Undismissed Replicated session with WLS6.1SP1

Hi everyone!
          We have this strange behavious with WLS6.1SP1 and in-memory replicated
          HTTP session (PersistentStoreType=replicated) across a cluster.
          When a new session in created, the Open session current counter in
          the console shows an increment of 2 sessions. After the session
          time-out, this value in decremented only by one.
          Does anyone experienced the same problem?
          Is there a better way to trace the actual number of user using a web
          application at a certain time?
          Marco Scala

Hi everyone!
          We have this strange behavious with WLS6.1SP1 and in-memory replicated
          HTTP session (PersistentStoreType=replicated) across a cluster.
          When a new session in created, the Open session current counter in
          the console shows an increment of 2 sessions. After the session
          time-out, this value in decremented only by one.
          Does anyone experienced the same problem?
          Is there a better way to trace the actual number of user using a web
          application at a certain time?
          Marco Scala

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  • WLS6.1sp1 cannot delete cookies

    Hi all,
              I've been working on cookies in WLS6.1sp1 and I think there may be a
              bug. I've got a JSP that attempts to delete a previously set cookie by
              setting maxAge to zero. The JSP code looks like this:
              Cookie c = new Cookie("abc", "def");
              The cookie header in the response looks like this:
              Set-Cookie: abc=def; expires=Thursday, 01-Jan-1970 01:00:00 GMT
              This has no effect in either IE5.5 or Netscape 4.76, the cookie is not
              deleted. I checked RFC2109. It describes the max-age attribute value
              which should be set to an integer number of seconds. If 0, then the
              cookie is to be deleted. In this example WLS is not setting the max-age
              attribute, it is using expires instead. The RFC discusses the Expires:
              header in the context of HTTP caching, it also describes it in the
              context of backward compatability with early Netscape implementations.
              Neither of these really describe what I am seeing.
              Are there any cookie gurus out there that would like to comment on this?
              Stephen Davies
              Davies Consulting Pty. Ltd.
              Sydney, Australia

    You need to replicate all of the attributes (path etc.) of the cookie
              EXACTLY in order to kill it.
              Cameron Purdy
              Tangosol Inc.
              << Tangosol Server: How Weblogic applications are customized >>
              << Download now from http://www.tangosol.com/download.jsp >>
              "Stephen Davies" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hi all,
              > I've been working on cookies in WLS6.1sp1 and I think there may be a
              > bug. I've got a JSP that attempts to delete a previously set cookie by
              > setting maxAge to zero. The JSP code looks like this:
              > <%
              > Cookie c = new Cookie("abc", "def");
              > c.setMaxAge(0);
              > response.addCookie(c);
              > %>
              > The cookie header in the response looks like this:
              > Set-Cookie: abc=def; expires=Thursday, 01-Jan-1970 01:00:00 GMT
              > This has no effect in either IE5.5 or Netscape 4.76, the cookie is not
              > deleted. I checked RFC2109. It describes the max-age attribute value
              > which should be set to an integer number of seconds. If 0, then the
              > cookie is to be deleted. In this example WLS is not setting the max-age
              > attribute, it is using expires instead. The RFC discusses the Expires:
              > header in the context of HTTP caching, it also describes it in the
              > context of backward compatability with early Netscape implementations.
              > Neither of these really describe what I am seeing.
              > Are there any cookie gurus out there that would like to comment on this?
              > Regards,
              > Stephen
              > ---------------------------------------------
              > Stephen Davies
              > Davies Consulting Pty. Ltd.
              > Sydney, Australia
              > ---------------------------------------------

  • Call transaction in new session with the value at hotspot

    Hi all,
    As a hotspot functionality I would like to open a new transaction in a new session with the value at hotspot. For that reason, I am using the FM ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION with the option STARTING NEW TASK.
    This FM is not working because Parameter ID is not Maintained for the field (Hotspoted). So no value is passing to new transaction.
    Please suggest any other way to implement this.

    Hi Anil..
    This is the Solution for ur Requirement.   try this program and change as per ur need.
    WHEN 1.
          TCODE                         = 'XD02'
         SKIP_SCREEN                   = ' '
        MODE_VAL                      = 'A'
        UPDATE_VAL                    = 'A'
        SUBRC                         =
        USING_TAB                     =
         SPAGPA_TAB                    = IT_SPA
        MESS_TAB                      =
        TCODE_INVALID                 = 2
        OTHERS                        = 3
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    <b>Reward if Helpful.</b>

  • You cannot shadow a session with multiple monitors enabled in Windows Server 2008 R2

    Searching through the forums (and according to KB2484290) it appears that there is no solution to this problem.  We are rolling out thin clients that are using dual monitors exclusively and we were very surprised to find out that we couldn't shadow
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    We are running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with Remote Desktop Services installed.  The thin clients are running Windows Embedded Standard 7 with the latest updates / RDP client. All steps have been followed to ensure that the apropriate settings and
    permissions have been set up to allow access into the session. 
    We tested by unchecking the RDP setting “use all my monitors for the remote session”, with that setting disabled shadowing worked
    1. KB2484290 is from Dec 2010 - It's now April 2012, is there a workaround / hotfix for this issue that will allow us to shadow sessions using the native Microsoft tools?
    2. Are there any recommended alternatives (software)?  Free/Paid - doesn't matter we just need something that will work.  I'm sure there are a few options out there but I am looking for suggestions for what people have used in the past that worked
    best for them to help us narrow down the choices.

    In my experience, so far, the workaround is Remote Assistance, Remote Assistance supports multiple monitors, and is the presently recommended solution if you need this functionality. Remote Assistance is a Windows Server Feature that must be explicitly installed
    on Windows Server 2008 R2; it is already installed with the client versions of the operating system.
    More information:
    Remote Assistance Overview
    Remote Assistance and Resulting Internet Communication in Windows Server 2008
    As far as I know, there are some third-party tools can be used as the solution, such as Teamviewer, ISL Online, etc.
    Please Note: The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding
    these products' performance or reliability.
    Dollar Wang
    Forum Support
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Technology changes life……

  • How do I create a session with the datasource set in code not sessions.xml

    I want to create a session where I specify the J2EE datasource name dynamically in code. Normally, I would hard-code a J2EE datasource name in sessions.xml e.g.
    However, we don't want to use a hard-coded string "jdbc/MyApplicationDS". We want to be able to set this at runtime.
    I found this in the App Developer's Guide:
    Configuring an External Connection Pool in Java
    To configure the use of an external connection pool in Java:
    1. Configure the DataSource on the server.
    2. Configure the Login to specify a DataSource and the use of an external connection pool:
    new JNDIConnector(new InitialContext(), "jdbc/MyApplicationDS"));
    and this:
    Configuring Sessions with the sessions.xml File
    OracleAS TopLink provides two ways to preconfigure your sessions: you can export and compile Java source code from the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, or use the OracleAS TopLink Sessions Editor to build a session configuration file, the sessions.xml file.
    It seems like I should export and compile Java code that calls login.setConnector(), but I can't find out any information on how to do this. I looked at the MW user guide and I didn't see anything on this.
    I also found this by searching this discussion forum:
    To create a server session completely from code given a project you can use,
    project.getLogin().setConnector(new JNDIConnector(new InitialContext(), "your-datasource-url"));
    Server server = project.createServerSession();
    However, I don't know how to get the project.

    If you are using a sessions.xml file, you can get your project from your session. Ensure that when you access your session from the SessionManager, that you do not have it login.
    Session session = SessionManager.getManager().getSession("my-session", false);
    If not using a sessions.xml, you can either read your Project from the XMLProjectReader, or instantiate your Project class directly.

  • LIBOVD ERROR  - "validateContextToken: workflow session was not found for given context. Create a new workflow session with token"

    Hello everyone,
    I have the following scenario:
    We're using "Oracle SOA Suite 11g" (Patched w/ 17893896) mainly for a BPM/Human workflow composite. Former, we were having the error bellow:
    <Mar 16, 2015 1:13:03 PM BRT> <Error> <oracle.soa.services.workflow.query> <BEA-000000> <<.> Verification Service cannot resolve user identity. User weblogic cannot be found in the identity repository. Workflow Context token cannot be null in request.
    When that error ocurred, no one was able to use the system (BPM/Human Workflow).
    I opened an SR, and after some analysis from the support, it recommended me to set up "virtualize=true" in EM, and restarting the domain. Then it started logging the following:
    connection to ldap://[]:7001 as cn=Admin.
    javax.naming.NamingException: No LDAP connection available to process request for DN: cn=Admin.
    Looking up on support KB, I found this note Doc ID 1545680.1 and increased from Max size of Connection Pool 10 to 200. That did work successfully! Problem now is that the <SERVER>_diagnostic.log is being filled up with the following error:
    [2015-03-31T16:03:46.421-03:00] [soa_server2] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.services.workflow.verification] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '19' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: e0194e38aa6c9a2f:39fc1ff9:14c5def5247:-8000-00000000000a5653,0] [APP: soa-infra] <.>    validateContextToken: workflow session was not found for given context. Create a new workflow session with token=51490173-e3d0-41dd-ae99-983915aa8454;;G;;Z+P7Oe9ABnoTUQD9ECryEW2l0/8yRcqPDyZsOWBCuzMmRgA3Qsj601TxmWQ87z2MjuwW5AH+KzgjIwkPmhJFdpc1FrE6Y/MrN1bxIDHJWu2/zP3iSNwKD07hRrh/U37Ea0TvaQyuaHJIog9y3Ptmzw==
    One important point is that we're using only the embedded WLS ldap. So I am not 100% sure if we should be using the virtualize flag=true, once all docs I read point out that this should be done when using multi-ldap providers.
    Also, I only got this error in the "diagnostic.log".
    Although, no user has complained about using the system, I really want to work it out. Anyone has any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

    I have moved your thread from Certification to SOA Suite to get proper assistance.

  • HT200169 Having a problem with Logic 9 on a Mac Pro.Working on a lenghty song and apparently session got corrupted.Doesnt let me export tracks,program crashes.Already tried start brand new session with the tracks imported into it but still wont export.Sug

    Hello,having a problem with Logic 9 on a Mac Pro.Working on a lenghty song and apparently session got corrupted.Doesnt let me export tracks,program crashes.Already tried start brand new session with the tracks imported into it but still wont export.Suggestions?

    Thanks, Ian. Yeah, that's how I do it now...or with the controls in the left side pane. Still, I would have liked that quick on-the-spot edit capability...especially while sketching.
    Ian Turner wrote:
    Sorry Mark, you are out of luck as it does not do that - it works the same as L8. The way I would achieve that with more accuracy and control would be to route all the tracks you want to fade to a Bus then use volume automation on the bus. To do this you will need to add a standard audio track, then re-assign it using (Control Click on the track header) to the Bus track. You can then automate volume/plugins etc on the Bus track.

  • Unable to establish a session with the Address Book Server

    I have installed the following
    Sun Java System Messaging Server 7 Update 3
    Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3
    Sun Java System Directory Server 6.3.1
    GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Patch 2 with HADB support
    Delegated Administrator 7
    Sun Convergence 1 Update 3
    as per the instruction here
    My problem is that when I open outlook and try to add a new contact, I get a message saying:
    Unable to establish a session with the Address Book Server. Contact your server administrator for help or try later.
    When using webmail, I can add contacts just fine.
    How can I fix this problem?
    Edited by: Nevron on 26 ??? 2010 11:31 ??

    Nevron wrote:
    My problem is that when I open outlook and try to add a new contact, I get a message saying:
    Unable to establish a session with the Address Book Server. Contact your server administrator for help or try later.Refer here:
    You need to log a Sun support request to get the latest Convergence patch.

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    No.  My frustration with the problem just led me to begin the process convert all my email to a gmail client.  However, after some time all my mail with att/yahoo has been coming through as before.  Go figure.  Still will convert to gmail.

  • Kill inactive sessions with no programs run it

    hi all,
    my database is 10gR2 with developer 6i
    the database have huge number of sessions with no programs running it like oracle form, some of those sessions stack in v$session table due to power failure.
    restart server solve the problem, but it is not efficient.
    is there any method to fined witch of database sessions is actually connect to the database and have application running it ?

    This script will give you the complete detail of Session , PID and Program which is running in dagtabase level.
    You can include the "STATUS" coloumn from v$session to get user status.
    Script is like this:
    set echo off;
    set termout on;
    set linesize 80;
    set pagesize 60;
    set newpage 0;
    rpad(c.name||':',11)||rpad(' current logons='||
    (to_number(b.sessions_current)),20)||'cumulative logons='||
    rpad(substr(a.value,1,10),10)||'highwater mark='||
    b.sessions_highwater Information
    v$sysstat a,
    v$license b,
    v$database c
    a.name = 'logons cumulative'
    ttitle "dbname Database|UNIX/Oracle Sessions";
    set heading off;
    select 'Sessions on database '||substr(name,1,8) from v$database;
    set heading on;
    substr(a.spid,1,9) pid,
    substr(b.sid,1,5) sid,
    substr(b.serial#,1,5) ser#,
    substr(b.machine,1,6) box,
    substr(b.username,1,10) username,
    -- b.server,
    substr(b.osuser,1,8) os_user,
    substr(b.program,1,30) program
    from v$session b, v$process a
    b.paddr = a.addr
    and type='USER'
    order by spid;
    ttitle off;
    spool off;
    Save this script with your desire name and run in Database.

  • Old Oracle Session with Tomcat is not kiiling automatically

    I am facing a problem of increasing inactive oracle sessions with tomcat, Old Oracle sessions with tomcat are visible with new one.
    if somebaody did not restarted tomcat gracefully, then does Oracle keep the session connected or is there any way that whenever any one restarted tomcat abnormally, Oracle session can be killed.
    I had restart the database to kill session.

    Could you please tell me that where do i set this parameter in parameter file or sql net file and what is the recommended value, do you have any document on this.
    Another thing tomcat is in other server machine and my database is in different server machine, killing process in tomcat server machine manually may not kill linux process on oracle database machine and therefore oracle sessions are still there.
    Is it possible?
    Edited by: user605066 on 28-Aug-2008 04:59

  • Kill Session with Ctrl+Alt+backspace+backspace, doens't kill but disconnect

    I've got 4 Oracle Solaris servers with SRS 5.1.2 installed. The servers are configured in failover configured in SRS. When I try to kill (terminate) a session with Ctrl+Alt+backspace+backspace the session will not be terminate. Instead of killing it will be in the state of disconnected on the Sun Ray Administration. I can only terminate the session if I'm on the Sun Ray Administration by selecting the session and click terminate. Does anybody has the same issue, if the sun ray servers are configured as failover?

    A simple google for "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" yields https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=602885 as the first hit.
    You could also use an xorg configuration file as is mentioned in the link you posted (a bit higher than the part you linked) and there is an entry for "XkbOptions".

  • Alternate Xorg session with desktop [SOLVED]

    My goal is to run multiple X sessions with separate openbox and KDE enviroments.
    I open TTY6 with alt+ctrl+F6 and run xinit /usr/bin/openbox -- :1 and my new and shiny openbox opens nicely.
    The problem is, that when I return to my KDE with alt+ctrl+F7 and then try to switch to my still running openbox instance - I see only running xorg messages on my TTY6 but no desktop.
    I can kill xorg on TTY6 with ctrl+C and start openbox session again, but it's still very annoying.
    I can start that other xorg session with any desktop enviroment, even altrnate KDE, but the result is the same, console screen with running xorg messages.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Last edited by uhuu (2013-03-12 23:37:57)

    You're welcome.
    A TTY can't be both a terminal and an X server. For example, on my computer, when my computer boots it automatically makes TTY1 my X server. Then I go to TTY2 and use the "startx -- :1" command, and the new X server starts on TTY3.
    The same thing happened before systemd, except traditionally it was TTY1 - TTY6 for terminals and TTY7 - TTY10 for X servers, so it was easier to know where things were going to be (you can still setup systemd to behave that way)
    Also, I don't think "TTY" is the correct word to use... But I don't know the correct term.

  • Replicator compatibility with new laptop

    Hey all,
    Quick query just wonted to know if my new Toshiba tecra a10- ptsboa-02d001 laptop is compatible with my pa3314u-1prp adv port replicator
    Thanks in advance for replies

    Googling around I found info that compatible docking station for your Tecra A10 is Express Port Replicator II with part number PA3680E-1PRP .
    Check the Toshiba support page for your country and there you can find list of compatible options for each notebook model.

  • How do I establish a telnet session with unit under test?

    I am going to the next step as a novice and moving from serial communications to ethernet on my unit under test. I have been all over the help and discussion forums etc and cannot find an answer. I need to open up a telnet session with my unit under test and keep it open to send commands back and forth for control of the unit. Can anyone give me a hint of how I am to establish this communication? I have the IP address and I am using port 23 but I just get the session started and then immediately closed. The sequence of events will be: start the session, the unit will reply with a username and then password, after that I need the session to remain open so I can send commands as if I am sitting at the serial port. When complete the session will then be terminated. Thanks in advance for any help.

    If you want to do telnet using plain TCP, you need to do everything yourself, including the telnet options negotiation.
    RFC 854 should have most of what you need (look towards the bottom).
    Most likely, the server will propose a few options, which you should either accept or reject depending on your needs.
    Easiest is probably to use a packet sniffer on a regular telnet session, then dissect the negotiation to see what that particular server wants.
    RFC 990 has a list of telnet options, look for the section labeled "ASSIGNED TELNET OPTIONS".
    It should be simple to write some code that negotiates with one particular host. It will be more difficult to write a full-blown telnet client that does general negotiations with any type of telnet server.
    I have a small program that telnets to a router to do some configuration. The only thing I reply to the proposed options is:
    "\FF\FD\03\FF\FE\01\r\n" (In \-codes). Translated: "Don't suppress go ahead, Do echo".
    (FF=IAC "Interpret as command", FD=Do, FE=Don't, 01=echo, 03= suppress go ahead.)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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