Unable to install Windows Features

On a server (hardawre, not virtual), Windows 2012 server Core installed.
I tried to add Features like GUI, without success:
How i try to did it:
1/ WS2012R2 Standard installation, selecting core, from DVD. No domain, simpliest way...
2/ using sconfig, entering LAN parameters (ip, DNS), ping www.google.fr got answer
3/ Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell
=> i've got a "indicator" starting from 0 and stopping at 24%
and then an error: "Category info :OperationTimeout" / "FullyqualifiedErrorId: GetalterationState_CallCycleTimeout..."
Using Google, i tried the following commands:
Dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:e:sources\install.wim (get index 2 for non-core installation files)
Dism /mount-wim /WimFile:e:\sources\install.wim /Index:2 /MountDir:c:\mountdir /readonly
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell –Restart –Source  c:\mountdir\windows\winsxs
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell –Source wim:<drive>:\sources\install.wim:2
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell -source:wim:d:\sources\install.wim:2
For each of this tests, i get exactly the same error.
Where i did the mistake ?
Many Thx's

Just a copy of my first post:
On a server (hardware, not virtual), Windows 2012 server Core installed.
I tried to add Features like GUI, without success:
How i try to did it:
1/ WS2012R2 Standard installation, selecting core, from DVD. No domain, simpliest way...
2/ using sconfig, entering LAN parameters (ip, DNS), ping www.google.fr i got answer
3/ Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell
=> i've got a "indicator" starting from 0 and stopping at 24%
and then an error: "Category info :OperationTimeout" / "FullyqualifiedErrorId: GetalterationState_CallCycleTimeout..."
This morning i tried an another way:
After WS2012R2 Core installation, network config, i did this:
copy d:\sources\install.wim c:\sources
Attrib -r c:\sources\install.wim
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell -source:wim:c:\souces\install.wim:2
I get the same message ! 
Another idea ?
Many thank's... again :-)

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    The given key was not present in the dictionary.
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-WindowsFeature], KeyN
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException,
        + PSComputerName        : CORE1
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    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
      Problem Signature 01: servermanager.exe
      Problem Signature 02: 6.2.9200.16384
      Problem Signature 03: 50107b22
      Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
      Problem Signature 05: 4.0.30319.17929
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      Problem Signature 08: c
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      OS Version: 6.2.9200.
      Locale ID: 1033
      Additional Information 1: 7a77
      Additional Information 2: 7a77983701ecc7870d72712ffa4c3c88
      Additional Information 3: 0b4b
      Additional Information 4: 0b4b0ba1592ebbc56adc05832bb92aa6
    Read our privacy statement online:
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    The server is running all Microsoft updates. Rebooting doesn't help. I've checked the event logs and I don't see anything relevant.

    I would like to suggest you first run get-windowsfeature command on the core locally not remotely. And if it works, then try to remote run it.
     Invoke-Command -ComputerName CORE1 {get-WindowsFeature }
    Yan Li
    Cataleya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • HT4407 Hey, I am unable to install windows 7 using 'bootcamp 5.0' . I have already partitioned the drive as (mac Os Extended Journaled) and yet it seems bootcamp won't acknowledge this?

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    You don't need to buy anything but you should have backups.
    you can delete #2 you created. Then resize to full drive.
    There are already
    and there needs to be Windows which cannot be higher ID
    Reading the instructions first and just swallow whatever pride or inidignation. It is a "my way or highwar" setup and utility,.
    create a Windows support software (drivers) CD or USB storage media
    The Boot Camp Assistant can burn Boot Camp software (drivers) to a DVD or copy it to a USB storage device, such as a flash drive or hard drive. These are the only media you can use to install Boot Camp software.
    Installation Guide  Instructions for all features and settings.
    Boot Camp 4.0 FAQ  Get answers to commonly asked Boot Camp questions.
    Windows 7 FAQ  Answers to commonly asked Windows 7 questions.

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    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235496
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    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Download of "Windows Server AppFabric" completed successfully
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    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - SERVICE_RUNNING
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Waiting till the status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - SERVICE_STOPPED
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    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_STOPPED
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    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_RUNNING
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    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - AppFabric caching service is not installed.
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - All services have been configured successfully for AppFabric.
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Installing Windows Server AppFabric
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - "C:\Users\manoj\AppData\Local\Temp\App3B41.tmp.exe" /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Install process returned (0X643=1603)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070643=-2147023293)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - All services have been configured successfully after AppFabric installation
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    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Flags
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
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    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - from the following registry location...
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    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Options for further diagnostics: 1. Look up the return code value 2. Download the prerequisite manually and verify size downloaded by the prerequisite installer. 3. Install the prerequisite manually from the given location without any
    command line options.
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Cannot retry
    Can someone please help on this 
    Thanks, Manoj

    Yes, This article helped me to fix the issue..
    I have deleted the PSModulePath entry
    from the 'Environment Variables' and re-run the installer. 
    It worked
    Thanks, Manoj

  • Unable to install windows 10

    Hi,I am unable to install windows 10 on a Think Pad Edge 520 (Windows 7 fully updated) as I am unable to remove Rescue and Recovery version 4.5. I have tried windows uninstall and tried CCleaner uninstall but get the message "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.Any help would be appreciated. I have wasted an hour of my life bycontacting Windows answer desk but they were as much use as a chocolate fire guard.Im sure that I must be in the right place for help now!

    Thank you for answering my post. I tried "perfect installer" but that didnt work either. I then rang Lenovo UK and he just didnt want to lnow even though I selected the problems with windows 10 choice.I found the solution myself which was to download a fresh copy of Rescue and Recovery, restart and then remove using the normal windows environment. Windows 10 now loaded and working ... but I cant get the Credential Manager to start and this is preventing me from setting up the Mail program/App. Any help would be gratefully received. I wonder if thee is a conflict with the Lenovo Password Manager?

  • Unable to install Windows 7 RC x64 on macbook 2.2

    im unable to install windows 7 x64 rc on my macbook. i have a macbook 2.2 (white)
    after creating the partion using boot camp my comp restarts and gets stuck on a black screen that says
    choose CD-ROM boot type :
    thats it.. nothing more.. jst a blinking cursor.
    any idea wat the error is.
    1. can my macbook 2.2 (white) run x64?
    2. i have downloaded a patch for bootcamp (bootcampx64.msi) , wat do i do with it?
    3. what should i do next?

    http://jowie.com/blog/post/2008/02/24/Select-CD-ROM-Boot-Type-prompt-while-tryin g-to-boot-from-Vista-x64-DVD-burnt-from-iso-file.aspx
    Read carefuly that article. It describes step by step how-to modify Windows 7 64x RC DVD image to boot smoothly on any Mac. Be sure to creat 8 sector disk instead of 4
    Thanks to Jowie I was able to install Windows 7 64x on my early Aluminium iMac.
    PS: Be sure to download Boot Camp version 2.1.1 and modify it so setup will run without errors. I can't hel you with direct links but I can at least warn you. Have fun and good luck

  • Unable to install windows 8

               1.dvd drive is not responding
                            i tried:
                                      1.reset the SMC
                                      2.cleaned the drive with a cd cleaning kit
                                      3.burnt a dvd(sony dvd-r;burnt at lowest speed possible) and reinserted it (no luck)
                                      * but i inserted original dvd of blood diamond worked without any problem
                             reaction when i insert any dvd other than original movie titles is:
                                       1.i hear it spin and then it spits it out after about 2 min
                                       2.there is no dvd icon in finder and there is no error message
               2.unable to install windows 8
                                  what i've done so far:
                                   1.I used boot camp to make the partition        
                                   2.since my dvd drive is not working i force enabled the option in boot camp
                                      to make a usb image of windows on my external HDD
                                       everything ok so far no hiccups
                                  The problem:
                                     when we have to select the partition on which we have to install windows i.e "drive 0:partition 4:BOOTCAMP"
                                       which has to be formatted...i cant format that partition and the following message appears
                                                      "Windows cannot be installed to this disk the selected disk has an MBR partition table.
                                                        On EFI systems windows can only be onstalled to GPT disks.
                                                          Windows cannot be installed to this disk.this computers may not support booting to this disk.
                                                             ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."

    It is an issue regarding windows 8 system os. I suggested you to post this thread to answer.microsoft.com
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    when I try to download windows 8.1 it denies my request because im not an administrating account yet my account is the only one on my computer and I don't know how set it up as an administrator

    try all step at this thread below

  • Unable to install windows 7 on X60 says "no device drivers found"

    Hi all
    I have working lenevo think pad X60 32bit with windows XP installed on it, first time I was able to succesfuuly installed to windows 7 using clean install,everthing works great.
    Then some how my PC got infected  with virus and not able to boot it always says "recover from windows"  but could not succeded, finally wanted to re install again using windows 7 DVD
    First I set boot order from CD but it always booting from infected image from HD and displays same message.
    I have tried another option by getting into command prompt where I did access to my DVD drive and issued setup.exe
    I went couple of instructions and finally stuck where it is unable to install windows 7 by giving below error
    it says "no device drivers found" on the bottom of window and top of the window it says "where to install windows 7"
    On window I think it will expect partition details but window is empty
    I am not sure why my hard drive is not recognizing, I tried some of the drivers from this site but it could not recognize even if I select via browse
    Any one sees this beviour ? which drivers I shoud install ? in order to see my hard drive
    I still found some of my drives under X:windows\system32 but could not selecting those with windows 7 setup

    you can download pc doc http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-56222 and erase your HDD then install win. 7 this download makes a bootable disc & you can run  diagnostics with this disc
    Thinkpad R61 7733-1GU
    Thinkpad X61T 7762-54U
    Thinkpad X60T 6363-4GU
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    If a post answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!

  • Unable to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on Lenovo 3000 J115 7387-26U

    Hi Everyone,
    I am unable to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on my Lenovo desktop. Model : 3000 J115 7387-26U.
    When I try to boot my DVD, the systems makes a loud whirring noise.. as if trying to read from DVD, the screen goes blank couple of times and then Windows XP starts up (from my HDD).
    I have a Windows 7 32 bit DVD and it successfully started up and I could see the install screen (though I didn't install it. I want to install 64 bit version of the software).
    Anyone else seen this problem? Is there some workaround available?
    Thanks for your help.

    The Intel link you posted doesn't work, so I don't know what you have tried.
    See if this works...
    Download the drivers from this link below (first file listed -- 64 bit).
    Extract (copy) the files onto a usb flash drive without any folders.
    With the flash drive and W7 installation media plugged into the machine, boot from the W7 installation media.
    After you select the install now option, select the Drive Options - Advanced menu, then select the Load Driver option.
    You should now see the storage driver files listed.
    If you check the box, it will only include the compatible driver.
    Follow the prompts and hopefully, W7 will install.

  • Unable to install Windows 7! Black screen?

    Unable to install Windows 7! Black screen?
    Hey everyone!
    Some background info:
    I built my computer ~2 years ago and it worked fine for about half a year, until it crashed. Since then I've been unable to reinstall Windows and I kinda forgot about it... which sucks! So please help me get it up and running again :)
    Motherboard: GigaByte Z68
    Processor: Intel Core i3
    HDD: Seagate Barucada 1TB (st31000524as)
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    My problem: 
    When I boot from the windows cd (original), sometimes I get stuck at a black screen after "Windows is starting" or the black "loading files" screen. Sometimes it just takes a while but I eventually get to the install menu.
    When I am about to chose my hdd, it says it can't install on it. I deleted all partitions, created a new one and formated it (took about 1 hour), still not able to install.
    I tried booting from my GigaByte cd, and it went through some kind of install (not sure what it did, it was weird because it's actually made for backups). After I chose "reboot" I was able to install on my hdd again. But after I got to 100% i got
    stuck at the black screen again! I waited for a couple hours before I had to turn it off, so I'm back where I started. :/
    I always google stuff, and people said the black screen problems could be related to other drives/usb stuff connected to my pc. I only have 1 hdd and 1 usb for mouse/keyboard... I tried disconnecting it but it didnt work and also it doesnt make sense since
    I need to reconnect it to click on stuff anyway...
    People also said I should try booting with F8 and choose "low res", didn't work either. Other people said "connect a secondary screen", I have a hdmi screen and a rgb screen, I tried all combinations of them and nothing seemed to work...
    I also have some confusion with the XHD/RAID/IDE/AHCI settings. I am only using one HDD, so I figured AHCI makes more sense for me - sine i have a SATA hdd and windows 7 64 bit. 
    However, when I load "Optimized System Defaults" from BIOS, it sets SATA mode to IDE...? When I reboot I get a warning screen that says the system is running in IDE mode and I should switch to AHCI for optimal performance.
    How do I know if my system supports AHCI or not, what should I use?
    Whenever I select IDE, and I enter Windows installation, it can't even find my hdd!
    Only when I select AHCI it finds the hdd, but it won't let me install on it.
    I've been strugling for DAYS, so i REALLY appreciate help. :) Also, I've tried making "boot cds/usb", and I have no experience with linux so it's really frustrating. Please don't suggest going linux unless it's really necessary. :( I only have a Knoppix
    live CD, but I find the whole linux system so confusing I wasn't really able to do anything, despite several "guides" and youtube videos. I have a computer that's barely been used and a original windows CD, shouldn't I have all I need to repair my
    Sorry about the long post, I'll be eternally grateful if someone has any clues!

    I am not sure which specific issue that is, but it definitely sounds like a hardware issue rather than a software or settings issue.  Windows should not have any issues installing; if it does, that would usually point to a hardware issue of some sort. 
    It could even be your motherboard.  Your best bet is to disconnect EVERYTHING that is not needed from the motherboard, including RAM sticks except for the least amount possible, and try installing Windows with that configuration.
    Example: you need the power supply, so connect that.  If you're installing from a CD/DVD, then you need a CD/DVD drive.  You need at least 2 GB of RAM.  You need to be able to turn on the computer, so the on/off switch needs to be connected
    to the motherboard.  You will need a mouse and keyboard.  And so on.  If this bare-minimum configuration does not work, start replacing items: use a different RAM stick, use a different mouse, use a different keyboard, etc.  If, after you
    do all this, it still does not work, then I would suspect that your motherboard has an issue.  You can also try resetting the CMOS on your motherboard.  Some motherboards have a jumper for that, and for others, simply removing the CMOS battery will
    do it.
    As far as IDE, AHCI, and RAID settings are concerned, this should not matter so long as whichever setting it is on when Windows is installed is the same after it is installed.  For example, if it is installed using IDE, then you need to stick with IDE. 
    If you installed it with AHCI, then you need to stick with AHCI.  Changing it after installation can make Windows not boot.  There are, of course, ways around that, but it is easiest to simply be consistent.

  • Unable to install windows 7(windows cannot create a new partiton or locate an exiting one )

    1 GB RAM
    160 GB HDD

    i tried out this method it doesn't work. Actually i have a nOTEBOOK which came with windows xp i planned to upgrade it because microsoft has stopped supplying updates.
    my NOTEBOOK is of Medion company.
    modal=akoya e1210 
    msn no.30008507
    by the thanks for replying an method

  • Unable to install windows 7 home premium updates error code 643 (KB 954430, KB973688 & KB2538243)

    Unable to install windows 7 home premium updates error code 643 (KB 954430, KB973688 & KB2538243) - Please help me!!
    I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on a Lenovo ThinkPad E530. This laptop is only brands new.
    KB954430, KB973688 & KB2538243 - These three updates keep giving me problems. In Windows Update, under "view update history" these keep showing up as failed. I also get the error, "Code 643".
    At the end of the installation it tells me three updates are failed to be installed and when I shut down to try to update, Windows always configures up to ~15%, then fails, and reverts changes, then prompts me to install updates the next time I turn my computer on. Each time, I have to re-install every update that I had installed prior to shutting down.
    I went through Trouble shooter - "Fix it" numerous times, Repaired Net framework profile and also followed few instructions I found from the net such as running "Reset Register Windows update Components" but nothing works so far.
    I even tried manually installing KB954430 but it told me "An error occurred during the installation of assembly component. 7B30B69B-OE6C-B7EO-A06B-D6B9ABF34537  HR RESULT: 0 x 80070BC9" and the installation bar seems to stop at "Publishing Product information", then rolls back the installation.
    If you need more details, please tell me & Thanks in advance

    Checkout this Microsoft article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976982 
    It has some resolution steps that may help.
    Thank you for being a part of the Lenovo Family,
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Donate KUDOS and Click "Accepted Solution"

  • Unable to install SQL 2005 Service Pack 3 (Unable to install Windows Installer MSI file)

    I'm unable to install SQL 2005 Service Pack 3. This results in the following error message: Unable to install Windows Installer MSI file.
    Could someone please help me. Thanks in advance!
    === Verbose logging started: 3-4-2009  9:33:00  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 4.05.6001.00  Calling process: d:\5ddfa356349ddf2e676c336d95c5\hotfix.exe ===
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:419]: Cloaking enabled.
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:419]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:419]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:01:747]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:01:747]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:685]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:450]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi' against software restriction policy
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi has a digital signature
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: End dialog not enabled
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: Original package ==> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: Package we're running from ==> C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3d3a713.msi
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:497]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:497]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:685]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\2f1994e.msi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp'. Looking for it at its source.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Resolving Patch source.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Looking for sourcelist for product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}; to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source \\NF04\d$\3db7739bf5c1bb9c50076c418420\HotFixSqlSupport\Files\.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 2203 2: \\NF04\d$\3db7739bf5c1bb9c50076c418420\HotFixSqlSupport\Files\SqlSupport.msp 3: -2147287037
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing net source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing media source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:07:654]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'SqlSupport.msp'
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Note: 1: 1314 2: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Unable to create a temp copy of patch 'SqlSupport.msp'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Searching provided command line patches for patch code {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Note: 1: 1708
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Installation failed.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English). Product Version: 9.00.4035.00. Product Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 1635.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:779]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    This patch package could not be opened.  Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:904]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Restoring environment variables
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:37:935]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:37:935]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
    === Verbose logging stopped: 3-4-2009  9:33:37 ===

    This post should definitely help you
    Mark as Answer if it helps. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

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    2. Open Boot Camp Assistant, download drivers and burn them into a DVD or USB drive.
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