Unable to sync photos to computer due to extended vacation.

I am currently on an extended vacation so i havent been able to sync my phone to my computer for months, but i need to upgrade to the 5s. When I upgrade will they be able put all of my pictures onto the new 5S?

Make sure you have enough space on iCloud and do a back up to iCloud while conneted to wi-fi with internet connections. That way when you upgrade you can do a restore from that back up.

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    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer
    -Griff W.

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    - When you deleted them did the requested amount of storage space decrease?
    - Try resetting the iPod. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    Is enough space on your device for all photos?
    Where is your iPhoto Library stored? In your Pictures folder or on an external drive?
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    Repeat with "Repair database", if the first repair did not help.

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    Hi Damon,
    Thanks for the update and the suggestion of trying a new user account... I don't know why that didn't occur to me. Well, you will not be too surprised to hear that with a new user account the photos synced no problem.
    That leaves me with an iPhoto library rebuild on my hands. The Apple provided rebuild didn't resolve my issue when I tried it last week. So I will need to do a manual rebuild... something which I have done once before but vowed never to do again as I lost hundreds of hours of work organising and tagging my photos... something which I have invested considerable time in recovering and don't want to lose them again.
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    Thanks once again for the pointers to those Apple docs... most useful.
    Kind regards,

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    Instructions here >   iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

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    It is really pretty straight forward. This will delete all of the synced photos on your iPad.
    Connect your iPad to your computer with the cable.
    Launch iTunes - it it does not start up on its own.
    Make sure that you see the sidebar on the left side, and you can ensure that you see it, by going to View>Show Sidebar from the iTunes menu.
    Click on your iPad name under the Devices heading in the left sidebar.
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    You need to obtain the synced photos from where you obtained them the first time. Synced media like apps, music and synced photos are not included in the backup that iTunes makes as the first step of an update or restore.
    iTunes: About iOS backups

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