Unable to publish infopath form

When i click on Quick publish, i get a prompt message saying: "Communicating with the SharePoint site" followed by the URL of the site.
This prompt message screen keeps on for long time and then i get the below screen:
Can anyone please guide me on this error.
thank you !

Make sure you have the 'SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features' activated. Under Site Features
Make sure you have 'SharePoint Server Enterprise Site features' activated.
This can cause when there are large numbers of item in the list you connecting. You need to increase
executionTimeout in such scenario.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to publish InfoPath Form on managed path site.

    We are unable to publish InfoPath Form on managed path example
    Managed Path= /ac/marketing
    dept is site where we are publishing InfoPath Form.
    Error: The Following URL is not valid

    Hi Imran,
    I understand you got invalid url error when publish InfoPath form to managed path. Could you test if the issue occurs to other sites?
    Here is a similar issue which is solved by creating an Explicit inclusion type of path on for managed path url, please refer detailed information via:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • No search result using managed property from a column of a published infopath form

    I'm trying to use a managed property in the advanced search to retrieve only words from a column of a published InfoPath form. We are using FAST Search and verify that the column are being crawled by checking the crawled property in Central Admin but still
    cannot retrieve search result for the managed property. We also do a full crawl before testing the search. Thank you..

    Hi Rommel,
    When we create a column from a list (not site column), then we need create list item with this column value, then we need to full crawl, then the the crawled propery ows_listColumnName will be generated, then create a managed property to map this
    crawled property(start a full crawl again if needed), then add the custom managed property in advance search web part property, then check again.
    Here is an article about how to add the custom managed proerpty in advanced search web part, you can take a look.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue in publishing InfoPath form to SharePoint

    Issue: When I am publishing the form to server it is giving me "The form template has been published to the server but it can only be opened in the InfoPath filler" error.
    Background:  I have created a form which has data connections, some of which fetches information on form load, some based on event. Also, have the code behind for button_click event and field_changed event. I have published this form
    with "Domain" security directly to server. Just a day before it was working fine..... after making some text changes I published it again and it displayed that error.
    I searched for the complete error in logs and found:
    Stack Trace:
    Activate NonAdminSolution failed with unhandled exception System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: g
    at System.Guid..ctor(String g)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserSolutionCollection.Add(Int32 solutionGalleryItemId)
    at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Administration.NonAdminSolution.CreateAndActivateWspSolution(SPSite site, SPFile originalFile, SolutionInformation information, String& wspSolutionName, String& wspSolutionHash)
    at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Administration.NonAdminSolution.<>c__DisplayClass3.<Activate>b__0()
    at Microsoft.Office.Server.Diagnostics.FirstChanceHandler.ExceptionFilter(Boolean fRethrowException, TryBlock tryBlock, FilterBlock filter, CatchBlock catchBlock, FinallyBlock finallyBlock)
     Appreciate any help.

    It is browser based form or client based form?
    If it is browser based form with code then you have to publish as administrator approve template with full security (not domain).
    If it is client form then set full trust and then publish directly to library.
    Let us know your result
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • SOAP error when publishing Infopath form to Sharepoint

    Hi - this is my 1st post and I hope
    someone can help with a problem I have.
    From Sharepoint, I took the list option
    to "Customize Form". I then customized the form in infopath 2010 and tried to publish but it comes up with the error:
    "The publish operation could not be
    completed. It cannot be determined if the form template was successfully published. Try publishing the form template again, or change the list settings to use the default sharepoint form. The SOAP message cannot be passed."
    I've also tried just taking the "Customize
    form" option from sharepoint and making no changes in infopath and then publishing and still I get the same error. I've also tried removing all but one field on the form but that doesn't work either. I then created a new test list on the same site with a few
    columns and tried creating a form for that list and that published fine so there is clearly something up with the list I'm trying to design the form for.
    Any ideas please as I'm totally stuck
    for ideas for this.

    I'm afraid the ULS log information below means nothing to me,  but I'm hoping that it will help to identify the problem.  I've pasted the last section of the log from when the error happened:
    RE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3756 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'98 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3757 AND
    tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'89 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3759 AND tp_Version=7 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET
    sql_variant7=N'83 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3761 AND tp_Version=3 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'90 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3762 AND tp_Version=7 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'90 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3763 AND tp_Version=4 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'71 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3764 AND tp_Version=19 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'71 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3765 AND tp_Version=16 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'70 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3766 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'50 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3772 AND tp_Version=8 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'28 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3780 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'28 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3781 AND tp_Version=11 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'22 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3782 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'015 / Trn / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3783 AND tp_Version=20 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'15 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3784 AND tp_Version=19 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'2 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3787 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'2 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3788 AND tp_Version=8 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'TBC / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3790 AND tp_Version=11 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'TBC / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3791 AND tp_Version=10 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'0 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768'
    AND tp_ID = 3792 AND tp_Version=13 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'0 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3796 AND tp_Version=29 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58429 / Dev / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3799 AND tp_Version=5 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58419 / PS / ' WHERE tp_ListId =
    'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3800 AND tp_Version=9 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58179 / Dev / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3807 AND tp_Version=7
    AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58178 / Dev / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3808 AND tp_Version=4 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58512
    / Lic / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3812 AND tp_Version=5 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58492 / Lic / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND
    tp_ID = 3816 AND tp_Version=20 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58483 / Lic / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3817 AND tp_Version=5 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE
    UserDataVersioned SET sql_variant7=N'58442 / Lic / ' WHERE tp_ListId = 'F5C66FBF-CF4B-4A1B-B7F5-B1D78A743768' AND tp_ID = 3821 AND tp_Version=4 AND tp_Level=1 AND tp_RowOrdinal=0;UPDATE UserDataVersione'     CommandType: Text CommandTimeout: 0
    04/18/2011 13:25:52.97 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Database btq8
    High System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.     at SNIReadSync(SNI_Conn* , SNI_Packet** , Int32 )     at SNINativeMethodWrapper.SNIReadSync(SafeHandle pConn, IntPtr&
    packet, Int32 timeout)     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSni(DbAsyncResult asyncResult, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadNetworkPacket()     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadBuffer()
        at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadByte()     at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject
    stateObj)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior,
    String resetOptionsString)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior
    cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)  
      at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)     at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SqlSession.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand
    command, CommandBehavior behavior, SqlQueryData monitoringData, Boolean retryForDeadLock)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.ExecuteQueryInternal(Boolean retryfordeadlock)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSqlClient.ExecuteQuery(Boolean
    retryfordeadlock) 3fcc87e8-8f0e-407b-a403-ebd5e0f9bbb7
    04/18/2011 13:25:52.97 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    General 8e2s
    Medium Unknown SPRequest error occurred. More information: 0x80131530
    04/18/2011 13:25:52.97 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Logging Correlation Data xmnv
    Medium Site=/sites/nfp
    04/18/2011 13:25:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    General 72nz
    Medium Videntityinfo::isFreshToken reported failure.
    04/18/2011 13:25:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Monitoring b4ly
    High Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST:http://gateway:80/sites/nfp/ps/pmo/projects/_vti_bin/FormsServices.asmx)). Execution Time=121823.1919
    04/18/2011 13:25:53.01 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Logging Correlation Data xmnv
    Medium Name=Request (GET:http://gateway:80/sites/nfp/ps/pmo/projects/_layouts/error.aspx?ErrorText=Request%20timed%20out%2E)
    04/18/2011 13:25:53.01 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Logging Correlation Data xmnv
    Medium Site=/sites/nfp
    04/18/2011 13:25:53.03 w3wp.exe (0x0238)
    0x12C4 SharePoint Foundation
    Monitoring b4ly
    Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://gateway:80/sites/nfp/ps/pmo/projects/_layouts/error.aspx?ErrorText=Request%20timed%20out%2E)). Execution Time=10.147

  • How to publish infopath forms to open new and old form templates in sharepoint2007

    Hi All,
    My requirement is , we are having a form library with the Infopath form templated(V1) published.
    Then we have added about 300 items using template(v1) into the sharepoint library.
     Then client asked for the changes in form and we deveploped infopath template (V2) and published, able to create the items using the new template(v2).
    But ,the issue is when we open item from the 300 items which are created with template(v1), its is opening using template(v2) and we are loosing the functionality of template(v1).
    Can i know ,how to publish the form template to use both template versions and it should open the form with  wahatever the  template it used for creation.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Anil Kumar K

    If you want the InfoPath forms for displaying the items in the list, then I recommend to click Customize Form button in the ribbon of the list to edit the form in InfoPath and then publish the form back to SharePoint.
    After that, you will see there are three new forms(displayifs.aspx, editifs.aspx, newifs.aspx) when you view the list in SharePoint Designer.
    Then you can create the custom action to navigate to the custom InfoPath form:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to open InfoPath form on the browser

    Though we have enabled the "Open in the browser" option, some of the users are not able to open the InfoPath for on the browser. It throughs an error message saying,
    "This form cannot be opened in the browser. To open this form, use Microsoft InfoPath."
    Am I missing any configuration?
    I tried the option given in this link as well,
    Vijayaragavan, MCTS

    hello Vijayaragavan,
    definitely a browser issue, i've seen this A LOT in firefox, where it would open some forms, and throw the same error you got on other times!
    -make sure you use IE with sharepoint (check SharePoint browser compatibility) as other browsers would have some feature not functioning as supposed to.
    -Add the SharePoint site to trusted sites (Internet options> Security tab> Trusted sites)
    -re-publish your form, and make sure the "Enable this form to be filled out by using a browser" is checked.
    Aabed - If a reply helps you Vote As Helpful, if a reply solves your problem don't forget to Mark As Answer.

  • Unable to open InfoPath forms with large attachments in browser

    We have been running a infopath solution on SharePoint 2010 for a couple of years now. The form is rendered in the browser, but when the attachments are large in size (seems like a ~10MB limit for the form), the system would not allow the user to edit the
    form in the browser. Instead the browser pops up with a dialog say: "What to you want to do with [FILENAME].xml? Open | Save | Save as.
    Forms less than 10MB renders perfectly in the browser
    Are anyone able to clarify what is going on and how we can fix it?

    Hi Allen,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you could not edit the form when the attachment was more than 10MB in SharePoint 2010.
    Please go to Central Administration > General Application Settings > Configure InfoPath Forms Services ,  in the user session section, increase the "Maximum size of user session data" to the size that you want, compare the result.
    I hope this helps.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating the site content type failed when publish Infopath form to Sharepoint 2013

    I have an InfoPath 2013 form trying to publish it to SharePoint 2013.  When I click on publishing an error message appears stating "Creating the site content type failed".  I can't figure out why this
    is happening, any help on this one?
    Also it appears the form template is uploaded when I go to the library settings under advance.  When I see the .xsn file and click on it, it opens in InfoPath but not in sp.

    Rettajm, could you please find any errors in ULS?

  • Publishing Infopath form on SharePoint site

    We are working on some assignment for customer,
    We have created a Excel with External Data source (SQL database) to pull data into worksheet. We have used option ‘Refresh data when opening the file’. We are using that data to create Power view reports
    in excel. This excel is to be published on share point online site. We uploaded this excel on share point site. But When it is opened in Online Excel it shows warning as 'Be careful.This workbook contains one or more queries that
    might be unsafe.Do you want to enable these queries?.'
    If click yes it shows error 'External Data Refresh Failed:We are unable to refresh one or more data connections in this workbook.The following connections failed to refresh:'.
    Please note that we don’t have central administration rights over share point online site so we can’t
    do settings for the same there.
    Please Note that we don’t have central administration rights over share point online site so we can’t do settings for the same there.
    Can we do this data refresh whenever file opens (without central admin rights)?
    Please Note that we don’t have central administration rights over share point online site so we can’t do settings for the same there.
    Can we do this data refresh whenever file opens (without central admin rights)?
    Thanks & Regards, Sudheer

    We are working on your suggested solution to implement this we have created a Data Management Gateway inside Power BI and also created a data source with windows user authentication.
    However We have uploaded the excel workbook in SharePoint shared location and when we try to open it we are getting below error message.
    Connection: connection name
    Error: OnPremise error: Sorry, we are not able to refresh this data connection. On-premises data sources can only be refreshed via scheduled refresh in Power BI for Office 365.
    An error occurred while processing table 'table name'. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
    Could you please help us to find out from where we can schedule data refresh? 
    The ‘Schedule Data Refresh’ option which you mentioned in mail will that need any plugin of power bi to install?
    Please share your inputs on the same.
    Thanks & Regards, Sudheer

  • I have a infopath form and i want to publish this form using powershell script(No central admin usage) and i am using Infopath 2010.

    How to publish infopath form using powershell script in infopath 2010?
    Is any approach for such solution.

    Try below command:
    Uninstall the existing solution (based on the from file name):
    Uninstall-SPInfoPathFormTemplate -Identity Exampleform.xsn
    Install the new solution (based on the from file name):
    Install-SPInfoPathFormTemplate -Path C:\Form.xsn
    Disable feature on site collection level
    Disable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate -Identity "Form.xsn" -Site http://SPSite
    Enable feature on site collection level
    Enable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate -Identity "Form.xsn" -Site "http://SPSite"
    See this blogs for your ref:
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra: "Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see"
    Whenever you see a reply and if you think is helpful, click "Vote As Helpful"! And whenever
    you see a reply being an answer to the question of the thread, click "Mark As Answer

  • Unable to Publish to Mobileme on iPhone - Fix/Trick

    I was unable to publish photos from my camera roll to mobileme on my iPhone until I figured out a trick to get it to work.
    I had to first enter a title and then choose the gallery after that. That seemed to work. When I chose the gallery and then entered a title it never worked.

    Hi Imran,
    I understand you got invalid url error when publish InfoPath form to managed path. Could you test if the issue occurs to other sites?
    Here is a similar issue which is solved by creating an Explicit inclusion type of path on for managed path url, please refer detailed information via:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Configuring infopath forms in SharePoint 2013

    The below is the error i am getting when i am tried to publish infopath form to a sharepoint list using WCF
    A query to retrieve form data cannot be completed because this action would violate cross-domain restrictions.
    If this form template is published to a SharePoint document library, cross-domain access for user form templates must be enabled under InfoPath Forms Services in SharePoint Central Administration, and the data connection settings must be stored in a UDC file
    in a data connection library in the same site collection.
    If this is an administrator-approved form template, the security level of the form must be set to full trust, or the data connection settings must be stored in a UDC file by using the Manage data connection files option under InfoPath Forms Services in SharePoint
    Central Administration.
    An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server. Log ID:6932
    Correlation ID:a24eb39c-7a50-4022-af09-f4e99b531858

    Hi ,
    For resolving your issue , you can do as the followings:
    Make sure that 'Allow user form templates to use authentication information contained in data connection files' in Central Admin is enabled
    Create a Data Connection Library in your site
    Convert the Data Connection to .udcx file
    Give the path to data connection library
    More information:
    Two similar posts for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Infopath form promoted columns data is not populated to sharepoint library

    hi ,
    I have an Team site with Sub Site .
    Example :Http://{hostname}/{teamsite}/{TestSubsite}
    In Dev Environment
    in the above TestSubsite , we have an form library "testformlib" .We have an infopath form named "informpath1" which is published to the testformlib library and promoted some of the columns to the library.
    Now i can see the promitted columns data in the library.
    Taken CMP which is TestSubsite.cmp for the TestSubsite
    I have imported the above Dev. TestSubsite.cmp to the production TestSubsite which has same library,
    Also activated the same infopath form to the library "testformlib" in production sub site.
    The Problem is I cannot see the columns which i have promoted in production subsite library.
    What I am thinking is "testformlib" library guid is changed in prosecution while i am importing cmp.
    Can i know what is the mistake or i need to change to do.
    Is there any chance to change the existing share point form library guid using Power shell.
    Please suggest.

    Hi Victoria,
    Please check the scenario, what i worked and issue.
    I have a site ,ex:- http://host/sitecollection/subsite1 in dev. machine, the subsite1 have a form library "TestFormLib".
    published infopath form wtih some promotional fields (ex:- Test1) to "TestFormLib" library.
    i am able to see all promoted 'Test1' field data  in the library.
    taken  back up form the dev upto sitecollection and restored in the production.
    created subsite1 in prodiction server and taken subsite1 cmp from dev , imported into production server and published form which have promoted columns to "TestFormLib" library.
    able to see the promoted (Test1) field data in "TestFormLib" library in production subsite1.
     re-activated info path form to "TestFormLib" library in dev machine with additional (Test2) field promotion.
    i am able to see the "Test2" promotion field data(Value) in dev machine "TestFormLib" library.
    then , taken cmp for "SubSite1"  from the dev. machine, imported into production server on "SubSite1" .
    re-activated the latest form which is promoted "Test2" field to production server.
    i am able to see the promoted column name "Test2" , but not able to see the data(Value) of the "Test2" in production server "TestFormLib" Library.
    i am able to see the promoted column name "Test2" , but not able to see the data(Value) of the "Test2" in production server "TestFormLib" Library when i did second time promoted in second time imported subsite cmp.
    Any Suggestions to solve the above issue and i dont want to recreate the library in production . Because the data has been deleted.
    Help please..
    Thanks & Regards,
    Raghava Reddy S.

  • Deploy Browsable Infopath form from Development server to Production server

    Hi All,
    I have designed and published an 'Infopath 2010' browser enabled form 
    as site content type to a sub site names SITENEW.
    Form security level is 'Domain' level.
    The form contains following types of data connections and one SPD worklfow attached to form library..
    1. Send multiple Emails of current/active view
    2. Submit data to form library
    3. Get Details from SharePoint lists.
    4. WEB sercice calling GetUserProfileByAccountname ( Same site collection).
    Form library, lists in point number 3 are located in same site i.e SITENEW
    I need proper steps to deploy this to production sub site.
    Is  saving the 'SITENEW' as site template and upload to production  good idea?
    How should I take care of data conncetions?. Please advise.
    Thanks to all
    Murali Krishna Dittakavi *********************** If my answer/post resolved your query could you mark the post as answered. If it is helpful then vote as Helpful. Thanks

    hi All,
    Can any one help me for the following issue.
    i am able to see the promoted column name "Test2" , but not able to see the data(Value) of the "Test2" in production server "TestFormLib" Library when i did second time promoted in second time imported subsite cmp.
    I have a issue with info path form  promotion fields in production server.
    I have a site ,ex:- http://host/sitecollection/subsite1 in dev. machine, the subsite1 have
    a form library "TestFormLib".
    published infopath form wtih some promotional fields (ex:- Test1) to "TestFormLib" library.
    i am able to see all promoted 'Test1' field data  in the library.
    taken  back up form the dev upto sitecollection and restored in the production.
    created subsite1 in prodiction server and taken subsite1 cmp from dev , imported into production server and published form which have promoted columns to "TestFormLib" library.
    able to see the promoted (Test1) field data in "TestFormLib" library in production subsite1.
     re-activated info path form to "TestFormLib" library in dev machine with additional (Test2) field promotion.
    i am able to see the "Test2" promotion field data(Value) in dev machine "TestFormLib" library.
    then , taken cmp for "SubSite1"  from the dev. machine, imported into production server on "SubSite1" .
    re-activated the latest form which is promoted "Test2" field to production server.
    i am able to see the promoted column name "Test2" , but not able to see the data(Value) of the "Test2" in production
    server "TestFormLib" Library.
    Any Suggestions to solve the above issue and i dont want to recreate the library in production . Because the data has been deleted.
    Help please..
    Thanks & Regards,
    Raghava Reddy S

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