Unique computer identifier

Is there any way to use Java to generate a unique computer identifier such as the motherboard serial number? Basically, we license our software per computer and we want to insure that it is used only on the computer it is installed on?

I used JNI and created a native method to obtain the MAC address of the network card for a similar purpose some while ago. I don't think there will ever be a pure java way to obtain this kind of info.

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    Are you referring to ROWID by any chance? If yes, this may help with the relevant information - http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14220/datatype.htm#i8776
    Chandra Pabba

  • Unique user identifier

    Hi guys,
    My app is data-centric, downloading its data across the internet from a web server. An example usage pattern might be:
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    user likes one of the events, so adds it to his "favourites"
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    Any thoughts on this?

    I have used UIDevice.uniqueIdentifier for this. It suffers from the limitation that the personalisation is associated with a device and not with a user.

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    The Incubator sequence number generator will not do what you want - it is just for generating sequences, which is not your main issue.
    First the important bit - You should not mess with the keys of entries If you mutated the key of an entry (e.g. by adding a UID on the proxy) then that mutated key would be the key used in the cache. If you tried to do a get() then you would need to use the exact same key again with the exact same unique ID as the first time. Keys are the serialized binary representaion of the Java object so would include anything extra you add such as a UID.
    Out of the box there is not a way of passing a UID all the way through to the storage nodes for "normal" cache operations. You can pass tokens from an Extend client to a Proxy using the Security API, but these are lost after the Proxy. The only way to reliably pass a UID is to not use normal cache operations and use EnteryProcessors or Aggregators for everything instead of plain get() and put(). As the EntryProcessor or Aggregator is your own code you can add whatever UIDs and logging you want to them and they get passed through to the storage nodes. This is what we do in the parts of our system we want to track.

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    Some items in SPRO are only active once the associated Business Function is activated.
    The Unique Item Identifier is part of the Business Function LOG_EAM_TOHO_2 in EhP5 , which would have to be activated before the corresponding IMG entries would be visible.
    In short - check whether LOG_EAM_TOHO_2 in EhP5 is activated in your system.

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    (a) Transcribe the native library into Java.
    (b) Call the native library from Java via JNI.

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    Does anyone knows what might be the cause for such error?
    Thanks in advance,

    BArnold_VU, are you using a custom image or just standard from RTM iso ?
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    an MDT "Install Roles and Features" step .  I will try a Windows only build directly from the Windows Installer source and see what happens, but we aren't doing any other modification to the OS at capture.  The only things in the unattend.xml
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    Any ideas?

    Hi Eric,
    I'll have a look on that, although I'm not sure whether the MAC would really help.
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  • How to send a unique hardware identifier

      How to send a unique hardware identifier

    Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    Follow the directions in this support article.
    Step 2
    Associate your Apple ID with your user account. Then sign in to the App Store with the same ID.
    Step 3
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A folder may open with a file named "adoption.plist" selected. If it does, move the file to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Log out, log back in, and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combinationcommand-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Step 4
    Contact Mac App Store Customer Service.

  • Unique Computer

    Hello all!
    I am writing a survey in a Java applet that I want people to only take only once. This topic may have already been addressed but I couldn't find it. If it has, please post a link.
    Right now, I think my best bet is to find out their IP address and/or computer name and if it is already in the database to reject the new survey.
    Thanks in advance.

    I used JNI and created a native method to obtain the MAC address of the network card for a similar purpose some while ago. I don't think there will ever be a pure java way to obtain this kind of info.

  • Unique Computer Transfer Issue, Please Read

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    My C: drive is chock full and I would like to move some music to a second hard drive in the same computer. Moving using my iPod is not an option (90 gigs).
    The problem is that from what I can determine, I have to (a) lose the iTunes metadata from one or the other of the user accounts; or (b) have two copies of music on my computer.
    Any suggestions?

    I don't think the problem is which banks you use, because the manual depicts that you can insert single sided MEM modules in any slots you like and still run at DDR400 speeds. Ie 1, 2, 3, 1-2, 1-3, 2-3 or 1-2-3
    But if you use double-sided (DS) mem modules you can only use 1-2 and 1-3, or your mem will run at DDR333 anyway thats what my manual says..
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    Have you tried switching between FAST and TURBO settings in BIOS?
    My system does not like TURBO mode with my new MEM modules which are also crucial (Ballistix) but runs great in FAST mode. With my old MEM it was OK in TURBO mode, but that might have something to do with RAM timings that were not as tight as now.

  • In the lefthand sidebar of Finder, under 'Shared', I encounter in addition my TC, another computer, identified by a long name starting with 'hp'. I don't have another computer. What could this be? And how to get rid of it?

    In the Finder sidebar, under 'Shared', I encounter my TC, as well as another item with a long name starting with 'hp'. 'Get info' shows it to be a 'PC'. However, I don't have a PC. It cannot be my printer (HP), since that has anoter name.
    I can not access the item, which has me a 'guest'.
    What could this item be? And how to get rid of it?
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    It's almost certainly your hp printer and is showing the WiFi adapter MAC address after the HP.
    To verify, look at the printer configuration page via Bonjour in Safari.  The settings tab shows the Mac address in the bottom left hand corner for my model of HP printer.
    I'm sorry but I can't explain why that would show up in the finder.

  • Photo Numbering and Unique device identifiers

    I have two Iphone 5s, an Ipad, 2 Ipad minis and an Ipod all on the same account. The family travels and we take a ton of photos. The great thing (So Far) has been all the photos taken, regardless of the device, all come back to a central location; the House PC via Photo Stream.
    As we have been amassing more and more photos I built a NAS and through Windows' Scheduler and Synctoy, wake the PC up every few days and move any NEW photos taken from the PhotoStream folder to the NAS at which point a copy of the files are then mirrored to offsite storage. 
    During a recent vacation two of the devices' photo numbers caught up with photo numbers that were pre-existing on the NAS.  When those photos were copied from the PC to the NAS they overwrote earlier photos.  (Luckily I had selected an option that saves any overwritten photos to the Recycle Bin. So we lost nothing). 
    Is there a way to change the Idevice numbering system or better yet make them alphanumeric in order to prevent this problem from re-occurring. I have looked across the web for this information and found a few possible solutions but wanted to get something more definitive before I go digging around in the devices.

    'Transmit ... I believe it is scriptable' - yes it is. Go to How can I use AppleScript with Transmit? to download sample 'Transmit' scripts.
    'Once booted I need the script to hold for period of about an hour.' - well then, save the script as a 'stay open' application, with an 'on idle () ... end idle' handler - with a return of (60 * 60) seconds; and then drag the saved application onto the 'System Preferences' 'Accounts' 'Login Items' tab's list - of the user which the Mac will boot to (when turned ON).
      Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • Get Unique Window Identifier

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    Thanks a lot!

    For example, I need to be able to figure out a viewer window versus a message window in the Mail.app and a contact window versus the main window in the Contact.app.
    As already showed in this thread, it's generally possible to do what you are asking for, though not necessarily the way you want.
    1. With Mail.app:
    tell application "Mail"
        if (windows whose visible is true) is {} then return beep 2
        if id of front window is in id of windows of message viewers then
            set theMessage to "The front window is the viewer window."
            set theMessage to "The front window is a message window."
        end if
        display dialog theMessage buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 3
    end tell
    2. With Contacts.app:
    You must enable access for assistive devices in the Accessibility System Preference pane.
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Contacts"
              if splitter group 1 of window 1 exists then
                        set theMessage to "The front window is the main window."
                        set theMessage to "The front window is a contact window."
              end if
      display dialog theMessage buttons "OK" default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 3
    end tell
    Message was edited by: Pierre L.

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