
         owner = null
         group = null
         copyAsText = null
         JarLoc = C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM\temp2
         gpEntries = [[sqresus.dll ->%s_oracleBin%/sqresus.dll 18944 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
    , [sqresja.dll ->%s_oracleBin%/sqresja.dll 32768 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
         DllGroup = false
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10. copyGroupFromJar
         selectedNodes = null
         copyGroup = filegroup1
         permissions = null
         owner = null
         group = null
         copyAsText = null
         JarLoc = C:\DOCUME~1\smukherj\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\OraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM\temp3
         gpEntries = [[sqora32.dll ->%s_oracleBin%/sqora32.dll 100 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
    , [sqoras32.dll ->%s_oracleBin%/sqoras32.dll 100 plats=1=>[912] langs=1=>[en,ja]]
         DllGroup = false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\WINNT\oraodbc.ini
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:51 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component Oracle Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll.o.1
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Setting variable 's_ociBkpFileName' to 'oci.dll.o.1'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/bin/oci.dll
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10. productInstalled
    location = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
    name = oracle.rdbms.ic
    startVersion =
    endVersion =
    acceptCompatible = null
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:51 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 1 of component Oracle Client
    INFO: Calling Action generalActions10. setenv
         selectedNodes =
         name = Path
         value = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
         append = null
         replace = null
    INFO: Install Phase 1 JRE files in Scratch :584
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:54 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:54 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.properties
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:55 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:55 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:55 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Action ntw32FoldersActions10. ntCreateItem
         selectedNodes = null
         groupName = Oracle - OraClient10g_home3\Application Development
         itemName = Oracle ODBC Help
         exeName = hh
         paramName = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\sqora.chm
         workingDir = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
         iconFileName = null
         icon = null
         cmdType = null
         multiparamName = null
    INFO: Calling Action ntw32FoldersActions10. ntCreateItem
         selectedNodes = null
         groupName = Oracle - OraClient10g_home3\Configuration and Migration Tools
         itemName = Microsoft ODBC Administrator
         exeName = C:\WINNT\system32\odbcad32.exe
         paramName = null
         workingDir = C:\WINNT\system32
         iconFileName = null
         icon = null
         cmdType = null
         multiparamName = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegCreateKey
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = APILevel
         data = 1
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = CPTimeout
         data = 60
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = ConnectFunctions
         data = YYY
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = Driver
         data = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\SQORA32.DLL
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = DriverODBCVer
         data = 03.51
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = FileUsage
         data = 0
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = Setup
         data = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\SQORAS32.DLL
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         value = SQLLevel
         data = 1
         updateType = null
    INFO: Calling Action w32RegActions10. RegSetValue
         selectedNodes = null
         SubKey = software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\odbc drivers
         value = Oracle in OraClient10g_home3
         data = Installed
         updateType = null
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:35:59 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component Oracle Instant Client
    INFO: Calling Action SpawnActions10. Spawn
         installcommand = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/instclient.bat C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
         deinstallcommand =
         WaitForCompletion = null
    INFO: Start output from spawned process:
    INFO: ----------------------------------
    INFO: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
    INFO: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\heteroxa10.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\oci.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\ocijdbc10.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\ociw32.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\orannzsbb10.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\bin\oraocci10.dll
    INFO: "Instantclient FOLDER EXISTS"
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\instantclient\oraociei10.dll
    INFO: Deleted file - C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\instantclient\orasqlplusic10.dll
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: 1 file(s) copied.
    INFO: End output from spawned process.
    INFO: ----------------------------------
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3/instclient.sh
    INFO: Query Returned: false
    INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10. exists
    filename = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\instclient.bat
    INFO: Query Returned: true
    INFO: Calling Action fileActions10. removeFile
         selectedNodes = null
         source = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_3\instclient.bat
    INFO: 12/4/06 4:36:00 PM IST: Starting install Install Phase 2 of component Oracle Client
    INFO: Install Phase 2 JRE files in Scratch :584
    INFO: Initializing OUI save inventory
    INFO: The flags set for this home (T:\SDCHS20N440\Oracle\agent10g) are:clean
    SEVERE: Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured. Please provide the following files to Oracle Support :
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2006-12-04_04-31-25PM.log"
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\oraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM.err"
    "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\oraInstall2006-12-04_04-31-25PM.out"
    INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK
    Best Regards,

    Ouch. That's a lot of paste...
    INFO: PATH = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_2;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0
    INFO: The flags set for this home (T:\SDCHS20N440\Oracle\agent10g) are:clean
    SEVERE: Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured. Please
    provide the following files to Oracle Support : I wonder how "T:" is involved. Looks like you got a management agent on a network drive. If so, is this Home registered with the oraInventory on your machine? Can you try the same install on a machine without any previous Oracle software installed?

  • Unable tu install Oracle 9i Client on Win XP Professional

    I have problems installing Oracle 9i Client on Windows XP Professional. The error appears when I try launching the setup.exe file from the "Disk1" folder on my HD. The message error says something like "I can't run the set up". If somebody have any ideas please help me.

    double click autorun.exe in the autorun folder.

  • Unable to Install oracle 10g R2 on RHEL5 with 64 bit

    Operating Systm:LINUX(RHEL 5 64 bit)
    When we are trying to run ./runInsatller we are getting the below error .And it is not displaying any ORACLE GUI to install
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 ~]$ cd database/
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-06_01-35-08AM. Please wait ...
    DISPLAY not set. Please set the DISPLAY and try again.
    Depending on the Unix Shell, you can use one of the following commands as examples to set the DISPLAY environment variable:
    - For csh:                      % setenv DISPLAY
    - For sh, ksh and bash:         $ DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
    Use the following command to see what shell is being used:
            echo $SHELL
    Use the following command to view the current DISPLAY environment variable setting:
            echo $DISPLAY
    - Make sure that client users are authorized to connect to the X Server.
    To enable client users to access the X Server, open an xterm, dtterm or xconsole as the user that started the session and type the following command:
    % xhost +
    To test that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, run a X11 based program that comes with the native operating system such as 'xclock':
            % <full path to xclock.. see below>
    If you are not able to run xclock successfully, please refer to your PC-X Server or OS vendor for further assistance.
    Typical path for xclock: /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ neat
    -bash: neat: command not found
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-06_01-35-39AM. Please wait ...[oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-06_01-35-39AM/jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/libawt.so: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
            at sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at sun.awt.NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(Unknown Source)
            at sun.awt.DebugHelper.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
            at java.awt.Component.<clinit>(Unknown Source)Please help me how to solve the problem.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Poorna Prasad.S

    Here we are trying to install oracle S/W through nx client .
    I am unable to get the GUI of oracle Installer after following your steps.
    [oracle@virqts1appdev001 ~]$ ssh
    [email protected]'s password:
    Ok, you are starting an ssh session to a server at
    What is the IP address of the machine from which you are starting the ssh session?
    Last login: Sun Mar  6 01:54:25 2011 from
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 ~]$ xhost +
    xhost:  unable to open display ""
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 ~]$ DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY192.168.7.93 is the IP address of the machine that you are connected TO, the ip address of the machine that will be executing the installer.
    What is the IP address of the client from which you started the ssh session ... the machine that you are sitting at and expecting to see output? It is the IP address of that machine that you need to set in your DISPLAY variable. That tells the remote machine to redirect display output to the IP address specified by the DISPLAY variable.
    And then, to receive that redirected output, you need to start an x-server on that machine. x-ming in one popular, free x-server.
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 ~]$ cd database/
    [oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking installer requirements...
    Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLin
    ux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2
    All installer requirements met.
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-06_02
    -18-39AM. Please wait ...[oracle@virqtsXora01 database]$ Exception in thread "ma
    in" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-06_02-18-39AM/jre/1.4
    .2/lib/i386/libawt.so: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file
    or directory
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
    at sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at sun.awt.NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(Unknown Source)
    at sun.awt.DebugHelper.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    at java.awt.Component.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    Thanks & Regards,
    Poorna Prasad.S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Error while table Import from Oracle (OBIEE server 64bit & Client 32bit)

    Hi All,
    Problem : ODBC/OCI Connectivity Issue between OBIEE BP1 (64-bit) server and OBIEE BP1 Client (32-bit) local machine.
    We have an OBIEE BP1(64-bit) setup on a 64-bit ‘Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise’ machine.
    OBIEE dev team members have 32-bit local machines.
    OBIEE “Admin team member” (who will work on RPD) has OBIEE 11g client (BP1) installed on their *32-bit local machine*(which is common client software for 32/64 bit.)
    Now, two ODBC connections were created on this 32-bit local Client machine, with OBIEE 11g client installed on it.
    One with “BI server driver” for connection to OBIEE server machine(64-bit) to open RPD and other with “Oracle database driver” to connect to the Oracle database on 64-bit machine, to import tables.
    With this setup done, I am able to open the RPD in online mode and view the existing sampleapp related objects present in it.
    But when I try to import metadata from OBIEE client admin tool using OCI or ODBC, it gives an error that “Connection fails! “
    I have the required tns entry in my tnsnames.ora file and I am able to connect to this database from the local client machine, using sqlplus.
    Kindly let me know if there are any restrictions in using this type of a setup combination of 32-bit and 64-bit machines for OBIEE BP1 setup.
    If not then, what steps are to be followed to do the setup btw 64-bit OBIEE server and 32-bit OBIEE client to make table import working.

    Hi Veeravalli.. Thanks for your response.
    I have my tns file residing in both the location you mentioned on the server machine. (64-bit)
    •     {Oracle_BI1}\network\admin directory
    •     {oracle_common}\network\admin directory
    And also in the below Oracle_home path of oracle_client in the local machine. (32-bit, Oracle 11g R2 database client)
    •     {oracle_Home}\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin
    Also, I have used the full expanded tnsnames as you mentioned. Still issue persists.
    When I use , “DataDirect 6.0 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol” driver, for creating the system DSN and try to import tables from OBIEE client admin tool on local client machine, the connection happens and table list comes up, but it’s an SAP product and hence it throws a msg to purchase the tool to go further with table import.
    I am wondering if I any other configuration steps need to be carried out, with the ODBC/OCI set up between 64-bit OBIEE server and 32-bit OBIEE client.
    Also, the source database that I am trying to connect to is yet again on a 64-bit machine(Oracle 11g R2).
    Please suggest.

  • Unable to install oracle 10g XE in windows 7

    previously i had installed oracle 10g.but it stopped working.
    so I tried to resolv it by uninstalling it.
    I uninstalled it from control panel.
    but now i am unable to install it again
    it showing an error-
    The install cannot proceed as service OracleServiceXE is present on the system.
    Remove the sevice,reboot the system and retry the installation.
    I have tried reboot the system so many times after uninstall also.
    please give me a solution for this.

    938561 wrote:
    previously i had installed oracle 10g.but it stopped working.
    so I tried to resolv it by uninstalling it.
    I uninstalled it from control panel.
    but now i am unable to install it again
    it showing an error-
    The install cannot proceed as service OracleServiceXE is present on the system.
    Remove the sevice,reboot the system and retry the installation.
    I have tried reboot the system so many times after uninstall also.
    please give me a solution for this.FORMAT C:\

  • Unable to install Oracle 8.1.7 Enterprise Edition on a Dell Dimension 4400

    I just bought a Dell Dimension 4400 computer. I tried many times to install Oracle 8.1.7 Enterprise Edition on it. My operating system is Windows XP Professional. It seems nothing to do with the Operating system because I installed the database on a HP computer with Windows XP professional. Any suggestions?

    There are many documented issues regarding P4 processors with [OUI] Oracle Universal Installer for Oracle 8.1.x
    Oracle Metalink has some recommended patches and etc but I can only comment what is working for me. Keep in mind I only install these clients, I don't work on databases that actually use them. So if there is another piece that is dependant on the java version shipped with the cd, this may not solve everything.
    Workaround #1 [To install and be able to run OUI at a later time]
    1.) Install the Sun Java Runtime [http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/jre/download-windows.html].
    a) Make sure that the system path enviroment (Properties of My Computer, not inside a cmd window) has c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\bin and c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\bin\classic before any Oracle related path. Don't have any other JRE in the path.
    2.) Copy the cd to a network source or local directory and do a search for all "symcjit.dll" and rename "symcjit.old"
    3.) Run the installer, this should install the client
    Workaround #2 [Just to install.. not for mass deployment]
    If you have access to an Oracle 9i CD, use the OUI 2 installer that comes with that and redirect the "source" to where your 8.1.7 client is.

  • Help Installing Oracle 8.1.6 client using SMS

    Don't think I have the right topic here, but I'll post my request anyway...
    I am attempting to do a silent install of the Oracle 8.1.6 client using SMS and the .RSP files provided on the CD. So far not having much luck and was wondering if anyone here has done something similar and if so what methods you used.
    Thanks for any help you can provide!!!

    Check this link if your computer have a P4.
    Rename each copy of the SYMCJIT.DLL to SYMCJIT.OLD.
    Then your installation will start smoothly.

Maybe you are looking for