Unable to update the ADMPlugin.api

When I try to install the aics2_12_0_1update.exe for my Illustrator CS2 (12.0) I get the error,
"Unable to update the ADMPlugin.api
The file on your system does not match the original Illustrator 12.0 file expected and it cannot be updated."
I have WXP SP3 and the entire CS2 suite installed.
Any ideas?

>...when I worked for Adobe® Systems.
Are you running a beta version of AI 12 by any chance?
That would certainly explain the error message you're getting. As you must know, Adobe updaters are rigorous in their version checking and won't work on non-retail versions.

Similar Messages

  • Unable to update the VAT_CODE column through supplier sites API

    I'm unable to update the vat code column of the ap_supplier_sites_all table using the ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site API.Oracle application instance 12.1.3 and OS linux.Please find the code below.I'm able to update other feilds,but not the vat_code.Please help on this.
    PROCEDURE xx_vat_wo172304 (
    errbuf OUT VARCHAR2
    , retcode OUT VARCHAR2
    CURSOR cur_vat
    SELECT site.*
    FROM apps.ap_suppliers supp, apps.ap_supplier_sites_all site
    WHERE site.vat_code IN
    ('CZ OEUS 20', 'CZ OEUZ 20', 'CZ OJCD 20', 'CZ OT20', 'CZ-20-EDC', 'OEUS20', 'OEUZ20', 'OPP20E'
    , 'OS20', 'OT20')
    AND supp.vendor_id = site.vendor_id
    AND site.org_id IN (608, 1508, 2396, 2397)
    AND site.vendor_site_id =68154;
    l_vendor_site_rec ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type;
    l_vat_code ap_supplier_sites_all.VAT_CODE%TYPE;
    l_vendor_site_id ap_supplier_sites_all.vendor_site_id%TYPE;
    x_return_status VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
    x_msg_count NUMBER := NULL;
    l_error_reason VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
    l_user_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
    l_last_update_login           number := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
    l_program_application_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.prog_appl_id;
    l_program_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.conc_program_id;
    l_request_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id;
    -- mo_global.init ('SQLAP');
    FOR rec_vat IN cur_vat LOOP
    IF rec_vat.org_id = 608 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OEUS20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OEUZ20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OPP20E' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OPP21E';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OS20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OS21';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 1508 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUS 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 2396 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ-20-EDC' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ-21-EDC';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 2397 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUS 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ-20-EDC' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ-21-EDC';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    l_vendor_site_id := rec_vat.vendor_site_id;
    l_vendor_site_rec.org_id := rec_vat.org_id;
    l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := rec_vat.vendor_id;
    --l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code:='318581-MOR. KRU';
    l_vendor_site_rec.rfq_only_site_flag := 'Y';
    -- l_vendor_site_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
    l_vendor_site_rec.last_updated_by := 1134;   MARTIN.ROUNDS
    -- DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('VAT CODE:' || l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code);
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Vendor Site Id:' || l_vendor_site_id);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'VAT CODE:' || l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Vendor ID:' || rec_vat.vendor_id
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Vendor Site Id:' || l_vendor_site_id
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'RFQ ONLY SITE FLAG:' || l_vendor_site_rec.rfq_only_site_flag
    ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site (p_api_version => 1
    , x_return_status => x_return_status
    , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
    , p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec
    , p_vendor_site_id => l_vendor_site_id
    ); --p_calling_prog     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NOT ISETUP'
    -- pos_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site (p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec
    -- , x_return_status => x_return_status
    -- , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    -- , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
    --     ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row(
    --          p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec,
    --          p_last_update_date => sysdate,
    --          p_last_updated_by => l_user_id,
    --          p_last_update_login => l_last_update_login,
    --          p_request_id => l_request_id ,
    --          p_program_application_id => l_program_application_id,
    --          p_program_id => l_program_id,
    --          p_program_update_date => sysdate,
    --          p_vendor_site_id => l_vendor_site_id);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Return Status:' || x_return_status
    IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
    IF x_msg_count >= 1 THEN
    FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP
    IF l_error_reason IS NULL THEN
    l_error_reason :=
    || ','
    || SUBSTR (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false)
    , 1
    , 255
    || SQLERRM;
    l_error_reason :=
    || ','
    || SUBSTR (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false)
    , 1
    , 255
    || SQLERRM;
    END IF;
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Supplier Site API Error-' || l_error_reason);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Supplier Site API Error-' || l_error_reason
    END IF;
    ELSIF x_return_status='S' THEN
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Supplier Site API Success-' || l_error_reason);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Supplier Site API Success-' || l_error_reason
    END IF;
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error-' || SQLERRM);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Error-' || SQLERRM
    END xx_vat_wo172304;
    END xx_wo172304_test;

    I'm unable to update the vat code column of the ap_supplier_sites_all table using the ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site API.Oracle application instance 12.1.3 and OS linux.Please find the code below.I'm able to update other feilds,but not the vat_code.Please help on this.
    PROCEDURE xx_vat_wo172304 (
    errbuf OUT VARCHAR2
    , retcode OUT VARCHAR2
    CURSOR cur_vat
    SELECT site.*
    FROM apps.ap_suppliers supp, apps.ap_supplier_sites_all site
    WHERE site.vat_code IN
    ('CZ OEUS 20', 'CZ OEUZ 20', 'CZ OJCD 20', 'CZ OT20', 'CZ-20-EDC', 'OEUS20', 'OEUZ20', 'OPP20E'
    , 'OS20', 'OT20')
    AND supp.vendor_id = site.vendor_id
    AND site.org_id IN (608, 1508, 2396, 2397)
    AND site.vendor_site_id =68154;
    l_vendor_site_rec ap_vendor_pub_pkg.r_vendor_site_rec_type;
    l_vat_code ap_supplier_sites_all.VAT_CODE%TYPE;
    l_vendor_site_id ap_supplier_sites_all.vendor_site_id%TYPE;
    x_return_status VARCHAR2 (100) := NULL;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
    x_msg_count NUMBER := NULL;
    l_error_reason VARCHAR2 (2000) := NULL;
    l_user_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
    l_last_update_login           number := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
    l_program_application_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.prog_appl_id;
    l_program_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.conc_program_id;
    l_request_id           number := FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id;
    -- mo_global.init ('SQLAP');
    FOR rec_vat IN cur_vat LOOP
    IF rec_vat.org_id = 608 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OEUS20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OEUZ20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OPP20E' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OPP21E';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OS20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OS21';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 1508 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUS 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 2396 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ-20-EDC' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ-21-EDC';
    END IF;
    ELSIF rec_vat.org_id = 2397 THEN
    IF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUS 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUS 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OEUZ 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OEUZ 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OJCD 20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OJCD 21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ OT20' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ OT21';
    ELSIF rec_vat.vat_code = 'CZ-20-EDC' THEN
    l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code := 'CZ-21-EDC';
    END IF;
    END IF;
    l_vendor_site_id := rec_vat.vendor_site_id;
    l_vendor_site_rec.org_id := rec_vat.org_id;
    l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := rec_vat.vendor_id;
    --l_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code:='318581-MOR. KRU';
    l_vendor_site_rec.rfq_only_site_flag := 'Y';
    -- l_vendor_site_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
    l_vendor_site_rec.last_updated_by := 1134;   MARTIN.ROUNDS
    -- DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('VAT CODE:' || l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code);
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Vendor Site Id:' || l_vendor_site_id);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'VAT CODE:' || l_vendor_site_rec.vat_code
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Vendor ID:' || rec_vat.vendor_id
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Vendor Site Id:' || l_vendor_site_id
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'RFQ ONLY SITE FLAG:' || l_vendor_site_rec.rfq_only_site_flag
    ap_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site (p_api_version => 1
    , x_return_status => x_return_status
    , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
    , p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec
    , p_vendor_site_id => l_vendor_site_id
    ); --p_calling_prog     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NOT ISETUP'
    -- pos_vendor_pub_pkg.update_vendor_site (p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec
    -- , x_return_status => x_return_status
    -- , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
    -- , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
    --     ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row(
    --          p_vendor_site_rec => l_vendor_site_rec,
    --          p_last_update_date => sysdate,
    --          p_last_updated_by => l_user_id,
    --          p_last_update_login => l_last_update_login,
    --          p_request_id => l_request_id ,
    --          p_program_application_id => l_program_application_id,
    --          p_program_id => l_program_id,
    --          p_program_update_date => sysdate,
    --          p_vendor_site_id => l_vendor_site_id);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Return Status:' || x_return_status
    IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
    IF x_msg_count >= 1 THEN
    FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP
    IF l_error_reason IS NULL THEN
    l_error_reason :=
    || ','
    || SUBSTR (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false)
    , 1
    , 255
    || SQLERRM;
    l_error_reason :=
    || ','
    || SUBSTR (fnd_msg_pub.get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false)
    , 1
    , 255
    || SQLERRM;
    END IF;
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Supplier Site API Error-' || l_error_reason);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Supplier Site API Error-' || l_error_reason
    END IF;
    ELSIF x_return_status='S' THEN
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Supplier Site API Success-' || l_error_reason);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Supplier Site API Success-' || l_error_reason
    END IF;
    --DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error-' || SQLERRM);
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG
    , 'Error-' || SQLERRM
    END xx_vat_wo172304;
    END xx_wo172304_test;

  • HT1338 I am unable to update the newest version of itunes because I need to update my Mac OS X to version 10.6 or later but my computer keeps telling me that I do not have any updates. Help

    I am unable to update the newest version of itunes because I need to update my Mac OS X to version 10.6 or later but my computer keeps telling me that I do not have any updates available. I am currently running version 10.5.8

    You need to buy 10.6 on DVD.

  • Getting error when updating the JavaScript API for Office and manifest schema files in your Visual Studio project from version 1.0 to 1.1

    I`m getting error message like "None of the apps in your project can be activated in the target. The manifest file of one or more apps contain API sets or Office applications that are not supported by
    the target Office client. To debug those apps, update manifest files to exclude any unsupported API sets or Office applications, and then start the project again. Alternatively, you can debug your apps by using Office 365 as a target." when when
    updating the JavaScript API for Office and manifest schema files in your Visual Studio project from version 1.0 to 1.1 in manifest file though i have added host elements.
    any help in this regard is highly appreciated
    Santosh Sutar  

    Hi Satosh Sutar,
    Based on the description, you got the error message when you update the apps from version 1.0 to 1.1.
    From the error message, it seems the menifest include some settings no allowed in the new version. Would you mind sharing more detail about how you update the project?
    And here is an article about updating apps for Office and menifest schema files in the project for your reference:
    How to: Update the JavaScript API for Office and manifest schema files in your Visual Studio project from version 1.0 to 1.1
    Regards & Fei
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • I cannot access Content Library in iMovie - Content Library doesn't show on the iMovie screen and is greyed out when accessed through "windows" tab at the top. Also unable to update the projects/events (a suggested solution for a similar question).

    I cannot access Content Library in iMovie - Content Library doesn't show on the iMovie screen and is greyed out when accessed through "windows" tab at the top. Also unable to update the projects/events (a suggested solution for a similar question). I haven't had this issue before, I have always used the content library on the screen but haven't used this for about a month. How can I make the Content Library available?

    Thanks so much! I am backing up the entire computer now with an external hard drive - this should be fine right? And surely if I am backing up the whole computer these projects/videos will be backed up too? I wasn't sure how to do this any other way and I am clearly not great with tech issues. Once this is done and I am sure my projects/videos are safe I will do the delete and reinstall bit. Thanks for taking the time to help

  • Error: Unable to load the GSS-API Shared Library

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to install a working copy of SAP on a Debian Etch host. I've tried all versions available here: ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapgui/java/  (710 r[2-6])  The jar installer completes successfully without error, but when I attempt to launch the application, I'm greeted with the same critical error each time. Here's my connection string:
    Here's my (Sun) java version:
    java version "1.6.0_06"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode)
    Here's the full error message:
    Error: Unable to load the GSS-API Shared Library
    named "sncgss.so"
    Fri Nov 21 16:07:25 2008
    Release 710
    Component SNC (Secure Network Communication), version 5
    rc = -1, module sncxxdl_mt.c, line 342
    Detail SncPDLInit
    System Call dlopen
    Is there a software dependency I might be missing? This is my first attempt at installing SAP on a Linux host, so there may be something else even more obvious that I'm not seeing...
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    one solution should be to set the env variable $SNC_LIB to you libseude.so, e.g.
    $>setenv SNC_LIB /usr/sap/<sid>/SYS/exe/run/libsecude.o (or wherever the lib resides)
    and then restart guilogon.
    Also, as fas as I know, SAPGUI has issues with Java 6, so I would rather go with Java 5 or 1.4.2.
    Oliver Stabel

  • I am unable to update the iOS 2.2.1 to next version

    i am unable to update the iOS 2.2.1 to next version

    What happens when you connect to computer and update via iTunes?
    The Settings>General>Software Update comes with iOS 5 and later.
    Connect the iPod to your computer and update via iTunes as far as your iPod model allows
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    You need itunes 10 or later and that requires OSX 10.5.8 or later
    You have a 2G (vi the SN yo provided) and that can go as high as 4.2.1

  • HT1918 I was in Singapore when I created this Apple ID and payment information. Now I am have shifted to India and I am unable to update the Country and Payment related information. When I click on country no option comes up. Can somebody suggst anything?

    I was in Singapore when I created this Apple ID and payment information. Now I am have shifted to India and I am unable to update the Country and Payment related information. When I click on country no option comes up. Can somebody suggst anything?

    Hi Peyush!
    You may want to try changing the country associated to your Apple ID from your iOS device. I have an article for you here that I believe will help you change the country for your signed in Apple ID:
    iOS: Changing the signed-in iTunes Store Apple ID account
    Specifically, this is the section of the article you will want to pay attention to:
    Change your iTunes Store country
    Sign in to the account for the iTunes Store region you'd like to use. Tap Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Apple ID: > View Apple ID > Country/Region.
    Follow the onscreen process to change your region, agree to the terms and conditions for the region if necessary, and then change your billing information.
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

  • I have an 1st generation ipad. I am unable to update the software beyond 5.1.1. Why?

    I have an 1st generation ipad. I am unable to update the software beyond 5.1.1. Why? It tells me my software is up to date.

    Very possible.
    You can often get the older version if you buy directly on the iPad
    Go through the iTunes Store on your old iPad and purchase netflix, if you can get an older version of the app, iTunes will ask and prompt the download of older version.
    Not all apps will be available.
    I was able to put iBooks on my older iPod this way.

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    I am unable to update the TomTom Canada&US purchased in July 2011 for my iPhone 4. The update doesn't load, and I can no longer use the app which has become inactive. Any hints?

    Have you tried downloading the app using iTunes on your computer, then syncing your iPhone with the computer?

  • FRM-40509: ORACLE error : Unable to update the record.

    I am having the following code in delete button.
         v_button  NUMBER;
                   v_button := fn_display_warning_alert( 'Do you want to delete the version ?');
                   IF ( v_button = alert_button1 )
                          message('before insert');
                          insert into chng_cntrl_job_dtls_log
                          select * from chng_cntrl_job_dtls
                          where job_name = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_name
                          and job_version_no = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_version_no
                          and sent_date is null;
                          message('before delete');
                          delete from CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS
                          where job_name = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_name
                          and job_version_no = :CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.job_version_no
                          and sent_date is null;
                          message('before commit');
                   ELSIF ( v_button = alert_button2 )
                END IF;
                p_display_alert('Version '||:CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.JOB_VERSION_NO||' for the job name '||:CHNG_CNTRL_JOB_DTLS.JOB_NAME||' cannot be deleted.','I');
      END IF;
              when others then
              message ('Exception in delete version button');
              end;when i am trying to save it says " *FRM-40509: ORACLE error : Unable to update the record*." .
    i am getting message till before commit.
    i am not able to check the error message in help as it is diabled in our form builder.
    I have checked the privileges also. they are fine.
    Please advice.
    Edited by: Sudhir on Dec 7, 2010 12:26 PM

    This error does not come from your procedure code, but from Forms itself. If you are in a database block, change something, and do a commit (either via a Forms key or in your own procedure), Forms commits the changes. For some reason this is not possible. You can see the database error via the Display Error key (often Shift-F1).
    I see in the OP that this key is disabled. Change the on-error code then:
       raise form_trigger_failure;     
    end;     Edited by: InoL on Dec 7, 2010 8:50 AM

  • I am unable to update the apps

    i am unable to update the apps in my phone, 11apps are required the update

    Any restrictions set up in Settings/General/Restrictions? If yes, disable them.
    Are you logged into your account in Settings/iTunes&AppStore with the correct Apple ID?
    Any error messages given?

  • Browser unable to update the service status bits

    I am having an issue with my computer becoming non-working. After a period of time of inactivity and then I go to use the computer, I can move the mouse cursor around but can do nothing else. I have noticed that when moving the cursor around that when I move it to the task-bar I get the hour glass waiting icon. I checked the event viewer and in the applications log I have numerous errors which say "The browser was unable to update the service status bits" Can you explain this and are there any fixes? Thank you

    Hi Avinash,
    Yes, CTS_BROWSER service is active. It was working before when I click to test. Unfortunately, it started throwing error. We are on SP13 in SOLMAN. I'm using solman as an ABAP stack.
    Thanks for your time.

  • Icloud and Windows 7 - unable to update the favorites icloud"

    Icloud and Windows 7
    Icloud Message:
    "unable to update the favorite icloud"
    Thank you for your help.

    Many of us had the same problem.  If you scroll thru the questions, you'll see your same question/problems dating back over a month ago when the new update first came out. The Apple Software Updater just showed blank, it didn't show the update.  I patiently waited, knew it wasn't my computer since scores of us were having same problem not being able to do the update. Knew eventually Apple would fix it.  Lo & behold when I signed on to my computer today a window popped up from Apple Software telling me updates were available & I clicked the "download" and it downloaded just great.  I was able to sync my Ipod and Ipad to it just fine, etc.  So probably if you can just wait...is your current ITunes working?  If so, wait.  Looks like there is a fix coming to all of us.(Note, that the "update" pop up window was different than the little window you've probably been seeing on your ITunes screen.  This one didn't come up when I opened up ITunes.  It popped up on my desktop. I have Win 7. Good Luck.

  • How to update the Interface API for an integrator

    I need to update the data type of one of the procedure's parameters used as interface API for an integrator used for our application. What all scripts I need to run in order to make the integrator conformed with API changes.
    I have modified the parameter's data type in PL/SQL API and made the corresponding changes in bne_interface_cols_b. I am facing the following error message on click of upload button.
    Unable to load validator oracle.apps.ozf.webadi.integrator.component.OzfOperatingUnitComponent.;Unable to upload column CODE_CONVERSION_WEBADI.P_ORG_ID. Data type is 12 when the expected type is 2.

    Update following records for correct type.
    select * from bne_attributes
    where attribute_code in (select attribute_code fron bne_param_list_items
    where param_list_code = (select upload_param_list_code fron
    bne_interfaces_vl where integrator_code = <your integrator>))
    Message was edited by:

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