UnloadStyleDeclarations not unloading Font

We are developing an app that will allow the user to choose from any number (30+ and counting) fonts. Each font is being put in its own SWF using a CSS that is compiled to a SWF. Each CSS has no styling, just @font-face entries to include the various weights and styles. But after the user samples ~15 font, the player and browser crash.
So I added some code to only keep the last 5 SWF by calling unloadStyleDeclarations on the others. But after calling that, the font is still available and usable (if I set the fontFamily, I can still see the "unloaded" font). If I call Font.enumerateFonts(false) the font is still listed there. And after ~15 different fonts are sampled, it still crashes.
No where in the app do I call Font.registerFont.
Thinking there was something in the application. I made the following, simple as you get, example, and it does not unload the fonts.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
               xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="400" minHeight="600">
            import mx.events.StyleEvent;
            private function LoadFont(swfName:String):void {
                var myEvent:IEventDispatcher = styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(swfName, true, false, null, null);
                //var myEvent:IEventDispatcher = styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(swfName, true, false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
                myEvent.addEventListener(StyleEvent.COMPLETE, function(evt:StyleEvent):void { FontSWFLoadComplete(swfName, evt); } );
                lblStatus.text = "Loading " + swfName;
            private function UnLoadFont(swfName:String):void {
                styleManager.unloadStyleDeclarations(swfName, true);
            protected function FontSWFLoadComplete(swfFilename:String, evt:StyleEvent):void {
                lblStatus.text = "Finished loading " + swfFilename;
            private function ListLoadedFonts():void {
                loadedFonts.text = "";
                for each (var curFont:* in Font.enumerateFonts(false)) {
                    loadedFonts.text += curFont.fontName + "\r\n";
            private var fontName:String = "";
                <s:Button click="LoadFont('BPdiet.swf');" label="Load BPDiet"/>
                <s:Button click="UnLoadFont('BPdiet.swf');" label="UnLoad BPDiet"/>
                <s:Button click="fontName = 'BPDiet';" label="Apply"/>
                <s:Button click="LoadFont('UglyQua.swf');" label="Load UglyQua"/>
                <s:Button click="UnLoadFont('UglyQua.swf');" label="UnLoad UglyQua"/>           
                <s:Button click="fontName = 'UglyQua';" label="Apply"/>
                <s:Button click="LoadFont('kids.swf');" label="Load kids"/>
                <s:Button click="UnLoadFont('kids.swf');" label="UnLoad kids"/>           
                <s:Button click="fontName = 'Kids';" label="Apply"/>
                <s:Button click="LoadFont('NoFontsStyle.swf');" label="Load NoFonts"/>
                <s:Button click="UnLoadFont('NoFontsStyle.swf');" label="UnLoad NoFonts"/>           
                <s:Button click="fontName = '';" label="Apply"/>
            <s:Label id="lblStatus" text="Status Area"/>
        <s:TextArea id="SampleTextArea" width="320" heightInLines="5" fontFamily="{fontName}" fontSize="25" >
            Some sample text to think about
        <s:Button click="ListLoadedFonts();" label="Reload list"/>
        <s:TextArea id="loadedFonts" width="320" heightInLines="15"/>
Interestingly, I will sometimes see [Unload SWF] on the console, and that SWF's font is still able to be used.
After that didnt work, I did add the following style to one of the CSS files, and when I call unload, that style is removed, but the font is still available as mentioned.
s|Label {
    fontSize:    15;
    fontFamily: BPDiet;
    color: #FF9933;
(that made all of the text on the buttons change to the BPDiet font and be orange)
I'm at a loss on this tacked.  I am now trying something based on info I gleaned from here: Flex and Embedded Fonts by making a SWF that has the font embedded in an .as file and then creating a textfield (text area, heck rendering a bitmap) that uses that embedded font, but thats not working either. I'll bug you all about that if we dont find an answer to unloading the fonts that are in the CSS files.

Yeah, Fonts in a style module get registered and won't unload.  To have
unloadable fonts, put the font in a regular module.

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  • Module not unloading if embedded font was ever used

    So, I have a test app that uses modules with the font embeded. Using ModuleManager I am able to load up the module. Once I call   IModuleInfo.factory.create(), I am then able to setStyle("fontFamily", "BPDiet") and the font does show up. The issue I am now having is that once I have used a font from a module, even if my TextArea is no longer using it (I even tried removing the textArea, and replacing it with a new one), the module will not unload.
    I read through this "What We Know About Unloading Modules" and I think I am not leaving any references around.They are loaded using the load() defaults. There is no code (that is used) in the module. The modules are not being added to the display, so they never receive focus.
    Note that I am unable to run the profiler as suggested in the article as I don't have the premium Flash Builder 4. <grrr>
    Note that the first module that is loaded, I can never get to unload, even if I never used the font embedded in it, but all subsequent modules will unload, if I do not use the embedded font. I can live with the first one being pinned as long as I can unload the others that are not in use.
    Here is the code from one of my modules:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                public static var BPDietNormal:Class;
                public function GetSampleTextArea():TextArea {
                    var SampleTextArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                    SampleTextArea.text = "Test BPDiet please!";
                    SampleTextArea.setStyle("fontFamily", 'BPDiet');
                    return SampleTextArea;           
    And here is the App that is loading and using the modules:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="400" minHeight="400">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
                import mx.managers.SystemManager;
                import mx.modules.IModule;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.Module;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                private var _ta:TextArea = null;
                protected var _moduleInfo:IModuleInfo;
                private function LoadFontTextArea(fontSwf:String):void {
                    status.text = "Loading the font pack";
                    _moduleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(fontSwf);
                    // add some listeners
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, moduleLoadErrorHandler);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, moduleUnloadHandler);
                private function onModuleReady(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "The font pack swf Ready \n" + event.module.url;
                    //All I had todo was create the module, then I could access the embeded font by name
                    var fontMod:* = event.module.factory.create();
                    //_ta = fontMod.GetSampleTextArea();
                    fontMod = null;
                    //fontNameForSample = event.module.url.replace(".swf", "");
                private function moduleLoadErrorHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Load Error. \n" +
                        event.module.url + "\n"+ event.errorText;
                private function moduleUnloadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Unload Event. \n" + event.module.url;
                private function fontChangedHandler():void {
                private function unloadCurrentFont():void {
                    if (_ta != null) {
                        _ta = null;
                    sampleTextArea = null;
                    sampleTextArea = new TextArea();
                    sampleTextArea.id = "sampleTextArea";
                    sampleTextArea.text = "Some text for your viewing pleasure. " + colorForBK.toString(16);
                    if (_moduleInfo != null)
                        _moduleInfo = null;
                private function DoNonImportantWork():void {
                    colorForBK -= 0xFAA;
                    if (colorForBK < 0x0) colorForBK = 0xFFFFFF;
                    var foo:* = {prop1: "yea" + colorForBK.toString(), prop2:"boo" + colorForBK.toString()};
                    var hmm:String = foo.prop1 + " " + foo.prop2;
                    regedFonts = new ArrayCollection(Font.enumerateFonts(false));
                private var colorForBK:int = 0xFFFFFF;
                private var fonts:ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(new Array("AlexandriaFLF.swf", "BPDiet.swf", "ChanpagneFont.swf", "KidsFont.swf"));
                private var regedFonts:ArrayCollection;
                private var fontNameForSample:String = "";
        <s:VGroup id="panelToStuff">
                <s:Label id="status" text="status area" backgroundColor="{colorForBK}"/>
                    <s:DropDownList id="availFonts" dataProvider="{fonts}" change="fontChangedHandler()" />
                    <s:Button label="UnLoad" enabled="true" click="unloadCurrentFont()"/>
                    <s:Button label="doSome" enabled="true" click="DoNonImportantWork()"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'BPDiet';" label="BPDiet"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'Champagne';" label="Champagne"/>
                <s:Button click="fontNameForSample = 'Kids';" label="Kids"/>
            <s:Label text="{regedFonts.length} reg'ed"/>
            <s:TextArea id="sampleTextArea" fontFamily="{fontNameForSample}" text="Some Sample text for your viewing"/>
    A couple things to note; I am calling System.rc() in the unloadCurrentFont() method just to speed up seeing the SWF unload in the debug console. The DoNonImportantWork() is there to just cause some events to happen and to create some objects that will need to be GC'ed. It also let me know that the fonts are not getting registered in Font.
    I'm going to have 30 fonts (and more, that designer is busy) that I will need to be able to dynamically load, but right now, loading them with CSS style modules blows up after about 15 because style modules register the font so I cannot unload the CSS swf.

    To help eliminate the question of whether the TextArea is being held by something else, I have removed it from the MXML, and now programatically create it. That did not help.
    So, I got the trial version of Flash Builder 4 installed on another machine in the office so that I can use the profiler. (The profiler is pretty cool by the way).
    After a lot of profiing, I found four paths to the module's FlexModuleFactory.
    Two of those paths go to EmbeddedFontRegistry, whose data is static. I could get into it and remove font entry and free up the moduleFactory from there. This is a hack, that entry in/on EmbeddedFontRegistry.font should have been cleaned up by the code removing the fontFamily from the TextArea. (Note that EmbeddedFontRegistry is marked [ExcludeClass], which I assume means I should not really be messing with it.
    The other two I cannot get to as they are anonymous. They also don't appear to be referenced, as the Object References shows them both as GC root objects. Here is a screen shot:
    I did a search through the sdk code and 'fbs' only shows up as a parameter on the init function of various Marshal support classes, but is not used in the init()
    Anyway, these references to the FlexModuleFactory do not get held if I do not use the embeded font in the module.
    Here is the updated code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="400" minHeight="400">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.core.EmbeddedFont;
                import mx.core.EmbeddedFontRegistry;
                import mx.core.IEmbeddedFontRegistry;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
                import mx.managers.SystemManager;
                import mx.modules.IModule;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.Module;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                import spark.components.TextArea;
                private var _ta:TextArea = null;
                protected var _moduleInfo:IModuleInfo;
                private function LoadFontTextArea(fontSwf:String):void {
                    status.text = "Loading the font pack";
                    _moduleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(fontSwf);
                    // add some listeners
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, moduleLoadErrorHandler);
                    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, moduleUnloadHandler);
                private function onModuleReady(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "The font pack swf Ready \n" + event.module.url;
                    //All I had todo was create the module, then I could access the embeded font by name
                    var fontMod:* = event.module.factory.create();
                    fontMod = null;
                private function moduleLoadErrorHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Load Error. \n" +
                        event.module.url + "\n"+ event.errorText;
                private function moduleUnloadHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
                    status.text = "Font Module Unload Event. \n" + event.module.url;
                private function fontChangedHandler():void {
                private function unloadCurrentFont():void {
                    if (_ta != null && _moduleInfo != null) {
                        var fontName:String = _ta.getStyle("fontFamily");
                        _ta.setStyle("fontFamily", "");
                        if (_ta.textDisplay) {
                        _ta = null;
                        //This I should not have to do, but the framework is not doing it
                        var embFontReg:IEmbeddedFontRegistry = EmbeddedFontRegistry.getInstance();
                        var embFonts:Array = embFontReg.getFonts();
                        for each (var curEmbFont:EmbeddedFont in embFonts){
                            if (curEmbFont.fontName == fontName){
                                embFontReg.deregisterFont(curEmbFont, _moduleInfo.factory);
                    if (_moduleInfo != null)
                        _moduleInfo = null;
                private function AddTA():void {
                    _ta = new TextArea();
                    _ta.text = "Some text for your viewing pleasure. " + colorForBK.toString(16);
                private function DoNonImportantWork():void {
                    colorForBK -= 0xFAA;
                    if (colorForBK < 0x0) colorForBK = 0xFFFFFF;
                    var foo:* = {prop1: "yea" + colorForBK.toString(), prop2:"boo" + colorForBK.toString()};
                    var hmm:String = foo.prop1 + " " + foo.prop2;
                private var colorForBK:int = 0xFFFFFF;
                private var fonts:ArrayCollection =
                    new ArrayCollection(new Array("AlexandriaFLF.swf", "BPDiet.swf", "ChanpagneFont.swf", "KidsFont.swf"));
        <s:VGroup id="panelToStuff">
                <s:Label id="status" text="status area" backgroundColor="{colorForBK}"/>
                    <s:DropDownList id="availFonts" dataProvider="{fonts}" change="fontChangedHandler()" />
                    <s:Button label="UnLoad" enabled="true" click="unloadCurrentFont()"/>
                    <s:Button label="AddTA" enabled="true" click="AddTA()"/>
                    <s:Button label="doSome" enabled="true" click="DoNonImportantWork()"/>
            <s:Button click="_ta.setStyle('fontFamily', 'BPDiet');" label="BPDiet"/>
    I really think I've reached the end of what I can do. This really seems like a bug.

  • Just uploaded iso7 , . . .hate it!  Can you change background colours?  How do you add a new item/activity to the schedule? In notes the font has changed, can I change it back and the link colour is now yellow instead of blue, can I change it?  Thanks

    Just uploaded iso7 , . . .hate it!  Can you change background colours?  How do you add a new item/activity to the schedule? In notes the font has changed, can I change it back and the link colour is now yellow instead of blue, can I change it?  Yellow on white is harder to read. Thanks

    Another question. How do you bookmark something.  It was so easy before, why did they change it?  Can I uninstall it?

  • InDesign CS6 (Mac) will not package fonts

    I have hundreds of fonts on my machine and have never had any issues with packaging fonts until CS6. CS5.5 works great, even today with the same files that will not package in CS5.5. However, I cannot use 5.5 due to the other 7 designers all using CS6. None of them are having issues - they are also all on PCs with me being the only Mac user.
    "Cannot copy necessary fonts" is the error that I get when packaging anything that uses a font other than the default system fonts. Our primary font is Gotham, which we have 12 licenses for. Scala, also licensed, is another problem child. These all package fine in CS5.5.
    Machine specs:
    Macbook Pro
    OSX 10.7.5
    2.3 Ghz
    16 GB memory
    Fontbook is our font manager
    I have tried Fontnuke, Font doctor, resetting permissions, deleting InDesign prefs, copying the fonts in question into my Applications font folder, basically any solution that I could find online has been tried with the same error message presented at every package attempt.
    Any help would be seriously appreciated. Its embarrassing for the Sr. Art Director to be the only one on the team that cannot package correctly.
    Thank you

    I believe I have this problem, or very similar, in both CC and CS6. It happens on both machines I use, detailed below, when I convert from previous version InDesign files:
    Machine #1, Mac Pro:
    InDesign CS6 v8.0
    Mac OS 10.8.5 (12F45)
    3.06 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 24GB RAM.
    Machine #2, iMac:
    InDesign CC v9.2.1
    Mac OS 10.9.2 (13C64)
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM
    1. I open a packaged inDesign file in InDesign CS6, converting it from the previous version (CS5 in this case, according to IDentify.jsx). The fonts are all working.
    2. I resave the file as a CS6 file, fonts are all still working as long as I don't reopen the file. (However, if I close the file and reopen it, it will show fonts missing.)
    3. I package the file from CS6, no font problems shown in packaging.
    NOTE: I do not get a "could not copy fonts" error at all.
    4. I open the new CS6 inDesign file inside the package folder. It will say "Fonts Missing: Calibri" or similar, showing some of the fonts missing, not all.
    5. I can easily manually copy the fonts from the old package into the new package and fix the issue. The fonts are not damaged, missing, locked, or have any visibly different permissions from the other font files when I get info.
    So for me the problem happens particularly with the resaving of files from older versions of InDesign, not necessarily with packaging them. If I open a CS5 file and resave as a CS6 file, then reopen that file, it typically has a few fonts missing. This happens to also effect packaging even though it will show all fonts present in the Package window and give no error message.
    Checking the CS5 fonts package, it contains both a AdobeFnt14.lst and a AdobeFnt13.lst. Not sure if this pertains to the problem or not, searching these files reveals that both contain the "Calibri" font that went missing on CS6 conversion.
    I have tried resaving and repackaging a CS6 file (not converting from CS5) with the same fonts that went missing in the conversion and they all were copied fine.
    Obviously this is devastating if I package and send a folder out only to find out it secretly didn't have all the fonts!
    I have tried "fix permissions" and "clear font caches" but this has no effect on the problem.

  • Not embed fonts saving as pdf

    Hi everyone
    Just a quick question.. before I start to dig myself.
    We save our LC design forms in the source format .xdp. When we publish them we select File > saveAs and choose dynamic pdf.
    but LC designer will always embed fonts in the pdf. We have to open our pdf in LC designer a remove 'embed font' under File > Form properties (this can only be fone to a pdf, so we need an additional save as ZZZZZZZ).
    Anyone have solution on setting LC designer ud to not embed fonts when saving and xdp to dynamic pdf? is the a config file or registry setting to edit?
    help is very welcome
    Thomas Groenbaek, Form Expert
    Jyske Bank

    hi Jyske,
    What you can do is to add the following line in the .tds (template) files that Livecycle uses:
    <?templateDesigner SavePDFWithEmbeddedFonts 0?>
    and this just before the closing </template> element in the xml source.
    You find these templates in the <Livecycle Designer Installation folder>\EN\Templates

  • The Firefox 29 process not unloading - I think I've solved the problem I stated at pmcjr's post.

    I went back to basic Firefox 29. Set options etc, then added extensions one by one. Two extensions appear to cause the Firefox process problem in my system. They are 'Disconnect' and 'Colorful tabs'. Extensions I have successfully installed are ADBlock, Https-Everywhere, Better Privacy, Self-destructing Cookies, FlagFox and IMTranslator and all appears OK with all of them running. Add Disconnect or Colorful Tabs and the Firefox process does not unload on exit. They have to be removed, not disabled, for a functioning Firefox. This works for me. I did not have the problem in version 28.

    Updated to 29.0.1. I went through the following:-
    1 - The process did not unload after the update (did restart, reboot).
    2 - Reset Firefox; 'closed' the embarrased notice and back to basic Firefox - no extensions, etc.
    3 - Set options, added all my preferred extensions.
    4 - My Firefox 29.0.1 now seems OK; the process has unloaded every time I close (I use the X). I will advise if the problem reoccurs.

  • SWFElements & ImageElements not unloading on set element

    I originally was using a serial element to handle the loading and unloading however due to being unable to seek on a serial element with the current code release or latest from svn (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/552041?tstart=0) I opted to set MediaPlayer element directly for navigating. I now have another issue with the SWFElement or ImageElement not unloading.
    If I load VideoElements it seems to work fine however ImageElements and SWFElements stay on display and obscure video elements.
    According to the documentation it should remove the prior element when the new element is set.
    I even tried to unload them manually with:
                        if(view.mediaContainer.element != null && view.mediaContainer.element.container){
    I am using the latest from svn because I am trying to get somthing together I can demo. ( I could not get release .8 to work as stated in my other post ). It is dificult to pitch OSMF when the workaround is almost as bad. I am still hopefull though. Any ideas on how to get navigation working in release .8 or svn trunk would be helpful.  Not sure if I should post another bug?
    Thank you

    Hi Greg,
    I've logged a bug for the seeking issue in TemporalProxyElement - I'll keep you posted on it.
    I don't fully understand the unloading issue you mention. I tried setting a SerialElement on the media player with a SWF (wrapped inside a TemporalProxyElement) followed by a VideoElement, and the SWF got unloaded correctly. Do you encounter this problem when you call 'set media()' on MediaPlayer with the VideoElement? Could you post a smaller code sample that reproduces the unloading issue?
    One other thing you might try is to log the value of the 'canLoad' property before you set the new MediaElement. It is what determines whether the MediaPlayer will do a courtesy unload of the previous media element (it should return 'true', but just want to make sure). Alternatively, you can force an unload of the previous element by explicitly calling 'unload' on the LoadTrait as follows:
    var loadTrait:LoadTrait = player.media.getTrait(MediaTraitType.LOAD) as LoadTrait;
    {     loadTrait.unload();
    catch (e:Error)
         // you can probably simply ignore the error
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Only truetype fonts are supports. This is not truetype font

    Hello everyone,
    I have a problem when will Crystal Report 2008 on SAP B1 as the follow picture.
    This error is "Only truetype fonts are supports. This is not truetype font" .This form used Arial font. And only one computer meet this error. In this computer, I installed all of Arial - .... font. I don't know why?

    Hi Dong,
    Which font you have selected in General Setting.
    Please change Font from below Path:
    Administration >>>> System Initialization >>>> General Setting >>>> Font and Background
    Change it to Arial in Font.
    After Changing Font From General Setting and Restart SAP and then Try.
    Hope this help
    Atul Chakraborty

  • Preview is not rendering fonts well in PDFs

    For some reason Preview is not rendering fonts well in PDFs.  I have created high quality PDFs using two applications (Illustrator CS5 and Numbers '09) and in both cases the fonts are not rendering correctly in Preview.  They generally look much less sharp.  I am attaching screenshots below, with the original image first and then the PDF in Preview.
    When I look at the same PDFs in Acrobat Pro the fonts look fine, so I am presuming that the issue is with Preview.  Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

    It looks like, at least in the Navigation menu, that your using Palatino font, which isn't a web safe font. So Explorer is probably substituting another font when it finds fonts not installed on the viewers computer.
    You may be using the default font in a particular iWeb theme. These aren't necessarily web safe fonts.
    For your pages to look better on most computers, change all your fonts to web safe fonts which you can find in the "font inspector window" in iWeb. (there is a "font" button on the bottom edge of the main iWeb window) There, you will find different categories of fonts, you want to use any of the fonts listed under "Web" group of fonts.

  • Firefox is not showing fonts and evertyhing else looks blurry

    Started to use hdmi port and a 32" sony lcd. Chrome, explorer and safari works perfectly but firefox is not showing fonts and evertyhing else looks blurry
    resolution: 1360 x 768
    video card: nvidia gforce gtx 650

    You can try to disable OMTC and leave hardware acceleration in Firefox enabled.
    *<b>about:config</b> page: <b>layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled</b> = false
    You can open the <b>about:config</b> page via the location/address bar.
    You can accept the warning and click "I'll be careful" to continue.
    You can try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    You need to close and restart Firefox after toggling this setting.

  • Value Error : font-family 14px is not a font-family value : italic 14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif

    This is supposedly the last error in my CSS according to CSS validation service at Jigsaw.w3.org. But I have not been able to figure out how to fix this. I just some times make text updates to my site, there is someone that actually runs our site but I do not have the $$$ to pay her to do everything.
    Value Error : font-family 14px is not a font-family value : italic 14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif
    That is the error, I just don't know how to fix it.
    My Computer:
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
    Processor: AMD Phenom II Quad Core Processer
    Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6450
    RAM: 8.00 GB

    If you are talking about www.lodgeonlakeclear.com you still have html errors that could be creating DW display issues.
    On a "bad form, not technically an error note" the use of dozens of keyword metatags for individual keywords is completely unnecessary. All of the keywords should be in one tag separated by comas for the couple of search engines out there that still use them. NOTE: None of the major browsers (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) use the keywords meta any longer, it is completely ignored by them.
    Looking through your code without the validator, I see a few other issues. Anywhere in your text where you use the & symbol, you need to switch it to &amp; in the source code. Those, coupled with the following error can cause issues.
    Line 237 you use a - (minus sign) instead of a = (equals sign) for id="current"
    Run the validator again: http://validator.w3.org/
    Once all 18 errors and 11 warnings are gone from your HTML, post back if it is still not showing up in DW.

  • Do not send fonts to Distiller

    We are using Adobe Acrobat 7.0. We are using Microsoft Dynamics GP 8.0. When attempting to print to PDF on a Windows 2003 Server used as a Terminal Server, we get the following error. "When you create a PostScript file you hae to send the host fonts. Please go to the printer properties, "Adobe PDF Settings" page and turn OFF the option "Do not send fonts to Distiller".
    We can not find where to go to find the "Do not send fonts to Distiller" option. The closest we can find is under the Adobe PDF printer properties "Do not send fonts to "Adobe PDF"
    We have tried the following with no success.
    1. Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes.
    2. Right-click Adobe PDF, and then click Properties.
    3. On the General tab, click Printing Preferences.
    4. Click to select the Do not send fonts to "Adobe PDF" check box, and then click OK.
    5. On the Advanced tab, click Printing Defaults.
    6. Click to select the Do not send fonts to "Adobe PDF" check box.
    7. Start Microsoft Great Plains.
    8. In Microsoft Great Plains, click Print Setup on the File menu.
    9. In the Name list, click Adobe PDF, and then click Properties.
    10. On the Adobe Default Settings tab, click to select the Do not send fonts to "Adobe PDF" check box. Then, click to clear the Do not send fonts to "Adobe PDF" check box.
    11. Click OK two times.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    You should probably read your license agreement about the server use of AA7, normally not allowed. I am not sure how you are using it, but you may be pushing the use of your license. There is also an issue with many Acrobat versions working on Server 2003, even in stand-alone mode.
    The properties of sending the fonts is on the Adobe PDF printer properties. You would right-click on the printer or simply select the properties in the print window. Then select the settings tab. The send check box should be there (Use System Fonts, not document fonts - the name for AA8, I think it was send fonts in AA7).

  • Unloadclip does not unload everything

    I create a menu system to load an external SWF movie by using
    no problem so far, the swf movie load.
    but when I use unloadclip to unload the external SWF movie,
    the movie dissapear which it is good but....
    the external SWF movie has a setinterval running, if I unload
    before it finish, it still running in the background even I use the
    unloadclip to unload it.
    I thought the unloadclip show remove everything from that
    external SWF movie even thought there is a setinterval running.
    I am not sure if this is a bug where the unloadclip does not
    unload everything.

    well, for the application that I am doing putting up a
    cleanUP()function in the external SWF(movie1.fla) will not work.
    To define in the parent(main Menu) is better but how do I do
    it. see the code here, there are 2 FLA file, one for the Menu and
    the other is for the Movie file
    also, I am unsing unloadMovie(); to unload it. and not
    I don't know how to set a intervalID on the movie1.fla and
    then return that value to the main Menu program so I could kill it.
    as you can see in the movie1.fla, I put
    "trace(bar_mc.scrub._x + " this is the videoInterval ID=
    "+videoInterval);" so when I unload it from the main Menu, it keep
    running for testing.
    Menu program
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
    mcLoader.loadClip("movie1.swf", dummy_mc);
    Movie file(movie1.fla)
    //Create video stream
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    ns.play("video/Microsoft IPOD.flv");
    play_btn.onRelease = function() {
    rewind_btn.onRelease = function() {
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
    var amountLoaded:Number;
    var maxWidth:Number = 241;
    var duration:Number = 175;
    function videoStatus() {
    amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded/ns.bytesTotal;
    bar_mc.progress._width = maxWidth * amountLoaded;
    bar_mc.scrub._x = ns.time / duration * maxWidth;
    trace(bar_mc.scrub._x + " this is the videoInterval ID=
    if(bar_mc.scrub._x > 241){
    //scrubber code
    var scrubberInterval;
    bar_mc.scrub.onPress = function()
    scrubberInterval = setInterval(scrubIt,10);
    this.startDrag(false, 0 , this._y, maxWidth, this._y);
    bar_mc.scrub.onRelease = bar_mc.scrub.onReleaseOutside =
    videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
    function scrubIt()
    ns.seek(Math.floor(bar_mc.scrub._x / maxWidth * duration));

  • Why Itune not support font Khmer Unicode

    any body know why Itune not support font Khmer Unicode and how to fix it?

    You should report this to Apple so they can fix it:

  • Why Apple product not support font Khmer?

    I've buy iPad Air and update to ios 7.1 . I don't know why all Apple product not support font Khmer. These products very popular in Cambodia. so I think company should include font Khmer to device too. thanks

    Vuthea Chheang wrote:
    I think company should include font Khmer to device too. thanks
    Try the app called Keyman.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Regular expression wierdness

    Can somebody please help me make sense of the following behavior? Consider the following code: import java.util.regex.*; public class Foo {     public static void main(String args[]) {         String str = "This is a test";         String pat = "i";