Unflatten From XML to Cluster?

Hello All,
     I don't know if i'm just having an off day or what but I'm Working on someone else's code (3-subVI layers Deep) and it keeps giving me this Data Type Error. This VI is supposed to read/unflatten from the XML document. I've tried setting the type differently on the unflatten from XML function, i also tried adding just an indicator to see what file type it should be expecting out, and a few other things. can someone show me where i should go next with this?
Thank you
"I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
Load Station Setup 2.vi ‏20 KB

    Thank you for your Wisdom MikePorter it turns out what i was missing was that data type on the front had those extra integer types and one extra boolean type that the previous intern added without making use of the controls. After removing those everything connected as it should be.
Thank you
"I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
Load Station Setup 2 SOLVED.vi ‏22 KB

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    xmltest.zip ‏19 KB

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    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments

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    CLD (2014)
    XML read write.vi ‏10 KB

    How observant of you. I was just going to post the same conclusion. The data type that came off an FPGA "read /write control" node. 
    Neat! Now we have fixed sized arrays in LV! 
    The attached shows it failing a "flattened string to variant" and the different type strings the two have.
    Message Edited by InfiniteNothing on 11-07-2008 02:35 PM
    CLD (2014)
    Comparison.vi ‏10 KB

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    Sim5 wrote:
    Thanks but i cant use EasyXML. I have lots of different data and which i need to convert into Array so i can use in the loop one-by-one.
    That's a non-sequitor. Using EasyXML does not prevent you from doing that. What's important is what schema did you use. Steve asked what generated the XML file, but you never answered the question. If the file was generated from LabVIEW using the Flatten to XML function, then the LabVIEW schema would have been used. In this case, the Unflatten From XML will work quite well, as Steve's example shows. If you are using a custom schema then you need to read the XML file yourself and navigate the DOM based on the schema. You can choose to do this using the XML Parser functions in LabVIEW, or you can choose to use EasyXML. Examples on using the XML Parser functions ship with LabVIEW.

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    loadTable.vi ‏28 KB

    Hi elyan
    As i can see you still have problems with xml files
    The for loop is not neened. Just delete it.
    At write buid an array, so at read you can select 1st element.
    At Unflatten from xml, wire a 2D array at "type" input.
    You  must have a look at basic Labview tutorials...

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    Message Edited by Intaris on 06-17-2009 05:24 AM
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

    Hi Tst,
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    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

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    Error 1403 occurred at Unflatten From String in Gantry CommEngine.vi->RT Main.vi
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    LabVIEW:  Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The data is corrupt. LabVIEW could not interpret the data as any valid flattened LabVIEW class.
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    Thanks a lot for support!

    I tried to reproduce the matter, but couldn't. 
    I attached my example to the post. 
    What it does:
    It creates a class with only a string a bool and a number. This class oblect is saved to C:/somename.xml. The number is a random number.
    In the second case the same file is read and the number broadcasted to a variable.
    It worked quite fine building it as a startupexe.
    Nothing else was necessary. Does it work for you?
    class exe.zip ‏45 KB

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <element label = "FMC-DropCopies-QA" canonicalName =
    "CentralMBeanServer:App=FMC-DropCopies-QA" >
    <element label = "Cache Manager" canonicalName =
    "CentralMBeanServer:App=FMC-DropCopies-QA,Componet=Cache Manager"
    <element label = "SACFixFilterRulesCache" canonicalName =
    "CentralMBeanServer:App=FMC-DropCopies-QA,Componet=Cache Manager,DB
    Cache=SACFixFilterRulesCache" >
    <operation name = "reloadDBCache" returnType =
    <element label = "SACFIXExecBrokerMapCache" canonicalName
    = "CentralMBeanServer:App=FMC-DropCopies-QA,Componet=Cache
    Manager,DB Cache=SACFIXExecBrokerMapCache" >
    <operation name = "reloadDBCache" returnType =
    <element label = "Source Manager" canonicalName =
    "CentralMBeanServer:App=FMC-DropCopies-QA,Componet=Source Manager"
    <operation name = "enableAllMsgSources" returnType =
    <operation name = "disableAllMsgSources" returnType =
    <operation name = "listMsgSourceNames" returnType =
    <operation name = "reloadSources" returnType = "void">
    <element label = "CS-SACFIX6-SS" canonicalName =
    Manager,Msg Source=CS-SACFIX6-SS" >
    <operation name = "enableMsgSource" returnType = "class
    <operation name = "disableMsgSource" returnType = "class
    <element label = "CS-SACFIX1-SS" canonicalName =
    Manager,Msg Source=CS-SACFIX1-SS" >
    <operation name = "enableMsgSource" returnType = "class
    <operation name = "disableMsgSource" returnType = "class

    How is the WebSphere node connected to the cluster? Is it using TCMP? Extend?
    Local, Distributed, Replicated, Near, Overflow, External and Optimistic cache statistics appear in the Coherence JMX server. However, near and local caches created on extend nodes do not appear. Therefore the -Dtangosol.coherence.management.remote=true on an Extend client will not register the near or local caches.

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    I could edit the XML file (yuk), delete all other stuff and import.
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    Is there any other, better way to achive this?

    Restoring bits of a backup is not easy and can cause issues if not done correctly. 
    How many Service Profiles are you trying to restore?  If few, it would be faster/safer to just manually re-create them.  If many, then I would suggest you download a new logical XML backup, and cut and paste the SP config from your old backup into the recent one, then re-import it with the "Merge" option.
    Another option is to use the UCS PowerShell CLI to inject the config.  This takes a bit more skill (Knowledge of PowerShell and XML, but is an option.)

  • Bug in "Unflatten from String" (LV7)

    I have binary files with different versions of a certain datatype. When loading a file, I try to unflatten the data using the newest dataversion. If I get an error, I try the 2nd newest dataversion and so on until I found the right datatype. This methode was ok up to LV6.01.
    Now I updated to LV7.0ger and I found following bug:
    When unflatting certain binary datas from string I get an error msg window "Nicht genügend Speicher zum Abschließen dieser Operation". The error-output of the vi is incorrect.
    Does anybody know a workaround of that bug?
    You can test the bug with the attached vi. Include also the two typedefs.
    f_mancalib_UnflattenTypeCalibList.vi ‏184 KB
    f_mancalib_TypeCalibrationParams.ctl ‏24 KB
    f_mancalib_TypeCalibrationList.ctl ‏28 KB

    From the LV's help: "National Instruments recommends reworking any
    application that uses the Convert 4.x Data mode as a long term solution.".
    Data types may vary with differenct versions of LabVIEW. So, if types are
    not the same, this does not need to be a bug. Right click the Unflatten From
    String, and select Convert 4.x Data. This might not work, because the data
    is stored with Lv 5 or 6, but when you get it working, it will keep working
    for future versions of LV.
    The attached VI shows that a sting in a cluster does not convert to the same
    type string for lv4.x and lv7. Perhaps they are the same for lv4.x and lv6.
    If so, using convert 4.x data would be sufficient. If not, you need to read
    the data in 6, save the binary 4.x strings
    , and use 4.x from then on.
    You might also do the following: (also from the help) "If you use this
    function to flatten data from a custom control or indicator that you saved
    as a type definition, the function strips the type definition of its type
    definition wrapper. If you do not want to strip this wrapper, right-click
    the function and select Expose Typedefs from the shortcut menu."
    "albertz" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I allready told this to a NI tech support in Germany. They told me,
    the bug is known, but they do?nt have a workaround.
    So I hope for LV7.1 or maybe LV7.01.
    [Attachment Different Types.vi, see below]
    Different_Types.vi ‏22 KB

  • Load Sales Order from Xml file

    I want to load a sales order from xml file. How can I do so? Where I'll get the xml schema for Sales Order or other documents (delivery,invoice etc)?
    Plz reply with code and xml file.

    When I'm going to load SO from xml file, it's showing an error:
    "The connected value 0 was not found in table Uasge of Nota Fiscal".
    What is this table for? Which attribute is related with this table?
    How can I find out that?

  • I want to load a sales order from xml file. How can I do.

    I want to load a sales order from XML  file. How can I do ? how can i create the sales order?
    what are the necessary  setting for  create the sales orders.
    with Regards,

    Three options come to my mind.
    Option 1: Use SAP transaction SXDA_TOOLS (Object Type BUS2032), Program Type (BAPI) and Program (CREATEFROMDAT2).
    Option 2: Use SAP transaction SXDA_TOOLS (Object Type BUS2032), Program Type (DINP) and Program (RVINVB10).
    Option 3: Translate the xml to IDoc so that ORDER04 / ORDER05 Idoc can be used to create Sales order (WEDI transaction).

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    Pls explain me the steps for adding data from xml to B1 quotation step by step.
    thanks and regards

    Have you checked this: https://sap.na.pgiconnect.com/p45508295/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal ?

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    Just use the appropriate API's for that. There are enough API's out which can read/parse/write XML, ini and properties files. E.g. JAXP or DOM4J for xml files, INI4J for ini files and Sun's own java.util.Properties for propertiesfiles.
    JSF supports properties files as message bundle and resource bundle so that you can use them for error messages and/or localization.

Maybe you are looking for

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