Unique Transcation Numbers

I am working on a online transcation system there are about 100
when e user opens the data entry form he is given a transcation
number, this is same practice for all users, what is the best
strategy that i generate numbers (transcation number) that are
unuiqe and without any missings in the number
please provide me the idea for generating unique and unbroken
numbers in an oltp system

The best way to obtain a unique transaction number is by using a
To obtain unbroken sequence of numbers you should obtain the
transaction number (from the SEQUENCE) in the INSERT statement.
If you need to display the transaction number to the operator,
use CURRVAL after the transaction has been inserted.

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    when e user opens the data entry form he is given a transcation
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    strategy that i generate numbers (transcation number) that are
    unuiqe and without any missings in the number
    please provide me the idea for generating unique and unbroken
    numbers in an oltp system

    I would advise against using a sequence if your application
    design can not tolerate gaps in the number. If a transaction
    fails and you've already executed "myseq.nextval" then the
    number is lost. If you must not have any missing numbers, you'd
    probably have to create a table to store the number. This may
    introduce locking issues though if many users are frequently
    requesting a new number.

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    thanks for the answer Igor. you have partially answered my question (as i am a newbie to OWB, i have to test out your suggestion to see if i can achieve the results you mentioned).
    maybe an example will make my question clearer.
    Assume 1 have records for 2 POs in table PURCHORD:-
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    10000 002 PRD_B 2
    10001 001 PRD_A 5
    10001 002 PRD_B 1
    10001 003 PRD_C 10
    the result i expect if i extract records from this table i => 2 unique Purchase Orders (my measure in the Cube is count of POs)! it is basically a COUNT on the "DISTINCT (GROUP by PONUM)". i just can't figure out how to implement this in OWB.
    thanks again

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    Hi Sunder,
    Thanks for your reply.
    My xml will have only one invoice header group per invoice.If at all I need have xml tag, my xml need to have two invoice header groups one for remittance and second one per customer copy.
    I am looking for solution handle this scenario in template with one invoice header group per invoice.
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    Only one for-each@section at the start of the first page and end loop at the second page.
    Edited by: praveen javvaji on Oct 28, 2010 10:23 PM

  • Array of unique random numbers - help?

    basically, i'm trying to create a BINGO card.
    i stared learning Java a week ago and am finding it easy to learn and use....at least so far.
    my instructor gave me the assignment to created a BINGO card. so i used the system.out.format command to make 5 tab fields, 8 spaces each ("%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s", "B", "I", "N", "G", "O"). although the assignment only wanted me to think numbers out of thin air, just to use as examples, i went above and beyond with the idea to make a BINGO card generator that could actually function.
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    B I N G O
    9 19 39 57 66
    3 28 32 51 74
    3 29 FREE 46 70
    14 28 43 55 67
    9 24 35 59 62
    as you can tell, i'm having trouble with actually making unique random numbers so that none repeat.
    is there a command or string or something to help me accomplish this?

    The best way I've come up with is to use an object to store the numbers that implements Collection--like ArrayList...
    Then you load it with the range of numbers that you want and call, shuffle() on the object, that will randomize your range of numbers and then you can choose the quantity you want from the storage object. So let's say you need 25 number in the range of 1 to 100:
    Add the numbers (you have to use classes so I would do Integers) 1 to 100;
    call shuffle()
    pull back the first 25 numbers
    This will guarantee that each number is distinct and in a random order.
    If you need multiple sheets populated, you can just call shuffle() between population of each sheet.
    package Junk;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    class Junk{
      private ArrayList<Integer> l;
        l = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      public void loadList(int s, int e){
        for(int i=s; i<=e; i++){
          l.add(new Integer(i));
      public void randomizeList(){
      public void printList5(){
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
      public static void main(String[] args){
        Junk j = new Junk();

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    *Thank you*
    Message was edited by: steveluigi

  • Unique Random numbers

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    I have searched but not able to get satisfactory results

    var rand :Number;
    rand = Number(movXml.movie.length());
    for(var n:uint = 0 ; n<5 ; n++)
    num1 = Number(Math.round(Math.random()* ((rand-1) - 0) + 0 ) );
    if(tempArray.indexOf(num1) == -1)
    num2  = Number (tempArray[0]);
    some time this produce more than 5 numbers
    and some time less than 3
    I want 4 random numbers , but different
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  • Unique PO numbering

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    If I am correct in oracle we can not have automatic alpha numeric numbering for PO.
    Is there any workaround to achieve the same?

    You can set the numbering to Alpha Numeric for PO in Purchasing Options and for each Operating Unit prefix OU_Short_code to the Automatically Generated Number just before showing it on the PO.
    This way you can use the automatically generated number and still have the uniqueness.
    But that would mean tweaking Oracle Purchasing Code.

  • Unique serial numbers

    Can anyone save me some time by telling me which fields the unique serial number settings refer to?
    Mfr. Serial No.
    Serial Number
    Lot Number
    Batch (OIBT.BatchNum)
    Batch Attribute 1 (OIBT.SuppSerial)
    Batch Attribute 2 (OIBT.IntrSerial)

    No, this setting is related to items managed by serial numbers!
    It is version dependent:
    for version  8.8 in the OSRN table
    Mfr.Serial - MnfSerial
    Serial Number -  DistNumber
    Lot Number - LotNumber
    for version 2007 in the OSRI table:
    Mfr.Serial  - SuppSerial
    Serial Number - DistNumber
    Lot Number - BatchId

  • How to generate unique random numbers

    Hi All,
    I am wondering whether there is already a random library or built-in function available in Java to produce some random numbers between certain ranges that are not repetitive. Let's look at a common examples as follows:
    Random diceRoller = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      int roll = diceRoller.nextInt(6) + 1;
    }My understanding from this approach is that it allows the same number to be repeated over and over again. However, I would like to find out how to continue generating random numbers from remaining ones that haven't been generated earlier.
    Using the above example to illustrate my intention:
    1st random number generated - possibility of 1 - 6 showed up. Say 5 is picked.
    2nd random number generated - possibility of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 only. Say 2 is picked.
    3rd random number generated - possibility of 1, 3, 4, 6 available. Say 1 is picked.
    4th random number generated - possibility of 3, 4, 6 left. Say 6 is picked.
    5th random number generated - possibility of 3, 4 remains. Say 4 is picked.
    Any assistance would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    htran_888 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I am wondering whether there is already a random library or built-in function available in Java to produce some random numbers between certain ranges that are not repetitive. Let's look at a common examples as follows:
    Random diceRoller = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    int roll = diceRoller.nextInt(6) + 1;
    }My understanding from this approach is that it allows the same number to be repeated over and over again. However, I would like to find out how to continue generating random numbers from remaining ones that haven't been generated earlier.
    Using the above example to illustrate my intention:
    1st random number generated - possibility of 1 - 6 showed up. Say 5 is picked.
    2nd random number generated - possibility of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 only. Say 2 is picked.
    3rd random number generated - possibility of 1, 3, 4, 6 available. Say 1 is picked.
    4th random number generated - possibility of 3, 4, 6 left. Say 6 is picked.
    5th random number generated - possibility of 3, 4 remains. Say 4 is picked.
    Any assistance would be much appreciated.If it is your school assignment then you have the answer above (List & the lists length).
    (You might want to look at Collections)

  • How can I generate multiple unique random numbers?

    I am trying to generate multiple random numbers between a given set of numbers (1-52) and not have the same number generated twice within that set. I can compare the last and next numbers with the compare function but how would I go about comparing all of the generated numbers without using a huge list of shift registers...
    Any help/ideas are welcome and appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Here is an implementation of Jason's solution.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.
    random.vi ‏10 KB

  • How to get Unique IP address for my Mac

    Hello - I agree with several of the posts I've read that Linksys products are very Windows-centric and information for Mac users is sketchy.
    Our household uses both Windows and Macs. It took a long time to get my Mac going via customer service on the telephone (and they take about an hour to answer). But we finally did get the job done and customer service was very diligent in helping solve the problem.
    My question is: customer service gave me an IP number to enter for my Mac - I'm not sure how they came up with that number. I now have two more Macs in the household I'd like to get setup for our network.
    Where or how do I get unique IP numbers for those two machines? I tried using the same one that I was given by LInksys, but then of course, those two machines cannot be ON at the same time - you are told the IP# xxxxx is already in use.
    How does each Mac get its own IP number for the purposes of being on our wireless system?
    Thanks a bunch...

    It would be easier if you simply posted the IP address they gave you and which router model and version (check the label underneath the router) you have. Also the firmware version you are running would be helpful.
    Some of the later WRT54G versions (e.g. v6) had some issues assigning Macs dynamic IP addresses. I guess that was your problem why the support assigned a static IP address instead.
    For your other Macs you simply use the exact same settings exact for the IP address of the computer. A default Linksys routers uses the network The router itself is The DHCP server on the router assigns the addresses All addresses and 150-254 are available.
    The Mac that is already setup should have an address in this range. You can choose any other address in this range for the other Macs. There is no rule whatsoever how you are supposed to assign them. You can use 2,3,4 or 10,20,30, or 13, 26, 39, or ... ;-)

  • How can I eliminate duplicate Batch Numbers?

    SBO allows serial numbers to be unique, but not batch numbers. The system allows the same batch number to be used for a different part. I have a medical company that requires unique Batch numbers accross the board, regardless of part number. Any suggestions? I tried to do this with a formatted search that would identify a duplicate Batch for me, but my search crashed and burned.
    Here is the Formatted Search I tried to connect to the Batches Setup Form:
    SELECT 'Batch allready used!' FROM IBT1 T0 WHERE T0.[BatchNum] = $[$3.3.0]
    Anyone out there know how to force unique batch numbers?
    Edited by: Mike White on May 7, 2008 7:07 PM

    What I am saying is, I never want a duplicate Batch number even if the parts are different. In your example, Item A could not have the same Batch number as Item B. Unfortinately, SBO allows duplicate batch numbers as long as the part numbers are different.
    The reason for this is two fold. 1) This medical company cannot, never have the same batch number, and 2) reporting from the OIBT and IBT1 tables gets a bit complicated with duplicate batch numbers.
    So my thought is to simply create a formatted search which runs from the Batches Setup Form, checking to see if this Batch Number has allready been used, then replacing the entry if TRUE with something like "Batch Allready Assinged".
    Edited by: Mike White on May 7, 2008 7:36 PM

  • Trouble with SEQUENCE, loosing numbers

    Hi all, I use a sequence to generate the number of an invoice like this:
    Insert into table
    But, if an error occurs this number get lost because of the way the sequence works, how can I avoid this??, there is another way to do it??? It doesnt matter if that solution doesn't use the sequence, but my design cannot accept numbers like 1,3,4,5,7, it has to be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....

    Unfortunately, this is another one of those concepts that sounds simple but isn't.
    Yours is not an Oracle (or any other DB) problem; it is a design problem.
    The reason that none of the suggested alternatives solve your problem is that there are undefined elements in your requirements.
    There are actually two aspects to your of problem: 1) generating unique sequential numbers and 2) using those numbers.
    I would suggest starting over and try to clearly define the problem and the requirements.
    For example your stated requirements appear to be something like:
    1. Invoice numbers must to be unique
    2. Invoice numbers must be numeric
    3. The first invoice number must be 27 (modify per your requirements)
    4. Each new invoice must be numbered one higher than the previous invoice.
    5. Invoice numbers must be sequential with no missing numbers.
    While the above list seems to be complete there are some very important questions that are not yet answered.
    1. When does an invoice become an invoice? That is, when is the invoice number assigned? Is the number assigned before or after the invoice record is committed to the database? If the number is assigned before committing (e.g. when the user begins processing an invoice) but the invoice is then abandoned and never committed there will be a gap in invoice numbers.
    2. Can invoice records ever be deleted? If a committed record is deleted there will be a gap in the numbers. Some systems handle deletions by either flagging the records as deleted without actually deleting them or moving the records to a deleted table so that all invoice numbers are always accounted for.
    Check printing applications used to print on pre-numbered check forms. The line printers that were used had sprockets to feed the checks and the first check could not be printed on since the sprockets were above the print head. The operator would enter the first check number into the system and the application created a check record marked VOID for that check number. This ensured that all pre-printed checks were accounted for and had not been misplaced or stolen.
    Oracle's sequence generator can generate sequence numbers in sequential order and ensure that there are no gaps in the generation process.
    Oracle cannot ensure that your application uses those numbers in a way that avoids gaps.
    Even a normal INSERT trigger that might be used to get the next sequence value cannot be certain that the record it is inserting will actually be committed unless the COMMIT operation is performed within the trigger.
    Sorry to 'rain on your parade' but withouth a better problem definition we can't give you a better solution.

  • Problem with Figure numbering

    I am new to InDesign, so can anyone help me with my problem
    i am creating a document in which i need unique figure numbering
    and is working properly in my main text box
    like  Figure-1, Figure-2......
    the problem is when i create another text box for the numbering the figure number changes
    in this image Figure 3 and Figure 4 are in main text box
    and i made separate text box for Figure 46.
    actually instead of 46 it should be 4 and instead of figure 4 it should be figure 5

    First mistake, posting in the Print Design forum rather than the InDesign Forum:

Maybe you are looking for